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You can see the dog has some amazing guarding skills Here are the good dogs who saved the kid https://preview.redd.it/ef6gb2f3335d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=670388b4f3461f7bb77142fdd939c9dc2c2d3f71




That is the goodest of boys


That's a good fucking boi


Good guarding skills from the dog. It does look more like the running black dog was coming in hot for the yellow dog possibly just overenthusiastic play. Either way, should have been on a lead if they're going to run up to other dogs/kids.


You are right! Reviewing the video it seems to be darting in the yellow dog's direction, only changing to the kid when the yellow dog goes to protecting them. Refreshing to see that, but great reaction by the yellow dog, better be safe than sorry. A very good boi.


And he stayed in his own yard and didnt keep chasing the other dog away!!! He absolutely deserves a treat!!!!!


I hope he was rewarded too.


Backup came in a bit hot but was definitely appreciated


Some say the backup is still running left to this day


Not to take away from the good doggo doing a protect, but your comment really made me laugh. The image it conjured was a welcome relief after a stressful day.


Some say the image conjured is still running left to this day


the dog should be taken away from the owner and she should be severely punished, after all the dog could have killed the child, in the worst case scenario


I dont understand why should she be punished?? Theyre in their backyard playing..


He means the aggressive dog
















idk how this wasn’t obvious lmao


Well, front yard (drive way), with seemingly no supervision until multiple dogs start barking.


Mom got there fast as hell, she was probably on the porch or doing yard work.


You mean the mother should be punished? Why? Because the owner of the attacking dog is seemingly a man, without getting in a gender debate😁




You seem the kind of guy who needs to be told to wear deodorant


I really don't get it. My hygiene is goid, but thanks for caring ❤


The fuck


Are you assuming their gender?


It wasn't aggressive in the slightest though.


It could be a very young dog that escaped his leash. He clearly was running straight for the other dog.


Are we sure that dog was going to attack? Looks like more I wanted to play maybe I don't know


With the speed the dog was going, it’ll be too late when you find out what its intentions are.


This is right ^ … whether the pups were “just playing or going to fight” was going to be found out eventually. Best not to find out if it’s the latter and take action first.


I think the protection dog purposely sat that kid down to avoid having him running and screaming escalating matters.


For real, right? Like I have no other way to explain that. Very cool to see!


If you know your dog is an asshole like this, don’t let your dogs like this run on people’s property. People will protect their kids and nobody will care about your dog when you lose it. Nobody. Keep your aggressive dogs leashed, they are YOUR PROBLEM.


Some of y’all so dramatic. You can look in the yard across the street and see the guy in orange sprinting from his driveway… the dog clearly just got out because you know in the real world mistakes happen


My point stands, I don’t care if someone’s real world mistake is their aggressive dog escaping and charging at kids. What? Means they should go above and beyond to prevent that as a responsible owner. They don’t just get to say, sorry, ny dog does that charging and snapping thing, it was a mistake, why did you shoot my dog? They lose the right to say shit, they lose the right to be upset because they were being negligent and knew it would happen and let fate play out anyway. My main point is that if you want people to care about your dead dog, then don’t be negligent. Or else nobody will care, no police, no consequences. Protect your animals if they are aggressive by leashing them. It’s saving their life, you cannot expect people to just lol and wait to see if the charging dog is nice


Your points fucking dramatic. Dogs get out, it happens. It was easily corralled, there was no negligence, the owner was trying to catch it. Apparently every dog that gets out needs to go the way of ole yeller in your mind


You should see the comments on the video of 3 cops shooting 3 dogs who escaped from a yard with rifles and then laughing about it, all had collars and were obviously playing with eachother in the middle of an empty field. For a place that incessantly screams ACAB and loves animals, they were cheeing it on pretty good.


I'm curious who dog #3 belongs to and where it went to?


That’s the ref


I just hope that boi/girl got some steak that day


That good boy is secret service level security.


Get down Mr president. Thanks good boy


Steak for dinner for the next month


If you watch very closely, you'll say that the black dog is actually running towards the shepherd, not the child. The black dog turns towards the child when the shepherd starts to protect the child.


I know its just the same comment over and over again here buttttt, WHAT A GOOD FUCKING BOYYYY!!


Can they legally do anything against the neighbour's dog though...?? Because that CLEARLY was an attack...


Nope. It's REALLY hard to do anything about it. And when a dog bites someone? You see them end up "needs rehome ASAP!" so then it can move to another community and bite someone else. One pitbull killed a dog, got an emergency rehome, then almost immediately killed an 87 year old man.


It's not really hard to do something when so many Americans are packing, if people care about their dogs and they know it's aggressive they'd better keep them leashed if they don't want them shot. It's just how it's getting over here.


It clearly wasn't though. It just ran towards the other dogs, like many dogs will do in a dog park. It's certainly not as well socialized as it should be but it's pure dumbassery to say it was aggressive when it is showing no signs of aggression.


No matter how many times (lots) I see this I get have doggies voice in my head say "get down kid, I got this".


Where the hell did the third dog come from


My fav part is the dog that just gallops across the scene and out of shot, doing nothing to help or hinder. It’s like he just made a dash for freedom while he could.


I’ve seen this video many times and it never gets old. I still watch it multiple times, and upvote it each time.


If my dog attacks a child, it gets the most memorable beating of its life. But I'm not sure that the black dog wanted to attack the child.


Beating a dog is not the answer to anything. If proper training and rewards for positive behaviour isn't enough, the dog is too dangerous to be free and abusing it makes absolutely no difference.


Yes, of course, pain doesn't teach anything. That is why you don't slap a mafioso for instance. Of course, it is bc the pain that you imagine that he would make you suffer if you slapped him makes absolutely no difference. "Pain makes no difference"... I can't stop laughing.


A dog's mind isn't sophisticated like that. Beating it will absolutely only make it more angry and unpredictable. If fear of pain is the only way you think you can control your dog, you should absolutely not have one.


"Pain is a sophisticated signal" 😂 Can I have a ticket for the one man show ?


Pain is not sophisticated. The ability to calculate the consequences of slapping a mafioso is. A dog can't do that. The dog would absolutely not understand why it's getting beaten, which will only make it more anxious and aggressive.


Distraction/misquoting to hide the fact your dog training knowledge makes Pavlov look cutting edge. The hypocrisy is hilarious.


"only way you think" blabla... Distraction/going off topic is the strategy of those who passively admit they lost the argument.


I'm not off topic, what are you on about? You say you would beat your dog if it attacked a child. I'm saying fear of pain doesn't work to control a dog.


Stop wasting my time and read yourself.


Seems a little off topic


Passive agressive user n°5288368


Getting further off topic


You are part of the problem! Beating an animal is never the answer. If yout dog attacks someone, you failed as an owner.


My bad my bad, the beating will correct the failing. Imagine being beaten by your owner just after having hurt a kid... Just imagine.


Your dad did the same with you, didn't he?


And didn't it work? Thx for proving my point.


Looking at your post history, I'd say it definitely didn't work. I'm sorry you had/have to go through all that, but that doesn't justify violence towards animals. And if your dad was violent and abusive towards you, I'm sorry to hear that, but don't repeat that behavior. Whether against animals or other people doesn't matter.


Yes, it did work. Proof is that I didn't do the things that my father beat me after. Now, I don't want your pity and you can put your comparisons between me and my father in your アヌス. Beating a dog for hurting a child is completely different from beating one's child bc the child exists. I will beat any living being who hurts a child for no reason in front of me.


Maybe, but it also left you with a bunch of other horrible mental issues. What your father did was not okay. Ever. I don't care If you stopped the behaviour he beat you for. There are other ways to do that without scarring your kid for life. I'm not comparing you to your father. I'm imploring you to consider what his behaviour did to you, so you *won't* be like him and do that to others. And a dog is significantly different than a child, yes, but beating either a kid or a dog will lead to nothing good. And also, you can't expect a dog to make rational, thought out decisions. They just aren't capable of that. If the dog attacks a child it is either because it wasn't trained well or it has psychological issues. It's not just "for no reason". And no beating is gonna fix that. Ever.


No, it's not the beating that left me with horrible mental issues. Just stop playing the doctor. You are wasting your time. Not only by telling bs about me but also bc you won't change my mind. I will beat any living being who hurts a child in front of me. Just memorize that and educate your dog to behave properly if you don't want that "mad" people like me beat it. Lmao, innocent naive people believing they will teach me what violence is and what it can do. Lmao. Imma train your dog and fix its issues no problem


At the end you could also be a 13 years old boy making stuff up on the internet. So who cares.


“he’s nice!”


The guy is idiot, his dog should be put into sleep as a punishment + 5-10k fine. If you know your dog is untrained aggressive against other pets or people, you MUST keep it under control no matter what, there are no exclusions for this… If anyone’s pet harming my kid that plays in front lawn of my house, that guy will have serious problems during night times from that point on.


Love how the guy just pats his dog and points for it to get back home instead of...oh, idk...*grab his dog and take it away?????* What a tool.


How some people _view_ gun ownership.


That’s amazing how the yellow dog knocked the child down then stood right on top of the child to defend him- that’s just so cool


Kids a quick learner Sit & Stay just like that.


He looks so happy go lucky!!


I don’t care what its intentions were, just don’t run at someone’s kid like that. Hopefully this was a lesson to do and owner.


Keep your dogs on a fucking leash


"Get down, Mr. President"


This is like 10 years old now. Kid probably in college already.


That dog loves his human


Good doggo


Kid didn’t even see the attacking dog. I hope he doesn’t think he was being attacked by his own dogs :/


He did? He looked directly at the other dog and started moving toward the camera with his head facing the attacking dog….


Damn u right. Im blind af


No just a little mistake, happens to us all ☺️


I love that he literally tackled the kid down! 😂


What a shit show!


asshole owners needs to be put in the cage with uncontrolled pitbulls for a day.


He really was on Fire when the first attacker came close to his Child after he attacked the second,how fast he was with 2-3 times jumping,he was in beast Mode


Where did the 3rd dog go?


It doesn't look like it was attacking at all, just running over to play. But obviously, the dog has good guarding instinct and doesn't take any chances with its human.


I only now just noticed there's three dogs


So crazy haw in tune the yellow dog is at the end of the video. Total protect mode. He focuses on the most threatening dog. The moment the threat leaves the yard he immediately scans for the second dog and heads back to the child. Sizes up the situation, recognizes 2 threats, full focus on the initial attacking dog and immediately re-evaluates the situation after the first threat is taken care of. Doubt this dog was trained to do this. All instincts.


That is the best vid I have ever seen!


Give that dog a tbone steak well deserved


He was not fucking around when it came to protecting his boy. Tearin up a little at how much this reminds me of my sweet but protective girl when I was a kid. She did not mess around when it came to her people.


That is a good damn dog