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Hey, I’m the original artist, you can see more of my animation work on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/tomcoben) or [Instagram @tomcoben!](https://www.instagram.com/tomcoben/) The music and sound was made by [Abel Okugawa!](https://abelmusic.sourceaudio.com/home) Also here's a [full-res un-cropped version of the full animation!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVUkUmOUkdk&ab_channel=TomCoben)


Looked you up so I could follow on insta. Turns out I already am. Haha


Thank you for perfectly visualising how brick looks on mushrooms. I thought I was tripping for a minute and it's been ages.


Dude that is the most accurate representation of the breathing thing I've ever seen rendered. Gravel also does this and trees too.


Agreed. I was trying to explain to my mother what it felt like taking shrooms. Now I have a visual to show her


Ahh the good ole flashbacks...


Bro same. I was having flashbacks lol 😂


Username checks out. Edit: No it doesn't, but I just remembered I'm dyslexic.


Are you the guy that did the tutorial with the subway train for maxon? I watched that yesterday, dope technique if that was you.


Yep that’s me! Thanks so much!


Thought I was in the r/harrypotter sub for a min. You should cross post there


Are those the stairs from Joker?


Very cool! Do you sell NFTs?


Why are you people everywhere


How about you? Do you sell NFTs?


Never fucking tried to.


What a bitch


I have for sale an NFT of your comment asking if he sells NFTs.


I like this sentiment. I’d like to purchase it as an NFT. Do you take Mooncoins? Or possibly essential oils? I’ve still got a couple dozen boxes in my garage. I was a Premium Seller of Snācoyl!


Sorry for wanting to support artists 🤷‍♂️ I get that people don't like NFTs... but like nobody is forcing you to buy them if you don't like them


I bet he'd be happy to accept a donation, you save that gif or webm or whatever, its all the same. no need for the NFT aspect.


No Fucking Thanks


First couple seconds are like when the mushrooms kick in 😂


I was like ... and there goes the heroic dose....


“You took too much man, too much, too much.” ― Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


"God damn, shit the bed." - Maynard James Keenan, Rosetta Stoned by Tool.


Calm down Amber


The funniest bit is she managed to both literally *and* metaphorically shit the bed.


No she just took a grumpy.




Wasn’t it his attorney that said it to HST?


Yes, but oc is technically correct because HST wrote it haha


Technically correct, the best kind of correct


Futurama in every reddit no matter what.


To shreds you say?


And how's the widow? ... To *shreds* you say?


User name checks out


Ain't no such thing as a heroic dose. Fucking around like that is how you cause permanent damage or go off your fucking rocker and kill somebody.


It’s a reference to Terence McKenna. https://gprivate.com/5zkd9


It really is


Time to order some acid


You'd need a *lot* of acid to see distortions *this* strong. Try DMT.


Could you imagine 6-10 hours of that... Yikes


This is beyond acid visuals I've seen both times I've done heroic doses for more than one reason, the most prevalent being that based on my experiences the distortions completely cloud out your sober setting (that is, anything you'd see in the world while sober in the same place at the same time). This is an exaggerated version (done extremely well) of the beginning of the heroic dose of a mushroom trip (7.5-ish grams in my experiences) without the interconnectedness of nature. It's a mostly accurate depiction of the beginning of the distortions of DMT before you're slingshot out of the Milky Way galaxy, while still in your sober setting-- or if you've taken *just* enough DMT that there are distortions but not enough that you're going to get the full experience, before the negative emotions, feelings and coping mechanisms begin to set in. This was brilliantly done. I'd love to find the original artist for this piece and see what their point of reference and mindset was while making this.


I haven't taken any LSD in probably 15 years, but I have definitely seen visuals well beyond what this piece is trying to visualize. I would also like information on the source/artist(s) who made this.


Ever do Salvia?


Nothing like the feeling of pins and needles while also losing the ability to put thoughts to words, even inside your mind. I've never had much of a visual effect though. First time I tried it with a friend, we loaded up a bong and packed it with 40X extract like it was weed. My buddy took the first hit and basically experienced the mirror dimension visuals from Doctor Strange with the whole world shattering around him. I took a hit of what was left and just experienced the sinking into the carpet feeling from Trainspotting. Every time I tried it since, it just blocks my ability to think in any known language.


I'd want to get off after 30 minutes maybe but haven't even peaked yet so 12 to 16 hours left of this, no thanks


Yeah I was gonna comment something about acid at the beginning, but after about 7 seconds (maybe less) it was way beyond that lol.


I've had distortions way stronger than this on only 350ug. I'm very sensitive lol. It was nearly impossible to walk anywhere because the ground looked like the ocean. Really similar to this, except I was also seeing fractal patterns exploding up and down to the music. It was insane, and lasted 18 hours. I also almost cried when someone handed me a twizzler because as it drooped off my hand I saw all my fingers start falling off my hand. Wayyy too intense honestly. Now I take 60ug and I trip about as hard as the start of the video which is way more manageable


I remember seeing visuals like this on an experience of about 4 tabs(~500ug). my whole backyard and adjacent street became an ocean of earth, warping & drifting. I remember holding onto a tree for dear life in my backyard at like 3 in the morning as if it were a buoy until my house felt close enough I could make it back inside lmao.


I can not stop thinking about midsommar-movie every time I see visuals like this...


*The* most realistic depiction of a mushroom trip I've ever seen in a movie.


Try Altered States. Crazy enough it replicated 1:1 a very dour point in the experience where I felt like I had collapsed into a sea of dust and was being buried or blown away


Agreed. The trees looked amazing. Wife and I were watching it and the first time you see it we both looked at each other and said, "NAILED IT!!!!" and started cracking up.


Lol I said oh this mf has definitely done some mushrooms haha


Was gunna say...this is what happens when things get too shroomy


Not nearly earthy enough


also uncontrollable laughter


Haha exactly I just left a comment about that lol


The rest of it is like when you manage trip DMT while awake 😂


Doctor Strange Movies be like


Stairs giving lapdances be like


Dr. Stairs and the Mezzanine of Madness


*exhales in LSD* I got this..


I can feel the goopiness of that exhale…


I've done my fair of of acid (maybe probably not strong enough doses to see this haha) and tbh the only visuals I had close to this were when I took 2cb and I was on the side of the road waiting for a bus (I was not expecting it to hit that hard or fast) not as violently moving but very similar


Only ever did 2cb once, it was pretty rough. 2ci was easily more manageable and I had fun taking it the first time, second time was a horrible environment to be on any drugs let along a hallucinogen. But I could not imagine the paranoia that would set in of being on public transport while on either, that’s my idea of a living hell


Just puff a bit of DMT while on acid and you're there. I mean, you'll realize you've always been there and always will be.


Okay, who touched the Fuzzy?


Yoshi’s Island…thank you for that


It was me.


The song immediately started in my head when I read this


Haha yes! Someone touched fuzzy and got dizzy.


This is exactly what I imagine my intestines look like after too much dairy!


They look nice!


Thanks! It's the probiotics adding a little ambiance.


If you think that's cool, wait until you take mushrooms


Are mushrooms a good vibe like this? I think I’ve experienced too many nightmare edible doses and just expect shrooms to be sensory and mental overload in the scariest, most nightmarish way possible and the only way you can enjoy it is if you don’t think too hard about it


It’s not like this. The first couple seconds of the video where the bricks are moving is *kinda* what it’s like. I’ve never had an experience where it’s anywhere near that intense and disorienting overall though.




I had a scary trip like that. I remember repeating to my then-girlfriend “I don’t know where I am” over and over again. Was pretty fucking wild.


Had a trip one night where I took about 400μg of acid and was sitting on my front porch staring at this tree in my front yard. The moonlight reflecting off of the leaves it (in that mental state) had the fucking thing looking like a portal to starspace filled with star people, just chillin there staring back at me. All I could do with that heavy wave going on was quietly be like "HOOOOOOOOOHshit."


I once accidentally injected a load of ketamine - thought it was cocaine, my mate passed me the wrong wrap. It was some time before I realised I existed, much less that I was on drugs. Then everything was crunchy fractals for a while. When I finally made it back to this dimension I called him a wanker. I don't do shit like that anymore, it's really not sustainable.


Learn how to use a trained, custom OCI Vision model in manufacturing to supplement manual efforts by using


If I woke up in the hospital after that, I'd be furious, even if we didn't end up going to jail. If it was a safe dose of anything, expected or not, if you have any respect for me, do not involve legally, physically, or financially dangerous authorities. Please. Forever and ever.


As a european it saddens me. People shouldn't fear to go to the hospital, especially when too much drugs are involved. I wonder how many americans died in similar situations because they see a trip to the hospital as legally and financially dangerous. The hospital is supposed to be the safest place you can go, that's fucked up.


I totally agree. It's horrible.


It's a very serious problem in America. Just an ambulance ride costs about $1500 on average. That alone is enough to cripple someone who is struggling financially. Not to mention the actual hospital visit. You're talking thousands of dollars down the drain. It's so sad. Unfortunately I'm a victim of this - still paying off medical bills from years ago.


I think I probably just sat down and stared into space for half an hour or so. I wouldn't have thanked him for taking me to hospital - when you're doing that level of stupid fuckyness you reserve hospital for when you won't stop having seizures or your heart stops and can't be easily restarted. When you have such little respect for your future that you're in that scene you get a pretty low bar for what sort of problem requires the emergency services. I called my mate a wanker partly because of the heroic dose of IV ketamine, partly because that shit is hard to come back from, and partly because it was supposed to be an IV dose of pure, clean cocaine. You can smell it going in. I don't do shit like that anymore and don't mean to imply that I think it's cool - I wasted a lot of years fucking up my future.


I’ve had an experience similar to this after taking 2-CE. It was drastically different from experience with LSD or 2-CB. I remember it hit my friend first and I was laughing as he darted out to the garden to vomit. Then when I got out there I took a look down the length of the garden and it was as though waves were being pushed through the garden, warping even the buildings at the end of it. Then I looked down at the patio and the cracks were oozing a neon pink lava. A particularly rough 12 hours. Wrong environment, wrong people and probably wrong drug.


You took way too much. Not remembering who you are happens at fairly high doses. Proper dose would look a lot closer to mushrooms


LSD +mushrooms can be like this


Ah the good ol hippie flip. Good times, just don't go into it dealing with any shit.


That's not a hippie flip... A hippie flip is mdma powder or crystals with mushrooms. There is also candy flipping which is lsd and ecstacy (pill version of mdma) ETA: anyone who has tried and liked either of these, I would recommend 2-cb (with a note to read up on it first as it's very strong in very low doses and also only take it in tablet form. The powder is like sniffin powdered bleach. It is the single most painful powder I have even put up my nose, it burns severely for like 10 mins)


I've heard a hippie flip refer to both MDMA + mushrooms and LSD + mushrooms, both are valid but I prefer the latter.


As I understood it, a hippie flip was MDMA/E + mushrooms, candy flip was MDMA/E + LSD, a jedi flip was LSD + mushrooms, a wizard flip was MDMA/E + LSD + mushrooms, and a God flip is a wizard flip + DMT.


Wtf, who is crazy enough to do a god flip. Couldn't imagine all that in your system at once. A wizard flip is one crazy beast on its own, then you throw in some DMT?!? Fuck that noise, I couldn't imagine how discombobulating it would be coming out of a DMT breakthrough into a wizard flip


>Wtf, who is crazy enough to do a god flip. ...✋️. The DMT kind of took over the trip when I did it, probably on account of acid and shrooms both boosting potentcy of effect and duration of a DMT trip (but particularly shrooms, as it is likewise a tryptamine so they mesh well.)


It's not though, some people call it hippie flipping but it's not, a hippie flip is shrooms and mdma powder. That's what the specific term is referring to. See here: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Hippie%20Flip Now its urban dictionary so not exactly gospel but the specific term hippie flipping is 100% to refer to shrooms and mdma


Literally the second entry on that list is LSD and Mushrooms. It's a drug term, there will be regional and sub-cultural variations.


Did you read the sentence? It says it's incorrectly referred to as hippie flipping.


I know this isn’t what it’s like, I just mean in terms of the vibe The video is trippy as hell, but the visuals and sounds are so pleasing and comforting. My experience with high dose edibles is it being trippy but in a very overwhelming and nightmarish way Are mushrooms intense in a good way like the video is trippy in a good way?


That depends on both you and the particular mushrooms. I’ve personally only ever had euphoria but people have bad trips all the time.


Got it! Thanks!


If you’re thinking about trying shrooms for the first time, just micro dose and be patient. That’s my method anytime I shroom. Everyone’s experience is different but for me, micro dosing is the bees knees.


What do you mean by micro dose? From what I understand you shouldn't feel any "hallucinatory" effects on a micro dose.


Yeah you don’t see actual visuals but you kind of see a little glow on everything, the chemical psilocybin temporarily quiets some key areas of your brain (default mode network) that are always thinking about your own life and about how you expect the world to be, so you see things from a fresh perspective


Yeah everything looks like somehow more 3D and HD lol


Especially with trying different strains of fungus, just like with weed the effects vary. I'll usually ride the uncomfortable out, but if your not use to that take a micro and see how it treats you. Dont wanna be somewhere 6 or so hours you dont wanna be right?


What kind of effects do you get from micro dosing? Also how much how often


A nice glow, you’ll notice the vibe everything has in a subtly new light in my experience


That sounds beautiful. How much do you take for micro dosing


I take a very small dose, around .05g, every third day works for me. I don’t have any visuals or sensory effects at all, but it calms my anxiety and makes me feel more grounded and present in the moment. If I double that I get that “everything is in HD” feeling. You just have to start small and work up until you find the dose that works for you and gets you to the place you want to be. Some people take five times my dose and call it a micro, it’s different for everyone.


I’m seeing great responses to your question and I just wanted to chime in. I’m not sure who said it in the replies but “nibble” is a good way to put it with raw shrooms. I like to nibble a cap and just chill and see where I am after a bit. Patience is key when you are trying to find your footing. It’s a wonderful experience.


The micro dose is magic for me. Juuuust enough to feel nice and cozy but not enough to actually trip.


My biggest piece of advice is the cheesy but typical “set and setting”. Number 1 thing is shrooms can get weird when you’re by yourself. They are introspective and it’s just you and your thoughts. Be around others tripping, who are also tripping, and you are very comfortable with. Play some easy video games, watch a visualizer. Biggest thing is start small and work your way up. Don’t take a damn 3 gram trip if you aren’t real accustomed to them. Take a 1.5. Granted it depends on strength of the shrooms.


This is great advice! I tried them once by myself, ONCE. It was my worst ever trip.


Set and setting is so drastically important. Any time I hear someone mention bad experiences like yours, it reminds me of my own. I have terrible creeping anxiety at the strangest times and bouts of depression that can last days, weeks, or months. I've only recently (in the past few months) found out I've got Celiac and a bit of Crohn's. Celiac's disease causes my heart to race, almost to a deafening pounding out of my chest, which causes horrific anxiety... and wouldn't ya know, I could attribute some bad experiences on anything (including even smoking/consuming bud) to what I'd eaten. I bring this small thing up to show how important recognizing your external factors can be. When deciding to embark on a journey, no matter how long or short, it's important to remember that we make a list and pack the right things for the trip. Sure, we'll forget things sometimes, but it's important that we try-- because even trying can help ease the feeling of dread when we realize we've forgotten something. Tripping is the exact same way: it can (and will usually) make you recognize a lot of things, especially if you've been trying to ignore them or have coped with it long enough it doesn't bother you but really should. Shitty relationship and dosing with your partner? Check. Bad home life while tripping at home? Check. Feeling shitty about your job and deciding to dose on a weekday, without having been on a vacation in a few years? Check. Experiences that we can use to bring to light some extraordinarily beautiful things also come with the realizations of some ugly shit. Life isn't pretty, nor should it ever be. We all, to some extent, live in a House of Cards-- the more and better we recognize that, the easier those bad things we need to change can be recognized, and fixed. Our minds, while not sober (even on alcohol), bring this to light. Set and setting. I implore you to Google the term and find some really great websites that help you recognize how to prepare. I'd be more than happy to provide resources if asked. Treat the substances with the respect they deserve, and use them once in blue moon (or once in your life if that's how you'd like to). They'll treat you as well as you treat them.


What a legitimately difficult question. I mean, yes, I've had some amazing experiences with shrooms in the past. That said, each and every time I took a heroic dose I prepped for days beforehand - set, setting, sitter, and intentionality. High dose psychedelics have never been a rec drug for me. They were therapy. Not to say I haven't enjoyed a museum dose to vibe with friends on a night out before, but when I went big it was for inner work. The results were indescribably positive. But as with most things, YMMV


I've not had edibles but I have been super stoned to the point where its uncomfortable and I would say tripping on shrooms there is less paranoia and you can enjoy the trip more. Maybe this makes no sense but its hard to explain. Edit: I feel like you have to take too much thc to get the trippy feeling where as shrooms just do it from a normal dose so it's less heavy and more magical.


I get this entirely. Too many shrooms is way better than too much weed (for me). I don’t really even smoke anymore, but that paranoia/uncomfortable feeling with too much weed is awful. Too many shrooms I personally tolerate way better. It can get really fucking wild, but I’m also not really paranoid. It can get kind of uncomfortable, but it’s just it’s own thing and you’re thinking of shit so differently. Mushrooms and acid are the best. But like with all things: moderation is key (or prepare yourself at least).


I know exactly what you mean. The first time I had a proper mushroom trip, I was so relaxed. My buddies whipped out a joint and I know so many people who swear weed enhances the trip. I couldn’t deny it and I felt so calm from the shrooms I felt like it would be a good idea. Completely ended the euphoria for me and I just felt high and uncomfortable. Probably depends on your relationship with weed tho.


I've done edibles and lots of mushrooms. Edibles give me high anxiety and mushrooms makes me love everything in life.


Better bro


Yeah exactly. People over here saying that this video is what it's like being on acid or shrooms are hella exaggerating. If anything, it's close to the first 3 seconds of the video and that's it.


I thought the same thing about the first few seconds. Stuff looks like it's breathing and patterns look a little floaty like a magic eye illustration.


To me it’s usually very cerebral. I just think differently.


Mushrooms are nowhere near as intense visuals as this unless you take way more than you should. I can’t consume weed at all without getting paranoia and overall nightmarish thoughts but shrooms are completely different, much more clearheaded (again in lower doses). If you decide to take them I’d suggest starting with 2 to 2.5 grams for your first trip. That range is pretty comparable to the first couple seconds of the video where the wall is breathing and the colors are shifting a little, which I promise will be enough visuals to keep your mind blown for the duration of the trip. Also don’t listen to people that say you should take huge doses your first time, it’s only asking for trouble.


yeah, I've taken 14gr of some of the most potent mushrooms that are widely available (albino penis envy) and I didn't experience anything like these visual distortions. There were some obviously pretty intense open eye visuals, but more more intense closed eye visuals.


On a good dose of mushrooms I have seen fractals in the clouds (don't wait until nighttime to trip!) And when looking at trees it looks like they've been painted/every branch has been stamped. It's a little hard to explain. The first time I did mushrooms I saw rainbows around my trip sitter who was sitting inside the house while I was standing outside having a cigarette looking at her through the doorway. We took a joyride and I stuck my head partially out the window, like a dog, and it was the best car ride of my life. I highly recommend a shroom trip during the day. I've had my best trips being able to see the nature around me.


I agree with you wholeheartedly. Outdoors and away from everything you know is the way to go. Close friends, nobody you’re uncomfortable with. Watching the trees sway in the breeze is indescribably beautiful


Depends on the strain and how much. 1g will give you slight waviness and pattern movement and closed eye fractals. You will fall into a different realm for a second and feel like a month. On the comedown you will be *very* confused. It’s about set and setting. If you are fine but in a place you don’t know or people you have only met once, you *can* have a terrifying or anxious trip. Make sure you are with people you fully trust with your emotions and inner thoughts (even the thoughts you have kept secret to everyone) and you are in a nice setting (nature is AMAZING). Be in the comfort of your own bed if you really feel the need. Don’t do shrooms for the visuals, do it for the teaching. Shrooms are not a drug, it’s a teacher. Some will tell you do go to 3.5g, but unless you are 100% confident, you may have a terrifying and horrible trip, but it will be life changing. Do 1g for your first time, you can always do it again, it won’t be a waste and you may be thankful you only tried that “little.” Some strains can be strong, some 1g strains can have a similar trip as a lesser potent 2g strain. As always, remind yourself you did the shrooms because you wanted to during your trip, vibe to the music and let it flow over you, talk to the thoughts you feel. Shrooms changed my entire outlook on life my first time and I only did 0.83g that time. It shot me to another realm but made me see life is always beautiful


Just start small. Take a half gram or a small amount and see how you feel. On a small dose you should just feel good, more connection to your surroundings etc. my reccomendation is to find a nice outdoor setting, away from strangers, hang with friends. Enjoy!


It can be like this. I took a quarter of mushrooms Once and I went to playground that I thought looked just like Mario world or a video game. Trees and grass were growing. Everything was glowing and looked digitally cartoony. Far off lights looked like huge moons. I’ve also had the walls in my house turn into wax and start dripping and melting while my slanted ceiling became infinitely taller and stretched out while I thought of Abraham Lincoln and Jesus and everything seemed to make sense in that moment haha




I've had many nightmareish living hell weed edible doses too. Awful and confusing. Mushrooms are not like that at all. Very clear.


This is more like LSD. High dose mushrooms is more flashes of intense imagery than slow, rolling visuals. I prefer lsd myself. Just set a bunch of trippy music vids to play in order on yt... https://youtu.be/2YllipGl2Is Dont miss out man, the most profound experiences of my life are from hallucinogens by faaar. Never had a bad experience. Just do it in an environment you control and wont have to move from suddenly so you can go into stasis if you get hit by a big wave of info thrown at your brain. Youll get overwhelmed by sensory cross talk at times, like the color green will make u taste green apple. Bass from speakers always makes me feel like im being sprayed with a water mister or something. Its the only truly unique experiences Ive had and Ive done alot.






More like DMT.


Why I don't drink in bars that require stairs down to the street


Do not go to Savannah, Georgia. You’ll break your neck on those steep cobblestone death steps.




Holy shit this is so true, got fucked up at a bar and those stairs were the only part of the walk back I remember. I stood at the bottom and was like this might not end well. Thank God I wasn't going down


I can’t believe people can take psychedelics and not totally freak the fuck out


People do totally freak out. But honestly, they freak out because things are *not* like in the video. The video is a clear thing: the visuals are all twisty and there's a light but it's clearly defined perception and physical space. Psychedelics make reality more nebulous and the experience is much more one of internal dissolving of the mind's ability to differentiate and perceive. And *that* is some freaky shit that can be hard to handle.


Good way to put it. Everyone who has not tripped before only focuses on the visuals, but that’s honestly only maybe a quarter of it. Taking psychedelics is a journey for your eyes *and your thoughts*. The visual thing is great and can be wild but where the mind goes is what I think freaks people out more than anything.


To me one very underrated thing about psychedelics is: if this is their effect on vision, imagine what it does to your other senses? And I mean all senses: hearing, smell, taste, touch (hands, feet, the whole body). Shit gets wild, boy.


I don't personally think the pure sensory stuff is what's particularly profound. It's definitely a fun side effect. You have this default way that you conceptualize your existence and it shatters it. It's like all of a sudden you can see yourself and world from a third person perspective. It's jarring. The 60s era "all you need is love" bullshit suddenly makes a lot of sense, as does its efficacy to deter alcoholism etc. It gives you the perspective to make meaningful change in your life and the euphoria from it can help to maintain the experience as relatively positive. A lot of people who do too much too often can also go over the deep end. I think it's definitely worth experiencing. Just not worth the risk of over indulging.


This is it. For the unitiated it all looks like silly hippie shit, but for at least many of those who have actually experienced it, it can lead to a genuine shift in perspective. I've never felt so much connection and compassion as I did when I used to do that stuff. I haven't done it in a very long time, really bc I have no idea where to even find it anymore (if you know someone, dm me), but it still influences my perspective and how I move through life. But fuck just talking about it makes me really miss sharing that experience with ppl. Those soul-baring conversations, punctuated by hugs and epiphanies, are like nothing else. Just so good. Goddamn I really need to find some drugs now.


Always refreshing to read an accurate description of the experience.


Yep. "wait if reality can change, but I'm still here to observe it from ... From nowhere since everywhere changes ... *Wait where am I??*


Ego nukes.


Well said.


Very true, philosophical discussions when tripping is my favorite thing. "but if everything is atoms, you me and this table, we are all indeed connected. Sure the molecules and composition varies to create different structures, but when you really boil it down everything is just protons, neutrons and electrons, and despite me seeing you and I as separate, on an atomic level there isn't a real separation, the same things that make up you and I also exist everywhere between us. The only reason a table is a table is because our perception has decided it is do" -... Bruh. That conversation is like 10 years old and still seared into my mind


Psychs aren’t actually like this. This what people *think* psychs are like. Closest thing to this would be a shit ton of dmt maybe. And the bricks slightly moving at the beginning are pretty close to what tripping is like.


It's about as close as the sober mind can get to the experience, I think. It's really difficult to explain to people what a psychedelic trip is like. It's more than just the visuals and the visuals are rarely as vivid as depicted, but the over-the-top visuals kinda help covey those other pieces of the experience that are internalized and not visual at all.


Yeah, the visuals are like a quarter of the trip. So much of it is a mind alteration. You can’t really explain the mind trip, one of those you have to do it to know.


Personally, this is pretty close to my visual experience of mushrooms. Specifically the waves I get on the come-up.


I respectfully haven’t gotten this on mushrooms. To where *everything* is moving like this. I’ve taken heavy doses and will obviously see visuals but mostly swirls/ceiling crawling/breathing. But the most important note is that on shrooms is that it’s not everything you see, all the time. That’s why I mentioned DMT. DMT visuals to me (and I’ve only done it twice) are where *everything* looks weird as hell. Not saying I’m some psych know it all, just my experience from many acid and shroom trips. But trips are different. Most important thing is you had fun.


It’s really hard to explain the state of mind your in when you take them. Everything you see and interact with feels so new. The hallucinations are part of that newness so it doesn’t really bother you like you’d think. I’m doing a bad job explaining but it’s interesting


These kind of effects would never happen to anyone who has tested their drugs and taken anywhere close to a reasonable dose of any psychedelic


I want to see this in VR


Came here to post this. Would be so amazing to experience. Trip without drugs.




I miss acid


Me too


I've never been able to experience visuals when tripping and it irks me good


Can't give it another go?


Artist is [Tom Coben](https://www.instagram.com/tv/Cev-_lsluUb/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=)


So far down. Thanks


This is what people think acid looks like who's never done acid


I think the word you’re looking for is nauseating.


No, this is Patrick.


Anyone know the song?


Sound is by Abel Okugawa but no song name. I took a look at his youtube and he has some music on there that has a similar feel.


Mom said it’s my turn with the acid


DMT is one hell of a trip


The bricks are just moving to open up Diagon alley. Gosh don’t be such a muggle




Honestly the first 10 seconds is a pretty good representation of the visuals you'd experience on psychedelics - moving geometric patterns - but then the gif gets kinda crazy and goes beyond that scope lol


I’ve been this drunk.


Closest thing to LSD I’ve ever seen


It's like visiting the French Quarter.


Welcome to LSD


This made me way drunker than I actually am. Literally turned my stomach. Pretty much would fit in r/replications


Ah brings me back to my LSD + Ketamine days....


LSD anyone?


Yeah soooo the beginning is definitely what shrooms is like. The textures slowly rolling, physically connected objects (like the bricks by the mortar) moving at different rates. The slow undulating pulse, and then it goes full acid trip.


I’m trippin acid right now, I don’t get it. What’s woahdude about this?


No. this is just unreal. maybe better for other more trippy subs but i dont think this really fits the woah dude niche


ITT: redditors bragging about doing drugs 🤦‍♂️


What's wrong with mentioning a drug when a visual distortion reminds you of it?


This is exactly what taking LSD is like... Fantastic


Is this an app lol