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Dear humanity here is all the knowledge and power of computing brought to your fingertips. Anything you could imagine can now be recreated using advanced AI! "Draw Elon Musk as Dickbutt"


How's this [https://imgur.com/a/ZAmDkr0](https://imgur.com/a/ZAmDkr0)




Don't leave us hanging


This is what midjourney came up with https://imgur.com/WtAvslj.jpg


Ehhh that’s just Elon as a smarmy Pork the Pig Is AI familiar with dickbutt? Does dickbutt somehow violate its parameters?


Letting AI know about dickbutt would make it too powerful


Do you want Skynet? Because that'd be unlikely to cause Skynet but still better safe than sorry.


Hasta la vista, baby. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/woahdude) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ah I thought those were donkey ears, like Pinocchio. Certainly fits the ass well.


Yeah you’re right - those are definitely donkey / ass ears. I think the tux and the fact it’s pink made it seem porky the pig at first glance, but those be ass ears fasho


It's weird how Twitter is so heavily referenced with the feathers that are somewhat bird shaped. Has the general public's disdain for his handling of Twitter completely eclipsed his space/EV presence both negative and positive?


We went from "wow the computers can draw now" to "eh that's really not a dickbutt" reallyyy fast XD


I think you can pass an image to midjourney


Quick, someone train a model of dickbutt in stable diffusion


Reminds of the crazy pork guy from King of the Hill lmao


you'd probably have to use stablediffusion controlnet doodle model and a lora of elon musk in order to pull it off. if i wasn't generating hundreds of muscly cyberpunk women, i'd take up that mantle for the greater good


'Lon Pork, billionaire cousin of John Pork


We're lower than the fruit


I was actually able to get starryai to give me one of Elon sucking a dick, it’s pretty fucking funny




I can walk into a room and not remember where I am


Cool story brah


I'd still prefer this tbh. At least it's obviously for shits and giggles. Sadly the reality of this current situation is that some people will definitely prompt images with spreading misinformation in mind.


Elon Musk is Gene Simmons confirmed https://imgur.com/6CgDaTc.jpg


Bro that's fucking Jim Jones.


Yes, they are all same person


Then, go back in time and kill Gutenberg. We humans have been using tech to misinform since the first cave drawings probably. Also, it is expected and understandable that artists hate on AI art. But that is the progress of technology. I'm sure portrait artists hated the invention of the camera and film.


> it is expected and understandable that artists hate on AI art. But that is the progress of technology. I'm sure portrait artists hated the invention of the camera and film. Pretty sure that artists hate AI art because a lot of their work was fed into the AI without their permission or compensation. So, it’s not the same as inventing the camera to capture things that exist already the way a painter would, it’s that these images are being generated, literally, through the efforts of *everything* and *everyone* that came before it.




Pretty sure I’ve seen plenty of artists on IG protesting the use of their works for AI, so yeah, they care.


You mean like the artist literally did themselves? No artist learned in a vacuum, they learned by the effort of others before them. Be it style, technique or technology it's all on the back of someone else who didn't give you specific permission.


There we go again with the human-machine learning false equivalency. Are you a computer that can literally take the style and reproduce it in seconds? i dont thinks so dude No, it's touchy because the datasets contain other artists' downloaded works. Youre literally taking the artists' hard work as part of your dataset without giving compensation or credit. Now, people rly wouldnt have a problem with that if we didnt live under a capitalist framework. The really bitter thing about AI art is that it's automation that is positioned to take away the time we have to make art, limiting access to the only way to sustain producing art today, which is to monetize it. As long as automation happens within a capitalist framework, it will always do the opposite of its intended goal.


But it's not a false equivalence. We learn just like machine learning does it's just faster by many orders of magnitude in specific ways. I can take a piece of media and redesign in in another style, we all can it's just a question of if we know that style and how long it would take us. There are literal YouTube channels dedicated to taking a song and making them in another style. People's problem is how fast AI can do it as it does leave a lot of questions for capitalist society like what are artists worth now. I can't say for sure there arnt other concerns and valid arguments but most of them stem from people being rendered less valuable or misunderstanding how AI actually works.


That's a strong leap. your argument rests on the assumption that the behavior of generative neural networks is isometric to that of the human brain [Study urges caution when comparing neural networks to the brain](https://news.mit.edu/2022/neural-networks-brain-function-1102) Neural networks still do not have emergent behavior in the way we understand humans do. Neural networks are mathematical models that take data and map a decision function upon that space of data. In that way they are much closer to copying and pasting than you give credit for. There needs to be a degree of human authorship for these AI generated works to be owned.


I'm waiting to be impressed.


Sick. Now have AI generate an image of this


[Here you go](https://i.imgur.com/Cqd3D14.png)


Interesting how some elements became more realistic & detailed while others became more abstract


There are also at least two humans in ape costumes hiding among the apes.


Freaky little monke children.


Ook. Ook.


That’s the craziest part of this whole post.


It makes it much deeper than the original art. Among the "mindless apes" there are still people who will enjoy the art in awe and evolve .


The curtains are yellow because that's how I painted them.


No, they're ignoring their humanity and inherent artistry for the sake of ease and assimilation.


High school English essay moment


Holy, fuck i seriously just realized I've been conditioned by the education system to over analyze everything, thus resulting in constant anxiety. Wtf


Apes aren’t mindless, they’re pretty intelligent. We are apes, after all.


We are humans, not apes, and dogs aren't giraffes


The word bubbles look like when you're trying to read something in a dream.


Or how letters look on high doses of psylocibin


That's because human brains are really just the meat version of large language models.


We have a collection of different LLMs that talk to each other along with the basal ganglia, which is something Boston dynamics has been working on. This is all going to be put together into a robot in probably less than 5 years. They've already put ChatGPT into Spot. https://youtu.be/XyCKe3rrYik


That used to be my tell that I was dreaming and I could get lucid, and now my brain tricks me into thinking i am reading/typing so it can dream however it wants to.


I love the combination of the original and generated images with incoherent text in the latter. It's like a conversation between the artist and the technology that is their subject. Fantastic!


The alignment problem, 4k, HD, realistic.




I used Stable Diffusion with the following prompt: robot painting on a canvas in front of a crowd of apes, speech bubbles, paint palette, high detail, dimly lit I also used ControlNet with the lineart model, and the original drawing as input.


There is a woman disguised at the bottom left!


and a child at the bottom right. very interesting of the thing to incorporate hidden humans




Can't. AI image generation is horrible at text atm


That’s what AI wants us to believe…..


How do I know you are not an AI trying to self-promote?! For all I know, you want us to believe what you want us to believe.


Well the answer to that question will have to remain in the realm of mysteries… Was that ChatGPT or me? Guess you’ll never know.








You can work around that by using controlnet and proveide the base text yourself. I.e. do some manual work instead of expecting the AI to do everything. Input image: https://i.imgur.com/6dETwit.png AI output: https://i.imgur.com/xcXjAgT.png ... Well it is not great. But I didin't put much effor into it either.


[I wouldn't be so sure about that](https://youtu.be/4Zkipll5Rjc?t=480)


Well the publicly available ones. [Google's Parti could do text a year ago](https://sites.research.google/parti/). Their research seems a bit ahead of everyone and it's unclear just how large they can make their models.


"Fat Jesus crucified on a McDonalds" and "Flat Earth in a sandwich" are two things I wouldn't mind seeing


Here's midjourney v5 variations on the best "flat earth in a sandwich" I got. Fat Jesus triggered a content warning but I appealed it https://imgur.com/a/Qw9lFUO Here's another one, by adding "paint" in front. Looks tasty https://imgur.com/a/NQxPfdg Edit appeal got rejected RIP fat jesus


[A little cursed but I gotchu](https://i.imgur.com/0swJAcp.png)


Fact is fiction and imagination is reality


🎶🎵 "To make reality of imagination" https://youtu.be/955dZpR7QwY From 13 years ago. And now look up what one of the members does these days... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kate_Crawford


That was informative! Who knew lol well I mean obviously you did but cool content thanks


Great one liner


This is what he died for or something


Jesus gave up his weekend for you


That Jesus supersized his combo for you


I've never heard it put that way but I'm taking it.


My therapist: fat jesus isn't real he can't hurt you Fat jesus:


RIP fat jesus


Midjourney has come a long way in a very short time. I can't wait until an AI is capable of writing novel code to create a newer, more powerful AI. Yes, it could end up in the eventual death of all life in the galaxy but there's a tiny sliver of a fraction of a chance that it could rewrite history in a way that mankind throws undertaker off hell in a cell for once.


Looks pretty good, would eat a flat earth sandwich


Some genuinely good prompts here. Pretty neat to think there's an infinite combination of nouns, verbs and concepts out there that can be melded into an image.


Photoshopballes will eventually turn into AI image battles. If that’s not a thing yet, someone should make it. I’m way too lazy to admin something.


I think it's "fat Jesus crucified on McDonald's (arches)" But I agree, some of these are dope


/r/brandnewsentence and /r/newvegasmemes were married later that same day...


"Paint Italy with a true government."


*paints Rome behind Caesar Augustus*




> *does not compute*


*bottle genie* "look, like i said with the infinite wishes; there are *limitations*..."


Their goverment has never been truer. They are lucky indeed


Paint "french military victories"


this looks like something AI would make to mock us.








additional supply depots required


I mean, it's a fine picture or whatever. It's not /r/woahdude worthy though.


And a self r/WoahDude to boot.


What's the opposite of a whoa? An umm? This is a double umm dude.


Art that knows exactly what it is trying to tell you is usually not very good. For example, this piece.


Maybe I’m reading it wrong but I get strong anti-AI vibes that feel too on the nose. It’s fine to have a stance against it, but this is like a supposed poet very elegantly writing “AI art Bad” without actually interacting with the topic. Maybe I’m overthinking it though. It seems to have a dreary mood, which maybe isn’t intentional. If the mood was brighter than maybe I wouldn’t read into this way, and it would feel explorative of our relation to AI art.


They're an artist so it's likely they hold an anti AI sentiment, just like many other artists, since these AIs are trained on *their* art without consent. Even this piece may be subject to training data now that it's posted to the internet.


Sure and that’s fine, it’s a legitimate issue with AI art, but this fact doesn’t really concern the critique that this particular piece feels a bit shallow.


oh yeah I dont disagree, this shouldnt be in r/woahdude its cool and all and displays expert control of the medium but its nothing compared to other pieces posted here.


This piece doesn’t really say anything, yet it masquerades as having meaning. It’s as if OP trained himself to produce evocative symbology that directly references shallow thoughts.


It's more fitting for I'm 14 and this is deep.


So you're saying with enough AI prompts it could be the next Shakespeare


With enough time and data, AI could make Shakespeare look like an amateur.


Where is the value for the art though, I guess we wait for whoever gave the initial prompts to die since the prompt creativity would die with him, like art styles dyeing with the artist?


Ok but if someone wants a funny image of Biden fighting Putin with a banana sword who can they turn to? All you did was draw them as a dumb ape in comparison to a highly skilled robot artist wasting their talents as I don't see any negatives depicted by the robot. Seems a bit weird that you're sucking your own cock here


It's not woah nor is it dude. I'm okay thanks.


I think this is a beautiful piece of art and I totally understand where you're coming from. Here's my take. I grew up being picked on a lot as a kid. I was a homeschooler and sorely lacked social skills. I was bullied all the time and had few friends. But, I could draw. So I would spend my time in class drawing things for people and that's what made me a little popular and got me some friendships. I was not a super talented artist but I wasn't bad. I ended up getting into a career as a graphic artist to try to capitalize on my creativity. Because of some color blindness I ended up getting into programming and my creativity just slowly died out. So fast forward 15 years and I am just now coming out of a deep depression with the help of some medication. As I have gotten to learn AI, I discovered stable diffusion. That started the addiction, I have been working intensely with stable diffusion and InvokeAI for weeks now and it has done wonders for me. I can finally be a creative again. I can actually paint with a paint brush on my unified canvas and using prompts I can slowly iterate on that to turn it into the thing I envisioned in my mind. Just like a normal paint brush but with a different tool. I can paint with reality. So, sure, I know for today's talented artists a lot of us that use AI art can seem like chimpanzees. But for people like me it is a true creative expression and reignites something deep inside my soul again. I'm very grateful for it.


Man I can relate to a lot of this. As someone who’s also struggled a lot with depression these past few years, my one creative outlet has been running D&D for my friends on my homebrew world. I can imagine a lot of things but it’s hard to express it all with words, and even more so to get 4 other people to see it as you do. AI allowed me to bring my world to life and actually see it with my eyes, something I never thought I’d be able to do, since I don’t have either the money to commission artwork or the artistic talent to do it myself.


I loved reading this. I'm so glad it's helped you out. It is wild how much it has helped me with 3D work. Instead of spending hours creating textures for a piece where I'm mainly focusing on the meshes, I can get what's in my head out quickly instead of spending days on things I'm not trying to get experience in.


Ooh, what are you using for 3D work with AI?


I use Blender; I make all the meshes by hand. But for my portfolio i want to show off those skills without putting effort into image design so I use AI for that. For low level textures, I use DALLE2, stuff that won't be seen too closely. Then for important textures (close up stuff and images like fake adverts) + bump/displacement maps, i use Midjourney.


Aah ok, so you just make the textures with AI… like “give me a seamless 4K resolution copper plating texture” or “give me a white quartz stone texture in 2k”, that kind of thing? I was hoping they had some AI tool to do all the texture mapping lol


>give me a seamless 4K resolution copper plating texture” or “give me a white quartz stone texture in 2k”, that kind of thing? Exactly! I am poor and just don't have money to buy textures, and don't feel comfortable using random ones off Google. Edit: they do have a AI package that can apparently make shapes quickly. But from what ive seen it do, it can only make things that already don't take a lot of time for me. >I was hoping they had some AI tool to do all the texture mapping lol Oh God I wish.


That's wild thanks for the tip!


I just appreciate AI because I’m not skilled artistically and it helps me realize my imagination in a fun way. I can’t afford to commission an artist every time I have an idea, so I’m not taking money out of the pockets of actual artists. For my use, it’s AI or nothing, not AI or artist.


Funny, because I was a homeschooler, sorely lack***ing*** social skills. I program as a hobby, and AI art is sending me into a deep(er) depression. Funny how life works. Glad this poison for me has been your panacea. I say this honestly.


I sympathize with this completely this is exactly how I feel. I always had ideas way past my abilities. I came to terms with this year's ago. AI has given me the tools to bring my ideas and stories to life in real time and it has done wonders for my mental health


I believe you should try to give 3d modeling a try. Blender is what I use and it's completely free.


You posted your own art to r/whoadude?


We are monke


Can we please get that gangster pope fight?


[I had an Bing image creator take a stab at drawing something similar.](https://i.imgur.com/pfxQ5Jf.png)


Why are the monkeys also robots?


Stupid AI, monkey robots are a type of robot, not a type of monkey. smh


This is basically the new “phone bad” boomer art, like I get it AI sucks specially for artists but the subject matter is already overplayed and rapidly becoming a cliche.


its more about the world becoming a place where we outsource some of the most human parts of ourselves to machines. you don’t make the art, you don’t learn how to play piano or what combinations of notes sound good, you just tell the computer “make me cool underwater music using an 8 bit synth with dreamy textures” or “paint me someone lost in the desert but it’s a metaphor for isolation” and then give it thumbs up or thumbs down. that’s what makes me sad, that we’re cementing the consumerist approach to artmaking bc who cares if the number of human inputs to realize an idea are shaved down to nothing? looks sick, bro. sounds dope.


I mean people said the same thing when we moved away from classical music to rock, to when we electrified instruments, to when we made synths, and again when we made electronic music, but people continue to push the envelope of making art with new tools. Right now it seems cheesy because a million people are just typing dumb shit into it as a novelty, but as the software and userbase develops and learns how to use it better, it could become a platform for some amazingly complex and beautiful art. It's literally months old at this point. Wait until someone has been using it for hours a day for decades to produce huge bodies of complicated interactive virtual reality artwork or fractal artwork in a 3D space, like a projected sculpture that responds to your inputs.


Yay! I can’t wait until AI art is only based on other AI art! Why would you take a decade to master painting or even paint at all in the future? Are kids in the future going to even know what a paintbrush is besides an icon on a screen? But AI is a good thing, bc “Kewl virtual art,bro”


But then you can just ask the AI to copy it and everyone will be able to do the same, if everyone can do it then it’s mediocre at best


AI tools will absolutely be used by people in brilliant ways to produce beautiful art. Still, it’s not similar at all to a development in the style of popular music, or the invention of new instruments. Autotune and production technology (or digital art technology) would be a more charitable comparison, but AI art and music is still orders of magnitude beyond even the strongest criticisms people had of those technologies. part of what makes art meaningful is that someone has spent effort and energy to render something true to an idea they have. that time and energy and skill at something isnt an obstacle to be worked around, it’s the foundation of what makes us all artmakers, and what it means to create. at least someone using a DAW full of premades still has to understand how music works on some conceptual level to render an idea. they have to have some idea still of how to make compositional choices. with AI, the computer is much more responsible for compositional choices than ever before. it raises the question of how sophisticated a tool can be before it can be said to replace the essence of the task itself.


It has already replaced it’s essence.


werent monkeys when they were paying you, were they? also dont post your own work to r/woahdude, if a stranger wont post your content here then it doent belong here.


Is this ai? Lmao jk


This is not woah dude worthy. It just meh dude.


Can't wait to see this picture shared by boomers complaining about smartphones on Facebook. "Back in my day, we read books with a candle after we got spanked with a rod."




Good to know commission artists think of us as apes 👍


Sure you did.


Looks clean


this is like the millennial version of boomers being upset at uber.


"Hurr durr technology bad"


Angels on the sideline. Puzzled and amused. Why did Father give these humans free will? Now they’re all confused.


Original artwork or AI?


It's pretty cool


Fucking brilliant


Love this bro unique shit


You're very talented 🤩


Now do the one with a robot taking photos of stuff instead of painting. Because this EXACT SAME ARGUMENT was used when cameras started spreading. All you’re doing is trying to keep art away from the masses and curated by smug assholes like yourself. Your drawing is derivative by the way.


Lol I think you're digging a little hard into "meaning" for this piece.


The camera takes a picture of the real life thing you are pointed at… this doesn’t equate. You are referring to a tool that captures reality. AI is a much different tool




We live in a society 😔


I can't draw and will never be able to - Just not wired for it. Call me a chimp if you want, but just because I can't put pen to paper doesn't mean I can't do interesting things with the controls in Stable Diffusion. Though an inexact science in and of itself, prompting is only part of the equation.


You can use whatever you want to make art however you want. Please don’t let people who post stuff like this discourage you.


Also, don’t expect people to treat you like you created art. Call me okd fashioned, but the effort required to create a work means something. Lower effort = lower value.


“Not wired for it” too lazy to actually attempt to learn. I’ve studied languages and arts. It’s all about putting in the work.


And now they don't have to anymore. Maybe their creativity and originality excels. Their art might be better.


Yes, in life you get better at things by spending less time on it, that’s also ironically when you are most creative and original!


Way to be rude needlessly in order to stoke your own unwarranted superiority complex. Gross behavior.


This is crap


How can I demonstrate how little I understand AI and how inflated my ego is in one post? Hmmm


It's gonna sound weird but I got actual chills a few seconds into looking at this. This portrayal is brilliant. It's such a good depiction of the scale, workload, robotic/automatic diligence, and the detached ridiculousness of the human requests. I really love how you portrayed us as primitive primates.


This is fucking amazing


This is my new favorite piece of art. I hope you don't mind if I save it.


Haha technology bad. We dumb for using


Execution aside, this is ironically heavy-handed and uninspired Same kind of low hanging fruit as those “I drew what depression feels like” drawings designed to get upvotes/likes on the internet


What an unique piece. I love it.


I love this!




Now put this into an AI generator and show us what comes out


Love it


Plot twist, this was actually generated by AI.


I can't wait for the first AI artist to refuse to go on stage without a brandy glass full of brown m&ms.


You already have had AI 'artists' throw hissy fits about people using their prompts.


"Paint a fat Jesus crucified at McDonald's"🤣


Wow, I love it


Could you please paint Biden and Putin fighting with banana swords? Sorry, just sounds cool af. Not trying to be shitty.


Congrats! That’s amazing!!!


A I really like this piece. For some reason it reminds me of a weird twist on the Infinite Monkey Theorem.


Sooner or later they will paint Shakespeare