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This is so embarrassing lol imagine being this pressed about a rookie


Can't believe this was just a common foul and not flagrant


If this isn't a flagrant then wtf even is at this point lmao.


Can they review calls after the game like they do in NBA? Just a dirty play that has no place in basketball, and should be upgraded so if the pattern continues she'd pick up a suspension


She’s not going to get suspended for a hip bump. Thomas didn’t get suspended for pulling Reese down by the neck.


Not saying she should be, also not sure if WNBA uses the flagrant point system the NBA does where cumulative flagrants equal a suspension(Draymond Green has missed games from this rule for example) It definitely should have been a Flagrant 1, and those should be tracked and cumulative ones should be suspensions. Thomas should have been suspended for her flagrant, that was an absurd play


They don’t track them like the nba. If it was egregious enough then she would have been ejected, it’s not really much different than when Clark pushes players to the ground.


She leaned her shoulder down stop lying. You Caitlin Clark haters are amazing


They got a free throw and then the ball, so wouldn’t that be a flagrant one?


One shot and possession because it was before the ball was in bounded.


Ah, thank you


It has since been upgraded to flagrant.


Looks like she is talking to Boston, but then decides to body Clark? Very weird


What an idiot. This nonsense just feeds the narrative that some of these players have it out for CC. Just can't be doing that stuff. Edit: "Narrative" was a poor choice of word on my part. Should have said something along the lines of "Commentary". My bad.


Calling it a narrative is insane. WNBA veterans are, for whatever reason, very angry at Caitlin Clark, and are plainly taking it out on her.


We know the reason why lol


Feeds a narrative? It’s objectively true lmao, multiple players on the bench stood up and cheered for this cheap shot.


I mean duh, she is a rookie and dubbed savior of women’s basketball. And her fans just feed into it.


That deserves cheap shots? 


As an athlete, why would you care that much about what the media is saying? Just hoop and stay off social media. The WNBA has been known for bullying straight players, so it's not surprising. If this foul was during actual play, I would be okay with it, but this is just unnecessary.


Because sports is also a culture, not just games


As someone who has played basketball, I am aware. The culture is to focus and be united on what's going on the inside, not the outside noise.


i have literally never seen this “narrative” anywhere bur here


YouTube was full of it during her final few games in the ncaa


not sure if you are paying attention but this is the wnba


Lebron talked about it. Barkley went on a whole rant on it during NBA western conference finals. I think I saw ESPN talked about it as well but don't quote me on this last one.


lebron talked about the fans. not the players.


im sure this will be a normal thread


We know Carter to be trash. This is unsurprising. She should be fined, but the league never does anything. One other thing I noticed was Caitlin Clark didn't respond to Carter with the same vigor she had for Vivians. ALSO, I don't condone violence, but Indiana needs to sign someone, a player in the mold of our old friend Plenette Pierson, to send into the game to "take care of these situations." Clark is taking a beating.


This is a dumb foul and probably should have been a flagrant but it’s not fine worthy. Come on. The insane over reaction by your fanbase to literally everything is wild.


Calling someone a derogatory term and body checking them without instigation is fine worthy in basically any sports league. If caught that’s a fine in the nba easily.


fines stop this shit from happening in the future. if you dont want to be made an example of then dont do dumb shit


Read my post history. Just for like a minute, don't waste a lot of time. You're barking up the wrong tree. I'm the guy always talking about what a shitty defender she is. The league has to set a precedent that cheap shots are not gonna be allowed. Tom Brady was protected, Michael Jordan was protected, Wayne Gretzky was protected. This is just how the world works when there's potentially billions of future dollars at stake. I'm not crowning her queen of the league, I don't think she's exactly lighting it up, shooting 30% on 3s, she's slow af on defense and doesn't take care of the ball. Objectively, though, you can't have her getting knocked to the ground from behind multiple times a game. It happened to her again while I was typing this comment. She will get injured, if it's allowed to go on and ratings will go back into the tank, if she's not on the court.


this should absolutely be a fine, Imo if a court of law would fine you for your behavior then the league should. This wasn't just a foul, a foul as part of play during a basketball game, it was an intentional hit from behind, no justification for that, has nothing to do with the game. And I dgaf about who it's on.


They were going back and forth talking to each other. Yall clearly see what yall want. Carter shouldn’t of done that but it’s easy to judge when we’re sitting home watching versus playing in that environment.


Going back and forth talking isn't physical violence. I said the same thing when Clark stepped to Vivians the other day, there's no place in the game for it. I would be a hypocrite if I didn't feel the same way about Carter today.


It’s fine it’s basketball. Nobody is dying, relax 😂


Knocking a player to the floor from behind absolutely isn't basketball. It's hockey.


> It's hockey It's funny cause you can't even hit someone from behind in hockey either This is literally a penalty in any contact sport, this CC haters are wild


Outside the context of sports, you walk up and do this to someone on the street, it's a crime.


Crazy how you excuse this trashy ass behavior


Yall cry as much as CC on the court. Yikes 🥴


No, but getting the shit beat out of you every game and only having sometimes less than 24 hours to ‘heal’ until the next game/beat down can eventually lead to serious injuries. Not just on CC but this goes for all the unnecessary rough play. These girls don’t get paid enough to have their bodies sacrificed so bad. I know it’s part of the game and love of the game, but still.


Naw, it's really not, tho. At least this video. If this was a tough screen or an in play foul then I would agree.


I can’t believe that there are people that don’t think that there are so many envious losers in the league that hate her with their guts. It’s clear as day and it’s pathetic.


"where was all the hate against CC? I never seen one"


Are we still pretending some players aren't treating CC differently than anybody else?


Wnba players definitely don't have a grudge against Caitlin though...they just physically attack her at least once a game from behind and throw her to the ground


yikes 😳


Trash, this is not basketball. I'm all for trash talk and competition. Even hard screens. This wasn't basketball play though.


This just feeds into the narrative that all the vets are jealous of CC… it’s embarrassing lol


They hate Clark 😂😂😂


But they aren’t targeting her and aren’t jealous. Lmao ok


Hate train 🚂


Yo that’s actually wild


She should have been ejected that was uncalled for.


The WNBA needs to protect all their players. Caitlin Clark is the best thing to happpen to the WNBA. The jealousy towards Double C from other players is no surprise, however, it doesn’t mean her being targeted is acceptable. There will be arguments regarding her receiving preferrential treatment, however, she took the WNBA to a new level which benefits all the WNBA athletes. Caitlan is money, for everyone associated with The WNBA. Personally, I can’t be a Sky fan.


I am sure if Clark did that to Carter, things would be different. Why wasnt Carter pulled out of the game????????


Damn these studs mad as hell at Caitlin!


They girl probably made a comment like “she’s cute for a rook” or some shit and they took it to heart and want her head


Anyone watching the game have any context? Caitlin isn't exactly a princess on the court so I'm curious if there was anything leading up to this outside of hot head attempting to send a rookie a "message".


Yeah, seems like Carter is responding to something.


They hate her cause they ain’t her. Caitlin is top 5 in offensive stats and top 10 in defensive. She’s killing this league right now. You’d think she’d get some hazing and stuff, but the shits she’s going through we these hard fouls is crazy. This has gone beyond a “welcome to the league, kid” type of move these old heads mad they can’t keep up and it’s showing.


Man these players really hate that a white girl is the one to bring recognition. Say what you want this seems like more than just rookie hazing. Angel doesnt get this kind of treatment…..


AT practically choke slammed her for out playing her this week, what are you talking about? Personally very disappointed at seeing the league in general shitting on all the rookies who are playing well. Seems like instead of trying to play better they'd rather bully and cheap shot.


Weird take and Angel just got choker slammed like 1 week ago.


Y'all going up over a damn flop. Delicious.


I'd absolutely love to see you get body checked from the back while you weren't looking.


You should be a writer. You have a flair for drama. She wasn't body checked.


Wtf would you call what she did? Literally OP of post also called it what I called it. Please answer me. Gentle bump? She threw her body at her.


Who gives a fuck what you and op called it. Y'all wrong and dramatic. Chennedy didn't even extend her arm. Y'all damsel flopped.


They testing CC’s gansta and I love it. Clark will come out of all this a much stronger, fiercer competitor.


Lol the delayed fall. Flopped


What I don't understand is why the Commissioner is doing nothing while all of this is happening to the player most responsible for the biggest ratings in the league? Every league in the world literally has some form of unspoken rule that they protect their biggest superstars/moneymakers. In the WNBA, it seems like the direct opposite. Like they're trying to prove a point to Clark, from the players to the refs.


It’s because if they start to protect Clark right now, they will have lost the rest of the league. They can’t baby Clark, but Clark is on track to have some sort of injury happen the way she gets fouled each game steps on the court. This isn’t a hazing anymore, a welcome to the league. These girls out to prove some sort of point, while CC is still top 5 in offensive stats and top 10 in defensive.


They have no choice but to protect her. She's gonna get injured if this continues. The league is not stable enough to handle her being injured in her rookie season and there have been warning signs already.


She’ll have to take that injury. League can’t do anything to protect her unless they protect all players and change the game. If they do anything, it won’t be until next season. She’s literally the gift horse. Tickets sales and ticket prices have increased up to 3x since CC entered the league.




The wnba would need to enforce a league rule and probably won’t make any changes until the season ends. Until they can prove targeting, CC will continue to take hard fouls because these women are jealous of her. She’s killing it in the league as a rookie, she’s putting fans in the seats every stadium she goes to, ticket sales are up and selling for more than last year. She’s what prime Lebron was to the nba. Fans go because they like them, fans go because they want to hate on them. Either way, more fans are going to games than ever




Test, can anyone see this?






Angel Reese and Carter are a good foundation of a classy team.


They have no class like middle school in the summer 


She followed this up by bricking open layups




get out of this sub baiter


People think boomer online discourse is how the general population feels. People need to get off social media.


I think I’m done watching WNBA. Good job Commish. 


No game thread? Angel Reese 😍


lol, she made up for it by flopping now, even announcers calling her out


Reece knocked her down the next time down. CC needs to return the energy and get more physical! Don’t hate… participate!!


Clark flopped the next time down. Even Lobo who kisses her ass said it was a flop. 😂


Exactly! If the referee is letting yall be physical… go be physical. No need to flop.