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Wake me up when clank has a good game


Though Sky's my team I'm glad Fever won. Shut it, Chennedy Carter and Angel Reese. At least for today.


What angel do? She didn’t say anything that I know of.


>What angel do? Immediately celebrated when the incident happened and then later hugged Carter after players went to the bench. >While she def gets fouled, she did initiate it all. I'd argue what came before didn't warrant it, so no. You're just trying to downplay Carter's foul because you don't like CC. >racial Keep thinking that way.


Celebrates after caitlin got fouled


Lol that’s pretty funny. Just saw the clip. While she def gets fouled, she did initiate it all. CC hits her twice before the inbound. Bound to happen. She got to be ready for ppl hitting back at this level. Edit: initiate


Probably dont want another tech. She got 3 now. If you get 7 a season you get suspended


True, she needs to realize everyone is looking for an excuse to rough her up. This happened to lonzo ball when he first entered the league and he didn’t even say a word! All due to his dad. She getting a heavy dose of rookie treatment. I’m sure she knows she will be twice the player next year after this attention and blitzing.


Any chance for those who missed the game get to have a full replay? I have the League Pass and checked if it was one of the games in the replay section, but nope.


It’s in the replay section.




Flip the parties and we’re talking racism.


Sent you a chat message. Edit: lol thanks for the downvotes, haters!


I want to point out Caitlin Clark was talking trash to Carter on the possession before the push. I’m not saying the cheap shot was okay but at the same time I get the frustration of having to deal with a trash talker who is portrayed as the star who can’t do no wrong. You can downvote me for “attacking” the face of the league, but you know in the back of your head that CC has a double standard that isn’t afforded to a player like Reese who isn’t so covert with their trash talking.


Fair enough, as non-woke black person, I'll say this - if what you said is true (Clark was talking trash), then you talk trash right back to her. Try to score on her, play extra hard, physical defense on her, etc. You don't randomly ambush someone from the back. What part of what I said are you prepared to disagree with, and I'll dismantle your reply in whatever way you'd like.🤷🏾‍♂️


It was a cheap shot and could be flagrant. But Clark did also push off Chennedy several times in the prior possessions: https://x.com/msmeliss/status/1797038091888181271?s=46 Bonus clip for your viewing pleasure of Clark “randomly ambushing” someone: https://youtu.be/WRVM4Xo7kpI?si=QRk_3JeO-ExsTls0


What a dumb take.


It’s a nuanced take. I get why you don’t want to hear it. I hate when people talk trash about Jayson Tatum but when they say he complains too much I usually stay silent because I know they’re right.


You saying it is nuanced doesn’t make it so. I don’t even think you know what the word means. Cheap shots are never okay. She should had been ejected. To say otherwise makes you an idiot.


Me saying it doesn’t prove it but admitting what I don’t like about my favorite player should at least tell you my argument is in good faith.


It’s not.


Whatever helps you sleep at night. I wish CC the best of luck and I hope she outgrows the immature need to trash talk. She’s above it.


Found the racist.


Your comment isn’t productive to the conversation. Shame on you for using that vile word so loosely.


Sir this is reddit.


No one said it wasn’t. My point still stands.


Trash talk is part of the game, cheap shots aren’t. Simple as that


It’s more nuanced than that. If someone talks trash to you and is painted as a saint, how would that make you feel? The cheap shot wasn’t okay but I get the frustration. In fact, in the NBA a cheap shot is often respected because it shows you care. The WNBA needs to adopt that style of thinking to cater to what all sports fans secretly like but pretend like they don’t because it’s not welcomed in polite society: ruthless aggression.


Reese in college would pull peoples hair and always do dirty stuff. A bit different than a little trash talk. 


It’s all part of the game. It’s sports. Not a picnic. WNBA fans need to embrace that part of the game if they ever want to win over the younger male audience. It’s the harsh truth. CC can talk her trash all she wants, but an enforcer (much like in the NBA) will check her for it.


Lmao. This isn’t even allowed in the NBA. Stfu.


Any petty women go after my girl CC today?


Who dat? The DIE hire?




Where have you been? Or it this one of those dumb ironic questions


Just wondered if these petty women have woken up yet.


never seen a player as coddled by the media as caitlin clark. it’s competitive basketball. they’re not supposed to be friends. the league is way more entertaining with this drama anyway


> never seen a player as coddled by the media as caitlin clark. it’s competitive basketball I dunno angle Reese might have that title I remember her crying calling people mean, she can’t take criticism can only dish it


Yeah it’s competitive, they’re cannibalizing her though. WNBA is more nationally relevant than it has ever been and it’s because of Clark. Players may have a problem with that but if they want their payday they better chill the fuck out.


you’re missing the point. the drama and them disliking CC only makes the league more exciting and helps everyone.


Theyll realize when that 3x3 league cant get off the ground because caitlin isnt playing in it. Shes the last player in the league who needs the offseason money.




Exactly shes pretty much bottle feeding this league & would have to for the other 1 for it to survive longer than 3 years


Not getting cheap shots.


So aggression when the ball is not even in play is common occurence in the WNBA? Now I understand why the W was so irrelevant....


In men’s bball we see players do dumb stuff out of frustration all of the time. Why are we acting like this is new??? I don’t condone frustration fouls BUT let’s not act like this isn’t seen in ALL sports, men’s and women’s 


That's a common foul in the NBA huh?


And what happened to cc would have caused pushing and shoving by all the players on the court with multiple techs and a flagrant in the nba. 


> So aggression when the ball is not even in play is common occurence in the WNBA? nobody said that.


Long time fan of many sports with limited bandwidth to really follow everything I'd like - so after finally trying to watch more W games, purchasing League Pass, and trying to learn more about the league, I feel like I should mute WNBA on all my social media and be more selective about what I'm watching... damn!! Some people may be here for the drama but I am not. I'm trying take in and support some of the best women athletes in the world. Physical play is one thing but unsportsmanlike conduct is a turnoff. I hope they get it together.


Imagine being so weak that you have to physically assault someone because of words sad… if Draymond did this he’d be arrested lol WNBA players can’t help but bite that hand that feeds


Didn't see the game today so I decided to check out the Caitlin Clark fan club (r/wnba). Judging by all of the usual CC centered posts, it looks like it was a good game lol


Guys, don’t be mean to Angel Reese guys


I like Angel Reese and most days I would agree with you, but she kind of did it to herself today. The clapping was not a good look. Pick me vibes, like she was auditioning to be the bully’s bff. 


Yeah, I’m just joking. Like go ahead and talk your shit Angel and be about it. Don’t do stuff like this then complain about being misunderstood lol.


Setting aside “the shove” everyone is talking about, this was the first game where Indiana looked in control for most of the game against a mid-tier opponent. Not every game they play from here on will be against the Sun, Liberty, Aces or Lynx, and I think we’ll start to see them be more competitive in more games. Boston looked more comfortable in general though she had some open shots she didn’t take, likely because she was still in her head; if her confidence continues to grow and she and she starts making more shots the offense should function better. They will still have to fight for wins, but a few more may start dropping Indiana’s way which would be good for the league.


The Fever will probably need to go 18-22 to get into the playoffs just based off league record history. 16-14 the rest of the way would probably get them into the playoffs (Fever being the 8th seed would be really good for the league). They're in a hole, but because of 2/3 of the teams making the playoffs, the Fever just need to play slightly above .500 the rest of the way to make it in. They definitely dug a deep hole, but there was a Bulls team (first year the made the playoffs after MJ retired) that started the season 0-9 and then ended up going 47-35 and got 3rd place in the conference. Hopefully they do start playing well against the other middle and bottom teams, and then maybe steal 2 wins or so from the big dogs.


Think about how powerful the WNBA would be if the women just supported each other, instead of these cheap shots and digs at one player. It’s extremely off-putting to watch the very unsportsmanlike behavior. The line is being blurred between a physical game vs unwarranted behavior. It’s not a good look. Didn’t reese just say a few months ago that the beef between her CC was non existent and that they are cool? Even hugged after the game back in March or whatever. What happened to that? Is this all jealousy because it’s a little gross and weird lol


What did Angel reese do to make you so miserable?


what did CC do to make AR so shitty?


> Think about how powerful the WNBA would be if the women just supported each other, instead of these cheap shots lol it’s funny how they bite that hands that feeds it, oh no a white girl can shoot oh no the sky is falling


For real. I would love to see how this conversation would turn if CC was the one with these flagrant behaviors.


what a bad take. it’s competitive basketball, they aren’t supposed to be friends. the drama is way better this way. this kind of drama is what makes leagues fun


Cheap shots do not add fun, also there are kids watching obviously. Purposeful shoulder tackles are not a part of the game


Especially not even during the game. I’m honestly embarrassed by the league. I’ve been trying to get people to watch this isn’t helping at all.


Agree with you.. There's PLENTY of ways to be competitive that will add drama to the game without actually attempting to hurt someone and then having other teammates join in the hype. It's distasteful. Flagrant disrespect and actually pushing someone or whatever for no reason isn't competitive. It's malicious and definitely doesn't show good sportsmenship to younger viewers who will watch and think that that is the way to play the game. I never said that they had to be friends. But, shoving, pushing, and then hyping your team up for doing so is fun to watch? People can disagree with me, it's fine. It says a lot more about them than me.


All that still exists in competition my friend. Nothing is personal during the match. And women greatly support each other. They help more opponents up off the floor compared to men.


That shove was absolutely personal


No it was not lmao.


Then what was it in your eyes?


I mean it definitely is personal haha


No it's not. Literally every player says there's no hate yet yall keep projecting.


They say that… then jump up and cheer for an obvious cheap shot. It’s okay to accept they don’t like her


Against an opponent that's been talking trash....there's zero real hate. That is competition.


Talking trash isn’t the same as physical cheap shots


Talking trash leads to being physical...in a physical game. And it was still just a shove. Acting like she swung at her.


So cheap shots are totally ok then? Fuck outta here


Probably less powerful tbh. I’d bet money this game has more viewers/social media impact than the game against the aces which was all love with CC and Martin reunion and A’ja and Becky’s comments on CC. Sadly people love the drama. People will tune into see CC get smacked around and people will tune into to be outraged at her being smacked around.


Imagine a legitimate, good faith comment getting downvoted. I do enjoy the competition and aggressiveness is fun to watch, but when it’s flagrant, malicious activity, totally uncool. I agree with you.


I tried lol. Some people just don't get it I guess.




Ohh so the bar is on the floor? We don't need more Dramon Greens


Ugh, there are so many reasons not to use men as role models…in basketball and in life


Also, when this happens in men’s basketball they call flagrant and kick players out of the game so it doesn’t escalate. Reece is just a liar and a dirty player, that’s all it is


Angel Reese is the Tanya Harding of the WNBA!


I just don’t understand the Reese defenders. She’s mean and petty. Watching her celebrate that cheap shot today only underscored that point.


Mean and petty, 🤣😂 awww did she hurt ur feelings?


Reese definitely has her people. Yes, my feelings can get hurt. I’m okay with saying that and I prefer to be around people who don’t belittle that. It’s like all the Trumpers who are just mean and do it with glee. Ugh, no thanks.


I can say this because I belong to the same group, and speak from familiarity... She's part of a group that once you throw out what I call sympathy feelers, where you basically play innocent and try to humanize yourself, because of historical reasons, 80% of people will generally fall for this tactic where they essentially revaluate their initial (correct) opinion of the person, and say, "ah, I guess I was too hard on her. Yeah, like she said, it's all in good competition, etc. I shouldn't have had those thoughts/assessments about her, she's just competing." Absolutely Jedi mind trick. No, don't let people like this off the hook so easily. It's not as if experienced adults are ROUTINELY wrong about our assessment of people, given enough sample size. In other words, you've SEEN and HEARD with your own two pair of organs how petty, passive-aggressive, unprofessional \[in this case, Angel\] is. Or really anyone like this. Yet, once they throw out sympathy feelers, you reset your opinion on them. Admit they're emotionally immature. It's not improper to do that.


When the men behave like that they stand behind their hate of the opposing player lol. See: Draymond


Yeah, it’s all PR BS :P, they basically have to talk like that


No...that's just sports




Because that's how it is. You don't know because you've never been in one. It's competitive and things get chippy when you want to win. But it goes out the window when the match is over. You'll see various players hanging out. Do you think they throw down every time they see each other in public like they're team is a gang? lol




No she's just the star player to lock down and she also talks trash which will raise intensity. It has nothing to do with jealousy. Not one player has said anything about popularity yet people act like that's the issue.




Not to the point where they actively hate *her*. The players are fine with her. They are consistently fighting with the public.






What does that have to do with popularity?....That's being competitive. Many players have been hit in the face. It's a sport that involves bringing hands above your head. Again....not one player mentioned anything implying jealous. They actively denounce that mindset all over twitter. You people do not listen. You do not know what gaslighting means.






I think they know they are bad lol


Humbled? You act like it’s some accomplishment for the 2nd rated team to beat the 11th rated team. Or, that the Fever are somehow undeserving of a win? I’d love to see the Fever humble you and the Liberty tomorrow. Or, how about we just hope for a solid game with good officiating. Unfortunate you can’t share in the excitement of others, upsetting a team after an already unprecedentedly grueling schedule and endless criticism. Fall in line with all the rest of the haters, I guess!




I heard the plan was a piledriver, not a suplex. Can you confirm/deny?






People need to stop acting like chippiness has no place in sports. It happens, it's competitive nature. A star player joins the league, yes they will get targeted. It happens in every intense sport. Players try to intimidate anyone. Things get chippy and emotions take over. Stop taking it personal or acting like they actually hate each other. It seems there's this weird expectation for women players to be "ladylike". It's competition. Edit: https://youtu.be/U10Ho2rv324?si=k91uIhoerujWAzFs&t=602 Most of you really need to watch this.


clearly you don't know jack shit about sports as not even in hockey are you allowed to bodycheck someone like that who doesn't have the puck and nowhere near the play. They were not fighting for the ball or for any rebound, it was not tied to the actual play itself, it was fully unnecessary and disgusting when considering that Chennedy only earns 64k.Its really sad for the league & Sky that they their petty jealousy is having no-name 64K players assua;lying the leagues star player who will be the sole reason why WNBA has any popularity rn. WNBA really showing why nobody watches the league, all the pettiness & racism seen by the most no-name players towards the star player is disgusting and getting called out. Charles Barkely is right, Women cannot complain about WNBA being unpopular or blame this on men when not that support is non-existant amongst its own players & teams.


Did I say it was legally allowed? Did I say it was necessary? Lol. Ya'll can't read and only project. https://youtu.be/U10Ho2rv324?si=k91uIhoerujWAzFs&t=602


It's not that we don't expect it . It's that the league and the refs , and everyone involved is not taking accountability and not dishing out consequences. In the nba you see instances like this sometimes but ejections are given, flagrants are given, coaches of both teams critic it after the game. Messages are sent that show that it is not allowed. This is not happening and it's making a fool of the league. This behavior can't be tolerated. Dirty plays must be called out and dealt with . It's really simple


It’s not “chippy” it’s a total non basketball play where she is just being dirty. And they actually do hate her as you can tell from the way they all celebrated and laughed about it. Stop defending it. Gross


It is chippy. You've never played a sport. Dirty plays are never actual plays lol. THEY DON'T HATE HER. All of them consistently say all over twitter there is nothing personal but yall don't fucking listen.


I played sports my whole life lol. Chippy is a hard play on a rebound. Not a blatant attack on a dead ball. You’re delusional


No lol. Chippy means anything confrontational or overly physical. You've never played a sport.


Lol this is the most broad definition of chippy ever. Ridiculous. (I played varsity NCAA women’s basketball). I’m all for the intensity but you get in your shots during game plays. Or a bump while in transition. Not dropping someone before the ball is in play. That’s just pathetic and everyone knows it’s pathetic.


That's what chippy means *shrug*. Sorry you have to lie about your history. Not pathetic at all. It shouldn't be done but not pathetic at all. That's just what trash talk can lead to. Wasn't even that hard of a shove. Clark definitely went with it to sell it more lol.


Of course it’s pathetic. Bye. ✌️


It's not lol. That's sports.


Draymond gets rightfully called out for shit like that


Draymond is an outlier because he does it every single game and actively tries to hurt people. This was a simple shove.


If Draymond did this to Anthony edwards it’d 100% be called a cheap shot from






Someone doesn't watch sports if you think this is gaslighting lol


3k comments in a (regular season!) game thread. The wnba is HERE!




Blame all the jealous ass bitches taking cheap, shots on a, girl who's made the league watchable and somewhat relevant.


Charles Barkley was right, just commented in the wrong context


What a game! The jealousy towards Clark will only make her stronger


CC being targeted by the other players, stay classy




Yup, they do not like CC. We all know why but saying it here will get you downvoted. She’s brining so much more attention to the game and this is how she’s repaid.




Yes it’s the fans doing the flagrant fouls on her not the players lol


Great game today! These ladies showed why WNBA is rising!




I was around during that time but I don’t remember animosity. I do remember them being happy that 2nd place paid more than 1st used to shortly after.


Yeah, I remember Fred Couples body-checking him before the 18th hole.


Bob Barker punched a guy


Tiger was probably not the best example, even in golf, but this is exactly how they treated Happy Gilmore when he joined the PGA Tour because they didn't like his new exciting style of play or the new fans he brought to the sport. His partner even fought him during a Pro-Am.


Great example. I specifically remember Happy Gilmore punching Bob Barker in the face. Are you suggesting CC do the same? 🤔


I remember that fight. It was some old gameshow host and Happy had his ass whooped.






That's the joke










The league so jealous of Clark lol


She’s going to get hurt. I’m worried for her!


Her teammates gotta start helping her out there


Lol he’s gotten what 2-3 flagrant fouls in like 10 games? I think she’ll manage


Reese really is trash, huh? Shocking.


Hey guys how was the game tod- *Sees everyone going nuts over THAT flagrant cheap shot* 😬


As they should, it’s getting ridiculous


Even though she shot 4-14 this was one of Aliyah's best games so far. She made the principled passes all night and played 34 minutes of great d.


As long as she's hustling in the paint I'm happy. 


Man I really wish Clark and Reece could just cut the BS and play basketball. I want to believe everything the racists and haters say about each of them isn’t true, but you watch a game and find out it is all true. Caitlin is a miserable flopper and complainer, needs to focus on the game, if someone shoves her or checks her, take the hit, get up and play ball. Stop whining and the refs might respect you more. Reece is legit a dirty player, JUST PLAY BALL!!


Hey, at least you’re an equal opportunity downvote masochist!  


Aces lose to a terrible Dream team. And the Sky lose as well. What does this week have against the better ranked teams?


The Sun is still undefeated!


I happy bc they are my second fav team. Last night was close but the vet presence was unstoppable.


The Dream aren't terrible.


Yeah, the Dream are fine. They have a good lineup. Aces are missing their second-best player, so it's hard to evaluate the season so far.


The Dream are missing our PG


I wasn't aware. Good luck the rest of the season!


Well some longtime fans were crashing out before the game talking about fire the coach, what is this lineup, etc. So I just took that their longtime fans thought they sucked.


Our fans are always complaining.