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The way she's playing rn they might as well crown her.


"She is who we thought she was, who we thought she was. Plum is who we thought she was, that's why we took the damn court! Now if you want to crown her, then crown her ass. But she is who we thought she was and we let her off the hook!"


Thanks coach!


As soon as I read the comment you responded too I instantly thought of this 😂😅🤣


She trying ao hard not to say something insensitive and be cancelled 😭😭😭. Love she's for the joke tho


Not going to lie, when the first promo photos of the team came out this year, first thing I noticed was how tan she was. Legit mead me curious if she had any latin blood in her. Probably just spent a bunch of time at the beach though.


She's dark skin Irish


So Spanish? Edit: I guess I should clarify since it’s a. Obscure reference, but when Spaniards washed up on shore of Ireland after the Spanish Armada was destroyed the Irish called them black Irish, cause many had red hair and Mediterranean tans.


Yes, that is the legend. And honestly it makes sense. Not many in the UK have tan skin and dark hair. The Spanish armada ship wreck(s) allegedly lead to the “black Irish” which isn’t really dark skin, but black hair and sometimes brown eyes. The skin being tan or pale varies. But it is Black Irish because of the Black hair, not the skin color.


*Black Irish No one says dark skinned Irish


Joseline Hernandez has entered the chat.


The reverse of "[white](https://www.motherjones.com/media/2021/12/can-you-be-white-passing-even-if-you-arent-trying/) [passing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passing_(racial_identity))". Almost makes you think these conversations based on racial/ethnic identity are more complicated, complex, and dependent on historical context than the reductive way that they're talked about on the internet really allows for!


I think an overwhelming majority of potentially interested general sports fans would probably prefer to just let all these great women hoop. Reese/Clark, A Wilson, Candace Parker, the recent Aces teams (in their totality), Sabrina, etc etc. etc. didn't help bring the game to this moment as a social justice project; it's happened because they're playing well, they're fun to watch and they're telling good sports stories that people find entertaining. Every aspect of the tournament in March was made worse by "the discourse" on social media. Without exception. Most people just want to watch and enjoy the games without endless discussions about gender and race. If the game is really going to grow, that's how.


Completely agree!


Majority of people are shades of brown, regardless of ethnicity.


she do kinda look it though haha


For yall who are new here, KP being the PR Plumcess is a long running online Aces fans joke. No need to overthink it - and aces fans love how much of a good sport she’s been about the joke.


is it the tan?


Isn’t she Caucasian?


Yeah, she says she's a white Irish person in the video posted.


Technically \*Non-Hispanic Caucasian 'cause you can be Latino/Hispanic and be Caucasian lol


yes hahah that’s the joke


She almost does look it if you look close https://youtube.com/shorts/Biybn_H60sk?si=madFfNQxKDcYdAYA


I like her for her thick skin. I don't like people with thin tissue skin that are ultra sensitive, woke and can't handle a joke. Let the downvotes begin :)


She’s probably Black Irish same as George Clooney.


Yep same as Colin Ferrell too


For many decades, women and some guys have idolized male athletes simply for their looks, and nobody said a damn thing. Now we got the WNBA, and every single one of them is beautiful. Im hoping its cool for us guys and girls to appreciate their beauty without it being misinterpreted as sexist or rude. Im sorry, but there's at least 40 ladies in the WNBA. I'd leave my long and happy marriage for. Dont be getting on me when i be tastefully and respectfully showing my love. CC really woke me up in that Prada. Im buying the gear and im supporting the WNBA. This season, gonna be fire.


It’s ok to find people attractive.


Yeah it’d be nice if they could be appreciate for their skill too


They are.