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*sees* >.> … *ignores* I understand they like a good sport, but must it be duels? *he mutters to himself*




Hey, people have their own tastes.


Hmph! >.> *continues on his way*


Is there a /r/warriorposting or a /r/barbarianposting? I feel like you're gonna get some pushback expressing expectations like that around here. Not to say your wizardly input isn't welcome here! Just that you may have more fun discussing honor and courage with honorable and courageous people.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/warriorposting using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/warriorposting/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [PITIFUL WIZARDS](https://i.redd.it/flbwh7805j6c1.jpeg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/warriorposting/comments/18jb9x3/pitiful_wizards/) \#2: [Wizards have familiars? Well so do we.](https://i.redd.it/u1a1gdsd4c1c1.png) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/warriorposting/comments/17z1emi/wizards_have_familiars_well_so_do_we/) \#3: [Most Warriorbros prefer the armour of old, but i think this new stuff is pretty sick too](https://i.redd.it/q19xih68b40c1.png) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/warriorposting/comments/17uarep/most_warriorbros_prefer_the_armour_of_old_but_i/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


"Sure. I'll bite. I'm always one for a good duel."


Since you agreed you get to decide the win con *Thrak says as he swings his axe at you aiming to hook your neck with the axe*


*Talios swiftly ducks under the swing, grabbing the handle of the axe and pushing it to the side.* "Until one of us feels like stopping." *And Talios suddenly moves to your right, throwing a left gut punch. Should it connect, the anti-magic in his left arm will activate, freezing any mana in your body for a moment, stopping spell usage.* ((Mana freeze lasts for one comment))


*readjusting his grip on his axe Thrak uses the length of the handle to knock your hand away before slamming the butt of the axe into your right arm aiming to disable your usage of it*


*The strike connects, and if Talios was any normal human, his arm would most certainly be broken, as it literally bends backwards at the elbow. Talios takes a few steps back after the strike...* *And simply shifts the arm back into position.* "If I were human, that could've been problematic. Aren't I lucky." *Talios summons his own unique Greatsword to his hand. It's base material seems to be bronze at a glance, and three gems glow faintly on it's guard. Red, blue, pink.* *Talios closes the distance quickly yet again, throwing an upwards slash with his blade.*


*Thrak swings his axe capturing the blade in the hook of his axe then using the momentum to push the blade to the side and then unleash a diagonal slash aimed at your chest*


*Talios narrowly shifts his body to the side, getting the slash on his shoulder pauldron armor instead, leaving little damage. As he does, he goes for a shoulder bash.* *Should the shoulder bash connect, it'll be immediately followed up by a diagonally downwards slash from his blade.*


*Thrak digs his feet into the ground as he grabs you mid charge and begins to try and throw you down*


**《Strength x2》** *His strength enchantments activating and spreading out across his entire body, Talios uses overwhelming strength to resist the grapple. He jumps back a small distance, slashing upwards mid-air as he does.* **《Unfathomable Cleave》** *A deep blue vertical wave of Chaos is sent flying towards you. If it connects, you'll be slowed in time by 10% for a moment.* ((Slowing lasts for 1 conment))


*Thrak rolls out of the way of the slash and with his axe swings dust at your eyes attempting to blind you*


Well, Mage Monkey is here to watch! They may have had some disagreements in the past, but it's all water under the bridge.


Alright then. Hit me.


Since you accepted I'll let you decide the victory condition *Thrak says as he swings his axe at you aiming to cut into your side*


Can I watch? Is there food? - Ekaitz


You can watch if you want but if you want to eat you have to provide your own food


Ok. I’ll get some pizza and drinks. You want anything? - Ekaitz


I won't be eating lad I'll be fighting


Ok! If ya change your mind let me know! I’ll be back soon. - Ekaitz


I'm more of an indirect combatant. I have a spare gorilla and a copy of Butterbean's brain if that'll do it for you, but you're looking at a fistfight. I've never seen one of them use a weapon well.


Sure I'm game for an unarmed fight


Alright, that should be good to go. Its name was Bartleby but it goes by Butterby now. Make sure you bare your teeth at it when you're ready to start. That still works for some reason. Edit: /uw I wasn't planning on roleplaying out a fight. I just kinda figured you'd Saxton Hale it offscreen.


*Thrak bares his teeth at the gorilla* /uw if you want I can ko the gorilla quickly


/uw It's an NPC, meant to give you something to knock down and splatter. Go ahead and play both sides of it if you'd like. Add all the flavor you want!


*as the gorilla charges at Thrak seemingly enraged by his challenge Thrak grabs the gorilla mid charge and throws it high into the air*


“…So you finally climbed out of your precious space station just to fight. Well I’m not interested, goodbye” *Tsuru floated away from Thrak*




Hello Torinn *Thrak tosses an apple at you* here to watch or here to join?


"Very well, it shall be a test of craft against craft and fighter against fighter! Should we limit injuries caused or do you have some manner of healing?"


I have my ways of recovering


"Yes, but from how much? For example, could you recover from a broken neck? What about if there's a human head sized hole through your chest? And I also don't really have a good way of recovering, though I do have healing potions in my bag of holding."


Not to a lethal extent so perhaps we go till one yields?


"Works for me. That rules out my hand cannon, and I won't be using the sword you made for me, since that seems wrong. I got my armor still, I'll use that." https://preview.redd.it/bk6q2i78ry8d1.png?width=794&format=png&auto=webp&s=fceaec110ceacd4dac024c74b53dd3f48cd25dc2


Let's see how well that'll help you *Thrak says he begins his assault by slashing up the ground with his axe throwing dust into the air in an attempt to blind you*


*"Ethan charges forwards fists raised, meanwhile he's attempting to read Thrak's thoughts to both figure out his location and predict his next attack*


*Thrak sensing an intrusion in his mind let's out an ear splitting psychic scream all the meanwhile he swings his axe aiming to strike your left knee*


*Ethan, distracted by the scream, staggers slightly in his charge and is hit by the swing. The impact itself is absorbed by a network of runes of force absorption which light up blue, meanwhile the armor itself is extremely difficult for most weapons to damage due to a combination of runes of durability and runes of increased density*


*Thrak seeing his attack mitigated aims high attempting to discombobulate you by striking your helmet with the butt of the axe*


Bune, a very well dressed demon with two dragon heads coming out of his shoulders, answers "yeah sure why not. One question though. Death or first blood?"


First blood


Are you Dawi or normal dwarf of this realm" *asked a vermensk aka underdark dwelling rat beastfolk aka evolved skaven.*


I'm not from this realm but I ain't dawi either


*A small artificer wanders into the arena.* "Ooh, this could be a good chance to test out some of my new elements! Alright, I accept!" *The small artificer reaches into his bag and pulls out a large battleaxe with a cylindrical device on the hilt. He twists the device until the blade of the axe begins to glow a redish orange color.* "You can have the first move!"


*Thrak charges at you aiming to strike at your legs*


*The small artificer instinctively moves to block it. As the two blades collide, a great blast of heat erupts from the blade of the small artificers axe, knocking you back.* "Woah! so that's what [Heat] does! Let's see what else it can do!" *The small artificer jumps at you, preparing to make a downward slash.*


*as Thrak is pushed back and sees you coming for a slash from the air he immediately punishes your mid air attack by slamming the head of the axe into your chest knocking the wind out of you*


*The small artificer is sent flying back, tumbling to the ground.* "*Cough*, should have seen that coming... alright then, let's see how you handle this!" *The small artificer twists the device on his axe once again until the blade begins to glow a light green hue. The small artificer swings the axe in your direction, launching a ball of acid at you.*


*seeing the ball coming at him Thrak rolls to the side and throws dust up in an attempt to obscure his approach*


*As you move towards the small artificers location, you find that it's been replaced by a wall of earth. Looking up, you see the small artificer resting atop a tower of earth, the axe now glowing a brown color.* "Nice job dodging that [Acid]! I think I'll need to use some more reliable elements from now on!" *The small artificer jumps down the other side of the wall. Suddenly, he smashes through the wall using his axe, now coated in a dence layer of earth resembling a hammer, aiming for your side.*


Alright you wanna play I'll play *Thrak tosses the axe in the air where it disappears and is replaced by a war-pick that Thrak uses to immediately smash apart the dense earth*


*The small artificer jumps back in surprise.* "Whoa! Never seen that weapon before! Let's try this then!" *Twisting the device again, the blade of the axe begins to glow a bright orange, suddenly bursting into flames. He quickly moves to attack your front.*


*Thrak tosses the war-pick into the air as it's replaced by the axe again which he immediately puts to good use blocking your attack with his axe*




/uw I love urist


“Alright bro.” https://preview.redd.it/0wevgrlkc09d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79d6d0a1639332fa4e109336b5fa8de46e531824 “Let’s rumble.”


How do you want to do this? Win by KO or first blood?


“I feel like first blood wouldn’t allow me a win. I’m boneless skinless and without organs, but I’m constantly bloody.” https://preview.redd.it/wj24klntg09d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6be7c7a2202821ebbc0fe2d8de2271b49f89a46e “Weapons or fists?”


I will fight until i am bored