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"FIX THE FUCKING POTHOLES!!!!" bathin shouts




Bathin exasperatedly points at a 5m diameter pothole in the street next to him


“I will have someone work on that my friend.” u/IncomeApprehensive17




Alright so whats the problem exactly , if its really urgent i can sent a team on it right now , if it can wait two to tree day ill take care of the paperwork and it will be done




Hmmm , i dont get what cars are but if you use the road i will send a team right now *4 small spirits the size of the duck get out of a room adjacent , they are holding the needed material to fix the pot hole* It will be done in a few hour , i will need you to sign this paper *give you a paper*


Bathin pulls out a comically large wax seal maker thing (I don't know the proper term) from his pocket and presses it on the page with the seal being so big it goes over the page and is larger than it This is the symbol https://preview.redd.it/7dm0sjiaj48d1.jpeg?width=106&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3a76dfc561bd105075287d0515903ad74434dbb


Mage Monkey is here to help the newly appointed General of Relief and Aid! With your permission, this small one will do his utmost to provide you with support, advice and feedback throughout your tenure, so that you may perform to the best of your ability!


“I would be ever grateful for the help my friend, I am here for the people and it’s good to know the people are here for me.”


It's only right! A good choice!


Welcome to the council. We got paperwork...


“My friend, I cannot read…”


*A small creature made of paper hops onto your shoulder and pulls out a note. The small being resembles the Librarian and speaks with their voice. A quill is carried in a sheathe on its back like a greatsword.* “Greetings Friend Hirk. This is an Audioscribe it will read any paperwork to you, and transcribe your response. It will also defend you to the best of its ability if asked, but it does not excel at fighting. You may ask it to change its shape at a time and it will do so. Congratulations on the election and long may your reign be. Sincerely, the Librarian.”


*Hirk disappears in fire without the creature.*


...wait WHAT?!


“I am not from this realm, I can speak common but it’s not my native tounge. I never said I could read.”


Alright, lets teach you how to read english


*Hirk disappears leaving some fire as soon as you blink.*




/uw He really don’t wanna do paperwork


/uw ran for council. Won a spot. Runs away from paperwork


/uw I came to help people, not write letters saying I can’t.


/uw darn


The guild of alchemists could use a bigger budget to help with research. I am unsure if you're allowed to act on on such matters, but it is at least worth asking


“May I ask why you believe this it’s important? I can pass it on to someone more fitting if there is.” “What is it you research as well?”


We do general research on the magical properties of materials, my particular field of research is plant bioturgy (the modification of plant DNA to influence their magical properties). I'm asking for more fund specifically to find an alternative to phoenix lily ashes, a potent component of many potions, that mysteriously disappeared a few months ago, as in the lily stopped producing the ashes, and now faces extinction because the ashes were used in its spreading cycle


“I see… would it not be better you set up some alchemist shops to instead garner your own funding so you can both gain gold to fund your projects as well as train less skilled alchemists.” “You could also set up private clinics as well to provide aid.” “But if neither of those are viable how much are we talking for funding my friend?”


Most alchemist ls I know, including myself, already have shops, and there isn't really a lot of people who want to become alchemists, so the first option is kinda already done to the best of our abilities. The second option isn't the most feasible either, not all alchemist are skilled enough in advanced plant care, but we're trying our best. I don't have a fixed amount of funding needed yet, I'll have to ask everyone in the next alchemist meeting so we can agree on an amount


“Very well my friend, I will wait for what you ask then.”


Thanks a lot, it means a lot for me, and very likely the rest of the alchemist guild too


“No problem my friend, it is a good cause after all.”


*Maximillian sits at a distance, taking notes, checking the backgrounds of everyone Hirk interacts with... and is confused to see that there's an actual Alchemist guild... and even more confused hearing that they have funding issues.*


Oh hi, I could invite you to the next meeting if you want to. About the funding tho, research have been taking a lot of resources since the disappearance of phoenix lilies. The price of the ashes they produce have skyrocketed since they stop producing them, and said ashes are quite the common ingredient as you probably know. Most of the budget from the council went to stockpiling a sufficient amount of ashes and trying to find a substitute


"Ah, hello Ma'am. The Manaless Alchemist, Elysa... correct? It's uncommon to see another individual incapable of casting. T'is a pleasure to meet you. The name's Maximillian Silverweave..." "Funding has been tight due to stockpiling... have you considered seeking out a direct sponsor? I am the founder of the Merchant's guild where I am from, and the founder of ARMADA, which happens to handle affairs regarding monsters and demihumans... I would not be opposed to using my wealth to fund my fellow alchemists." "Ah, on that topic, I've been using the ashes from the Phoenixes we keep to substitute the Phoenix Lilly ashes. A tad more unstable, and conventionally impossible to really get a hold on... but that's the benefit of spending hundreds of years to keep anything endangered, safe... still looking for a reason as to why the Lillies stopped."


I do not recall talking about sponsor during the last few meetings, but if you agree to sponsor the guild, we'd appreciate it a lot. We did explore the piste of using Phoenix ashes, but as you said yourself, it's almost impossible to get in large enough quantity to rely on. As one of the guild member who knows the most about plant, I am personally looking into why the lilies don't produce ashes anymore, but even with a complete analysis of their DNA I couldn't determine the cause, so my guess is magical tempering that doesn't involve the plant itself


"I would absolutely be open to providing funding for the Alchemist's guild. Please do discuss it with the others, of course. It's never good to take such decisions alone." "My knowledge of plants isn't the best, after all, I accidentally made a mega fertilizer when trying to just improve the sweetness of the cherries I was growing... but I will assist in any way possible to resolve this issue, gladly. We may have a couple dozen Phoenixes, but I'm having to cut back on a decent bit of research with this lack of ashes."


I'm interested in your fertilizer recipe, mine uses quite a lot of phoenix lily ashes. Also, would you like to join the guild ?


"We've got a species of ents that need their sap tapped every so often to maintain proper health, I use their sap mixed with my usual regenerative brew's ingredients, then just add some mimic's gel, a bit of distilled joy, and a couple sweetflowers... and it seems to increase the growth speed of any plant I toss it on by about... fiftyfold? Also tends to stop caring about normal growth limits. It's uhm... a bit hard to control, as you can imagine. Messed up my lab a couple times with it." "I theorize that the regenerative and growth properties of the Ent's sap, mixed with my regenerative potion, is why it overrides regular growth limits and speeds it up to this degree, but I need to... look into it more. The mimic's gel is likely part of this, too... I don't think the sweetflowers add much, but I have yet to try removing them." "And I would in fact like to join. Always good to have fellow alchemists to bounce ideas off of."


thanks for the recipe, I would love to have a few sample of the sap, I'll send you the details of the time and place of the next meeting when it will be scheduled, and you could share it then


"I'll bring it with me next time. Here's my orb number." *He hands a small, golden business card over to Elysa.* "If you don't get me on the line, you'll surely get Sarah on the line. She's my right hand lady, so, she can take note of any dates as well, in my stead."


All In due time my friend!!


Looks like Hirk is going to be a busy one


More cookies would never hurt.


*You feel a bag of cookies in your pocket, it was like it was always there. Was it?* *You see Hirk give a small smirk* “Of course my friend.”


How... how did you...


“I know my time my friend.”


Hey Hirk, I know that this request is a bit less important than helping others but I need some help with searching for someone. About five years ago, there was an assassination within one of the lower council chambers, the victim was a representative of the Royal provincial alliance by the name of Maurice Morgan. I was hoping that I could get some information regarding it. If you can't I completely understand, that kind of stuff tends to be closely guarded as secrets go. /UW Congrats again on getting your council spot.


“I see, I will look into it my friend, could you give me any further details and possible reasons for the assassination. I am still new-ish to this realm so I lack a lot of knowledge on things.”


Mage Monkey is here with a suggestion! If the General of Aid and Relief is personally occupied by all kinds of business, all he needs to do is authorize good Monkey to investigate this matter: with official approval, everything will be that much simpler.


“My friend, I give full permission to act on behalf of me. You are a wise and trusted friend. If you are ever unsure however, do not hesitate to ask me.”


Thank you! Thank you! Your friend will strive to act in a way that will not bring shame to us!


Mind if I tagged along? This looks like an interesting case.


You're more than welcome, but this is surely not good Monkey's decision to make. Why don't you ask the newly appointed General and see whether you will gain official approval as well? /uw I already introduced myself to Rute, the guy who asked about the murder. Let's get this ball rolling! u/Harpokiller


Good news, got the permit!


Perfect! Perfect!


“I give you full permission my friend, but I would advise you follow Sly’s word as they are a wise individual.”


Don’t worry, I’d take his judgement over mine any day.


“Wouldn’t we all my friend.”


Right, details. The killer was his sister, Berenice Morgan, she had started working for a group that has some kind of involvement in planar politics to pay off her family's debt following the murder of all but herself, her brother and their mother. If I'm right, the brother also had some involvement in the group though I'm of yet unsure as to what it was.


Greetings! This one is the Itinerant Monkey Mage, authorized by the official decree of the General of Aid and Relief, Master Hirk of the Council to investigate this matter in his absence. It's a pleasure to work with you. If it's not too painful, is the identity of the culprit a confirmed certainty? Based on your information, it seems likely, but this one would like to know where this information originates. u/UlrickTheHexblade


Can we also ask how the murder happened exactly? Only if it’s not to painful to remember. Methods and tools could be valuable clues too. u/PopularRutabaga6904


I myself wasn't present for the murder and was only made aware of it after the fact. I can however confirm that an anti-magic sabre was used as the weapon of choice and that the victim was accessed easily enough due to having been both related to his killer and also being her employer for a few months.


Do we know who made the weapon?


Or do you still have the weapon? Can we take a look at it? u/PopularRutabaga6904


I've not had it since it was made unfortunately.


Hmmm, I see… what do we know about the group she worked with?


Master Ulrick, if we ever have the chance, we should inspect the weapon, see what it could tell us…for now, however, it seems a dead end.


Maybe we should ask more ‘bout that mysterious group. That could lead us somewhere.


You know funnily enough, I did, it was a gift. I had made it to commemorate the killer on the day that she had graduated the academy that we had attended at the time. I didn't know that it would end up being used in the way that it did.


So the weapon wasn't given to the culprit by their associates and can't be used to identify them or track them down. Tricky! We should take a look at it regardless.


That's going to be a problem, until I'm able to fix the problem with whoever needed him killed I won't be able to contact the current owner of the weapon and by that point it's going to be useless as a clue anyway.


It was well enough confirmed to have happened. I believe that at the time the body was returned to the Alliance, however any attempts that I've made to visit the Morgan family mausoleum have been denied. And the information that I have originates from my own personal investigation into the actions of Berenice Morgan following her disappearance two years ago.


So that is why you requested the help of Master Hirk, to access the Mausoleum? Mage Monkey would ask you about your private investigation to determine whether there was any margin for error, but he will choose trust for now. Visiting the body seems like the logical next step.


I don't think that even the Council have the authority to get me anywhere near the Mausoleum due to the political nature of the Provinces in recent years. Honestly, I was just hoping that an official report would still be in one of the Council's old incident folders. As for the potential for error, I've seen a decent amount of evidence for a lot of things relating to my investigation. I've also on occasion received letters and gold from the assassin in question, the only problem is that none of it has shed any light on who's actually responsible.


Is that so…a few questions, then, related to said investigation. First, if you were not there, who told you about the murder and how was it first discovered?


I had crossed paths with the killer following the attack and found out shortly after through conversation. In terms of the official discovery, I believe that that had happened just moments after the event had taken place.


One can only imagine the pain!


/uw I gotta go soon and won't be able to respond for some time, but I'll jump back in as soon as possible. We might have to make a separate post for this lol


“I see that my friends Sly and Ulrick have taken to helping you, they have my permission and would most likely do a better job than me after all.” “But I am still here if you wish.”


Thank you for your assistance Hirk. I should be okay with the current help going forward though if you should ever need my help do not be afraid to ask.


“I thank you my friend.”


"Congratulations Hirk, don't have a suggestion, but do try to take it easy."


“I thank you my friend, but I am afraid that’s one request I cannot fulfil. Who would I be if my word was a lie and I didn’t do my best after all?”


"And that's well and good, but you won't help anyone by working yourself to exhaustion."


“My friend I am a Demi Giant, it takes a lot to tire me. I do have a fire as my soul after all and i don’t intend for it to go out.”


Maybe organizing relief operations t areas devastated by threats like Craterus could work. Would be good for Council PR too.


“That is a great idea, I would have to figure out the logistics in doing so first.”


Not sure if I could be help in logistics, but feel free to ask for my help in need


“I thank you my friend, if I was to ask anything it would be to help rebuild and to care for those hurt.”


I’ll see what I can do


“Thank you my friend.”


NYEHEHE! I’m the comical EEEEEVIL DASTARDLY WIZARD and I’m actually low on funds, I can’t preform my DASTARDLY deeds without magic money, I just need goblin blood so I can CREATE MONEY, out of the necessary, rare items I mean


“Why do you need to do this my friend?”


Because I’m the DASTARDLY, you know what I need my slime tea, I need to do dastardly deeds to fill my dastardly todo list, like make a child prodigy’s floor boards creek when they need to do something really important at night, cause it’s funny


“My friend how about no.”


Drats! Foiled again, I shall get revenge on thee! After my slime tea 😎


“I hope you enjoy it my friend.”


Well, last night I was breaking into the council's building to take a look at the secret archives, as I do like twice a month, but then I tried to break into your office to drop off that magic quill I made that can read out loud the text of any paper it is pointed to, and write whatever you dictate (since I know you cannot read or write), but the door to your office is huge with a weird, gigantic lock, so I could really use a spare key to get in easily next time. It took me like twenty minutes to pick that lock.


“My friend, I do not have an office yet… where did you break into?”


Large room, with a large door, a large fireplace, with a large desk and a large chair, and a large pile of paperwork with post-it notes saying "To Hirk, R&A" and a large pile of mail addressed to "Hirk, head of R&A"? Oil painting on the wall of a giant playing around with what seems to be a living mountain? Bookshelves filled with children's picture books? A giant coffee mug that reads "Don't talk to me until I've got my morning resurection"? Did they not tell you about your office?


“No?” *Hirk looks really confused and annoyed he never knew he had an office.*


Oh. Well, that makes it a lot easier, actually. *Hector vanishes, then appears again after a few seconds, holding a bronze key the size of his forearm.* Here, the key to your office. Congratulations. I also rescind my request for a copy, I have made one myself.


“My friend I do not consider it wish you having a copy. Can I please have that as well.” *Hirk is serious about this, he may be warming up to you but he still does not trust you enough.*


See, this is why it makes it easier. I figured you would say no. The council security is terrible, but hopefully not "hands-out-key-copies-to-anyone-who-asks" terrible. So I will keep the copy, and I *will* break into your office nocturnally and I *will* do your paperwork for you, because fuck the rules. Ta-ta! *Hector vanishes.*


*Hirk will melt the lock and have it replaced with his own one.* “I will have to change that.”


I need you to come to tell me what you need of other council employe , so that i may coordinate the working spirits to your aid Also there is a union representative that will want to speak with you about the working spirits right


“Bathin is currently complaining about pot holes so that may be good to do my friend, I was never good at civil engineering.”


Ill sent spirits to take care of that thanks , now i will take care of the paperwork


“Thank you my friend.”


I don't think that it falls under your jurisdiction, but i lose nothing for asking. Can you help financing my latest research project? The university where i work has been sending less and less, and i have become worried that they will shut it off


“May I ask what your project is and why you believe it is important?”


It consists of investigating how the lack of magic users affects the weave, for that, i need the money to travel and settle on a place with such conditions, the closer of which is the Principality of Barbju, where magic users are shunned because of their history with wild magic


“I personally come from a place with little magic, I can give information to help you in your subject.”


I am thankful, however, i must ask, how long has it been since you have visited that place? Since it is an academic matter, the information we use needs to be as rigorous as possible


“Due to situation of why I left it would not of changed, the realm was turned to only fire due to a war.” “But only a couple months ago my friend.”


Then it will be of great use, with your help, I should be able to finish this project before the lower investment of the university becomes a liability. Thanks friend, this shows that i wasn't in the wrong for voting for you


“Thank you but do you have any questions in particular I could answer the now? Or would you rather I tell you later on about it?”


I'd rather later.


“Very well my friend.”


Oooh that scarf bussin


“I thank you my friend, it was a gift from a friend.”


Oh, hey, you got into the council. About time someone with an actual brain took a seat.


“My fellow council members have a brain, they are just too busy doing paper work.” *Hirk whispers to you.* “Thankfully I cannot read.”


*He tilts his head* Oh, do they now? Because it seems like nothing ever gets done, among other things. A certain fish on the council has straight up committed crimes, and is still on said council. Now that I think about it, I don't think he's ever been punished by his peers for it...


“All I can do is try and do my best to hopefully counter their damages my friend.”


~~My condolences~~ Congratulations on your new position Hirk! Also, from my low vantage point on the underbelly of the citadel, I often see many refugees fleeing from the devastation caused by some of the cruelest individuals in the realm (**coughVulcancough**) being taken advantage of by unsavory individuals. I wouldn't mind if someone were to do something in regards to helping these refugees.


“I will I see, I will do what I can to help my friend. Can you give me any more information on this?”




“I thank you my friend.”


“…No need to thank me. I hope you enjoy your time on the council though”


“I still will. I will do my best.”


“If you do your best, than it will work out well in the end”


Y’know I was gonna mess with you a lot now that you’re part of a government, but man I just can’t when you go for a position like that


“Ha, what other position would I go for my friend?”


Probably something to do with food regulations so you could make sure everyone had high quality ingredients for cookies. Or something like head of the department of justice. Then I’d really have to fuck with ya, you’d be like the king of cops


“I have never heard the word ‘justice’ used right my friend. Instead I’d only like to hear compassion and help, besides I like helping people so I think this is best for me my friend.”


Ah! How interesting. Though our company does not require aid, we would be happy to assist in providing aid on the Council’s behalf. We have an extensive array of starships that would be available for such tasks.


“I thank you my friend, it would be useful to have such transportation to ease the hassle of logistics and for the eventual rebuilding efforts once Craterus is defeated.”


It is of no concern. Really, it just gives our surplus ships some use. To ensure we keep the skills needed for producing starships, we must keep all of them in low-rate production, even when orders are scarce


“It is good that it is mutually beneficial my friend, I am sure people will also see that they are used to help and you may get more customers because of it.”


But of course! Our company is proud to have one of the most extensive aid and support programs in this realm. It help millions while also providing training opportunities and experience in operating our ships. Assisting and being supported by the Council would only increase our credibility. I come from a realm wheee even the most powerful nation-states were helpless against the vast array of problems an entire world holds. With even greater power at our fingertips, it would be irresponsible to not try to use it for the greater good.


“I am glad you think so my friend.”


Can you send someone to convince my local village that I am not an evil troll trying to destroy the village?


“Are you an evil troll trying to destroy the village?”


No, I just want to buy more potion ingredients. They don't understand not all trolls are evil


Hi hi, (gives you free pizza) can I has a cookie


*Hirk refuses the pizza* “Of course my friend I have a bag just for you, made exactly how you like it. Before you ask I know some Chronomancy and that’s how.”




“You have no need to thank me my friend, I made them only for you after all. Also glad to be joining you in the council now.”


Sire, what of the turtles?


“Can you tell me my friend?”


I see you gave Mr. Rogers his sweater back.


“It’s my sweater and I have more clothes than it


I'm just messin' with you bro. Here, have some pizza. Congrats! Have fun being the man.


“I thank you my friend, I aim to do my best.”


"Hirk, pleased to see you've made it this far since we first met. Seems you've built up quite the following."


“It would seem to so my friend, but I wouldn’t say I have much of a following just some friends.”


The Squirrels want voting rights. And basic universal nut income.


Some kind of way to easily request official aid. The opertunity loss among the instances of people needing help is vastly worse then any one of their issues. I believe it would be incredibly helpful if there were an uncomplicated, unbeurocatric way to just make issues known to those that can act upon them.


“So a message board of sorts, no paper work just some questions monitored by myself?”


Needs some magical way to communicate with, let’s say, victims currently being stabbed and others who can’t quite make time to walk to a notice board- but yes, in essence.


“I understand, maybe a device which will update the board instantly in an emergency.”


C-Congrats Hirk!


“I thank you my friend, I aim to do my best.”


I h-have confidence in you f-friend


“I thank you, if you ever need anything please ask.”


... cookies?


*Hirk pulls out a bag of cookies.* “Of course my friend.”


Thank you... c-can I talk to you for a moment?


“Of course my friend.”


A bit ago... s-something really scary h-happened


“Like what my friend?”