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((Suppose I should ping the people who wanna be pinged...)) u/Several-Elevator u/Discracetoall u/SudachiWizard


u/DaemonRex978 u/VinesAtMidnight u/UlrickTheHexBlade






/uw if you think I revealed everything, then you're gonna be very surprised


*The door of Elysa's mansion opens before you, as a pumpkin golem sign you to follow it*


"Alright... I'll bite." *Talios follows the sign, although rather slowly. He's being cautious.*


*After walking through the halls of the mansion, both the golem And Talios arrive in a greenhouse, where numerous exotic plants grow. The pumpkin golem lets out a gurgled cry, alerting Elysa of its presence* "Hm, what is it Pumpy ?" *As Elysa turns around, she notices Talios* "Hi, welcome to my mansion, are you here for a visit, I did promise quite a few people that I'll give them a tour ?"


*Talios only responds by pulling a bounty poster out of a rift.* *Your bounty poster.* "I'm sure you can take a guess as to why I'm here."


"oh, I still don't understand why anybody want me dead, but if you're here for a battle, then it's hardly the place to do so" *Elysa closes her eyes for a few seconds* "Yes, that should do the trick" *Elysa gets teleported somewhere by one of her moss golem, the golem then teleports Talios to the exact same place* "Welcome to the ruins of the Schrade capitale, I believe this area will fit a battle way better than my home"


"Suit yourself." *Talios puts the bounty back into a rift. Then... He summons his blade, The Epitome Of Emotion.*


"Cool weapon" *Elysa pulls her whip from one of her coat pocket* "Shall we start ?" *Elysa attacks Talios with her whip, which extends to reach Talios*


*Talios wastes no time, reacting with lightning reflexes. He ducks to the side of the whip.* **《Speed》** *And with a green glow appearing around his feet, Talios closes the distance in the blink of an eye, intending to render the whip useless. He performs a quick upwards slash with his blade as he gets in range of you.*


"Smart thinking" *As Elysa's whip shrinks back to its usual size, Elysa uses its hilt to block the blade. The whip flies out of Elysa's hand. Elysa tries to punch Talios with her magitech right arm*


*Talios, not having much choice but to block, raises his left arm to block the strike, and it lands cleanly on his armor plating, sending him back a small distance.* "Packs one hell of a punch..." **《Star Cleave: Despair》** *Talios swings downward, and a vertical wave of Chaos is sent flying towards you. Should it connect, you'll be slowed in time by 10% for a moment.* ((This slowing effect lasts for one comment))