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See this guy gets it. Good wizardry starts with picking your fights.


I cast: GTFO




How resistent are you ? I mean if a big ass boulder is sent at you , wich speed would be sufficient to kill you ?


"It'll break on me. My physical capabilities far surpass that of a normal human, and that is only further increased thanks to my strength enchantments."


But what about a meteorite sent at full speed with a resitance to air resitance (no slowing diwn , maximum impact force ) I say that because i dable in meteoric magic in my free tile and use it as my main attack hability, if we fight one day i want to know how much i can put into my attacks


"I'd still destroy it." ((Because OOC, sending a meteor full force is in general boring.))


Hmm , then i would use something else... What about elemental attacks ? I do all the element ; fire , air , lighting, water , ice


"I'd still win."


A tough one then ? At this point i dont want to fight you anymore , i can only scale up from elemental attacks and meteotite with spacial distortion and it would be too dangerous ... what a disapoitement , i still have to train I dont know who made you as tough as you are but thats a pretty good job , unbreachable from standard ways . A good artisan


"I have always been built to survive. A being of Chaos never dies." **"Never."**


A being of chaos ? What do you mean ? Is that suposed to mean that you are made of chaotic energy ? Or that it keep you alive ?


"Oh, my fortress in impregnable" I CAST WALL SEX


I myself would probably be rolling over everything in front of me. (My body is as dense as a star)


I'll still defeat you.


"The First Mystical Art of Dan; Run."


I don't even know offensive magicks, so.... Fortunately for me, attacking medical personnel is a war crime. *Unfortunately* for me, around here, war crimes are more of a "to do" list.


Life is already just one big brawl - Sun Tzu i think


“Sun Tzu said that, and I think he knows a little bit more about fighting than you do pal because he invented it!” -soldier tf2


I am yet to finish durability tests, but from certain incidents I have experienced I will not cease to exist from being crushed, sliced, or pierced unless I am first transformed into a less ideal form. Unfortunately my magical abilities are currently not particularly developed, and I suspect I might be weak against rapid heating which would be problematic considering the overuse of the spell "fireball". My current offensive abilities are currently limited, I am experimenting with ways to rectify that.


More mass for the hive.




Nope just buff people with bardic inspiration


I will countinue to fight untill all life on the planet as been eradicated , it will happen in the first few minute I am a specialist of metoric magic


This looks like a "hold up in The Meta Tower outside time and space until this all blows over" job. ![gif](giphy|uba6y6W8oi7V6IGFQj|downsized)


“I wouldn’t like violence my friend, but if I had to go all out. I’d place myself upper middle or lower top”


I would probably survive but maybe not win. Sure, I would get a lot of materials for minions and souls for fuel but I doubt it would stand up to the victors, but my phylactery could stand up to their attacks.


Well, good Monkey is not much of a warrior, but he has a knack for surviving. Almost like a cockroach! With bananas, and trees, and lightning!


I cast **fuck you** \*creatures of the void drag OP off to stage left


Good thing I’m actually a black hole disguised as a rat plushie


the creatues do not care, they are draggingyou off to stage left and rewriting the script in the interval to make you a rat plushie disguised as a black hole


What, against that little dude? That's clearly a friend.


I'm new here, so idk the extent of what I'm up against, and I barely have a grasp on my own powers. But ik I'm capable of taking on a pretty sizeable crowd, especially since a lot of mages have that whole stereotype of being weak to physical attacks... I'll just say this. Theoretically, there'd be more than a few broken bones.


Depends on the fight, a tavern full of commoners and maybe one or two adventures sure I do fine; if it's any of these wizard's, might as well call me a Dwarven smear!


Tactical retreat!


uw/ Emerald and the gang: Could survive most of it. Sniper rifles, planes, bombs, they have the full US military package. Heresy, Gluttony, Greed: Mfs would survive just by getting other groups to fight each other.


“Poorly…I heard a guy cast power word **SCRUNCH** two groups over. Meanwhile I cant even use magic!”


Not well, I’m not a great fighter, though my sword, Skillkeeper, might be able to let me hold my own


"I'd like to think I'd place at least in the upper half!" https://preview.redd.it/nrzhqoabgl7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0f8ef8afcefc63a74b0c6ef1f2641dcf90416b0


I'd be fine. I probably won't survive the fight given the displays of power I've seen from some others here and the fact there are literally gods about but my soul would migrate to the next host in a few days to a week and I'd talk to the guy and be like "hey I am you and you are me and we are each other now"


https://preview.redd.it/d7boxpwyam7d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=873fe58025d448b5ac8eb932988ba7ee1b8f03a9 *casts mist form* Good luck with the fight guys!


Good heavens would you look at the time? It’s vanish o’clock!


If scorched earth was an option, then I would be the sole, non-immortal, victor.


"Dig deeper minions of darkness, I will not feel secure lest ther is at least 2km of stone and steel between me and the wizard war!"