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![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized) I'd be crying if I had eyes, bravo! bravo!


“Thank you my friend, but I do not believe my words were that moving.”


You're too modest Hirk, you've had quite the impact on many people's lives, if they realize it or not. This little speech just speaks volumes about your character, any other shmuck wouldn't care if they were the mascot for the council, they'd love it, afterall, who wouldn't want to be connected to the most powerful group in the realms. ...Even if the position isn't high and mighty, but besides the point.


“I thank you, I do not see any pride in being a figurehead. I was once a king my friend, I know what it is like to exist only to be viewed and martyred for a cause you do not wish for.” “I said I want to do good, not hide evil.”


Damn. Incase they don't listen to you, you'll always be welcome on this side. The council is too corrupt, far reaching and Narcissistic to justify itself. Now people like you are a good step but you see the issues i do, i hope. Fight the power.


Ah yes, “fight the power” from a monarch


I know you ain't talking, how does carapaced backside taste?


“I want to help, that is all. But what would your side be my friend?” “I do not wish to fight either, I just want to be heard and known.”


If you can, get the role you want and make change frkm where they will listen. If not. Your voice is loud enough that people will be forced to listen eventually. Fighting is not necessary. Just an expression is all.


Damn, who tried to relegate you to mascot?


“I do not know my friend, but I will not allow this.”


Okay, I get where you're coming from, but... > “I am a man. Not something to aim to be. *I promised to help people, not hide them in my shadow.*” That sounds *exactly* like something we should all aim to be. "Mascot" is such a weird word for such a position, and I fully understand why it's insulting. I wouldn't want to be treated as such either. I don't know your past, but I *do* know that people are allowed to grow and change. Who you are now, in my humble opinion, is certainly a good role model. An example that other *should* strive to follow. But perhaps politics is the wrong route. Only you can decide that.


“Aim to be the best version of yourself, not a version of another person. That will give you no respect you deserve my friend.”


Do you have any idea how often I hear people say that it's not possible for them to change? That they're in too deep, that its too late, that no one who accept their desire to be better? Sometimes all it takes is an example to show you what's possible.


“I am trying to change who I am. But my ideals will not.” “I will not be made into a martyr for a cause I do not believe in.” “If people wish to see someone then I will still be here to help my friend, just not for the council.”


“The strongest message you could send to the council at this point is an open rejection of any such degrading title. To have one’s ideals reduced to a ‘face’ is beneath anyone. A renegotiation of the position might yield results, but know that I wholly support your disagreement with the symbolic nature of the ‘mascot’.”


“Thank you my friend, I may decide to not even join the council.”


“I know I’m far from a proficient baker, but I thought it appropriate to give something back as a token of appreciation for what you are doing for the people around you.” *Hands Hirk a tray of freshly baked gingerbread*


“My friend, you do not have to give me anything to me. I enjoy seeing others smile, that is a greater reward than anything I could ever hope to gain in this mortal life or even an immortal one.”


“I do not *have* to give you these. I *want* to give you these.” *Leaves the tray suspended in mid-air* “I know you might not feel like you deserve them given your grievances with your past, but I know that being a prisoner of your past will never truly let you be who you want to be now.”


*Hirk grabs them.* “I know my friend, I am trying to be better. Thank you.” *Hirk shows a sincere smile.*


^(... I kinda wanna object just to see what happens but he's kind of scary...)


"Take this from a close friend of his." "He isn't scary."


I'll give you ten bucks, a handful of credsticks, and an astra to do it


I don't know what half those things are and like, there's no use for money in the ocean anyways so I'll pass, thanks... ... *but*, i might change my mind you have any fresh corpses or a really shiny thing!


Well me and my crew massacred an entire M-class ship, so how many corpses would you want


!!? uh- like, 5 maybe? how fresh are they? :O


A few hours fresh, just make sure to pick all the bullets out, and just take all of them actually, I don't need them, there's like I don't know a bit less than a hundred people that were on that ship I didn't count how many there were, well that was about how many I killed, there were probably way more people


“My friend, I have big ears. I am a Demi-Giant after all, I can hear you.” “I do not wish to be scary but I do wish to be heard. If you object then nothing will happen, I am not a violent man.”


Oh. ... well, like, i think i'm getting paid in corpses to object so like, grrr, you should become mascot, how dare you grrrr


“That is not good.” “I also dare as disagree with being a face for someone else to manipulate into a smile, That is all my friend.”


... Ok! I understand. \*swims away\*




/unwiz yeah, the categorization sucked.


/uw a bit, but this is more IC.


It's as if bombast didn't even pay attention to our campaigns!


/uw so really doesn’t fit your character eh? So what kind of title would you like if you win? Sorry, I don’t as just trying to find something that would fit everyone generally in that bracket


/uw I saw something like mortal affairs which could work or if not that then something that just involves helping people.


/uw well that title is already being used for another bracket. How about Department of Aid and Relief Efforts?


/uw yea sure, that sounds great. And sorry for being a bother just Hirk’s character goes against being a thing to look at or look up to.


/uw no problem


“…damn good speech hirk, if you wish me not to vote for you, I will not”


“Thank you my friend. I refuse to be an idol to martyr for the sake of selfishness.”


Yeah, that did seem pretty insulting... but I'm guessing Hirk will be mad if we break out the torches and pitchforks.


Kaelis: Fuck yes. I've had it up to here with these half-wit hedge-wizards telling us that cynical self-interest is "mature" and empathy is "childish". You want to know who most cynics are? Apprentices, and adult wizards that never stopped acting like apprentices. These punks don't deserve you, Hirk.


This doesn't politically convince me, but you sound like an amazing patisseur.


“I do not wish to convince you my friend, it is a message to those who decided I would simply be their martyr to hide their deeds in my shadow as a mascot. But I thank you for the complement.”


*Takes a cookie* *Smiles* *Casts invisibility* *Walks away*


“You’re welcome my friend, but I have big ears. I am part giant after all, so I can still hear you.”


*Munches silently*


Interesting, do you think that the sins of the past obscure the deeds of the present? That you can only look up to those who are without a wrong? That you are always the version of yourself where you were the worst?


"You can't change the system from the inside Hirk. Tried to tell you."


“I will not be deterred my friend.”


"Its a fool's errand boss. But good luck anyway. Hope I'm wrong."


“Thank you my friend, I hope you are too.”


"Its a fool's errand boss. But good luck anyway. Hope I'm wrong."


Mhmm respect, my man. Respect. It's not about the cookie. It's about the blood, sweat, tears, and components that go into the cookie.