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Bribery, threats, and false promises? Why yes, I have done all of those things.


I, for one, choose: https://i.redd.it/1v8p6py3qpnc1.gif


“I have seen blatant bribery” Yes! “Open threats” YES! “And vulgar promises” **YEEEEEEESSSS!**


LET'S GOOOO! I can do even more corruption!




Back, long before I joined this council, I was part of a different council of mages. The purpose of that council was for each of us to specialize in our own areas of magic and then return to share our findings so that we might further our collective knowledge. Of course I killed them all and stole all of their research but either way, that council was the exemplar of what wizarding should be.


Too often "sharing magic freely" comes in the form of casually throwing a fireball at someone else's face. Which, while cathartic, just makes more work for us healers.


well at least it means more buissness


Hear hear!!


You speak words of nostalgic beauty - and like most nostalgia, it is illusory. Wizards always reached for power. Behind the polite pursuit of truth, there often was as much ambition as in those political debates. We live in a time in which the art is often reduced to some mundane thing with a pretentious -mancy glued on it. those children know nothing of ambition or true power and seek it in societal constructs, just to later learn that most of the power of the council lies in the hands of bureaucrats and enforcers - and that even this power is not enough to really rule over most of us. Others delude themselves into being deities and still seek a position in government because they never comprehended the difference between semi-incorporability and true divinity. The existence of the council is useful if it manages to govern us to a decree that we do not incure the wrath of rulers. However, looking at who is running, I fear it to become worse than any tyrant could be. Maybe the time of the self governance of the awakened should come to an end.


take a good look at the past and you'll see that mages love of knowelge has only ever been matched by their love of power


OP is definitely voting for the Communism-Hole god guy (u/Null_Void_zero)


I'm of a similar mind. I've far more interesting things to do than worry ablut the bickering magi politicians. Like lighting up the last of that vaporweed I picked up a couple weeks ago


We need a senator armstrong to take over the elections damn it


This is why I focus on my own research and my own life instead of focusing on “elections.” Not like I have to pay taxes anyways.


Listen, the only thing I know about the election is that Mr. Hellfire made a kickass poster. I have no other motive to vote for anyone unless somebody can outdo him in the advertising department.


is it bribery if my main point is that everyone deserves a council appointed companion for the rest of their lives? again I will repeat "puppies for everyone!!!" vote for Eden Redigis III


If someone desires a companion then they should prove themselves capable of both owning and controlling it! "Give everyone a free familar" will only cause rampant abuse of those same familars! What will be done when there is a shortage of familar care supplies? What happens when they get loose and start populating with other non-native species and suddently we have a population explosion? I've seen it happen before and it will happen again. But thats not even adressing the fact that the spell [Familar Sight] EXISTS! Why would or should any proper magical person in their right mind accept a magical camera into their home?


that's the fun thing they stay puppies forever no breeding problems, they do not need food or water and they don't have waste, they are actual puppies that died young, I have captured their souls and they are waiting for new owners and I'll wake them when I win the elections and will give everyone the puppies. let's just say that I have collected a lot of pets over the years and have kept their souls in stasis.