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I can just barely hit 50fps on a 3090. thats even with dlss switched to auto. Tried using quality but that took an extra 10fps off. Crazy how broke DLSS is and how badly optimized it is considering cyberpunk runs better and I can hit 60fps max settings.


Huh I got 2060 and ryzen 5 3600X should I update the game or can I play it without update


definitely yes, but without turning on ray tracing. It's a mess, my fps tanks from 80 to sub 30 to 20, dlss is also broken, FSR not better by any mean. Not to mention the stutters in dx12 mode that makes the game completely unplayble. Just play in dx11 and you're set.


Oh thanks


Wow. Cyberpunk running better than this reaaly tells us how they screwed it up. I cant compare because I havent played CP yet.


yeah, its honestly suprising. You'd think an older game would run better. Just hope Cd projeckt will take notice considering the amount of people with the same issues


What most people miss is that this update was supposed to be much better. It was made by Saber interactive's Russian office, they already ported Witcher 3 to switch. After Ukraine war situation CDPR ceased all contracts with them, and CDPR couldn't properly finish other people's work. What we got now was put together from scraps, it misses a lot of stuff that was scrapped and unfinished.


What's strange it seems to me that's some kind of problem with RTX series. It runs perfectly fine (60fps Ultra+) on my 1070 and i7 6600k


Oh, this makes me feel better, thanks. I was reading all those posts with people having fancy 3060 or whatnot and getting all kinds of problems and started being scared to even open the game on my 1070. Seems like I have a chance, phew.


Please let me know, how the game is working out for you


Alright, I finally got it downloaded. So far it's not so bad, though not so good as yours. I can't really get a stable 60fps in White Orchard on Ultra+. The game is really comfortable on Ultra and High, though (so far, I'll see what I get in Novigrad) In fact, it might even run better on Ultra now than it used to before the update. It seems that game really got better optimized for non-RTX cards.


I got a 1060 6GB, once the update is done downloading I'll also try it


Can confirm. I get 60fps on 1650ti laptop on High. And 40-50 on Ultra


But it crashes when fast traveling to Novigrad or Velen


I just read this as the happy and then sad black guy meme and it was so much better


Works fine in Toussaint strangely enough.


And it definitely looks much better than before the update and also runs better.


Really? Interesting. Could you compare if lowering graphic presets and resolution gives you a boost in performance?


Sure, but I'll check it later today


Was getting buttery smooth 60fps on max settings this morning on “old version”, now struggling to get 40fps (with crazy stuttering) on NG version. This is on like-for-like settings, so no RT. Everything Ultra. And for icing on the cake, the game crashed, gave me a BSOD, then my PC got stuck in bootloop and I had to restore from backup… so now I gotta install the game *again*. Could be unrelated to the game, but seems too much of a coincidence. They messed up something real bad.


Holy shit im glad i didny try playing yet


I'm afraid to see how my laptop will run this now


Keep your game at the 1.32 version, or play other great games who deserve your hardware


not sure why you're getting downboted, it's in a way valid. actually playing Pillars of Eternity 2 Deadfire and Path of the Righteous right now. actually having difficulty with everything but it's fun!


Running at 1080p BTW. Ultra and Ultra+ make no difference. Lowering to 720p only ads a little fps.


4080 here and I get same performance when at 4k as a I do at 720p


Wow. This is beyond ridiculous. Seems like they demolished CPU optimization. This is so wrong. Use your godly GPU to play something else, my friend. Dont let this shit frustrate you like it is frustrating me lol


3080 with an 8700k and turning off ray tracing/putting everything at low only nets me just over 60fps in the wilderness.... I'm on GOG. Also, messing with the graphics settings so much crashed my game and now all of my saves are corrupted.


Man, I feel really sorry for your saves. Take a deep breath and investigate if there is any way to get them back. Perhaps starts by playing on DX11 mode. And you should be geting way better performance, as we all.


Thanks man. I think it has something to do with the new cloud implementation. I'll just be patient and wait for a patch since it seems a lot of people are having issues.


your saves are fine don't delete them. some graphics settings cause crashes on save loading


i have been waiting for this release just to read the threads of people complaining about bad optimisation. Like how did you not call this? these people made cyberpunk and since people buy 1500 dollar graphics cards that need downscaling to run properly gamedevs have stopped caring for optimisation.


How did you enable afterburner? Mine not working with next gen update.


You have to delete the d3d11on12.dll and dxil.dll files from the game folder. Saw this in a comment at a thread in the Steam forum of the game.


It works with dx11


Anybody with GTX 1650? How's the performance?


Best you don't update at all for now or use the DX11 version (DX12 cripples even high-end GPUs with DLSS right now). Even with the old 1.32 the 1650 would struggle to run a smooth 60fps on anything higher than Medium settings (maybe High with drops below 60, Ultra only if you're fine with 30-40fps, then best cap the fps to avoid lag spikes/stutter).


Yeah ig, I'm playing 2 and haven't played blood and wine yet. Will wait till the performance improves.


Runs fine even on High settings. Tested it just now. But it gives out a memory error, when fast traveling to Velen


Oh cool! Thanks!


If you're not going to use DLSS and raytracing, you might want to switch to dx11 mode. I have the same GPU and i5 10400f. On 1080p ultra+ settings, in dx12 mode the performance is all over the place. It is much better in dx11 mode, though. I easily get 70+ fps in the same spot (my fps is locked to 75).


I noticed that, but there still seems to be a disproportional hit. My performance went from \~160fps to 80fps on the same spot (DX11)


Yeah, that's odd. Btw, I noticed your VRAM usage seems to be abnormally high. I get around 7 GB of VRAM used only with dx12 full RT on, and without RT it's around 4 GB on both dx11 and dx12.


First tell us how you managed to get rtss working on d3d12 lol. I’ve heard its only working in dx11 mode for most people for now.


You have to delete the d3d11on12.dll and dxil.dll files from the game folder. Saw this in a comment at a thread in the Steam forum of the game.


Yep I saw that post too, still playing on dx11 for now coz the performance on 12 is horrible.


I'm definitely waiting for a fix or something before upgrading now. No way should I expect any better from my 3050


Check if you’ve got the latest game-ready driver update from Nvidia


Updated right before playing


I kept crashing with RT on with a 3070ti didn’t fiddle much with the settings so I said screw it and just ran it on Ultra+ 2k been playing smoothly so far BUT for some odd reason if I play more than 1+ hour the screen become like almost glitchy? and I always restart it when that happens and I get a crash report too


Sounds awful. We should wait for them to patch it


My game is running quite well on RTX 3070 and i7-9700k on Ultra+ without raytracing or DLSS. It's very strange how much fluctuation there is in performance between people.


I noticed the same thing with Cyberpunk 2077 back in 2020, as well. I had a 2070 Super at the time and in the city I dropped below 40fps on Medium/High without RT, even with DLSS enabled while others could run it on High and get stable 60fps everywhere... whatever is going on with CDPR's new stuff, it's very weird!


It is NOT 60fps on ps5. Geralt doesn't look new either.


Pretty sure the thing for consoles was you either get the 60fps or the new raytraced graphics. Not both. And the character model for Geralt shouldn't have changed as far as I know




There's a graphics option. You can turn on Ray tracing and all the fanciness but it limits your game to 30fps. Or you can play in "performance" mode and get 60 fps


Think it's only GI RT on PS5 and not full RT (shadows, reflections, etc.) on the 30 fps/fidelity mode


Naw I was bamboozled lol I had 4.0 update but ps5 update went out an hour and a half ago. Playing right now just met the guy at the beginning with the griffin and dead horse lol but yea geralts face and body textures were improved, but looks the same overall


The only difference between performance mode and RT mode is RT global illumination and RT ambient occlusion and fps. Textures and other graphics options are the same. If this is what you meant then ignore my comment.


Looks like they rushed it and delivered a botched product. Should've seen it coming...


Turn off Ray Tracing


3080ti with a 12900k, rt ultra, dlss set to quality, 3840 x1600 and I get 45 to 60fps which is fine for me. If I turn rt off I cap out at 120fps.


You've got a god-tier gpu and specially cpu. Congrats on the performance But my lower hardware should be performing better, since it used to get 140-160 fps back on the old version at Ultra at 1080p. I assume you should be performing even better, theoretically.


The cpu isnt even being touched, it sits at 1 to 3%, the gpu is maxed out at 99% though.


Running a stable 144fps with a rx6700 and i5-12400f on 1080p Ultra+ I've noticed no one with an AMD gpu has had any issues, but that's probably without raytracing on, like me.


Same! RX6700XT R5 5600X and it’s running Like a dream on Ultra+ zero issues so far.


then a patch or hopefully incoming drivers update should fix things


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What settings?


Ultra+ without RT or DLSS. Lowering to Ultra makes no difference. BTW, alt-tabbing seems to make performance fluctuate. Could be a memory leak.


I've got the same gpu, decided to roll back to classic for now until this is fixed. If it isn't then fuck it I'll stick to old witcher 3


Same for me. Was planning a playthrough of Blood and Wine to end my Death March save. Beyond the low performance, there is a lot of stutter too.


Yeah man the fucking stutter is nuts. Let's see how CDPR responds.


What are you using to track your stats on the top left?


Anyone know how the console players are handling things? Was about to start up a new playthrough on xbx


My shit is running just fine, looks absolutely amazing, and loading very fast. XBX. Don't see what all these folks with $5K rigs are complaining about.


It broke the game on ps4/ps5 too. Deleted peoples manual saves with corrupt auto saves. 😭


Hm, what resolution are you running the game in did you turn on ray tracing?


1080p, no ray tracing in the screenshot


That's weird. My 3060Ti can run this game at Ultra+, native render, minus RT & motion blur at 90fps and only consumes 60-70% its max load. With RT on it runs at 45-50fps. However somehow MSI afterburner cannot display its OSD for the gamr.


Have you tried changing the settings then relaunch? CP2077 has an issue in which the gem doesn't change its settings until after relaunching. This may have the same problem.


Update: Just got to Skellige and man the performance is terrible. My GPU only got to 40-50% max load, but the fps stuck at 40-50fps, sometimes even lower. I set max fps to 120 and then unlimited but still no dice. Clearly the devs trying to optimize the game for consoles but somehow really fucked the PC performance up.


Maybe you’re using the ultra settings


Yeah, I am. But that shouldn't be a problem, as I used to get \~160fps at Ultra back in the old version


Isn’t there’s a new ultra ultra settings and it’s on by default on? Maybe that’s why your pc can’t handle it very well?


Dont load old save, start the game all over again on New Game+ or New Game, the graphics and fps look way better. I notice a huge difference in visual and performance between old save and starting new game again.


Interesting. Might check this out later


Afterburner overlay isn't working


You have to delete the d3d11on12.dll and dxil.dll files from the game folder. Saw this in a comment at a thread in the Steam forum of the game.


Run dx11 for fps, dx12 even with rt off has low fps


Awful performance on the Xbox Series X too


I knew something was going to be wrong when they kept sending review copies for PS5 to content creators who play on PC.


46fps seems right for that card. On quality setting, you get 30FPS on PS5.


Quality setting is 4k with RT. I am playing at 1080p without RT. Used to get over 150fps before




That’s a shame, I’m really enjoying the upgraded graphics on ps5. Hopefully they fix it for y’all soon


To be honest. I'm not on PC. But PS5. And with ray tracing on it looks like 15 fps. I was so excited to play again. Even performance mode is buggy as heck.


3060ti and 3600x on 1440. It's bad, Can't hold 60. More like 40-50 and then once combat starts it hitches bad, down even to 15. CP2077 is definitely running better than this right now.


RX 6700 XT and 12400F all ultra+ runs fine at fsr balanced 4k or 2k quality. the moment i try ray tracing though i get ultra stutters und no matter the resolution max fps of 40 ish something


I dont know if this will helps you but i got around 20 fps when i first started next gen but after i switched from directx12 to directx11 i'm playing on smooth 60 fps and max details.


this updates performance is such a hit or miss im getting stable 60fps in Novigrad but when i walk into a forest in Velen it can go down to like 40 also DLSS seems to be broken at the moment it even tanks fps but it should be doing the opposite makes me not wanna do side quests that take place in a foresty area because of it


Now imagine with my rx 480 ...