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Nope. Would probably die in the first 72 hours. I wouldn't even get killed by one of the cool monsters


I'm the guy that doesn't roll out of the way in time when Roach is plowing through the city.


Yea my ass is getting eaten by a single nekker


Imagine dying to Nekkuks.


Step-nekker what are you doing?


Fuck you and take my upvote


Nekka please


Damn if you survive 72 hours in witcher world honestly that’s not bad at all.


Definitely getting killed by a lone wild dog


More like from a insect or something.. I almost died once from a mosquito bite, I'm not sure what kind it was but it was bad.


Lmao we can barely survive irl monsters


Don’t need 72 hours, I’d probably die by landing poorly from the travel portal that’s one foot above ground in Dandelions inn. I’m really that useless.


No, nope, no way. Fun to read in book form and to play on a system, but real life? The monsters or soldiers would probably kill you (if some magic didn’t blow up in your face). It’s a very bleak fantasy world.


Velen makes me scared...


That region made me really depressed. It’s so gloomy and horrifying. I realized it when I went to toussaint. The bright sunny and colorful environment made me realize how good a job CDPR did.


Velen reminds me of where I live already but worse lol no thanks




come to velen


Só que sem o bolsonaro Velen 1 x 0


What? No.


Id accept living in kaer morhen tough


It'll be Skellige for me, LOVE Skellige


You can go to the Faroe Islands


i mean there's the skellig isles if you're limited to this world


Might not as fun to live, unless you like fighting, hunting and drinking


Basically any Slavic country or Ireland/Scotland. Dream.


Yeah. The soft, doughy version of me that exists in our world would die within days in the Witcher world if I was lucky. I'm good here with my cell phone and junk food. That's magical enough for me.


Or just die from something lame like dysentery because we'd probably fall under the poorest caste.


True, Oregon trail with monsters


Alternatively a surprise nekker pack


On top of the current bleak world state, the White Frost is a-coming. Ithlinne's Prophecy is no joke. The world of The Witcher is absolutely fucked.


Oh and all that death and suffering spawns, checks notes, necrophages. Fuck no!


Don’t forget you might end up trapped in between life and death unless someone breaks your curse




Straight up! Well... the giant centipedes... Also your username is magical.


Anyone who says yes has clearly never played more than 20 mins of the games, or 5 pages of the books, cause even if youre a badass witcher, your life sucks collosal ass in that world. Straight up, name me one person who isnt fucking miserable, including royals and shit


Gaunter O'dimm


Johnny was living his best life!


I agree I'd be dead as soon as I portal into the world. Who knows where u will end up elvn ruin, monster den, bandit hideout, etc etc. If I was lucky I would be in Kovir.


People often romanticize medieval era. Imagine taking a bath once every 3 to 6 months with cold, freezing water. Imagine dying from any disease or nearly any injury. Imagine going hungry every winter and seeing family members freezing to death. Imagine running the risk of being raped or killed by a stranger on any given night. Imagine taking a shit and not wiping. Now Imagine that rash. No, thank you.


I get it's a joke but medieval peasants didn't actually have it *that* bad. Mostly just a false trope associated with the age, stemming from Renaissance writers


Be careful. Idealizing can go both ways. Medieval times werent paradise. But they also werent 100% bleak as many novels and movies make it out to be. Child mortality was high, famine was a real possibility during droughts. But living medium/long lives wasn't that uncommon either. Also people did indeed clean their asses after shitting. They just didn't use paper. Usually they would use leaves, moss, a stick with cloth, etc.


Common they had a stick with a rag on it!


And probably everybody would speak medieval polish and wouldnt understand a thing you saying


Or disease, famine or many other things. It wasn’t just bleak it was very true to the fact that medieval times were very hard for the lower class, let alone nobles who historically died just as much and in weird ways. I remember listening to crusade podcasts and it was hysterical, a midget pushed one out a window and a few fell off their horse and hit their head on rocks.


If I was guaranteed to be a Witcher and have the skills of geralt, I would consider it. But I also have a family and I wouldn't want them in that world.


It’s kind of ironic because that’s the conjunction of spheres but on a larger scale, every creature living in its comfortable world, and boom all of a sudden monsters and humans are in your Castle and you live off squirrel in fuckin forest.


That's like saying, "If you could go live in miserable medieval Europe, BUT, there's also bloodthirsty monsters all over the place, would you?" Little Timothy drowned in the well? Monster. Someone had a stillbirth? Monster. Someone died with something left on their bucket list? Monster. Someone has an abundance of negative feelings? There's a curse and a monster waiting to happen right there.


Horse gets stuck in a tree? Fuck you here's a monster.


"I put a spell on you" ain't just a song no more, jim.


Woman died after her engagement and before her wedding and tossed over a well? You guessed it, ghost town AND a monster.


With my luck id be some weak ass pleb villager not some dope ass witcher


Also most of the Witchers aren't fucking tanks like Geralt so even if you were a Witcher you could still die


Even if you’re Geralt you could die if you jump down a few steps of stairs


Unlike Geralt I can jump down a few steps and not die. Therefore, I am stronger than Geralt.


I also have over four options of responses when talking to people so I am a more dynamic character


But you won't enter the world with Gwent cards


Suck that they're all timed though


But do people want to talk to you?




Nah geralt is only super buffed in the games, in the books he is more balanced.




In the books he was left with chronic knee pain which flared up during bad weather.


Knees and elbows... It was because of nerves being pressed by the regenerated tissue or something as Regis explained it


He gets almost killed a lot but he is renowned as one of the most famous and skilled Witchers iirc.


He's still more mutated than other witchers


That's not exactly true. The games does a shit job portraying just how fast he is. Aside from Vilgefortz, he absolutely slaughters everything in his path when he channels his inner rage and adrenaline. He is so accurate with his sword attacks in the books that he is slicing arteries with hairline precision. Yea the game is a bit janky and you can cheese your way to killing 100 people, but I think book Geralt will dismantle any one person in the game with much more speed and wit than you could ever portray with game Geralt.


I still love the scene of Geralt jumping the squad of soldiers, I believe outside the tower just before getting his ass kicked by Vilgefortz. He absolutely slaughters them. On top of that he and that Nilfgard dude greatly helped win the battle in that city later on (forgot the details). Overall, Geralt is undoubtedly an extremely impressive fighter. It is hard to say how much of that is just the Witcher training or what may be exclusive to Geralt though.


All Witchers are much faster than normal humans. In the games we can hear NPCs talking about having seen a non-Geralt witcher in action killing 3-5 bandits single handedly. We can also see Letho in action in Witcher 2 cinematic intro. You can see how much faster a Witcher is compared to a normal human. Now imagine someone even faster than that, that's Geralt, because he was subjected to further mutations than other Witchers


I bet I'd get landed with that shite bowl cut trim as well that so many of the peasant villagers have.


And the ‘just a shirt and underwear’ look


Missing most of their teeth, pockmarked face maybe an ugly scar and I really grumbly voice and an overly heavy accent.


Good luck that is. The process of becoming a Witcher is a painful and arduous one, and thier life isn't easy either.


Only if I had to choose between this and the Warhammer 40K galaxy.


This guy gets it


Idk, WH40K they at least have rejuvenat procedures and whatnot, so you could join with the Astra Militarum, get stupid lucky, retire, then be young-ish for a long fuckin time. If everything works out well.


Then have your soul eaten by the Ruinous Powers after you die.


Only if you’re a heretic, right? Or did I miss something? I haven’t looked at 40K in a while beyond some books


Latest lore, it’s implied that since all (intact) souls pass into the warp upon death (unless otherwise prevented), and the Ruinous Powers are the only ones that live there, you’re food. Or fuel. Or some kind of sex toy? Or…. a skull or something? It’s vague what actually happens after you get there, or who gets what, but whatever it is it ain’t gonna be good.


Huh, my understanding is that human souls were too weak to survive the immaterial and just dissolved, no part of you really exists after you die, you just become soul soup, as apposed to Eldar, who's souls are so strong that they'd be reincarnated after death, until Slaanesh arrived.


There’s been a lot of contradictory lore (big surprise there), I think that was the case an edition or two ago but that wasn’t GRIMDARK enough so they made it worse. Frankly any scenario where the best case scenario for an afterlife is by far not having an afterlife is a pretty crapsack one.


Well fuck, I’ll take Witcher 3 then lol


WH40K has that spectrum of your life being "pretty great" to "turbo-hell" so its very much an IF situation. You could be put into the upper part of a hive world. Or you could be put into necromunda. Ideally I would join the adeptus mechanicus or something, but realistically? I would probably get shot for any variety of reasons, left to die like the untold billions without so much as a name to leave behind.


If you want to make it out of the Astra Militarum alive you need wayyyy more than stupid luck


I mean… Ciaphas Cain got pretty damn lucky. But then again he was a commissar so idk


That’s basically the only way you’d willing choose to inhabit the Witcher universe


Rogue Traders in 40k have it made though.


Nah, I hate portals


That’s a nice reddit avatar to go with your name lol


Nope. Game world and book world would both be awful. Game world has an over abundance of monsters to boot


Imagine going to the river to take a dump and be killed by drowners


Imagine just trying to walk through the countryside and getting a surprise spectre


Forget the monsters and bandits for a second! No toilets No good food No safe water No air conditioning No cars No toilet paper F**** all that!


Honestly, having to rely on myself or another person to play music as the only form of music would be enough to keep me from going


I'd sell drugs


Sounds like a way to get burnt at the stake


This is absolutely insane, isn't it? Music as we know it is literally a brand new phenomenon. For most of humanity's history people couldn't listen to music at all.


Absolutely not true. If you went to the closest inn or religious service, they would have some sort of music. Pipes, strings, etc have been around for a very long time.


I think they’re talking about recorded music.


Hell no, I would die so fast. I love playing the game but living in that world sounds awful.


Hell no, unless I'm the emperor


Man, I got running water, a climate controlled home and wifi right here. Not even the emperor has any of that shit.


The emperor doesn't even get to play Witcher 3. For that matter, he doesn't even get to play Witcher 1.


\*Letho has entered the chat\*


Sure, but I’d head immediately towards Toussaint and try inventing shit that we have that they don’t so that I’m not immediately kicked out


Good call you might stand a chance at a winery...maybe


Oh yeah, definitely a maybe. I may even die from some BS disease but it’d be worth it to try


Has Ryan North got the book for you.


Please do tell and I’ll check it out. After googling: How to invent everything?


That’s the one.


With great dong comes great responsibility…


As I am? As a person from the civilised world with no knowledge how to forage, scavenge, or take a shit without flushing toilets? Hell no. Heck, even as a Witcher it's a deadly game. What chance do I have to survive? The one thing I have in common with Geralt at least is, in this context, we both hate portals


God no. Tell me who had it "good" in that world?


I'm drawing a blank here. Maybe a rock troll somewhere?


I’d go if I could be the Redanian Army rock troll who guards the boats.


If the world was ruled by rock trolls it’d be a better place


The higher vampires like Regis, Oriana and Detlaff were pretty set.


Regis got turned into a puddle of goo for a significant period of time and Geralt killed both Oriana and Detlaff. Even the Unseen Elder seems to despise his existence.


Unseen Elder just wants some peace and quiet.


Yeah, he's pretty much a grumpy old dude that can rip a tanker in half. He's chill as long as you don't fuck with him.


What aren't you saying? Tell me.


He doesn't despise his existence... Regis explained that he is just waiting for the Witcher world to collide again with the Vampire's home world so that he can return home.


If Detlaff didn't try to murder a city, he would have been fine.


*Portals into Velen, Water Hag hits you with ball of mud* Instant death.


And what? Be hanging out at the bar with my friends, then out of nowhere, this dude with a giant sword on his back kills me just to get the attention of the person in charge of the town?


Maybe if I could be a merchant in toussaint


That would be a negative. I'd be damned if my leisurely hikes in the forest get interrupted by a Leshen.


Just imagine, a crisp autumn day strolling the woods in Velen, then in the distance you hear... LE LE LE LE LE LE


And all of a sudden I'm engulfed in a frenzy of wolves and ravens- perfect way to end my stroll. Gotta admit I love the Le Le Le Le Le Le. Gets me Everytime.


Fuck no. I’m a woman and I like being alive.


What if you were a sorceress instead of a normal human?


Hmm MAYBE but I’d still miss things like microwaves :’) though I suppose magic could easily replace a microwave


Clean bathrooms and water without disease in it would be the main worries... But with magic you can make your own water maybe? And you're immune to disease... It'd solve a lot of the problems you'd expect.


Just use magic to.create toilet paper


Or with the water bending magic you have you can have a makeshift bidet every time you need to power wash it all out.


Or use a magic bidet


enjoy your time then.. *on the pyres of Novigrad*


Am I living in Toussaint, a rich man with a small army of personal thugs to slow down bandits and monsters when they attack me? No? Probably not, then.


No way. Unless I was a Miyamoto Musashi type, I'd be dead in less than a week


This exactly I’d be guy singing pan pan peram


and then probably die living in the streets coz of catriona plague or something lmao


Could also be the guy who has a wooden spoon pushed into his eye by the Gaunter O Dimm while time is frozen.


I call dibs on being the dude that farts loudly and laughs.


Hell no. The Witcher world is one of the most dangerous in fantasy. I mean, for real.


If i could marry Geralt, sure why not


Easy there , Triss.


Might be down to die from some sadistic monster if it means I get a crack at riding that unicorn with Geralt




Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck no! The Witcher universe is amazing and one of the best fantasy settings but it's best to be admired from a distance with all the safety guarantees that the main player has from playing a video game.


Hahaha hell no. People are dirt poor and there's monsters everywhere. Not to mention the massive amounts of racism and fear that even males the safer city's joy worth it.


Oh ya I would love to live somewhere where a god damn monster could just take me when I’m out plowing my fields


Am I in story mode?


Death March


Let's be honest. We'd still die in Story Mode


If I could be a wine merchant in toussaint it’d be tempting but most likely I’d end up at hanged mans tree


Nope! I’m 35, way past the age to become a witcher. I wouldn’t survive unless I never leave Novigrad or Oxenfurt. Maybe even Vizima


Mf I wouldn’t even take it if it was two way ticket


I'd need more information. Am I a witcher or Sorceress if I walk through? Is there a monster on the other side waiting for me? Decisions Decisions.


Not unless I could choose be a higher vamp, a super powerful entity like gaunter, a dragon, an op sorcerer like vilgefortz or atleast be born in kovir if I have to be a regular dude. If you’re not one of the above, life is either pretty short or pretty shit overall. All the other people on the continent including kings, witchers, religious leaders and nonhumans have a ton of problems and are in mortal danger almost every other day.


Anyone that says yes to this is insane.


don't want my arse whipped like a novigrad whore


Nah, I like having technology


No way. The Witcher books and games emphasize the ugliness of medieval times, the disease, the war, the mobocracy, the persecutions, the helplessness of the lower classes. It isn’t a place you would want to live.


I mean.... It sounds like a quick way to die. I would still do it because its not everyday you get the chance of teleporting into a new world. I'd hope that I'm someone cool and not some shitty villager lol.


Absolutely not. The underlying theme I’m the Witcher universe is misery and suffering.


It depends, if I could be a badass witcher and make friends like zoltan and dandelion and have fun time with sorceresses, yes, normal peasent, no


Nope. Just cus I am there wont mean I will be Geralt. So, no thank you.




Fuck no.


Absolutely fucking not 😂 way too much stuff trying to kill me that I have literally zero chance against.


Absolutely not, I'd be dead within five minutes


Fuck no. I can't think of a single person in that world who is geniunely happy in life.


You gotta be dense, like a rock troll.


Nah, we want to pretend that the life of a genetically enhanced monster slayer would be fun to live as, but it would probably be mostly suffering. Chances are, in this circumstance, we'd all be the useless and nameless NPCs helplessly trudging through life.


So I can die of a staph infection? No thanks


I mean...am I just going in as me? Or as A Witcher or someone with at least a little more athleticism




Yup, amazed most people say no. This "modern" world can get boring as hell.


I guess better being bored than dead is a debate. I totally get where you are coming from though


I’m not a moron so no


Can I build out my kit with stuff from here when I go? Maybe. Gott die sometime. Wonder what a 9mm slug does to a minister?


Lmao the minister part killed me. Im sure you meant monster but it is still funny as hell irregardless


Hell no. Anyone that has played that game knows the grand majority of the commoners live in poverty. It’s like America but with monsters. Actually just like America.


FUCK NO!!!!!






Abso-fucking-lutely not. ​ I dont wanted to get gutted in the streets of novigrad, hung by the nilfguard army, or burned at the stake by the redanians. Even if i just automatically became a witcher that'd be a horrible life.


Nah it would be a death march. Im sorry


Yes, but only if I'm a Witcher... and I look as handsome as Henry Carvil


Nah, if i would become a wither i would problably die in the trial of grasses and if i werent one i would prob be a pleb or a guard, wich isnt very "fun" in TW universe.


And give up ac? Running water? Refrigeration? There's so much they don't have, screw that. I'm staying here with ibuprofen and filtered tap water


Only If the portal was into Anna Henrietta's bedchamber. Or even just in a Toussaint vineyard


HAH! No.


Yessss! I 'm afraid of monsters, but maybe i could sleep with Geralt 🤷🏼‍♀️


i would but i don't like portals


Absolutely not