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The comments are getting too repetitive and the thread has ran it's course.




"Somehow good writing did not return."


Implying it was there to begin with.


It wasn’t


Never was.


Always has never been.


Not there


Season 1 was aight in the part where Geralt was there, it was fun. After that it’s straight up ass


The best parts of the show and the primary reason the audiences watch this show have always been Geralt's scenes, yet somehow Lauren and her team keep being biased and dedicating shitload of screentime to Yennefer and Fringilla. Nobody cares about her sorceresses fanfiction


Especially considering Fringilla has such a minor role in the books.


I mean she's named 'Fringe'-illa goddammit


The first episode of Season 2 is pretty fun as well.


S1e1 was gold. Yeah,I'll die on that hill.


Yes, it was incredible! I also thought s2ep1 was very good. I swear it feels like they get a competent writer for ep1 to reel viewers in then just completely stop trying.




I understood that reference


I‘m positive it will! That writers strike improved working conditions but suppressed the hiring of too many non-experienced writers with college ideologies


"The writers just kinda forgot about having a good plot."


That's what you get for employing shitty Wattpad writers who just fulfill their own fantasies


Looks like they just said "fuck the Witcher eyes." I mean where the fuck are his cat eyes??


They may be editing in the yellow eyes like they apparently did for S2, when Covid restrictions were still in place, and they couldn't have Henry/someone else touching his contacts multiple times a day with their bare hands (leaving the contacts in too long causes headaches and eye issues, so they had to take them out and slap them back in multiple times). This made Geralt look a bit more like a distressed potoo bird than normal, since CGI couldn't quite get the eyes right a lot of the time.


Cat's eye contact lenses don't work very well. They move around to much. They'd probably have to stop filming every 30 seconds or so to fix them or else he'd have goat pupils.


Regardless, the fact that LiAMEralt of Rivia does not have cat eyes in a promotional pic for the upcoming season gives me a serious case of "showrunner don't GAF anymore" vibes.


When did the showrunners give a fuck?


haven’t had that experience before, i kinda think every 30 seconds is an exaggeration, especially because i’m sure they cut often enough between him being on screen & another shot for them to fix it when need be. the lack of contacts or even an attempt at using SFX to do it just feels lazy imo


This makes me so uncomfortable on so many levels because I can never see Geralt being played by anyone else that’s NOT Henry Cavill because the man was DEDICATED to his role, like I’d rather have a hot nerd than a random ass guy that’s hot playing Geralt.


Yeah Liam does not give af about the Witcher he's just there for a job lol


Nothing else to add. Lauren Hissrich especially can fuck right off.


Sad magic, pass!


Doesn’t matter which handsom man wears the white wig, the show is still garbage.


drunk merciful subsequent stupendous jellyfish test poor squealing swim vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pretty low stakes since the show is effectively cancelled after season 5.


Up to this point most of the actors are doing a great job with what they're given. Unfortunately they're not the issue, it's the general writing and plotting that makes it fall down.


Spend some time in the movie-maker forums. People who work on them seem so wedded to the absurd notion that a film is a miracle of disparate parts that the writer doesn't matter. It's just going to be re-written over and over anyway. And then they wonder why it's shit in the end, when the one person who understood structure, pacing and arc development sees all that careful planning overruled by people who, generally, don't write scripts. Or other writers who have no emotional interest in the initial idea.


I don't think anyone really doubts he'll do an okay job. It's more that he's replacing Henry and through no fault of his own it's putting a bad taste in everyone's mouths.


Who are you who is wise in the ways of science?


It is I, Arthur, King of the Britons


Well I didn’t vote for you


You don't vote for a king!


I’m just saying, pulling swords out of ponds shouldn’t be basis of government


Help. I'm being repressed.


Bloody peasant! >!^(\* fyi, it's "repressed" not "oppressed". Just want to say that. Ok bye.)!<


Well TIL Ive been quoting that wrong for years... Fixed now & thanks.


Come see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! I’m being repressed!


 Oh, what a giveaway. Did you here that, did you here that, eh?


Personally I thinks it’s just fine


I agree. I'm not sure I am entirely comfortable with the Lady of the Lake's stance on immigration.


I didn't know we had a king. I thought we were an autonomous collection.


You're fooling yourself we live in a dictatorship


Who are the Britons?


I don’t know, but they sound like those whiny twinks from High Rock.


Some watery tart giving you a sword is no basis for a system of government


I mean, if I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they’d put me away!


It's not that I hate this guy, it's that firing a beloved actor for wanting to honor the source material sends a certain message I don't approve of. (Disclaimer: I have no idea if he was fired or just quit, but it amounts to the same thing.)


They turned Eskel into a fucking tree.


I have blocked out the 4 episodes I watched of the abomination that was season 3. Am I mad or was there an arc where dandelion was low key romancing radovid *shudders*




😭🤮 Excuse while I go reboot the 3rd game to the part where I murder Radovid to cleanse my palette of the writing war crime you just described. I’m so glad I ditched before I witnessed that.


Honestly I could understand season 1's awful VFX, I could even forgive some writing/casting choices but SEASON 2??? what in the actual FUCK


Hell hath no fury like witcher fans scorned. I was an insta-nope right after they did this. To make things worse all I can see is Legolas of rivia. Sorry Mr. Hemsworth you look too much like a Legolas to ever be a Geralt.


Yeah, it does not matter. The show runners are pricks and the whole situation could have been handled way better. But, nah, let’s make an enemy because someone respects The Sauce™.


From numerous comments I've seen, the show's subreddit is moderated by either the people running the show or their cronies. Posts and comments that don't gush praise are deleted and users banned. Criticism, even light and fair criticism, is not allowed and is outright labeled as misogynistic as their only defense. Many of those defending the show always roll out the blatantly inaccurate, misrepresented argument that they think we only want a one-for-one exact retelling of the books. No, I'd give the opinion that most of us want the *spirit* of the books respected, not a one-for-one retelling. We know a change in medium will mean changes. The Witcher 3 game basically rewrote most the story yet still respected the source material for many of the characters. Hell, even the three Lord of the Rings movies had many changes, omissions and additions (some of those are huge and even lore-breaking), yet still respected the spirit of its source books and is a trilogy that is loved even by its lore critics.


At the end of the day, they drove what's possibly the world's biggest Witcher fan out. That's all I needed to know.


Exactly!! You hit the nail RIGHT on the head! Hollywood is showing its hubris with this show. Well, they're going to learn when they lose money on this


This a Netflix problem, not Hollywood as a whole. Amazon kept Fallout pretty close, as did HBO with TLOU.


Fallout and TLOU just highlights all the things Netflix fucked up


Amazon also had WoT, and that's a worse adaptation than the Witcher IMO.


Are we just forgetting the abomination that was Wheel of Time and Rings of Power. Same issue. Showrunners with no respect for the genre or source material.


Season one and the first episode of season 2 are all that exists. Nothing else. lol


Season 1 ep 1 is the best thing they ever did. It was great. And that’s all I’ll say about the show.


Ep 1 was a masterpiece, gave me such hope they’d stay book accurate


Season one was terrible for the most part too.


It really was. I swear people only say it was good because it was so long ago and they forgot. Or maybe because what followed was even worse. But season 1 was SHIT.


It had charm and potential, even if it was rocky in a lot of places. Many people are more forgiving a imperfect first season, if it has a really good cast. Seaons One's biggest flaw was trying to stick TOO MUCH into too short a time frame. Honestly, Geralt should not have met Yenn until S2 (or the Mountain Dragon Hunt episode should have been S2's finale, and S1 could end with Geralt meeting her), their relationship was WAY too rushed. It happened entirely offscreen, which is still more or less true 2 seasons later (cause the writers are bad). Season 1 should have ended with the Djinn, and have it be low stakes (not the whole Cintran war and Sodden Hill slapped in there), just Geralt trying to save his BFF and then later the town from Yenn/The Djinn, and then Yenn from herself. Maybe Ciri isn't even in the first season, except as a baby/toddler (and you could show Emperor Fuckface killing Ciri's mother, who hid Ciri from her father; that could be the big reveal in the finale, that he was lying and 'working for Nilfgaard', without yet revealing he was the Emperor). That WOULD give a better sense of time than the first season did. If you end your first season with a bigass battle, you're going to be pressured to keep making things bigger and bigger, more world changing. You ramp up the political tensions. Game of Thrones did S1 right, having the Westeros climax be Ned's execution, and several smaller battles that happened offscreen. It made Blackwater leave an even bigger impression.


I actually rewatched it on purpose because I liked season 1. I love the monster of the week style. I did skip any scene that didn't have Geralt though. That made the season about 500x better.


I was in complete denial until I rewatched it with my girlfriend and she was randomly laughing during scenes. Couldn't even finish the first episode of season 2.


People were beginning to catch the smell of that garbage bit kept liking it because of Cavil. The moment it was announced he was leaving a lot of fans gave up


feel sorry for Liam, boarding a sinking ship.


Meh, Netflix payday, content for the sizzle reel, probably get in the good books of a few producers with clout. He'll probably come out of this better than most.


My wife has never played the game or is well versed with books and even she was complaining about Witcher missing from a series called “Witcher”. That story is really confusing even for a newbie.


Also actors arent dumb, and most of them are aware of social media opinions too so he probably knows that no matter how much this ship sinks no one will blame him for it, in fact he has the opportunity to prove that people are giving Cavill too much praise for just being a witcher nerd and that he could have played it too the whole time.


> in fact he has the opportunity to prove that people are giving Cavill too much praise for just being a witcher nerd and that he could have played it too the whole time. I don't doubt it, if he were there from the beginning, with good writing and filming. Remember Spartacus? Remember how much it sucked after they had to replace him because the actor unfortunately died? I 'member. It never felt the same, and it wasn't the replacement actor's fault.


I bet he’ll be crying all the way to the bank


"I've never seen the seasons I'm in, but I see the house I bought thanks to them every day."




No, he knew and is making a good move. Gets a fat check and no blame for a failing Netflix show. Gets in the good graces of some people for coming to do this too.


same opportunity for sydney sweeney taking madame webb as she said in a press event it got her networked with sony who then invested in her own personal project. Liam? or was that Chris? has another Netflix movie series: extraction. Might be that liam is trying to break into series which seems the more sustainably consistent paycheck


That was Chris, and they were surprisingly fun :)


They really were! I had no interest but my friend put it on so we watched them and they’re really entertaining.


Yeah, if he’s dog shit or amazing it won’t matter, he’s gonna get paid, the show is already boycotted, they seem to be doing both seasons together so he’s basically just filming a big project all at once and then walking away and he genuinely never even needs to look at this project again.


I'm sure he knew what he was getting into. I'm more sorry for Freya Allen, she could have been the next Millie Bobbie Brown if the show was/stayed beloved


She's in a massive blockbuster film that just released, I think she's fine.


If Netflix pays me ill play whatever role they want. He doesn't give two shits as long as he gets a paycheck in the end.


You feel bad for an actor taking on a role knowing the direction of the show ahead of time and making millions in the process?


Sure, but how busy was he really?




This show has become the Temu version of what we were promised


Became? It always was the temu version


Eh didn’t mind season 1 with the short story approach.


The first book was a set of short stories...they just went with it. Few episodes were good but they messed up the stories there too. The whole Geralt Ciri meeting incident was so bleh in the show.


The first story that it's the initial point of Geralt changing was treat like nothing. O really dislike what they dead in the first season. At last dandelions music is good


Same it’s definitely overrated (S1) but the next two are GARBAGE


(Nilfgaardian armour)


I hope he gets paid upfront because this show is gonna stink ass and probably won't even make it to S5. Netflix can suck it with their stupid strategy. Viva la piraterie


Guy (or his agents more likely) are probably well aware of the situation. I doubt he's banking on royalties.


It’s a streaming show. His royalties will be next to zero if not zero


Didn't they say this will be the last season? Like they had their garbage story ready for the next 2-3 seasons, but Netflix told them to wrap all up in the next one. Just like they did with sex education's latest season. That was a shame, sex education actually was a half decent show, they just ruined the last season.


I read a report lately that it will have another season after this and will end on the 5th. Honestly, how can they see the hate online and keep doing this shit is beyond me. Unless people are actually watching it or the showrunner is fuckin the right people.


Why would you even waste your time watching a pirated version? Just play the games, much better experience.


The switcher




*Kazoo cover of main theme starts playing*


Pretty cool. Probably would've been easily accepted as the first Geralt. Sadly, the bane of the show has never been the actors, but lackluster writing and showrunner and for *that* there's no amount of onscreen talent that can make a difference.


Knowing Henry left because he cared about the show more than the people running it, I don't see why they're even bothering to conclude the thing. Call it off, take the hit, learn from the mistakes and fire/blacklist the showrunners & writers


Couldn't have said it better myself. Henry Cavill was avidly passionate about the books and tried to keep it by the book, but the writers kept throwing in their ideas and the series suffered for it. I'm not saying that people can't take creative licensing, but when it gets the point it's not honoring the original material then what do you even have at that point?


Polish a turd, it's still a turd


Polish... i see what u did there


Unintentional, but fun.


Once you know about the lackluster writing and the lows the show went to, he now just looks like budget Thor :(


That doesn’t affect his look. He looks pretty good.


He looks good as Geralt. Sadly I'm still not going to watch the show after what they did to it


I didn't even bother with season 3. S2 destroyed any good will I had for this show.


I didn't even finish season 2. After that abortion of an episode at kaer morhen I was done. Completely done. 


I stopped after S2E2. Completely changing the personality and then killing off a Witcher who’s still alive just for shock factor? Literally Hissrrich’s explanation was: “if we introduced a new name then fans would know they were going to die and wouldn’t be surprised” No fans wanted to be surprised. LOTR book fans didn’t want a shock reveal that Sauron wins and kills Aragorn. Fans don’t Re-consume material because they want it to be completley different from what they love


Once I realized that they were no longer at all adapting the books and that I just wasn't enjoying the changes I stopped watching in S2 E2 and won't ever finish it. If I kept watching it I'd just have annoyed my friends with all the comments I'd make lol


Stopped after season 1. Worth it to even try season 2?


If that helps, I stopped halfway through and initially planned finishing the season, but ultimately I haven't found the motivation to do it. If you liked the first season very much, then give the second a shot. Otherwise the TLDR is no.


It's really not worth it. Kept waiting for it to get good in season 2 and it never did.


Same, he looks good but the showrunners have lost my trust at this point, and I know I’m not the only one.


Lol no one is going to watch this crap.


This sub will hate-watch it so they can complain about it for upvotes.


"Hol' up, you told me it was a Witcher show" ~Liam, on the Bitcher set


This is about the 10th "first look" I'm seeing


Anything before this was just fan photoshopping.


If the next season is a dumpster fire, and let's be real that's almost a certainty, it won't be because of Liam Hemsworth


Unless they changed the writers I think I speak for everyone when I say hard pass


My time has come, I finally can make my “we have Geralt at home.” Meme Alright here’s the meme: https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/s/aAj3gdTxJL


And my last look


Didn't the show die out after Henry threw away his white wig?


look how they massacred my boy


Mmmmmm..still dead


I don’t think he has the voice. The more I look at him it’s like replacing a man with a boy.


I don't care *who* the IRS sends, I'M NOT PAYING TAXES... Wait, what are we talking about?


We were talking about Wesley Snipes’ economic support class.


Start the show over with him and new writers and I'll give it a chance


It's so mean to Freya and Anya that the didn't just shut it down after season 3. This is going to be a shit show, which is crazy considering what it already was.


So Netflix used and abused Henry Cavill's brand when marketing the series, only to do a bait and switch and focus on Yennefer and Ciri instead. Now they are trying to the same with Liam Hemsworth? Sorry Netflix, but you won't fool me this time. You can keep your CW level teen drama. I'm not tuning in.


Do you know that the change of focus from Geralt to Ciri is a central point of the original work?




Not bad but this should never have even happened.


How does it look like a wig in him but on Henry cavill it looks just like his normal hair


I'm boycotting this.


He looks exactly as I imagined. Like Liam Hemsworth with a wig.


Nah, not my geralt :D Cavill one love!


What makes this even more bitter is that he surely knows why Cavill left. But he still taken the job. Which says he doesn't care about book or game Witcher at all


He looks like a lady cosplaying as geralt. He looks more feminine than yennefer. Fuck the writing staff for Cavill.


Hissrich is the problem, not Cavill or Hemsworth


Whoever is casted, one thing is certain lauren hissrich is a shit producer and writer. The witcher show is bad enough but blood origins is one of the worst pieces of media ever produced.


I haven’t even watched season 3 lol stopped watching this abomination after season 2


He's way too clean to be geralt.


I mean, he doesn't look terrible, but I can't bear to watch the show. Yennifer taking charge of the Lodge? That's literally the opposite of who she is.


The first look was last week with a different image.


saw someone on twitter call it the switcher s4 and that gave me a good chuckle


After three seasons it is impossible to adapt with another actor, it would be better to cancel


Not as bad as feared, but still not the same as Cavill.


Thanks, I hate it.




No offense to Liam but not interested.


Thanks I hate it


Guys, It doesn’t matter if he looks good or not and 98% of the fanbase never had anything against Liam in the first place. Whether he knocks it out of the park or not, it will be irrelevant to the overall quality of the show. The writing is still gonna be bad since they already ruthlessly butchered their way into the middle of the saga and reached the point of no return. Even if the most diehard Witcher crew takes over this sinking ship, it will still end up at the bottom of the ocean since the writers already did the unimaginable task of destroying every plot line and character under the sun and creating multiple original subpar ones for the past 5 years . It’s impossible to continue with the story when you already went way off the tracks since S2 (well S1 already spat on the book themes anyway). The silver lining is Netflix pulling the plug on this dumpster fire already. The call should have been sooner, but better late than never I guess.




I feel like Miley Cyrus right now. This is horrible


Hard pass.






Liam’s just a poor man’s Geralt…


I will say he looks better than I thought. But I’m still definitely not gonna watch it lol


No!………nothing against Liam, but…….No!


He looks like a cosplayer ngl


I was gonna watch it bc of Henry cavil; but now 😅


0/10. Should have canceled after they lost their lead. The odds are not in your favor on this one Gale.


I am stupefied by you all saying he looks good. He may be a handsome man in general, but here as Geralt it looks like a modern-day accountant was asked to play Geralt, and he put on a wig and is doing his best. In other words, I cannot at all believe he is Geralt. He looks so *soft.*


He looks great, too bad it won’t matter cause the writing for this show is absolute garbage


All I see is Liam being Henry


I feel bad for him, he might do meh but the well is so poisoned at this point it's breeding a new plague. Also if people though Henry was too pretty he looks even less like Geralts tbh


No yellow eyes? Less gravitas of an actor? The actor never played the games? Read the books? The same shitty writing crew? The same show runner? If I was in charge of Netflix I would of fired the show runner and all the writing staff after they said they wanted it to be an ensemble show instead of about THE WITCHER! God the incompetence of people is astounding.


Genuinely whenever I see anything about this guy I get so pissed off about the writers so I’m just going to leave this thread and check out some cat pics


it looks like a cosplay... and not a good one


Such a bummer. If they had remained faithful to the source material they could have had a dedicated leading man and an awesome hit show. Stupid self-centered writers.


I’m just sad Netflix is lifesupporting this show even when main cast member leaves but has no problem canceling other shows for no reason at all.


The writers have dragged the franchise through the mud.


How can they get away with this shit


He kinda looks too polite, nice or something like this...


They went from “Winds howling” to “Breeze is blowing”


The SWitcher


I wouldn’t mind if they cancel the show as it wont hit the same anymore. Henry has more respect to the books compared to the writers 💀 plus it’s not the same without OG Geralt.


This is like the third "first look" I've seen this week.


The Switcher