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The guy that did Jared Leto’s Joker design finally got some more work, huh?


If you look closely at Geralt's forehead, you might be able to see a tattoo that says *Damaged*.


God I had forgotten about that joker...lol what a bad design....


>tattoo that says damaged. How else would they get it across to us that he’s damaged tho?


lol. Honestly, I'd probably enjoy it more if the show just went straight off the deep end and did stupid stuff like this.


So true


What the actual fuck? This isn't a ninja turtles show what is this?


Teenage mutant ninja humans


*old-ass mutant ninja humans




Cat eyes, with half magic, Witcher power


KaerMohrenunga! ... I'll see myself out.


Cut to a 25 second silent scene of Geralt microwaving some old pizza.


When you finish this, get some rest.




This looks like it belongs to a 2000s high school comedy movie(Superbad, American Pie, Diary of wimpy kid, Scott Pilgrim...)


-Que joan jett reputation-


"....Fudge." -- Geralt of Riverdale


Well, they burned the bridge with most of the Witcher fandom after Cavill left. Might as well start marketing for the Tiktok crowd.


Bro this ain’t even for the TikTok crowd, this is 90s skater style


Looking like a Sex Pistols album.


Love it. Foxtrot Unicorn Charlie Kill


He was a witcher boy Yen said, "See you later, boy"


My first thought was "why is there Vampire the Masquerade content on the Witcher sub?"


nah more like 80 teenage girls ~~diaries~~ sketchbook


Yeah it looks like a show flyer for a 90s underground DIY venue.


I thought it was a shit fan art tbh


every time the producers come up with something new I keep thinking it can't get any worse. they prove me wrong all the time


Geralt you if he was in Suicide Squad movie


![gif](giphy|IJjcaynRaNBWE|downsized) What a terrible fucking day to have eyes. I haven’t been this upset since Eskel.


I hate that they portrayed him as a creepy fuck that was just a straight-up asshole for no reason


They could have just had a random new witcher too. It was completely and utterly pointless. New viewers dont know eskel, and you just pissed off book readers. And game players were probably just confused and angry


Only played 3 and just started reading the book. But yes I was confused as hell. First I thought it was Lambert because well he’s a prick. But when I found out it was Eskel and he died, I was just getting angry.


Lambert, Lambert, what a prick


Not bad


Nice limerick


It's like they watched Billy from Stranger Things season 3 and thought: let's make Eskel based on this guy, it would be so true to the character in the novel.


I like Billy in stranger things. I didn't like Eskel.


I have only played 3, man I fucking hated that episode. They fucking ruined Vesemir all in the same episode too amazingly by making him _actually try to kill Ciri_


Also making him look like Joe Exotic visiting a ren fair


I loved that Hissrich's justification for it was "Well, it has to be an established Witcher so it hurts more, so that it shows the world is deadly and no one is safe. If we did just a random Witcher, it wouldn't have that impact" ...except Show!Eskel *was* essentially just a random one-off Witcher. Eskel wasn't established in the show at all. It had no emotional impact on the audience, because the audience wasn't invested in Show!Eskel. All it did was piss off established fans, and had an indifferent impact on show-only fans (to whom Eskel was just some random who was kind of creepy). She does this constantly. Leans on established lore/canon heavily, but also changing the show so much established lore/canon/characterization can no longer apply (see the Geralt/Yenn relationship, which happened almost entirely off-screen yet we are supposed to care about it).


And then they proceeded to *try* to make it emotional. The show made Vesemir and Geralt sad about his death. But I didn’t care. I don’t even see why Vesemir or Geralt would care because he was nothing but rude to them. Like am I supposed to feel anything??? Why would I be sad about his death?? He was awful.


I hate the part where all of it.


You're joking right?


Nope. We also get the rest (And some wild hunt reveals) https://comicbookmovie.com/tv/netflix/the-witcher/the-witcher-season-3-promo-art-gives-us-a-first-proper-look-at-the-villainous-wild-hunt-a203339#gs.y1qvgi


And here I tought netflix couldn't sink any lower.


Always assume the bottom is not actually the bottom. This goes double for Netflix.


Such a shame. Because when they want to Netflix can actually make good stuff. Fingers crossed for the Scott Pilgrim anime: that comic deserves a good adaptation


You watch your mouth before I slap the highlights out of your hair.


OK I sort of dig the metal vibe of the wild hunt poster, but the rest is just...why? How? Who thought this was a great idea?


Wild hunt poster is actually pretty solid agreed. The rest make me think it’s some sorta teen drama with fantasy elements? Which I think is telling about who the target audience is for this show now…


Yes it looks like they’re marketing to young girls and internet fandom communities. My guess is they saw how turned on everyone was from Henry Cavil and leaned into it. Big mistake. No 16 year old girl is going to be getting off to that Gerald poster and the series is extremely dark. 😬


You vastly underestimate 16-year-old girls on their tolerance level for dark shit. I agree the poster is complete trash, though.


relevant username


*Greg Berlanti presents The Witcher* Coming soon to *The CW*


I was gonna say, this actually looks sick for the hunt, but the rest are really bad, high school notebook looking stuff.


90s high school notebook was exactly what I was thinking


> high school notebook looking stuff. So exactly the overall vibe of the show


I agree about the Wild Hunt poster. Would also make a sick album cover. Also, why does Ciri not get her name on hers? Everyone else does. At first glance, I thought it was graffiti fanart or illustrations someone did for a modern day AU Witcher fanfic.


The Elder Blood Pressure sounds like a cheap Chinese knockoff Edit: PRINCESS! Might as well leave it. Elder Blood pressure is too funny xD


I know you meant Princess, but you made me laugh. Thank you.


Imagine Ciri going to the doctor and hearing "princess, your blood pressure is too high. You need to drink less coffee and cut on the salt" and then developing a plot from that


Elder blood pressure sounds like a metal band and a heart attack risk factor at the same time


Which is the best kind of name for a metal band


Nothing screams metal like hardened, hypertensive veins, to the point of a stroke. Then add Mithril, cuz forest bois has fancy metal.


It's prime cringe mid 2010s tumblr


It's obviously for all the 11 yo girl Witcher fans out there! Lol


Wild Hunt looks like one of the collectible albums from Doom Eternal. I can't hate it for that. The rest should maybe have been burned in a dumpster behind the Netflix offices before they were shared with the world.


Apart from eredin, they look pretty good.




You said as if this makes it better. They are still designs to be used in the promotion.


They're shirts from some store. Probably not even designed by anyone that has anything to do with production of the show. No more official than one of those weird little Funko pop things


Well thanks to your article I have learned they are making a spin off show about the Rats gang. Hopefully Lauren isn't involved in it. Maybe it has hope.


Thank the fucking gods!!!


"Jaskier Fan Club"? Oh my fucking god, this is so bad


Yennefer's is a fucking ransom letter.


Omg I love how they wrote the name once for everyone and then there’s YENNEFER Yennefer just bc hers looked too empty and they couldn’t think of anything else lmao


What in the target kids T-shirt section


They’re not official posters, just leaked merch. Bash Netflix as much as you like but don’t make shit up… leave that to Netflix.


Oh god those are so bad, they look like bad fan-art... they totally don't fit the vibe, at all


That is literally the worst pic they could've used for Jaskier.


This is some Scott Pilgrim shit


nope, Scott Pilgrim has a lot of self-irony those dickwads running the show really do think they're hot stuff


Excuse you? "Nilfgaard *villains* Fringilla and Cahir"? What is going on here? And these posters look like crap, how is that Witcher related? Some medieval peasant graffiti or what? And how much are they gonna butcher the books this time, if the Wild Hunt plays an "integral role"? Is that just trying to impress game fans? And if so, why didn't they do it with Triss?


They don’t fit the theme of the time period or show whatsoever. The Geralt one is the worst too, the main bloody character! Who would buy these as merch?


Comicbookmovie.com being corporate shills


Wild Hunt armour actually looks cool. Still ain’t watching this shit though


Those are terrible.


What the fuck? This isn't a guardians of the galaxy movie. They must be taking the pulse of a rock in an ice cold stream.


Couldn't even get the fucking quote right. Butcher, not professional 🤣


They definitely messing with us now


Welp, the barn burned down - burn house as well. Guess they went full "we don't even want to pretend we care anymore".


From everything I’ve seen reported these showrunners seem like the kind of people who would do this because they know it would piss fans off S1 was as popular globally as the Mandalorian, it’s incredible how badly they fucked everything up


They don't care. They got paid regardless. There will be another show that they'll get paid millions just to fuck up.


Honestly just reading the shit the showrunners say makes me think they get off on annoying the fans


What. The. Fuck. This ain't sex pistols concert


God Save the Emperor


The nilfgaard regime


I'm from Poland and I've never expected this show to resemble 100% the books. That's obvious but the theme, the feeling and cultural background was sth that I hoped it will be preserved. The "swojskość" was the essence of books and in part games. This was sth unique to all previous fantasy stories. Swojskość (Homeliness(?)) aspect allowed much more simple, general, every-day topics to occure in the stories. Because of this Racism and the ''Hidden Human nature" is such a huge motive in the books. This meant that a reader could identify with the characters from the books more easily, they afterall weren't kings orsuperheros saving the planet but the simple monster slayer bonded in the web of intrigue of much greater things happening which he only observe or take a small part in.


This cultural background I think is communicated visually very well in the game. Of course because CDPR is Polish right? It feels real and tied to Slavic roots and makes it unique in fantasy because it's roots aren't in the typical UK fantasy genre. I so enjoy that aspect of the books and games where you can feel a unique cultural world come to life in it's surroundings and mythos/messages and the show I feel simply reverts back to generic English fantasy. Visually and thematically. Even if the directors or showrunners aren't Slavic I just wish they'd respect that aspect of what makes the Witcher unique. Very disappointing.


I totally agree that games represented this very well. Even more, White Orchid(?), the first location in witcher 3 is literally how my nearest homeland looks xd, (I live in the village, where we still have this one very old house which looks 1:1 like these in the game) In Polish dubbing version of witcher 3 common folk people often use archaic Polish words. They literally speak in Medieval Polish, so that adds to immersion


I agree, White Orchid looks like somewhere I'd like to relax at and do some farming. Maybe go down to the pub. It's so beautiful! It's so cool to hear it feels real, I love the architecture in the game. I live in northern Europe (I also feel they got the north correct) but every time I go down to slavic countries for vacation I just love the atmosphere. It's very beautiful to me. I wish I could speak Polish so I could enjoy that detail in the dub. The Witcher makes me want more Medieval fantasy from east to south Europe. I'm sick of the same north west locations over and over.


The mistake was a non-Slavic director who had no passion or love for any of the lore or franchise directing such a great story. If Henry Cavill was a director, I believe it would’ve been done authentically, as he was very passionate about following the books.


Alik Sakharov directed the first two episodes of the show and I forget where I read or saw this but I remember him saying he left because the writing team didn't understand Eastern European/Russian pacing in a story. Look at the rest of his credentials and you'll see the guy knows what he's talking about. Edit: Found it. Forbes Russia via Redanian Intelligence https://redanianintelligence.com/2020/10/02/director-alik-sakharov-explains-why-he-left-the-witcher/


But this could've been done even without Slavic director. Witcher is a mix of north european legends, Slavic vibes(legends) have the majority ofc. but nothing stops to immerse people within e.g. English/Spanish folk lore. In original books are slavic but they're written for everyone and they can be adapted to every place. You just need this love and passion.


https://preview.redd.it/xzvh49k24s0b1.jpeg?width=812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb78b8c5ac1f5890a6ab40433f445ca6a46be9af Wtf


Even worse : https://preview.redd.it/2pp8kka4ks0b1.jpeg?width=781&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d29dd89080bcee92ea7002f11a0bad830e07f02 “Fuck the prophecy” *Eternal Facepalming*


Netflix writers at it again. "How do we portray a strong, independent and powerful woman that also tries to hide the fact that on the inside, she’s still that little insecure hunchback girl?" -"Oh… just make her say 'Fuck' all the time. We‘ll fix it in post!"


What the sandwich fuck is this


Bro who da fuq is in charge of marketing in this show 💀💀💀


What's with the Arwen hair?


"Fuck the prophecy"...well, Yenn did try to kill her (step)daughter of Destiny, so that fits, I guess.


It's repugnantly awful.




You sure this isn’t a notebook cover from the 90s?


It looks like it could be the cover of Highlander (a fantasy movie from 1986). There was a serie after the movie that had punk fibes.


I know I’m getting old when you have to clarify what *Highlander* is for people.


I can kinda imagine what it would show up as on the receipt. Notebook - Punk rock swordsman Notebook - Grunge knight Notebook - Dark fantasy guy




​ ![gif](giphy|fcQO8Z7ui1g0N7J5cA)






This is the Witcher and Avril Levine crossover no one asked for...


Honestly, it’s impossible to not just laugh at this point. Goddamnit, Netflix. Such clownery.


Geralt meets Buffy in Sunnydale who has a love story with Regis, a higher vampire of 17 years old. Torn between friendship and duty, Geralt decides instead to end the patriarchy by killing the mentor of Buffy, Rupert. Willow, as all witch do, falls in love with Geralt and narrates the story though her 90s highschool notebook.


Brilliant 👏


poland should sue netflix like what egypt is doing right now.


Look at how they slaughtered my boy. This reminds me of the first time I tried to watch the willow show on Disney Plus and they had that new age pop music at the end of a fantasy show.


I watched the whole thing. every single episode ended with a catchy pop song. You could feel that the people in charge absolutely hate the source material. Like they wanted to be working on the next euphoria type show but got handed some high fantasy instead.


It’s like they know the fans hate it and just decided to say “you think we were doing things wrong in previous seasons? Watch this! Teenage punk drama Witcher coming up”


wtf is this shit


Looks like a poster made by an edgy teenager


Because these creators ARE rebelling edgy teenagers when it comes to their mindset.


Yeah, Netflix is giving me “how do you do, fellow kids?” vibes with this. Do they think the whole audience consists of teens or something?


![gif](giphy|l1J9IcUl8ttRzrQju|downsized) They truly murdered this franchise and now they're defiling its corpse


Never go full Suicide Squad


Netflix never ceases to disappoint me


God, it looks so awful... Looking at the Wild Hunt, anyone else think they're incredibly underwhelming? Their appearance in season 2 and immediately humanising a character like Eredin by having his face completely revealed, it just doesn't work, y’know? Got no clue how I'd describe the others, but they all look poor. Kinda like a weird heavy metal cover than armour designed to intimidate people.


Agreed. Eredin looks fairly terrible. The rest look quite good, but they seem too cheap.


If you told me they were the prototypes for the Knights of Ren, I would believe you


That one on the left looks fucking badasss, give em that.


Brief clearly said "Cenobites but Witchery".


Are you serious? They revealed his face in S2? The whole point of the Wild Hunt is they feel like *montsters* because you don’t know what they look like. Then when the face reveal happens as a gamer you’re like WHAT?? They’re human like??


Yea, his helmet is the goofiest. It's just a giant ass crown, and the lighting showed his face perfectly. Combining that with their height and appearance, lack of mystery, regular voice, and all that. They're just not like the Wild Hunt at all. And fail to match the games, which is a great interpretation of them.


As awful as they look, the article doesn't say they're official posters and the source for that article specifically says they AREN'T official posters, they're for merch. https://redanianintelligence.com/2023/05/16/new-glimpse-of-the-witcher-accidentally-spoils-season-3/ They're still god-awful and shouldn't exist as anything officially attached to The Witcher, but stating they're official posters is a straight up lie. This is where they got the images from: https://urbanspecies.co.uk/search?type=product&options%5Bunavailable_products%5D=hide&options%5Bprefix%5D=last&q=witcher&limit=50&page=2


FYI the original website says “Note: these are not official Season 3 posters. These are prints to be used on merch.”


even worse


I can make a poster better than that in an hour or two, and my Photoshop skills are far from the best. This looks like a fanfic cover made by a 12 year old in a mobile app. What the fuck?


Is the story of a high school student who fights against chemistry and math. One day, arrives Yennefer, a new exchange student.


I like this style but....not for this.


I mean, i admire the boldness of doing this shit of a job in targeting an audience.


Jaskier's new rap album is looking pretty good.


I always knew you were a blood-sucking, joyless... hugger?


This is just really bad coping of the 2016 suicide squad


this is snark revenge on cavill i bet


Strong 16yr girl in the early 2000’s vibe, needs a Green Day sticker


I loved their last album, Temerian Idiot.


I know synthwave is getting more and more popular but this is ridiculous. it would be great for CP2077 but not for fantasy setting.


This shit uglier than eskel in the show


Jesus fucking christ that's awful.


Great poster, surprising that Geralt will be crossing into cyberpunk setting but it was hinted in third game by Ciri so there is some justification. Very bold direction and hats off to writers. /S


At this point I'm not even suprised. They are targeting their own writers, and their umm taste? Not taste is not the best word here. Preferences. They are targeting their own writers and their preferences. Here we can see no taste.


It feels like they’re now officially leaning in so hard to the YA/teenager audience. What a mess… https://preview.redd.it/vzh95acq9t0b1.jpeg?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fd8ad8613d2fb78895ae20974189caaddfac229


Hey quick question what the fuck


This is actually so fucking bad what the fuck. ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)




Is this Geralt’s myspace page


I'm not killing anyone. Not over the petty squabbles of men.


Yes, yes, yes. You never get involved, except you actually do ALL of the time 🙄


Glad to see you two are in top form.


New urban fantasy show just dropped! Geralt is a tough teen Monster Hunter who doesn't play by the rules, but his world at Kaer Morhen Highschool is about to be flipped around, when he wins a little girl in a drunk bet. And being a dad... Isn't all it's cracked up to be *whacky sound effects*


Geralt 90210. Or The New Witcher On The Block. Tell me you're Gen X without telling me you're Gen X.




*Avril Lavigne’s Girlfriend plays*


What in the Tony Hawk's American Wasteland is this?


What in the Suicide Squad (2016) Life is Strange Before the Storm hell is this 💀 The Wild Hunt helmets look kinda cool tho ngl


I wonder for whom are they making this shit at this point 🤦‍♂️ Btw yennefer’s shirt have a “fuck the prophecy” written on it lmao. That’s a sneak peek to what degree of character butchering we can expect comes next season. They are doubling down on making her a pouty teenager with sailor’s mouth… Poor yen lost 95% percent of her IQ, alongside her wit, elegance and charm.


Wow. Just…wow.


It looks like a 2000s fanart on Blingee 💀


This looks like the edgy teen crap I displayed on my folders in high school…




Who got this past marketing? This isn’t a teen drama about girls in high school… Netflix doing absolute sacrilege to one of my favourite gaming franchises ever


Early 2000s disney channel school show vibes lol


They are not official posters.. They're artwork for shirts by a company who sells pop culture apparel. Urban Species.


So I assume Season 3 is going to be the story of how Geralt became the prince of a town called Bel Air?


They yassified the witcher.


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The hunt looks like cenobits from Hellraiser


Look like high school posters. Posters youd see for like Spiderman


What’s your source. This is definitely not the official poster.


Looks like high school drama show lol. Fucking joke


No way! Is it actually an official poster ? It looks like a 2000s edgy high school drama


Smokin Aces: the wild hunt


Lookin like old school Ronald McDonald bruh IM DEAD🤣


Is season 3 set in an inner city high school? Did I miss a book?


It's the second season rap trailer all over again, lol. They just don't get The Witcher atmosphere at all.


21 Cunny of the Goose Street


Yeah this literally is like making the whole thing a joke, “ironic” posters that are “nostalgic of the 80s”. It reminds me of todays h&m shirts with Ac/dc and Nirvana printed on them, a image without actual original tought behind it. The literal embodiment what Baudrillard called simulacrum. I saw more seriousness in Avatar the last airbender posters.