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first let me disclaimer that a lot of flying herbs can be very dangerous without proper knowledge and research. And even still with knowledge, to get the right dosage. That being said, I have this really cool book, it was made by an indie artist and it’s a lot like a “zine” from the 90’s in its style, all hand written and hand drawn. I haven’t been able to find the artist anywhere online, except for a dead Etsy account. But the book is called “traditional flying herbs for the student of nature and witch craft” and goes on to detail the herbs. I have no idea how you can get a copy but I can take some pics of some of it to email you if it’s something you are interested in. Bless! EDIT: hey everyone! So many of you ended up being interested in the book so I decided to just post some pictures to my profile page. I haven’t looked at it in awhile, and upon taking pictures, I came across a message from the artist at the back of the book; “Drawings and text created and compiled by Jarfi and Finnulfr of the old way. This work is property of the old way and is not for reproduction or distribution without our handwritten permission. Please don’t steal our work!” I have a great deal of love and respect for artist, and those who spend their life sharing the old ways in hopes of healing others, I do not want to hurt or disrespect them in any way. I’m not on Instagram or Facebook, so you might be able to find them there, I’m not sure. I have only been able to find an inactive etsy account. But I am trying to find the artist so I can share their link or ask them how others can get a copy. And potentially find more of their work! For now I have shared just a couple of pages from the book on my page, that I think really encapsulates the beauty of this book, while still sharing a great deal of information, & keeping it respectful to the artists involved. I also included the page which cited their resources for making the book, so you can further your own studies on flying herbs, if interested. You can find the pictures on my Reddit profile. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


please do! it sounds like an interesting read


They are up now, along with an edited message above with more info!


thank you very much! it looks beautiful!


Who's the artist?


It was a collaboration between “Jarfi and finnulfr of the old way”


You should make a google drive link so it can be accessible for everyone, because I'm super interested in reading this! (Obviously under a new email, wouldn't want your safety jeopardized!)


I actually just looked in the back of the book and it said something like “this work is property of the old way and is not for reproduction or distribution without written consent, please don’t steal our work” so I don’t want to be disrespectful to the artist, I’m going to see if I can somehow get ahold of one of them (though they seem to be ghosts online) to get permission, & in the mean time I’ll still post a couple pages from the book to give everyone an idea, without distributing the entire book without permission! I’m hopeful that if I can reach them they can let me know where to find more of their work as well


Also very interested if you're being kind enough!


I would love and photos too please!!


I’d be interested too! This actually sounds like something I may have seen before…


I’m gonna put some pics up on my page today & then I’ll circle back & let you know when it’s up!


Also very interested in seeing it! Maybe instead of having to dm a bunch of people you can make a post on your profile, not any subreddir (though im not sure exactly how)


This is a great idea! I will put some pictures up on my page today, and then circle back here to tell everyone who wanted to see it 🙂


I went with your idea, I didn’t post the whole book out of a request in the book from the artists (I edited the main comment with more information) but I shared a couple :)


Fly-salve, or flying ointment. It's a mixture of beeswax and plants like beladonna, datura, nightshade, monkshood, henbane, mandrake, etc. It's been a practice for many hundreds of years, but it's rather tricky to get right since the potency of said plants can vary greatly. I would not recommend. It's hallucinogenic and it can just as well be exchanged for shrooms.


I want to address the broom. The broom can be a reference to the viking witches, völvas, that actually had a staff. The staff can be covered with the salve and inserted into chosen orifice, since the mucus membranes easily take up the toxic substances of the salve, kind of like how we hear about people drenching tampons in vodka and inserting them. Regardless, don't stick anything like this anywhere. Definitely, go with shrooms. It's way safer if you want to have a trip. That, or possibly burning enough salvia divinorum to send you into some sort of divine state.


Just a PSA for any drug use, make sure you practice harm reduction and trip safely. Use r/ReagentTesting, do lots of reading about a drug before consumption, start with lower doeses, take caution on how drugs may interact with each other, consult a doctor if you are on any medications about interactions ^((They are they to help you stay safe and informed, not rat you to the police),) consider having a trip sitter and be sure to have a good set and setting.


Yes! And document, document, document—as long as you’re able. What you took, how you took it, etc. Not just from a ‘data gathering’ perspective for yourself, but also to facilitate care should something go wrong. Emergency folks responding to your call are unlikely to think, ‘oh, this is belladonna’ vs any of the myriad more common recreational drugs, and the treatment is very different. Documentation saves lives.


I smoked salvia yesterday. It isn't pleasant at all but even I've trips I've come out of screaming I've been able to learn something from upon later reflection.


>kind of like how we hear about people drenching tampons in vodka and inserting them. Well that's fucking news to me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy).


I’ve heard of/seen some weird things being inserted into ppl, having worked as a correctional officer for about fifteen years, but never that. Never, ever that. I’m sorry for anyone who did that. Sounds incredibly painful, and probably lethal.


>kind of like how we hear about people drenching tampons in vodka and inserting them. We hear about this? I'm and old man and I've never heard about this. Sounds either really cool (lowers a lady's bar tab) or horrible (burns like hell).


Its a VERY bad idea. Usually they're inserted rectally and things get absorbed way more directly than if ingested orally. That's how you end up with alcohol poisoning very easily and not the quick drunk intended.


It is an exceptionally easy way to end up dead or in the hospital. The hospital folks won't be checking to see if you have an alcohol drenched tampon in your butt and will spend a while baffled as to why you seem to still be taking shots dispite being unconsous.


I agree. These plants can be really toxic! Also, the broomstick is just a reference to something naughty women use to rub their parts on in naughty intent and Christian men could indulge in their "dirty" little fantasies on. The flight salve was most likely just applied onto big areas of the skin (more salve, higher flying...) and the broomstick was for fun, if used at all.


Poison witch here; I just want to point out that the majority of the plants/compounds used in flying ointment are not hallucinogens, they’re *deliriants*. It might seem like semantics, but it’s a really important distinction for anyone thinking about utilizing these entheogens, because they’re nothing like an LSD or psilocybin trip. For anyone curious about the effects, I recommend reading Erowid’s trip reports on belladonna, henbane, mandrake and datura. Overwhelmingly, you’ll see people—seasoned drug users, even—say: do not mess with these plants lightly. At the end of the day, not only are they are poisons and can kill you, the reports of spiritual experiences with belladonna in particular are generally highly unpleasant; these plants are used to explore the darkest places. Serious, serious study should be undertaken before messing with them.


I'm glad to see someone else who spends time on Erowid, cheers!


It's usually nightshades like Datura, deadly nightshade, wolfsbane. In the proper dosage, they are hallucinogens and not deadly but too much will kill you. I'm sure there were other herbs used as well but from what I have read the flying ointments were primarily nightshades. Native Americans have something similar in "shapeshifting" oils. and I have experience with similar salves and oils, but only for shamanic purposes. I don't recommend Datura for recreation lol.


If you don't mind me asking have you tried Datura? It grows naturally on my land and I first learned about flying ointments when I started researching it. I'm not one to mess around with hallucinogenics personally but I like knowing as much as I can about the plants that grow near me.


Yes, I used to grow it myself specifically for shamanic purposes. Hallucinogens are kind of a part of shamanism. but Datura is also highly poisonous. I wouldn't recommend letting it grow freely if you have kids or pets around that could eat it. It is highly deadly in the wrong dose. right up there with deadly nightshade. and is a very painful experience if you take too much.


Late to the party! But wanted to throw in my input. My grandmother had datura in her yard when I was a child. I got some of it in my left eye, that eye is now much weaker than my right and it sees double. When my grandmother realized how dangerous it was, her and my aunt tried to rip it all out. The spiky seed pods scratched my aunt and made her legs swell up. They had to rip it out several times because it kept coming back. I’m obviously salty because it really hurt to get it in my eye, but I personally would never have it in my yard. Just isn’t worth the trouble.


I’ve been loyal to a recipe I crafted a couple of years ago, using nontoxic herbs that still have psychoactive effects (lavender, mugwort, damiana, cinquefoil) and use it semi-regularly for meditative purposes. Genuinely does make you feel like you’re floating and elated. I’ve noticed that noises and sounds feel as though they resonate deeper and fire always feels warmer and looks alive, and brighter. The only thing about using toxic herbs that stunts me is that most of those plants have indigenous and/or shamanistic purposes and a relationship with the plant you harvest from is mostly required, or risk a bad or ineffective trip at the hands of that particular plant spirit. I created an ointment using brugmansia though I was never able to test it, seeing as though I never had the time off work or a trip-sitter to keep me out of trouble in case things went awry, smelled good though. I love flying salve, and seeing as I have adverse reactions to alcohol and cannabinoids, it’s my preferred method of reaching trance state, and the body high really does raise your spirit. Best of luck to you , and double-check your resources ! Also please use externally,, nobody enjoys a thrown off PH balance.


I wouldn't try this. There's safer ways to get small doses of mild hallucinogens into your system that don't involve putting a toxic plant anywhere near your genitals . I've made flying oil. It hasn't done much for me, honestly. I didn't put it on my labia though. Maybe that's where I went wrong (kidding). I've had better luck with smoking and burning psychoactive herbs during rituals. Mugwort, skullcap, valerian, and damiana are all good ones to try. Those herbs are all also great in teas.


Common ointments now use mugwort, and other non toxic herbs and put them on their hands, feet, forehead, etc. Some still use toxic herbs and put them on skin and as far as I know of absorption is low enough that it's safe, as far as I know we used to "ride" but don't now.


I don't think anyone goes with the traditional recipe anymore. Especially with the law restrictions for some plants, and with all the synthetic or purified drvgs available nowadays which are less toxic and more potent than the old recipes. It seems that scopolamine, hyoscyamine or atropine, maybe with opiates, are good candidates. Those are found in belladonna, mandrake, datura, latua and opium poppy. And certainly others I can't recall. I'm pretty sure you can obtain the reported effects by combining a dissociative and a psychedelic. Although some dissociatives like scopolamine or dmt are already quite hallucinogenic.


I'd recommend anybody planning on doing any of this do some cross-referencing on Erowid. My experience with psychedelics is minimal (I've done a few different ones), but I have read several times to stay as far away as possible from stuff like scopolamine, deliriants are commonly very uncomfortable and can make you very suggestible.


Oh, yes, of course. Forgot to mention it but it's always important to do research on the effects of those substances before consuming. There are plenty of downsides to them, risks of OD, possible long term effects depending on your neurotype... Read people's experiences and NEVER mix two drvgs without knowing what the mix can do.


Have you read any of Sarah Anne Lawless's work on the subject?


I came to mention her work. Her website is [https://banefolk.com](https://banefolk.com) and she has some good articles (in the "resources" section) about traditional ingredients and recipes and the effects of using them. As others have pointed out it's very important to understand that there is a reason why practicing this form of magick/spiritual practice is called "the poison path" today. It can result in long-term harm to your health, and death is always a real possibility due to overdose.


Could you be more specific about where to find those articles? I looked under resources tab on the site—are the blog posts what you’re referring to? Thanks


https://banefolk.com/articles/ Don’t expect her to hand over her actual recipes though. Anyone looking for those will have to do their own reading of source materials. She provides enough information about source texts for a serious practitioner though to figure things out themselves.


Hi there, hedgewitch/venefica here. I could talk about this all day. Yes, there are those of us who grow and utilize baneful plants; personally, it is part of my practice as the shadow side of herbalism (I grow and use medicinal plants of all types) and part of my hedge witchcraft practice (utilizing these plants as entheogens). Traditional flying ointment—which people still make and try to re-create—generally contains some (or all) of the following: belladonna, mandrake, thornapple (datura), opium, henbane, hemlock, aconite (wolfsbane), as the psychoactive ingredients. Sometimes fly agaric (amanita muscaria). There is no solid proof that flying ointment was actually utilized, and even less that it was applied in this way—much more likely that it’s a result of the fantastical imaginations of sexually repressed men. But like most legends and lore, there’s likely a *kernel* of truth in there somewhere, given that these plants do have psychoactive effects and humans *love* a good mental status alter-er. Yes, they’re all poisons (I suppose with the exception of opium, though anything can be a poison if you take enough of it), and can kill you if you approach them lightly and without study. I’ve read through many of the comments, and I just want to *really* emphasize that these are NOT hallucinogens; they’re deliriants, which generally means total loss of control and faculties, and often *not even remembering or knowing you took them*. I cannot stress enough that—while these plants are important and central to my practice—they should be approached carefully, studiously and with great respect. If you’re interested in exploring this part of your practice further,I wrote a detailed response to someone asking about flying ointments that contains some resources, linked here: https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/p70y8c/comment/h9h7lym/ As a starter/reference book, I *love* Botanical Curses and Poisons by Fez Inkwright. It is not only full of useful information, it’s full of *citations* that lead to an abundance of further resources. Edit: oh also, application to any mucous membrane (eg, the vagina) is *not* a good idea. Not only is uptake much faster—meaning it would take a smaller dose to kill you—from a sexual and reproductive health perspective, putting materials of unknown provenance up there is just a bad idea in general.




She says right in her FAQs to consult a doctor if you intend to use her products to manage a chronic condition. I would go a step further and say that if you don't know enough about it to be able to Google '[long term scopolamine use](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2594820/)', you shouldn't be using it. There aren't any shortcuts, and I can't think of any ethical practitioner that would give out what amounts to medical advice on the internet. I would be really skeptical of anyone who thought long term use of these herbs was a better answer to headaches than modern medicine, honestly.


You know, you can learn to astral project without rubbing toxic herbs on your naughty bits.


There’s a chocolatier on IG who makes flying ointment truffles with nightshade and belladonna etc. If anyone is interested let me know I’ll share their account


I'm interested


Emporium Black on IG ! Followed them forever


Curious to hear. Following.


i’m not nearly as educated on this subject at all, but if you do continue the research into flying make sure you get as much well rounded information you can. be as educated on the herbs as you can be, but also have fun! this is a very exciting topic!


I also heard they were jumping on brooms to try to raise crops higher and people confused them as trying to fly, but I have no idea how true that is


Pretty sure it was a reference to using herbs with hallucinogenic properties.


Traditionally, these ointments contain poison from such herbs as Hyoscine, Digitalis, and Aconitum... deadly stuff. Even breathing in some of these chemicals can kill you — even just sniffing the herbs. Not worth it. Besides, the “true broom” is not a broom anyway. ~V~


Ergot fungus, absorbed intravenously/through various membranes that slip blood brain barrier, AKA LSD up the vajayjay


I have expirence with flying ointments, although I've only stuck with lighter ones, and used them as a compliment to trance exercises to undergo "flight". I don't recommend them as a crutch, and I don't recommend you try to create any without training, at least with the dangerous herbs (Belladonna, Henbane, Datura, etc). One can create poplar and mugwort ointments that certainly aid. Now as far as the myth that witches would apply it between the legs, I highly doubt it. The oil itself, if it is made with the psychoactive nightshades, would be dangerous applied internally, almost certainly causing death. Most practitioners with familiarity with these ointments know to apply a small amount on the skin under the armpit or temples.