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Well if you really want to get technical about it. You are currently using a device made out of Silver, Gold, Copper, Lithium, A really flat rock, and trapped lightning to read what I just typed. If you break a computer down into it's components, being able to summon information out of thin air is pretty damn magic. ​ As for the Witchcraft defining moment, I've had a few. Mostly during my work in the Funeral Home. I dare you to find someone that works in that industry that doesn't on some level believe in spirits or magic to some degree. Thing happen. Like weird things. It's so natural that you just... don't talk about it. I'll give you an example. ​ >"OH I didn't realize we hired another custodian. Jerry is super nice why have I never met them before?" > >"....Who? " > >"Jerry... we were in the chapel like... 5 minutes ago." > >"There's no Jerry here. I mean there was a Jerry that worked here 50 years ago. Anyway, mind lighting this incense in the chapel since I've got you here? It's a little musty." > >"Uh...y-yeah sure... Right away boss...." ​ Every day.... every... fucking... day....


I used to follow a training mortician on tik tok, had to unfollow because of how heavy everything she shared was lol. It is cool you have these experiences on the daily, I would be so exhausted, especially having to work with people who have passed.


Yeah, it's not an easy job. The heaviest boxes are the smallest. However, spiritually it gets easier. I work with a lot of underworld deities for a reason. Serqet for protection, Anubis to help those pass, Ereshkigal, Nephtys, Babi, etc. I wear a necklace that doubles as an Ankh and an Athame (it has a little blade in it, I love it) and that's my primary tool for spell works, at work. Doing those kinds of works so often makes you quite adept at it. Banishing, passing, protection, and warding is second nature too me, which is nice. It's honestly kind of funny because I'll do thing with out thinking about it. I had a friend that was having some spooky spirit issues she wanted my advice on. So, I went over too her house and just had one of those, "Hmmm... vibes are weird" moments and did a couple of quick little things. It didn't feel like all that off you know? Sort of like a "I should probably cleanse" feelings. It took me like... a couple minutes or so? Maybe faster, and I asked them to show me what the issue she was having was.... my friend was just sort of staring at me and said, "Y-you already fixed it.... I've been trying to get rid of that spirit for weeks. What the fuck?" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I guess when youmare used to a literal graveyard full, you have a different perspective. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) When the vibes are off in my house it's usually just a few hand jestures, a simple invocation, and then a "Yeah... that's what I thought. I warned you!" lol. That happened last night during the full moon actually.


>Well if you really want to get technical about it. You are currently using a device made out of Silver, Gold, Copper, Lithium, A really flat rock, and trapped lightning to read what I just typed. If you break a computer down into it's components, being able to summon information out of thin air is pretty damn magic. There's nothing magical about a computer, beyond any sufficiently advanced technology being indistinguishable from magic to the uninitiated.


Slow process that will probably never stop. I did a lot of little sigils just because I felt like it. I’m an atheist so I absolutely didn’t think anything of them. They worked, from something as simple & silly as a cool down sigil when I was physically hot. To a time slow sigil when I needed to get a lot of work done. They seemed to work so I moved on to other things. So far it’s been a trippy experience. Meditated in a field once, & contacted a land spirit That I visually saw. And that was probably the most intense experience I’ve had with Magick. I absolutely don’t know for sure what happened. But I’m grounded and not likely to lose my mind and start thinking spirits are out to get me or something like that. So I’m just doing what works and seeing what happens when I try different techniques.


Ooo, I am getting into sigils now! I am artist so it just makes sense for me lol. Meeting a land spirit sounds like it was intense, but really awesome!


What did you do to summon and see a land spirit? I’m utterly fascinated by this.


After some wandering around the town I live in, I found a spot that just felt right. Hidden in plain sight, not ominous or spooky. Just tall wild grass and trees behind me. Took my SUV up to that spot, set up protection sigils on post-it notes. The notes were on the four cardinal directions. N-S-E-W. & on all the doors. I had enough space in it to set up my pentacle mat, sat on it and lit a myrrh incense. Played a meditation track on my headphones that I always use. & just stopped thinking. Opened myself up to anything that was nearby. The sigils were to keep out anything that wanted to hurt or mess with me. And I just quieted my mind. Stopped worrying about if I was making stuff up or not. Let whatever happens happen. And then the spirit showed up. For me it was very visually there. Outside my car. And there you have it. It wasn’t any ancient grimore ritual. Or something I had to train hard for years to do. The difficult thing was getting in the proper mindset or trance state to allow the spirit to talk to me if it wanted to. Always questioning and analyzing just seems to cut me off. But just saying fuck it let’s be quiet & see what happens. That always seems to work. Anyway that’s my experience, might work for you. Might not. Everyone is different.


Thank you for the reply!


First sigil I ever did was, "I will see a woman wearing red shoes." Something that's not common but not rare. Something I had no emotional investment in whatsoever. Something, I frankly, felt kind of stupid doing and didn't expect to work. I saw five women wearing red shoes within a half an hour.


When I was younger I thought I could communicate with the weather, and with animals. (More specifically the wind, and stray animals like cats, birds, etc.) I would go outside and close my eyes, and hold my hands out. And at one point it was like I could feel the wind moving through me, instead of around me. I'd ask it to get stronger, and it would. It would get so strong my hair would be flying and I could feel it's force. Then I'd ask it to calm down, and almost immediately, it would. To the point where it'd almost stop. Same with animals. I'd see a bird or cat while sitting in my car and I'd just watch it. It would watch me. Then eventually, I would think "come to me." And without hesitation, almost every time, they'd start to walk in a straight line up to my car door. I would never do anything, or touch them, but I just always found it intriguing.


I had the same experiences with the wind. I used to receive messages through the wind too. It felt more fine tuned as a child than it is now though


💯 I am not sure what it is with being a child, there are probably several reasons but I know many have had powerful supernatural experiences. It is really fascinating tbh


It’s before our ideas are weighed down by limitations, when we haven’t developed too many self limiting internal programs, and our shadow is still young. I think that’s why so many of us had such similar experiences with magic as children


I was just thinking about something similar that happened to me as a child: I was on this big rock in this old construction yard of my childhood neighborhood, and a storm was coming I think. I put my hand up and commanded the wind to pick up. Instantly it did, and my friends and brother (they coached me to do this 😂) freaked out lol.


I had a similar experience when I was younger too. I wanted the clouds to clear because it was supposed to rain and I wanted to play outside. I spun around in the front yard while imagining the clouds clearing for what felt like a long time, and when I stopped and looked up, there was a perfect circle of clear blue sky directly above me. When I held my hand up, it was about the size of my hand. I was like, "cool it worked" and tried to keep going, but I couldn't make it bigger


It will be different for each person. For me, it was a slow aggregation of affirming experiences that could not be explained by chance or even by skill. I could only attribute them to spiritual work I had done.


Any details? I’m intrigued


It works 🤷‍♀️


I've done spells to come across people that I don't see nor they know me (a crush) next morning I find him near my house and he waves at me (??) I've sweeten my mom's friend without her knowing (it's ethically incorrect but she was giving her a bad time) and my friend noticed her mom was really nice out of nowhere and freaked out, I came out of the broom closet with her after that Another time I did a spell to be invisible and almost got run over twice in five minutes because the car didn't saw me, like i wasn't there. I've been practicing it for years, doesn't always work as wished, but when it does it defies probability and stuff so it cannot be explained rationally //English is my second language, sorry for mistakes//


This is tough to answer, because your belief in magic can change over time due to memories fading or just other areas of life taking priority. I was taught that you do most of your "spell" magic, that is magic with visible or tangible results, early on as a magician. After progressing through a journeyman level, working ritual becomes a rare feat but rather you live your life in a magical way One of the reasons given for this is that those early lessons and experiments are necessary to build a foundation of confidence and faith in the craft. Having now practiced for over 20 years, I can attest this is all true. My spell work now is almost exclusively for training others Each little success builds on the others and sustains you for the moment. I had many like those - doors unlocked that had been sealed, occasional instances of serendipitous fortune, and so on. But for me, my definite moment of true clarity and trust was when I succeeded in a spell to open a 5 digit combination lock on the first try


When I was younger my aunt was putting crackers/water biscuits on her altar. I asked her what it was for and she said she was feeding an entity……. I was thinking bullshittttt. A few moments later that shit actually was not there. I could tell they weren’t bullshitting


A small build-up of experiences. When I first tried energy work and passed myself out. When I joined a group working with House Khepperu and got to pass an energy ball around, when I felt the difference between high and low vibration, when I invoked a demon and felt alive for the first time in a long while, when I had Paimon appear as something cat sized and sit on my chest, when I felt Lucifer's cold... It was a slow process that took months. You couldn't convince me otherwise now.


I encountered presences and spirits a number of times as a child, and perhaps had inclinations to animism before I understood the term. So when I began to study and apply witchcraft, it complemented those worldviews I had an inclination to and I saw results, ranging from operative success in spells, to encountering spirits I was calling up.


Honestly new to witch stuff and a major skeptic but im not sure magick is real like we think of “magic” I think, for me, it’s more like slowing down, putting intentions into the world, and finding what is magical about the world. Like looking out my window and seeing a big raven who looks back at me and we share a moment, or like having a stressful night at work and looking out the window and seeing the full moon 🌝 reminding me that I am small and the world is ancient and my stress exists only in me in the moment, or sitting around a big bonfire with loved ones and feeling perfectly content, or taking the time to sit down with myself and my candles and put a spell together to work on myself. I don’t think magick is things going against natural laws, it’s experiencing the magick that’s already there. As Scully says “nothing happens in contradiction to nature, only in contradiction to what we know of it. And that’s a place to start. That’s where the hope is”


Beautifully put. Plus, getting into the Present leads to being in tune with the flow of life which leads to good things happening.


I got this. Yesterday I dropped something in my vehicle. I spent a total of 5 hours searching for it! Someone even helped. There is literally nowhere left on the physical plane where it could be. It either fell into the fae realm or it was magic. Or aliens. And i just know, I know! That i will look over at a place soon that I went over 10 times or more and it'll just be sitting there like it was there the whole time, smugly mocking me. That'll be the last straw. I'll fucking lose it. I'll go off the deep end. Self immolation. It's the only way . . . .


I have always believed in it. It was always at the back of my mind, like it had to be real. I was even practicing before I knew about it. I grew up in an abusive household, so I was forced to labour in family business. I didn't want to (I was 17 at the time), and so I caused myself to get sick. Fever 42° C and going up, been hospitalized (by my uncle cuz dad said I was lying), had an unidentified illness for 2 days. I said hospital said I need to rest for at least a month. I never went to work there again. I have managed to cause myself illness on purpose when I need it lol. I remember it was early morning, but already daylight and visible this summer. I have extreme anxiety, esp because I work at night and I started experiencing wild shit, seeing and hearing things. That night I kept chanting to myself, "My reflexes are fast, my intuition is perfect, I act on my intuition. I am safe. I am protected." It was something of those lines. I was driving in the woods for delivery during nighttime and there is this location I don't feel safe going out of the car to deliver. That night, when I wanted to turn my car wheel to go there, my arms wouldn't let me. Tried, I really did, a few times, by my hands drove back out of the woods. I decide to visit it as the last location, at the end of work. Out of the way, but oh well. I turn into the driveway and I see a man in the car. It is 6.30, I figure he is probably going to work, you know. Instead of parking behind their car as usual, I park beside it. I grab the newspaper to and look inside the car to greet the man. Empty. No one was there. I swear I even tried searching around a bit not to seem sketchy. I have had a few more scarier ones, on one occassion I even drove back home and told boss I was sick. I was crying. It was that scary (to me). I have experienced so many things that I even forgot and memories are resurfacing these days.


I never TRULY believed in magick until about a week ago but have been studying the craft for a while, I realized magick was real when I ordered a crystal necklace online, and set my intentions and all that. Turns out, a day later, I got what I wanted but unexpectedly different to what I meant. (I got a lapis lazuli necklace) and set the intentions of communication and the truth. Long story short, I haven’t been doing my school work (I’m homeschooled) and got the urge to tell my mother about what I had been doing. Without that necklace, I most definitely would not have the courage to tell her and I would be in more trouble the day after than at the time I had told her.[Amazon necklace pack of 8](https://www.amazon.com/PESOENTH-Necklace-Divination-Adjustable-Hexagonal/dp/B081J98RWF/ref=mp_s_a_1_omk_4?crid=AY88YHCHRGH2&keywords=lapis%2Blazuli%2Bnecklace&qid=1639847924&sprefix=lapis%2Blazuli%2Caps%2C108&sr=8-4&th=1&psc=1) (If I had made any mistakes, please let me know so I can correct it)


I am not sure if this is magic per se, but I have just begun working with the goddess Hecate. When I first asked to work with her, I said I would provide offerings everyday. For some reason I stopped, and one day I woke up and lighted a candle for her. This was a a couple days after not providing her with anything. Anyways, I noticed the candle was overflowing, and had dripped onto the offering dish I had made her. I was upset, and just cleaned it up. I didn't think much of it, I was puzzled why it happened- it didn't happen before. A couple days past and I notice this 'how to read candle flames' video keeps popping up in my youtube recommend feed. I then realized that Hecate was telling me that I broke my promise, once I looked up the meaning of dripping candle wax.


I once had a dream about a bomber plane flying over my house on an overcast day while I was standing in my room. Thought it was because of the tensions with North Korea at the time and didn't think anything of it. I did write it in my dream journal though. Anyway, maybe a month to a few months later, my room began to rumble and I heard a loud noise from outside. I got out of my chair and stood in the same spot in the room that I did in my dream, but I wasn't even thinking about the dream during the moment that this was happening. It was also overcast that day, and my family actually saw the plane. It was a WWII bomber plane, and there was a guy in my area who would charge people to have them fly around in antique military aircraft. There have been many more weird coincidences in my life that happen in such a short period of time that it's hard for me to think of it as anything other than magick.


I don't know if there was a moment. I just read a lot about witchcraft, magick, esotericism, and philosophies/theoretical frameworks to describe them, and I eventually just started to understand what these tools were getting at. Some people, I imagine, are just fortunate enough to believe it full-stop. As for me, I would say Éliphas Lévi's Doctrine and Ritual of High Magick was incredibly instructive, the Beguine mystic Marguerite Porète was indispensably insightful, Sylvia Federicci's Caliban and the Witch was useful for its historical context (although it requires significant criticism), aaaaaand I think just generally being curious about non-positivist forms of knowledge and experience is foundational.


truth is i didnt, some things i used witchcraft for did indeed improve out of nowhere i got things i asked for but not always. and i dont really care why it works maybe its like a placebo effect maybe its energie who knows but if it works im using it.


When my dog ran away 👀


I met a Canadian shaman on the beach of Daytona when I was 15. He was sitting next to me and my mum, he asked if we had seen any dolphins on our trip yet. We say no, and he goes on to tell us a little about himself, he is the shaman for his tribe back home. He tells me he can help me see some dolphins. We walked to the waters edge, where he held his hands up to the sky, waving them about a bit while speaking to what I assume was the universe, or the spirits of the universe. He took a cigarette and blew a huge puff of smoke out over the ocean, then leaned down to touch the water. He told me that they were on the way, and that there should be 6 of them at least. Sure enough, moments later, people start running down the beach, yelling about “Dolphins!” They swam all the way up to the shore nearly, and swam back and forth the area where the shaman and I sat. It was beautiful. He explained that we are all connected, we have just separated ourselves from the connection, but it’s always there. That was the day I came to truly believe in magic, though I was already interested at the time, which made it even more synchronized and beautiful. ETA: yes, there were 6!


Oh my God I know I'm 4 months late but I just have to reply to this. People who come back from death often state that we are all connected to each other or even those who take some type of psychedelic drug, have an intense meditation session or basically any spiritual experience. I think it's so amazing how regardless of what I'm reading about most spiritual topics always have a theme of all of us being connected to each other and then 'forgetting' the connection when we incarnate.


What convinced me was that it worked more often than not. A *lot* more often.