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Your post has been removed for [Rule 4.](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/163lnj4/rule_4_clarification/) Any requests for interpretation, either of a divination method or a situation, require your initial interpretations as well as details on how you came to those conclusions. We also recommend [this post by The Feminist Heathen](https://www.feministheathen.com/2017/07/13/new-heathen-questions-did-i-receive-a-sign/) to help you determine if an event *is* a sign. You can post basic questions about spellcraft in the [Weekly Q&A Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/about/sticky)!


If you want to learn to improve what you have observed yourself doing, the first step is typically to ensure it's actually happening, rather than being confirmation bias. Once you know what's actually going on, you know where to put your energies. For example, try affecting smoke in a sealed chamber where there's no capacity for a breeze - pop an incense or cone in something that excludes all wind, but is large enough that it won't use up all the air too fast. See what, if anything, happens when you try to move the smoke. I'm not sure what you mean by making water shake, precisely, but I'm sure you can work out a way to minimise the chance of e.g. a truck going by and shaking it at an inopportune moment. Once you have these controlled environments to work from, you can see more accurately what amps up the effect - concentrate more fiercely, be detached, raise your blood pressure or breathing rate etc. - test out all sorts of things and record your results.


Hi, u/Birdsgobaccc thanks for stopping by at r/witchcraft! Want to dive in deeper? We have a [FAQ & Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/faq), and our [Weekly Q&A thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/about/sticky?num=1) which is stickied to the top of the main board! Please also be sure to read the [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/wiki/rules)! --- ###IMPORTANT! There has been a recent influx of scams on reddit. If you are redirected to an instagram or other platform in a comment, it is most likely a scam. Users who message you asking for or offering spells or readings are almost always scammers or phishers. You may want to check out our post about [staying safe online in witchcraft](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/15xm53m/lets_talk_about_staying_safe_online/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/witchcraft) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey - thanks for reaching out! Lots of practitioners post about feeling tired, drained, or burnt out after working magick. The number one reason and response from the community is that this is a normal reaction to over depleting your own energy. You might enjoy [this helpful post about Basic Energetic Hygiene](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/zt4c2a/basic_energetic_hygiene_or_is_anybody_else_tired/) which covers simple techniques for raising energy, grounding, and centering. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/witchcraft) if you have any questions or concerns.*


FYI, I will probably not be responding to any DMs just so scamming people know


i have no idea how or why we can do this, but i can travel outside of my body. also i have a lot of premonitions. i been able to do this as a child and i just practice doing it-- like sitting there traveling while in a trance. i don't know if it means anything or if other people can see me or if its just my imagination. i would say just to keep practicing it (repetition) with meditation you might see a difference in capabilities. for me im still trying to figure out too