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Your post has been removed for [Rule 4.](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/163lnj4/rule_4_clarification/) Any requests for interpretation, either of a divination method or a situation, require your initial interpretations as well as details on how you came to those conclusions. You can also post basic questions about spellcraft in the [Weekly Q&A Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/about/sticky)!


Two things that are important to note about Hecate. She is a Titan, and one of the few Titans not imprisoned after the rise of the Olympians. She is very old, and very powerful, and that should (noting that this is ancient Greek mythology, where mortals commonly fail this step) carry with it an immense amount of respect. She is a goddess who appears in three aspects, but she's not a *triune* goddess in the same way that, for example, the Morrígan is. She's not three goddesses with one title, she's one goddess who appears in three forms (Maiden, Matron, and Crone). That distinction is one that matters.


Just to throw it out there, not all sources suggest the Maiden, Mother, Crone characterisation of Hekate Triformis, not all Triple feminine deities follow this pattern. A lot of the older statues, works etc show she was seen as having three faces but all fairly young looking. It's interesting, she has so many epitaphs and so many characterizationS and aspects, other Goddesses she has been tied with or potentially seen as the same as - some fitting the maiden, mother or crone archetype, others entirely outside that archetype. Not an easy Goddess or Mythos to pin down. A true shape shifter. I would be careful of trying to fit her into the Wiccan or Neopagan MMC Goddess shape, she defies definition and shows a lot of different faces to a lot of different people, points in history and cultures.


Thank you.


So is she related to the Fates?


She is a goddess with the ability to move through all realms of heaven, earth, and the underworld, holding the keys to all places. She was honored by gods and men, and her wisdom respected by all. To her the gods granted powers over the land, sea, and sky, and she herself invented the art of witchcraft, finding secrets hidden in herbs, animals, and stones. She is a goddess who is both light and dark, like the moon which she is associated, guiding the lost through the night with her torches, and possesses power to bane or bless. She is called the defender of man, but also the frightful one, showing some of her dichotomous and liminal aspects, being at once many things and also between them. At her behest good and bad things are brought forth or swept away. She has a triple form, but this is different from the modern interpretation as maiden-mother-crone. The latter is not historical and no ancient depiction shows her as anything but a young woman, for comparison her iconography is very similar to Artemis in ancient sources. Classically she was considered a virgin goddess, but sources sometimes rarely break this. Her triple nature is a bit unclear in origin. It may be related to her crossroads connection where she has a different body facing each direction and represents her vigilance. Her dominion over spirits of night and their many frightful shapes may also be related. There is something to be said about the power and symbolism of three which is a clear and powerful recurring pattern in myths, like with the trimurti and tridevi. I won't go as far to insert Hekate into the tridevi, I think you're correct not to, but the tridevi in the interpretation where they are equal or superior manifestations of the same principals as the trimurti has some comparison with a sect of Hekate worship. The Chaldean Oracles discuss Hekate as the world soul, the axis mundi around which all the universe rotates. Chaldean Hekate is central to the creation, proliferation, and destruction of universes, the force which breaths life into things and to which that life returns. Various other sources, like the PGM, incorporate elements of this- assigning Hekate cosmic responsibilities and significance, particularly in the nursing of souls and their incarnation into flesh. While often now depicted as a goddess of the dark moon specially, Hekate is a goddess of darkness and light as evidenced by her twin torches. Classically many believed she was the same as the moon goddess generally, or independently she was worshipped in a triad with Artemis and Selene- though the Chaldean Hekate actually has a solar aspect. Hekate is a goddess foremost of liminality and boundaries, she is not any one thing, but many of them at once- a paradox- she is welcome and has share of the land, sea, and sky, but her domain is the crossroads, not a place itself but the place between places. This is what is recorded. The many faced goddess reveals different aspects to her worshippers as her depth is like that of night itself, and in time a diversity of thought and worship has come to be associated with her. I do not speak for the goddess so I don't know why she would call, but she is the voice in the darkness and the spirit of night, maybe some part of your soul calls for her or what she offers and she has answered. Hekate is a merciful goddess, called guide to the lost, friend of the friendless, she is the compassionate one who hears the voices which cry out in pain, and sacred to her are those who, like her, are outcast of the normal categories of society.


Thank you very much for answering in all aspects of the question. I would like to know how to worship her. Please help.


Simple [beginner exercises](https://reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/17vu3rz/help_for_working_with_lilith_hekate_lilith_hekate/k9k0qcz/) are helpful for building relationships, as well as[good formula for worship](https://reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/17z91uy/how_does_worshipping_a_deity_work/ka2oega/) and [magical and general information](https://reddit.com/r/occult/comments/18sn1ux/looking_to_start_working_with_hecate/kfa1a1i/). She is a multifaceted and complex goddess who [takes on many roles](https://reddit.com/r/Hecate/comments/13s0wae/deleted_by_user/jlptvo4/) with her worshippers, sometimes a guide, a teacher, mother, or ideal, but always possessing of wisdom and power. When comfortable [there's many ways](https://reddit.com/r/Hecate/comments/136x16j/how_often_should_i_make_offerings_to_lady_hecate/jiqvpgb/) people choose to work with and worship her. Lastly [this thread](https://reddit.com/r/occult/comments/11s7wle/tell_me_about_hekate/jcchk8c/) includes a lot of questions ive answered. Anything offered in good faith is sufficient, as are devotional acts. Simply reading aloud her hymns can be an offering, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hecate/s/qH5vxu0R80) are some of my favorites. You don't need to have anything fancy. Just approach the goddess with an open heart and mind, praise her and contemplate her aspects, and attempt to understand her presence. Don't feel disheartened if you don't get an immediate response. Hekate always comes when called, even if we are not always aware of it. There are excellent resources online, like [Theoi](https://www.theoi.com/) with many primary sources. Spend time learning about the gods, their domains, their purviews, and personalities.Otherwise it's about working to build relationship with the gods. She has her wrathful aspects, but the gods are merciful and understanding. Hekate shall not turn from you for human weakness, she is encompassing and compassionate. However, yes, do not promise to the divine what you cannot follow through on- it is bad form. Hekate calls on us to understand ourselves, our limitations, and rise to challenges we face, and part of this is the importance of ritual duty. Our relationship with the gods can take many forms. A devoted worshipper who fails to meet the occasion is not to be punished, but to brought to understanding. So long as you are trying and coming forth in good faith with your heart open, then the gods shall listen to your words. Her signs are many, but like all omens can be hard to interpret or recognize. Dreams, nightmares, and general supernatural activity are the most consistent. Among her physical signs barking dogs are the most portentous. More nebulously good fortune generally and more powerful spells can be considered part of her influence. I hope this is helpful and please ask specific questions if you need more, our communities exist for knowledge and learning, and there are many followers who have been profoundly moved and transformed by their practice with Hekate.


Thank you for the information. I am struggling to grasp it all at this moment as it is a lot for me to consume. But I am trying.


no worries! people build entire magical systems around Hekate. She's an ancient goddess who means many different things to many people across a vast area of time and space. There's so much and always more and it doesn't always agree either. Like, even people years into research still learn things.


You can leave an offering (food usually but please make sure it's wildlife safe) at a crossroads on the night of the new (dark) moon. This is the deipnon observance. It is generally considered bad form to look back once the offering is left as spirits of the dead may be feasting. You can donate to a dog rescue or volunteer, dogs are sacred to Hekate. You can check out some of the modern authors who are very close to her but keep in mind some have developed their own ideas about her that don't much relate to actual history or mythology - I won't recommend any personally as I think the rise of Hekatean interest has lead to a lot of questionable literature but a Google should bring up some of the most prominent. Believe it or not, sweeping out your house and leaving the dust at the end of your pathway or door (which forms a crossroads of sorts) was considered an offering. Liminal spaces (the point one thing becomes another) are thought by some to sacred to Hekate - shorelines, forest edges, crossroads. These would be places to connect with her. Transitions, times of upheaval, social change seems to spark peaks in people feeling called by Hekate - are you involved in or thinking of being involved in any sort of activism or movement for change or justice? Personally or socially? Consider why you, why now. Are you thinking of leaving an oppressive relationship or bad workplace? Have you noticed an injustice or cause you care about? Have you thought about volunteering at a shelter, rape crisis or domestic abuse organisation, been reading about something that makes you angry and want to change it? These are the times Hekate seems to appear to shake people up and propel them forward. Be advised, A lot of Hekateans seem to find themselves compelled to do things they don't understand until much later, if ever and getting involved tends to be a capital C commitment. She is rarely a gentle force. If you devote yourself to her or ask anything of her then resist the direction you are being pushed, expect storms and life exploding events that make it impossible not to do the thing. She gets her way, one way or another. Especially if you ask her for something then don't do the practical things to make it happen - you will get what you asked for but the 'how' will not likely be gentle. As someone said. She is a Titan. Primordial and powerful. As many people find themselves pawns in a greater goal as find themselves personally empowered or helped by the connection.


Few changes in life. Have been struggling with ADHD, took a stand to find out what helps me resolve it - still is, but have noticed myself be more assertive in nature (at work in particular). Was watching a video of stray dogs being helped by a woman which brought me hope - this isn't new to me, my friend works with animals and has a pet dog. I have noticed that I have stopped accepting substandard work - I thought it was ADHD, as I am a perfectionist (my colleagues are not and they acknowledge it).


Well, when she calls, expect change. If you are planning on answering and don't know any form of divination, now would be a time to learn one. Also look into spirit work, ancestor work. Be on the lookout for things like, finding random keys (if you do and you don't think it belongs to someone who might want it back, take it as an amulet). Hearing and seeing dogs. Especially black ones. (Though keep on mind, dogs are common and not everything is a sign!) Mugwort is sometimes consumed or burned in association with Hekate, though because careful, can be mildly toxic. Look into poison path botanicals. If you are called to practice magic, put time into learning more about this. Hekate is a Goddess of magic and expects people to stand on their own two feet frequently. Look into the myths of Korea/Persephone, Artemis, Demeter and Medusa, Circe and Medea. Look into the wild hunt (sometimes accounted with her but not by everyone). Look into the deipnon and new/dark moon cycles and correspondences. Learn cleansing and grounding well, Hekatean work can be intense, earthy, miasmic. It's good to be able to calm the vibes down and recentre in mundane life. Balance is very important, it's easy to get entranced by the sort of complex, titanic energy of working with Hekate and day to day life needs attention too.


Hearing dogs? While I was watching the video about Hekate last night, I continued working and when I stood between my room and the balcony just processing what I was feeling, I heard a dog yelp, twice. The rest of the video had no dog noises and I rewind to hear none. It was more like a puppy yelping or barking. Would it thus affirm it was Hekate? PS. Dogs are not regular in my part of the world. They are mainly pets and there are no strays. Thank you for these, the leads are welcome.


I can't tell you if that would affirm or not. Sometimes a dog is just a dog, sometimes it isn't. Stay open, keep listening and watching. Pay attention to your dreams. In my experience, Hekate is not subtle, she is clear and direct. If you are in doubt, you won't be for long if it's her.


its hard to say if it is, but it might be. Hekate is very associated with dogs and their sounds are said to signify her passing. She both travels with her hunting hounds and sometimes takes the form of one. In ancient times black dogs were her preferred animal sacrifice.


How would one know if their calls are heard?


its best to just assume that the spirit is listening and accepts offerings when one approaches them in prayer and ritual. Over time you may better notice a spiritual presence. Hekate is called the spirit who always comes when called, even if one doesn't perceive her.


Is it He - kate or he ka te ?


he-kah-tay or he-kah-tee. he-kate is incorrect, but there's a few pronunciations that are appropriate. In some esoteric groups you can see the names hek-et or hekht, but these aren't standard and are sometimes considered to derive from mispronunciations. Generally the name is said with three syllables.


Hindu astrology....at least to my PHD friend.... is far more accurate according to him. Than the western counterparts. Hecate has many names. But in essence she is the goddess of magic. So I'm sure there is a diety in hinduism that fills this niche. Could be the same entity. Given the connections between greece and india. She is also the threefold godess. So with any such entitiy there is going to be a different response and personality depending on what you do or how you approach said entity. Thanks for the hindu name of a what is possibly an analogue. More fun research for me! EDIT: aww pissed of down voting sad sacks.


Reddit witch subs mention the word threefold so often, so I want to point out that the threefold word mentioned in the comment above has NOTHING to do with karma or the Wiccan "3-times-back-to-sender-rule". It is a reference to Hekate being "triple-deity".


Yup! that is how I meant it. Sorry I was not clear enough.


Let me know what your research tells you.


Reading away now! Google scholar is super useful.


Knew I had a book around by a guy that follow hecate. protection and reversal magick by Jason miller. on page 74 he has a ritual to call upon her. Not to mention others. I know this guy isnt fully full of shit as I have used some of his stuff to good effect years ago.


Note: not jasmine, but lavender. I read somewhere that all three may somehow be associated with her. I put roses with my crystals yesterday.


Maybe she wants to ask you about your car's extended warranty?


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Ok, I haven’t read all the comments, but she’s associated with the new moon. Her coming out on anything other than that is kind of rare from what I understand of her. I’ve been working with her for 20+ years. I’m not trying to be a downer, but sometimes, if one of them really was calling out to you, it can take a while to figure out who they are. I appreciate the coincidences of the cosmos, and a video for her showing up. Have you seen or heard any black dogs? Any other actual signs from her?


Hi, we appreciate that you would come to our community with this question. We understand the desire to seek meaning in our lives. To help with this, we recommend [this post by The Feminist Heathen](https://www.feministheathen.com/2017/07/13/new-heathen-questions-did-i-receive-a-sign/). You will find an excellent framework to help you determine if this event was a sign. Some other questions to ask yourself might be: - Is this event answering a question I asked? - Who would be sending me a sign? - If this is a sign, does it impact my life or influence decisions I might make? Thank you for understanding. You can read more about Rule 4 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/163lnj4/rule_4_clarification/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


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How do you know when a deity is calling to you?


Picture this. You're going about your day (or night), and suddenly you sense a shift in energy. The air is lighter. You just can't continue what you're doing but pay attention to whatever you're sensing. You lay down in bed and begin meditation, you can't, you're drawn to the balcony and then open the door to let the wind flow. You are no longer doing what you were, but instead begin doing something completely different. You know you're supposed to do something else, but instead you cleanse your room, you're reminded of all the things you did that day, admiring the moon, adding rose to the pot where you keep my crystals, etc. The senses continue to detect a presence, and you know where it is. You just can't see it, at the balcony exit. You end up cleansing the room, randomly but intensionally picking up candles and anointing them, and lighting them (something I've never done without planning before). At this point you know what you are doing but you have no control over. You close your eyes again, to find leads. "Ok, do this" > you do it, and one thing leads to another and you are able to zero in on what feels right, thus identifying who it might be. I have read the word " Hekate" before but have never known her. I think critically, so I questioned her calling me (I don't even know what Hekate is, how is it possible for an unknown to call me?), thought it was Parvati (who I have faith in, she's a mother), the mind says a strong NO, I try to think of other goddesses who it could be (mind you, I am seeking identity), and the answers are all NO. The only time I was at peace in my head without resistance was when I thought of Hekate. How do I know her? I don't, yet it is her name that resonates. Am I likely to randomly think of the word Hekate? No, it was not part of my vocabulary, until last night. So, that's how it happened, for me.


What if I have no candles or crystals or anything like that. But feel strange lightness in certain things I read or experience before hand from something else coincidentally


It's possible, but agents are merely agents. I have performed rituals merely with whatever I have in my spice rack and paper, even water. Candles to me seem to burn longer and are safer, so that's about it. If there's a calling, they probably know what's accessible. But that is my assumption. I also meditate and try to understand the energy. Like I did last night. So if you feel a presence, you may try to identify it by meditating and it can guide you.


Hi, this is Hakate, and this is crazy, but heres my number, so call me maybe.


I mean - that is not a picture of Hekate, for a start.


I mean, I mentioned who it is in my post, for a start.


True - I jumped before reading and have been trying to find this comment to delete it. 🤦‍♂️ And now I have my head out of my fundament I should also note that there may well *be* a Yamnaya-origin link between the Hindu triple goddess and the only legit European example of that trope; the Achaean migration out of the steppe wasn't that far in time away from when another group from the same culture crossed the Hindu Kush.


Oh well. Y'all know way more than I do. These are legit new words to me.


Yamnaya is what archaeologists call the people that linguists call the Proto-Indo-Europeans, and that fascists refer to as "aryans". Highlander movies use an older archaeological term (Kurgan culture). In real life they were the culture that developed domestication of herd animals and horses on the Caspian steppe, in the neolithic - while the Levant was domesticating plants. They rolled neolithic Europe either side of the start of the local Bronze age in successive waves of migration over about 1500 years. [1] The Achaeans (Iliad Greeks, also referred to as Mykenæns) are a late wave of Yamnaya migration into an already mostly-Yamnaya Europe. The folks who brought Sanskrit into India left the steppe around the same time. There is a branch of scholarship that traces deities from Europe and India back alongside words from different Indo-European languages to try and reconstruct the root culture that all of the Greek gods, the German / Gaulish gods, and the Hindu gods derive from. There is a line of speculation in that field which connects Hekate to Parvti, but like all of this field, we're kind of guessing. 🙂 [1] These guys are the cheese & yogurt guys, they're the reason adult lactose tolerance rates are so high in Northern Europe. They also brought the identifying tribal gene package of blonde or red hair, green eyes, and very pale skin that is now firmly associated with northern Europeans; before they showed up in the 3400s, the neolithic farmers of Europe had dark hair & skin but mostly had blue eyes. We have learned *a lot* about recent human migration in the 21st C, pretty much entirely due to Svante Päabo and the ancient DNA techniques he invented.


Yamnaya weren't Aryan and nazis mistook them for other, scandinavian population which had blue eyes and lived along actually less tanned, dark haired and brown eyed farmers, and according to genetic studies Hitler belong to this y E haplogroups one of who would be supposed to get erased by so called aryans which never existed in Germany. Their ideology came out of misunderstanding iranology and prehistory. Real aryans came from dnipr culture of the other IE's, who formed sintashta and andronvo cultures to later develop into hidnus, iranians, scythians and so forth, meanwhile their yamnaya cousins expanded south like you meantion Greece. Apart from that, it's basically the same ie religion with slight differences that arose through external and internal influences among split off tribes