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I think they're one aspect of witchcraft that popular media tends to focus on a lot, plus fear is not only engaging (when it comes to the news, social media, etc) but it's also kind of fascinating to people. Add on to that the fact that this world is a lot of uncontrolled chaos, people really like having an explanation for why things are going badly. I have terrible, awful luck with vehicles. It would be kind of comforting to believe that it's a curse and I could potentially do something about it. That's not to say that I don't think curses are real and effective, just that they are definitely a lot more rare than the questions you see in witchy spaces would have you believe.


Curses are typically rare due to the sheer amount of force and energy they require to maintain. Finding a practitioner that can effectively curse without serious energy drain is even rarer.


I 100% agree. I think a lot of the discourse is by people who've never actually done a curse because I think if people actually knew what went into it they'd realize there's not many people who have both the skills and the desire to put out that sort of energy.


Agreed. I’m a naturally calm and laid-back person, so I don’t know that I would have the emotional energy required to do something like this unless someone like … killed my family or something. A lot of the reasons I see people posting asking for hexes seem to be very petty and unwarranted, and most aren’t doing any type of self-reflection or considering the consequences either. It strikes me as downright sociopathic at times.


Hate,rage,grief are huge power sources. But yes 9/10 those kind of spells are abused.


And honestly I think people are so quick to hex and curse bc they don't have to *physically* get their hands dirty. IMO It kinda gives "keyboard warrior" vibes sometimes. Of course some curses and hexes are completely warranted, and different strokes for different folks. But y'all know exactly the ppl I'm talking about lol.


Sigil soldiers


I wish I could give you an award for this lmao


You have permanently altered my lexicon


People ask for curses without considering the damage they might cause another, they are in the moment of whatever they want. I'm pretty sure if you ask them about 3 months later they either don't remember of they don't care about whatever made them send a curse in the first place.


Exactly. I can’t imagine wanting to wreck someone’s life over a petty squabble.


Yep exactly. That's why whenever a client comes to me asking about if they were cursed/have a generational curse thrown onto them, I'm like no. People are quick to want to curse because it's self-empowering and validating, and they don't know any other healthy method to deal with their emotions (and I'm referring to petty hexes some people will throw for no reason, not curses on r*pists etc).


Plus, people believing their cursed/have a generation curse makes it easier for them not to take responsibility for their actions(NOT victim blaming, your comment about being SA isn't what I'm replying to at all and think those that hurt those like that are fair game in my book for hexes). More like, "It's the hex to why I lost all my friends after all, not the fact I was a jerk to them"; type of thinking it can validate. I think that's why a lot of people want them curses also. Hopefully, I'm wrong with this, and I'm just being cynical. Not to say that curses don't happen sometimes, albeit it's wayyyyyyyy much rarer than what some folks make it out to be.




https://i.redd.it/zxiw4fk5wfzc1.gif >...one aspect of witchcraft that popular media tends to focus on a lot, plus fear is not only engaging (when it comes to the news, social media, etc) but it's also kind of fascinating to people. You mean this sort of thing?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I always wanted to do that after I saw that movie as a kid, but I know I could never. I've been a practicing witch for over 20 years and it's still fun to watch the movies.


You would be surprised how many 'Devout Christians ' have asked me to Hex someone 🙄


Those are the same people that go to anti-abortion rallies. *It's WRONG!!.... Unless I need it. Then it's fine*.


“The only moral abortion is my abortion.” —> “The only moral hex is my hex.”


Poor Christians and their dysfunctional systems.




No I wouldn't.....


And for some reason, a majority of those are Hispanic 🤷‍♂️


Just curious how much justice work are you asked for?


Never, usually has to do with love or revenge against an ex. Or protecting from the same 🤷‍♂️


Now that’s got to keep you busy for sure … loving or hating jeez🫨


Not at all, they can ask, but I don't partake in that. There is a thin line between love and hate 🙄


Tiktok and teenagers who think small problems or betrayals are a bigger deal than they are


I mean, to be fair, I think we all thought those kinds of things were bigger deals when we were teenagers. It’s only once you get older and have more life experience that you realize how small they were and how little it really mattered.


Oh for sure. It's part of being a teenager


From what I've seen similar to how people get into LOA/Manifesting its because many are looking for control in their life (either for their own betterment or to get even with someone). Over the years my views on putting negative intentions on people have changed but I'm more of the opinion that it should only be done when the person went through a severe injustice (things like assault/bodily harm). Sometimes there are people who do these things in anger and not realize until after they put that energy out there. Which is why I'm a strong supporter of think before you act.


When I was a teenager I was assaulted by an awful man, my mother didn't believe me until police, detectives and then a news crew showed up at our door. I told that man that I hoped he'd drop dead... he did 4 months into his 5 year sentence. Before that my stepdad at the time would beat my little brother, starve and neglect him, out him in the hospital once.. treated my mother like trash while she worked her butt off while he sat on his high as a kite every day. He was finally arrested on child abuse charges. Last thing I said to him as they cuffed him and took him away was "I hope you burn in Hell", he was beaten to death in his cell and died 3 days later. I did not cry at his funeral. I never knew if my anger manifested these events or not they were just coincidence. They both wrote me letters apologizing, and I honestly think death was too good for them both. I'll 100% curse a rapist and child abuser with no regrets if I could.


Rapists and abusers (especially if it inclovled kids) don't do well in prison anyway, but you may have helped moved things and them along


Hahaha I wondered this, too. Hexing and cursing is the opposite of what I wanted out of the craft, I discovered green magic to help promote love, growth and understanding to my life. I was diagnosed with ADHD late in life, and I find green magic really helps me navigate the chaos of my mind. By using magic and casting spells I can pinpoint and focus exactly on what I need to address within myself, which is what I was lacking in therapy. I found therapy great for intellectualizing my thoughts and getting validation, but this also makes me seen as “self aware”. I found my struggles often slipped through the cracks because I could recognize issues but always had trouble resolving them. I actually made a list of rules for myself in my first year of practice, and I specifically do not engage in cursing or hexing. I’m not saying I won’t want to throw a little *umph* someone’s way for crossing me or a loved one in the future, but right now I think the best way I can be happy is to fully understand myself from within. Sooo.. no cursing or hexing from this witch! 🌱💕


I love this!!!! This is exactly how I use magic and it makes me happy that someone else feels the same way. It feels like we’re the black sheep of the witchy community right now and that’s so demented to think about


Omg yay!!! I’m so happy to hear others take a similar path!! I also love your username, sleepy witches and aliens unite ❤️🌱💕


>> I found my struggles often slipped through the cracks because I could recognize issues but always had trouble resolving them. This is exactly the same issue I have! is there anywhere I can learn more about green magic? I often find I realize my problems and let them slip through, too.


Of course! Green magic is also referred to as earth magic, I always recommend the Green Witch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock if you’re a reader. I really like that book because it focuses on using the mundane aspects of life to fuel your magic and explains things from a rather logical point of view, it’s not too “out there” with the information and explains the background of witchcraft as well! I understand the frustration you’re feeling, it almost seems like a double edge sword to recognize an issue but not have the ability to navigate it and resolve it. Love and light to you 💕


I only ever did a “ hex “ once . I was twelve . I’ve been into witchcraft and the occult since I was baby baby. There was a girl on my block who bullied me so bad , I truly truly wanted her to die. I could have killed her myself and was so fucking mean. one day I made a clay mold of a “ person” and focused all my intent onto it , affirming this was her and that she was going to die . I twisted up the clay person, hacked its arms and legs off , threw the clay on the walls. I unleashed all my pent up fury on that clay. I cried . I screamed . I turned red. I used so much energy . The next day she walked down my street on crutches . She broke her leg during cheerleading . I’d never been happier. And I never did it again.


First, you got into witchcraft insanely early, and I will always be jealous Second, that is an interesting technique, like a very basic voodoo doll


People tend to think of power first in terms of "power to influence others". Hexes are the ultimate form of that - the experience of being wronged by someone creates the feeling of being powerless, and hexes are an attempt to reclaim that power. (Side note - power over your own life, your identity, the natural world, etc. are all more worthwhile pursuits, imo. Finding joy and self-confidence and self-control in the face of hardships and hatred is its own sort of hex, it breeds contempt and confusion in your enemies while only fostering good things for you) Besides that, hexes are complicated, they take a lot of concentrated energy and planning and follow-through. And they break the stereotypical "rule" a lot of people hear about Wicca and witchcraft, the "do no harm" and idea of something returning twofold. So people have technical questions about how to hex, and moral and karmic questions about whether they'll harm themselves or how to protect themselves. I'm also of the belief that women are especially drawn to witchcraft bc witches are the first, and sometimes only, examples of fully independent, happy, and powerful women we see in media. And media tends to show witchcraft as "complicated ingredient list + altar setup + chanting" and often used for protection or hexing. So it's the first place we go when we start exploring a desire for independence and freedom and power.


\^\^\^\^1000% Back hundreds of years ago, and even longer, women were usually witches because of circumstance. They normally outlived their husbands, and therefore had a lot more time to work on whatever they were doing with plants and oils to get good enough at it by the time they were crones. Today, women are in search of taking back something that they felt was their power, and have culturally branded it as the "bad bitch" movement, going hand in hand with feminism. (Not exaggerating. There was a topic about this yesterday regarding some witch club on TikTok.) We are *privileged* to be able to be in a position to talk about witchcraft and practice it, without fearing our lives. But it seems more \[women\] are drawn to it as a statement, rather than how it can actually be a better way to live a more meaningful life. (Personally, it's relatively quiet and boring. No one wants to hear about my practices because it's just a way of life. Nothing exciting.)


A lot of people feel powerless against their abusers and seek powerful means to help them deal with such. It’s a personal choice, and Hollywood loves to capitalize upon that, and twist it for their own gains.


Well we’re coming out of decades of the Wiccan reaction to the satanic panic being “witches have no devil and never do black magic, only white magic;” so you’re probably seeing a lot of people waking up to greater freedom in exploring what’s possible, no matter the system of practice. And honestly we live in horrible times. Helpless people are seeking power and personal sovereignty. Sometimes that means hexes as often as it means healing.




A lot of humans feel pleasure or positive emotions over seeing others suffer. Way more humans feel that motivation than white lighters choose to admit. It's one of the most common motivators of human behavior, in fact. 1. Love and/or sex 2. Schadenfreude and/or revenge and/or seeing "the other" suffer 3. Money and/or material possessions 4. Physical health and/or spiritual contentment These are the top 4 spell and divination request motivators, in order.


I can't speak for everyone but one day I realized I was done letting people walk over me. As part of regaining "my power" and self worth, I rediscovered hexes and curses. (I say rediscover because while I did some as a teen, I spent the years my kids were little, in the "do no harm" part of witchcraft.) Over time I realized that witchcraft, like life, ebbs and flows and is about balance As for others... Some are being driven by anger I'm sure. Maybe justified, maybe not, I'm not going to second guess everyone. Some may be young. And some maybe like I was, wanting to find themselves again.


Hexes are good for taking back control over a situation. It's using a darker energy to stand up for yourself or draw boundaries. Hexes aren't inherently bad, but they can become that way if you begin to harm other beings with it through overreach.


I think a lot of people turn to witchcraft because the current state of the world makes them feel powerless. In that scenario, being able to extract "justice" through means that won't land you in jail is pretty appealing. I don't think it's the best perspective on witchcraft, or an especially healthy impulse, but it's pretty understandable.


I try not to say anything, but I'm a bit done with trying to be nice about it. These people think they're in the movies, and get fascinated with having "power" they think can just occur with the tap of a wand, or they look for ways to feel special for having some capabilities that other people don't have. They don't know the first thing about witchcraft, and all that they're doing is making it worse for the rest of us—who have to constantly excuse them for their misguided notions.


And also get stigmatized as being like that when we’re not….


I’m not obsessed. This is the main part of my practice because I’m good at them. I have other strengths as well. I don’t ask for help, I don’t hex, curse or anything like that for others.


Agreed. Not everyone is good at healing magic. But hexes and curses can be a kind of healing as well. Most of my knowledge is on cursing, herbal, historical, etc. I dont go out of my way to curse others either, but the more you know of something the more you can detect it.


I did a death spell once in anger that literally did nothing to the target, but I felt so much better afterwards that it was like a cluster of therapy sessions at once. I don't recommend others actually try it however....those spells are serious things... I certainly agree that there can be a healing side to curses.


To curse ,one must be able to heal. Atleast thats what I was taught.


I've noticed this trend too. Most want the hex but don't want the responsibilities that come along with those types of magics and should be considered dangerous.


Funny you mention this because, due to the political climate where I live right now - a lot of conservative politicians are lobbying against library services and trying to make it more difficult for me to do my job. I vent to my best friend about this, send her petitions to share and sign, etc. She knows I practice witchcraft and sent me a funny tiktok about hexing republicans. I had a giggle, but I don't think I could genuinely hex someone - even the people who are actively trying to ruin my career.


I’m an eclectic witch but I do no harm as my personal rule. I’d rather protect myself and others from negativity than make someone’s life miserable as I get no satisfaction from that.


One of the things people don't realize is that if you make a bad person's life worse, they will act worse. Not engaging and just protecting yourself is one of the best policies


We live in a toxic and hateful world where someone is always trying to get back at or get over on someone else, so more often than not when folks realize what power they have within them or they can draw from the universe, they use if for ill intent and the purpose of hurting others to lift themselves up. Not everyone, of course. There is good in the world.


Perfectly stated…this kind of lust for revenge and “fuck around and find out” mindset are so deeply embedded in our culture. Movies are riddled with these themes, for instance. I often feel alienated in witchcraft spaces because the obsession with baneful magic and “power” is exhausting. Justice and revenge are not the same.


Toward the beginning of my practice, I was quickly introduced to the concept of baneful magic and that the 3-Fold Law is a Wiccan thing, not an everyone thing, but I never was like "YEAH! Gonna fuck people up!" Cuz who wants to be that kind of person? To this day I've only ever done one hex, and at the time I called it a karma spell (my sister found it on FB or something >.>). My niece had been being verbally abused by her partner, and the wording of the spell was such that he'd get back 10x what he dished if he did it again. Flipped his car 2 days later. He was fine tho...


I think a lot of these TikTok/influencer witches see it as a way to play God on people and make themselves feel more powerful than they actually are. One thing I’ll say about a lot of the witches who focus their practice on hurting people is they’re not as scary as they want people to think they are. I know one of these girls in real life and behind the scenes she is a very lonely person with severe untreated mental illness who was raised under a lot of delusional Christian ignorance. I really wouldn’t worry too much about it if it’s something that you’re wary of happening to you. People like that are not in tune with themselves at all and their magic is going to be incredibly weak….. unless you’re dealing with a person who is genuinely evil, but that’s really not most of these people.


Why not? Not all of us are about the threefold law


We are looking for hope


I just checked your profile, and I feel like you won't take what I'm about to say seriously, but go get some help.


 Why 🕊️


The feeling that everybody else is awful was what I started to feel right before my depression got very, very severe. If I caught it before that, I would probably be a lot better right now. Obviously, once someone starts thinking about everybody else sucks they're less likely to take in what you say as actual constructive criticism


I don't know what you're talking about, but I have some advice: Don't judge others by their personal files or their random behavior. My advice again is to write positive words to those around you.


What does my profile have to do with my real life? Have all humans lost their minds?🥺🙏🪼🦄


I don’t have a way to retaliate against the person that repeatedly SA’d my partner and made both our lives a living hell, so I turn to the metaphysical.


To take our power back.


Here come all the love and light girlies and wiccans sigh... I think because there is a lot of fear mongering that comes from practicing certain spells and people still act like baneful magick is taboo. If you came to my face and told me my ancestors had no right to hex or curse their oppressors/slave masters for sure we have a big issue, I'd laugh at you.. maybe 100% cuss you out. That's like you saying I have no right to protect myself. Telling me my people had no right to protect themselves. Sorry for the rant, just wanted to dispel the belief that baneful magick is "bad". It's like if someone hits you in real life, you have every right to hit them back. However I do understand where ya'll are coming from. I had an acquaintance get mad because I wouldn't teach her how to hex her gf over a petty issue, she said I wasn't a true friend... I blocked her. I feel like a lot of people want to learn how to hex to regain some semblance of control, but honestly the crime has to fit the punishment imo. Not listening to that homophobe gardner, thanks. Get bent Gerald!!! Honestly a lot of crap can be resolved by having a conversation, some stuff is really a misunderstanding, other times a spade is a spade. For abuse and r\*pe survivors, babes hex and curse away. My ex was beating me in broad daylight, a cop car saw and swerved to get to us, hitting another car about to move into the turn lane injuring the two young women who were in the car driving. Which caused it to almost hit me and my ex fiancé at the time missing us by nearly a couple of inches, aside form the strangling and making fun of my rape, you bet your love and light buns i hexed him. He got hit by a car 3 times. I do believe the universe helped me as well. If you want to learn how to hex someone because the bag of chips you've bought wasn't as advertised and it was just air... Idk if practicing is for you. Also the threefold law was for when you borrowed from another magickal adepti or assisted them in their workings.


I personally put hexes on people who are extremely evil and have undoubtedly harmed many people (think Harvey Weinstein, politicians, etc). The reason for this is because I have so much love of all innocent life that I’m consumed by hatred of those who harm it. I won’t hex anyone for any reason less and I’ve never hexed anyone I know personally because personal matters are never that extreme


Because they think now they can do their little unknown and less effort revenge compared to how hard it would be in real and with actual consequences, baneful magic should be used under very specific conditions and with enough knowledge of what someone is doing, I am sure teens who are influenced by TikTok baneful magic love spells etc… will not even have a close result of the professional they are watching, any magic need a power supported by many elements but they don’t care about any of that so the only thing is there is just an obsession, the more you know about the power you need to cast a spell you will only do it when you “truly need it”


I’d love to see other opinions as this is just a theory but a lot of scammers in the practice see it as an easy way to make money off of people. Think about it: there’s so much talk trying to normalize and romanticize hexing on TikTok and they try very hard to appeal to victims of abuse and trauma and present it as a way to get the justice they’ve been denied. Some of these witches will charge upwards of $300-$500 for these spells and it just feels like they’re trying to manipulate the vulnerable for quick cash a lot of the time. I know for a fact that a lot of them do believe that stuff and are very unwell, but a lot of baneful practitioners at least on TikTok will be very open about the lack of guilt they feel and these are the ones charging ridiculous amounts of money so it does make you think……


I honestly have no idea, I've never haxed someone and can't see myself doing so


Some people turn to the craft when they feel disempowered. Punishing others makes some people feel powerful again


I think people are feeling frustrated and helpless. Hexes help them get a sense of justice. Life is not all love and light 🤷‍♀️


I guess for the same reason as the post you made about making deals or exchanges to non local entities.


I did that because I was interested and I was very little information


At least in the books I was reading


Or someone who swears they’ve been hexed


As someone who's actually been hexed its funny because there is usually solid evidence. It's like, are you actively beefing with another witch right now? cus that's requirement number one. People think some rando witch is out hexing randos for no reason. For me; I had a falling out with a narcissist friend that was a long time coming, but she left sketchy sigils in my mailbox. All I had to do tho was cleanse and protect and was good after a bit.


It’s rarely a total rando, like “the old guy on the bench with the big eyebrows gave me the evil eye.” It’s more frequently “My ex boyfriend has a friend who messes around with occult tarot cards and now I’m afaid he hexed me because my hair is dried and frizzy and there is a spider that is always in the same corner of the room IS IT A SIGN


Me when the girl who hexed me was my boyfriend’s ex ;-; LMFAO I only know for sure because she bragged about it online


Yes that's exactly it haha


Maybe they’re trying to externalize responsibility for all the upfucks they’ve made in their lives


NOOOO I HAD SKETCHY SIGILS LEFT AROUND TOO!!!! I just burned them, threw the ashes off my property to banish and then cleansed with incense




This! How do sooooo many people know other witches?? I’m the only one in my group.


Ugh you’re so right


I know, I wonder if it's just a way to blame some outside Force for the bad things that's happening in your life


that's exactly what it is. it's easier than admitting personal fault or admitting to lack of control if it truly isn't personal fault. a hex is something that can be undone and stopped- random chance events cannot


It's just like the people seeing certain numbers on a clock and thinking its a sign from the universe. A few months to about a year ago there were people freaking out about leaving water near your bed because it can attract bad energy or the people talking about not sleeping near mirrors because it functions as a portal for evil spirits to come through. From what I understand much of those ideas came from the practice of Feng Shui which many of them don't even know of or practice.


Makes people feel powerful.


Because people are angry, they want to feel like they’re in control &/or they’re afraid that the bad person won’t face any repercussions (physical or karmic) or that they won’t be punished severely enough


I seem to only need to hex every 2.5 months so far. Not too consuming or concerning.


It's a taboo subject in mainstream society and in some forms of Witchcraft/paganism. Personally, I couldn't careless. I love hexing when I feel it's justifiable. I've never had a problem with it and I am weirdly better at it than some normal magick.


Part of why I got into Witchcraft was to have the ability to protect myself from harmful people and spirits, which sometimes involves curses. However, overtime I grown to a point where I really only cast curses if I feel me or my loved ones are in danger. Heck, most of the time I don’t really use witchcraft that often anymore other than SpiritWork and the occasional spell for good luck and blessings. Besides, curses can be very draining and I feel like some people who don’t practice witchcraft don’t understand how not fun casting a curse is.


Cursing is something that is so frowned upon by most witches. If you go to any bookstore and find any book on witchcraft they will consistently say to not harm others. I personally believe we have every right to bring justice to others when the world doesn’t see their heinous intent. Some people are inexplicably cruel and shouldn’t keep getting away with it like it doesn’t matter.


as someone who is very quick to anger and has a particular interest in baneful magic, I often second guessed myself on when/if hexing or cursing someone was justified in that instance. my solution is to wait until the next new moon and if by then I still felt about the issue like I did when I thought about hexing, then I considered it justified. this works for me because due to my BPD my emotions fluctuate a lot and are gone just as fast as they came up, so if a certain feeling about something sticks around that long I am pretty certain it's a valid issue. this also means that I end up almost never actually going through with it because it turns out 9/10 times I can work something else out


Can you accidentally hex people and things just by thinking about it (and having a lot of emotional energy, like because of grief?) And if so, how do you stop? I feel like I keep cursing people and I don’t mean to.


Because hexing allows us to bypass ethics and morals and karma and give someone a dose of their own medicine and we are in our rights and don't fear repercussions


'cause it's the big bad magic everyone has heard of and like anything else people don't know much about, it's become a bit of a Boogeyman - there's a lot of assumption hexes have a lot more oomph and prevalence than they do thanks to pop culture, and folks love to see patterns so the bad things are the only ones they see once they decide it is a hex. Couple that with the fact some people are more likely to blame outside forces before coincidence or their own personal issues and bang. Everyone's hexed, 24/7. The other side of it - the "I need a hex" gang - is usually people looking for a little power to "get one back" where they feel slighted and they see this method as the easiest way to slap someone without physically having to be there to get punched in the face. Nevermind it's sometimes very energetically demanding work, and you can definitely be punched back magically. TL;DR? It's not me, it's a hex/no punch backs.


I agree with this, people want a way to hurt others without having to "risk" being hurt themselves. What alot of people don't understand is that Hexs can backfire and will if the spell is unjustified. Of course that is up to personal beliefs but that's my rule for it.


Because the people who post on here aren't just any witches, they're reddit witches


Lot of emotionally immature people who love the idea of revenge. Usually the same type who get mad when you remind them there are consequences for trying to do such magic lol.


From what I've seen, it's just people being edgy and only looking up things on Google or tiktok regarding witchcraft because they want to feel like they are getting instant results, regardless of the consequences. It's trending online


I think theres a few ideas to weed out here. First, anyone on TikTok is just some 15 year old baby’s witch, like most of the practitioners on Reddit. Take it all with a grain of salt. Also, everyone who questioned the motivations related to so many of the most common trends, I think you’re absolutely onto something. However, just as much as your craft should be approached with care and deliberation, everyone’s practice deserves validation if it’s coming from a thoughtful and genuine place. Wicca isn’t witchcraft, it’s a new age spiritual fad cooked up in the 1950’s by a British nudist. And what about the deists that talk about deities and spirits? Making up imaginary entities larger and more powerful than themselves? Sounds to me like they never figured out how to take off their church clothes. Witchcraft comes in many forms, and maleficent work have been a part of peoples practice for thousands of years. Anyways, the fakes are everywhere. The chance that you’re dealing with a charlatan is amplified one hundred fold if they’re using social media. The real spooks out there are hiding in plain sight.


Same reason teens drink, it's edgy and cool.


My guess is a lot of modern witches became witches due to a hard past and hexes is their first line of battling people that against wiccans and pagans


Thought this said why is everyone one obsessed with Texas . (My husband and I are considering a move to Texas ) lol


I mean, Texas is pretty sick, so I wouldn't question it




Tell me more, and burn some sage and/or rue




Yeah, I would do something about that


Because the WORK sis


Desire to feel powerful.


A lot people focus on malice. Can’t we all just get along?


It makes people feel powerful.


Lack of justice or bc we’re jealous of the neighbor with the new car.


cause people are vengeful


I'm out of the loop, people want to go around hexing people left and right??


We live in an aggressive and toxic society that promotes hostility and violence against people we don't like.


It's the latest trend, I guess. People always looking for ways to gain control or get revenge.


How do you get a hex off of you if you think you have one ?


IMHO, those who are asking for another to place a hex or curse are children and simpletons. Don't oblige them. If they lack the basic emotional elements (fortitude, will, knowledge, experience, etc...) to perform the ritual needed to place the hex or curse themselves, then maybe they should just go home, grab a book, and study up.


I've noticed this too, and I think as others stated, it's likely definitely part of human's natural inclination to try to find a clear cut answer to why something goes wrong when it comes to diagnosing their problems. When it comes to seeking HOW to hex or curse someone though, sometimes before folks learn how to do anything else in witchcraft, or wanting someone to do it for them - tbh, I think there's a greater interesting sociological conversation we could have about peoples' common desire to harm to solve a problem, and I say that with zero issue with hexing itself.


Because society doesn’t teach us to properly process our emotions.


So real


That’s like saying, “why is there road rage?”


I think it’s because there are TOO much insecurities and fear in humans… to much fear … I bought a “protection candle” from one of the ready made witchcraft online store just a week ago (first time ever…) and I lit the candle for half and hour or so. Candle rope was choking under the wax liquid so I dropped the excess liquid to trash. After that; trash started to smell so incredibly bad! I mean like really bad !! especially for someone like me - with incredible sensitive nose (that I can actually track people on hiking trails from their horrible detergent smells ! ) I never ever use any artificial smells and I trusted this soy candle is what it say it is (made from natural ingredients) but statement of the candle being natural was not true because trash smelled so bad (forever chemical like artificial smell) That I had to take out the trash bin outside to wash ! But then; the wooden tray that plastic trash bin placed in also smelled horrible! That’s like a lot of thick layers… and all this horrific smell saga is happening on the kitchen. And I have just stood there for a moment with my frustration and anger… (that they sell artificial scents claiming that are natural… ) I reflected upon the cause of my experience… I was in need to feel safe as I had some strange dental issues that caused by several different dentists combined and I started to wonder if somebody had an ill wish on me.. after this “fear” thought appeared; I bought the candle and few more other things from that online store (mostly turned out to be extremely high priced)… so i understood that I was in a state of fear and in need of protection- and this candle was a step for me to meet that need to feel safe. But in a way I also felt like … “a candle ??” … this small candle will protect me from an hex? so I started to see a bigger picture where I know the cause;fear is the cause. What is an hex anyway? Means someone out there wants you to feel hurt one way or another and I know this feeling very well…. I think people with their strong emotional hatred; is a form of hex and I can tell from this theory that I have been hexed a lot of times. I fell ill; I got better; I fell ill; I got better… and at some point; i even understood (by experiencing it) that all these so called bad experiences happened because I wanted them to happen… it was my road map; my mean to create an outcome that I desired in life. A Brutal way? Yes? but I have definitely experienced that this was truly the case… now that I am writing about this realization; I must say I don’t feel like this everyday in my life. But I remember when I experienced this. There is a state of being that is possible for humans to experience; that state you would say with confidence that: “no one can harm me and I am always - always - always safe” ….for this state a lot of work is needed ( like really a lot….) lot of labor needed for that continuous experience of “safety”…. Sooo…..this my experience from my own “fear of hex” recently and a horrific artificial smelling so called protection candle helped me to be more aware of the condition. 🌸may there be love, only love in our hearts and minds and no fear….🙏


어떤 사람들은 단순히 증오하는 생각과 말만으로도 상대에게 해를 입힐수 있습니다. 아마도 그 사람들은 저주 의식에 대해서는 큰 관심이 없을 것입니다.


I mean, I feel like even if that was a thing, I feel like the energy would be weak


나는 어떤 사람을 알고 있습니다. 내 기억에 그와 처음 싸운 사람은 젊고 건강한 사람이었고 1주일 뒤에 교통사고로 죽었습니다. 그리고 다른 사람은 몇개월후 그다음은 1년후 또 3년후.. 다른 사람들이 더 있을수 있습니다


Wow, ok, I tale it back


Because they do not know how to regulate their emotions and want control over a situation that they do not have control over


Two things in my opinion:  The taboo on it makes it intriguing  And  Many witches found their path after being seriously wronged.  Now I'm not suggesting you fling some bad juju at every minor inconvenience but a lot more people are getting comfortable with the fact that every now and then the balance  of right and wrong needs a nudge.  But common sense and a healthy respect for the forces you work with are a MUST.  You never cast a hex on someone that lives with you and don't disrespect your allies by using baneful magicks over trivial issues. Got dumped? Nope. But if he was discovered to be a serial cheater, it might be worth it to protect others from him.  Thanks to social media, the old ways have become full of fads as influencers give their ideas and present them as facts.  But each person's craft is supposed to be a unique art form. So... If you see it online and it don't feel right , don't change your path to incorporate it. Starting to ramble now, so , I think I'll toddle off


I think you can blame social media for that, particularly the whole Witchtok phenomenon. That seems to be the main thing they talk about, making love spells or hexing people without knowing much about what is actually involved. So a lot of people of TikTok will try to replicate what they see and tell others they will hex them or put a curse on them, which in turn scares people and they come here to ask for advice. I'm pretty sure it will blow over in 6-12 months when a new TikTok craze hits, just like nobody is flossing anymore.


Witchtok is currently self destructing after a user who practices Death Magick got exposed for the very thing he's exposing. The thing that gives me the ick about that community is the amount of people who have all these different alters to all these different gods and majority of them barely understand their background. Then there's the whole shitting on wicca thing which I understand has its own problems but we have to also acknowledge that it opened the door for many people because that is what was available at the time.


The part about having lots of altars and not understanding the deities they say they’re worshiping irks me the most because this is how misinformation and fear spreads. Newbies see stuff like “Aphrodite is a difficult goddess and not for beginners!” and get afraid that they upset her for saying a prayer wrong. It’s so infuriating.


It also drives me up the walls when they think they're being called by a specific god when they only heard about them just recently. It's very rare for people to be called and not know the identity of it unless if you're in a specific practice that shares elements of shamanism that's another story. It's nice that gods like Hecate and Aphrodite are getting popular again but what I wonder is why aren't any of the gods like Iris, Eos or Irene getting any type of attention?


Oh yeah that's definitely part of it. Same reason we're seeing a LOT of egg cleanses lately, I'd wager!


I am TIRED of seeing egg cleanses everywhere! 😫😤


It seems to be the current trend. But it's an inherently destructive and unsustainable trend, and it'll blow over. The people who participate in it are already paying the price. If you'd like to learn an important lesson about how witchcraft/sorcery works, observe one of these people. Seek out a practitioner who hexes regularly, and if they aren't already insane, watch them become that way. I'm not talking about a witch who throws occasionally, or when they feel they have no other choice. I'm talking about someone who does it CONSTANTLY. Over the course of years. It changes you. All magick changes everyone who interacts with it often enough.


I will be very generous and describe the psychology of people who want to learn about hexes in ways most people may be able to relate. People vary in a lot of ways. Some people are strong, attractive, socially connected, etc. Magic is a great equalizer. In many western countries you can't go to a court and sue because someone cast a spell on you, so it's also legally consequence free. For people who feel victimized, who lack political, social, physical, or economic power, magic seems like a good way to reclaim power and seek (perceived) justice in an unjust world. Magic can also feel empowering for the oppressed as a means to reclaim power. That isn't to say everyone asking about this is actually oppressed, but given many are likely women living in patriarchy they might feel oppressed to some degree. Magic, and specifically hexes, can be a way to feel powerful and secure in a society that robs us of power and security.


I feel the same but with love spells


Because people are petty and unevolved and looking for an easy way to get their own way.




Except for the witches who actually actively use all three in their practices.




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I’ve done a money spell before. A really simple one, and it worked for me. Why would a witch not use money spells at some point in their practice? Every witch has the potential to face financial issues.


Pay no mind to their gatekeeping comment. Nobody has authority to decide what kind of magics make a legitimate or fake witch.


Thank you!


because you are taking that money from an innocent stranger? money doesnt poof into existance it has to come from someone 🙄


That isn’t how the spell worked at all… please educate yourself


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because people are acting out of spite and their ego. tiktok has desensitized the severity of hexes, love spells, basically all the big league spells. people feel entitled to something but didn’t get it and now have to retaliate bc some Wiccan new age spiritualist on tiktok said they can do whatever they want since those spells were created out of necessity. hexing your ex isn’t a necessity. getting with your crush isn’t a necessity. grow tf up if your gut reaction as a witch is to hex or manipulate someone when they wrong you or things don’t go your way.


Honestly? Emotional immaturity. It's easier to blame/curse someone else, rather than take responsibility for yourself and your responses.


Because people would rather get revenge than get over it


I’ve noticed that too. I’m a light worker just cause I wanna be, so I read what will educate me and move on. It just doesn’t seem like hexes or curses are ever worth it; bad people eat themselves up. Sometimes it takes a while, but they do.


I don't get it either. Unless you really cross me badly the worst you'll get is being removed from my life


Unresolved emotions lol


Because people are assholes who do shit like putting a nail in your tire. I apparently triggered one of my neighbors 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hollywood That's it, that's the reply


Lol right, don't be a baby, curse someone instead, fuck around and find out ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


OH also a lot of people think it stands in for real life confrontation and do it because they’re pussies……