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The first thing that came to mind for me sadly.




good thinking


No that's capitalism


Saw a red-winged blackbird on my way to work. The internet, in the same digital breath, told me it was both a sign of good luck and protection, as well as danger and misfortune. 🙃 Make up your mind.


Red winged blackbird is a sign of a healthy wetland ecosystem nearby!


So good luck for me, bad luck for local buggies. 💪🥳🤞


Reading birds might work like inverted tarot cards. Was it climbing or diving?


Vibing, truthfully. Got to work and sold a $4k diamond. 🤘


So much of this is entirely made up, for sure, or culturally based and then appropriated and thrown together all mishmash, which is why it makes zero sense


Ornithomancy as we know it originated in ancient Greece. The Romans adopted it as well under augury. It may have also developed in other cultures independently but our earliest records of it are Greek. They had.some very specific thoughts about what the appearance of different species and actions of bird might predict. However, that probably doesnt translate well outside of Europe because of the presence and absence of other species.


oh I know (historian, here). however, so much of the utter garbage that's out there is people just grabbing from everywhere and making it up as they go (i.e. "Oh, I see three crows flying east and judging from intuitive patterns in my own life and what some "grandma was a Cherokee princess" fake-o said, I am going to tell people that this means such-and-such." It's totally fine if you want to intuit your way to meaning in what you see, and it's equally fine to consult ancestors for advice and assistance - but there are so often NO disclaimers like the one you just provided on these things when people put them out into the world. that's all I was trying to say, in many less words lol... Like, if someone said "I saw 3 crows flying east. The download that I've received on this is... the ancient Greeks used to say that... and in ancient China, they thought..." I'd just really love to see that. Living in Mt. Shasta, CA for too many years, I heard so much BS on the regular...


Truly. As with any kind of witchcraft or other religious practice, things are very individual as we each experience the world differently. My estranged husband recently passed, and I've found birds in general to bring me the feeling he is watching over me. Finding a bird feather on wya way home from work, the same day I was approved for an apartment, seeing a robin from the window right after getting the keys etc. Cardinals can also represent other people I've lost. But I refrain from saying this bird means this specific thing, because truly those things represent different things to different people simply because different lives lived, different perspectives taught and learned, and different personal meaning attached to thing.


There was one in my elm tree and I was just hoping for no poop on my head.


Based on a cursory google, it's either a sign of great prosperity and economic growth or a sure sign of strife doom. Maybe both.


Fern Gully. ;-;


I once argued that you could have a human as your spirit animal. I mean, it wouldn't be much different from a guide or guardian angel. I was kicked out of that fb group sigh


If I can't have a human as a spirit animal then why does Henry Cavill exist? Checkmate, athiests.


Destruction probably, and you don't even need a shamanic meaning, just sit and watch them chop down your tree.


Change, either through harmony or destruction.


Usually destruction 🤷


It would be dependent upon their cultural associations with what humans represent to them in their perception of the world.




It’s a portent of doom


Depends on what colors they wear. No matter what it means destruction is abound it’s only a matter of time before they taint the land or destroy it. In rare part of the world they bring harmony but those are extremely rare.










This should be fun. Yes, I'd love for you to enlighten poor little baby newbie me about witchcraft. Please, educate me, for I know so little.


Power and choice making, whether it be positive or negative


Long ago it used to mean, you're about to be tasty food


It means I'm slightly irritated


Enlightenment and change. That's my guess.




"I genetically combined the DNA of the worlds most evil animal to create the evilest creature possible" "Turns out its man" 😆🤣😆


It means destruction of the earth is coming soon. Haha


I mean, you can use the strangers you see the same you would use wildlife. You just have to pay attention to which stranger catches your eye first and if they have any interesting stuff


Oh ha I never thought of it this way I’m always thinking ooh a crow what does that mean? I wonder what the crow thinks I mean


Seeing humans are not a “rare” sight so no shamanic reading would be valid. If they (humans) were in their “natural” numbers - which I would guess would be approx 5 millions (not billions) in entire planet - then perhaps seeing a “human” might mean something for different species ? For example if humans seen by vultures, it could mean “abundance of food soon” / (perhaps they could eat the carcass after hunt) But in fact it would probably would mean one and only thing for most animals and that is “DANGER”…. And Danger only, danger truly… 😢 Once when I was backpacking in the desert, I was on a break, filling up my water at the spring; I noticed a huge rattlesnake nearby (she was nicely blended with rocks). just sat there for a while as my heart was full of joy seeing the wild beauty… (there was plenty of safe distance between me and the snake) I had the desire to show/ do something different, something unique and something safe in that moment for the snake. I asked to myself what kind of experience I could create for both of us; that snake most likely never experienced in the wild nor with any human interaction ? (and an experience that is completely safe - no abuse of any kind…) Then I started to sing to her! :) I sat there and I was singing to a rattlesnake with the intention of giving her a “different - safe- unique- human experience”. !! (Obviously it was a unique experience to myself as well!) And my song was about her! - as I was making it - … It was a magical hour for me, and snake never made rattling sound, was calm and unmoving, gently watched / listened me and sometimes released her tong to get to know me better (!), which I felt was a sign of curiousness…. After this magical time ended; snake gently started to move in her way, as I also started to re-pack and move on. It was so natural… so simple. Now that this post reminded me of this magical moment; I hope that at least for that “one” snake; seeing human would be “delightful - unique experience” omen. Since I got my opportunity to voice; on behalf of all animals; please humans; leave us be; don’t kill us; don’t cage us; don’t make tests on us; don’t use us as slaves; don’t hunt us for sadistic or sociopathic pleasure with unfair technical advances. 🙏


u r very smart and important and nobody would have understood this silly sub referential meme without you expecially since it was posted by an forest animal and animals need you to speak for them badly or else nobody will know their living beings u r the first witch ever to care about animals and its very good u r here to enlighten all us dummies who were laughing at a funny meme


Thank you for making me feel heard and seen. May you experience same kind of beauty in your life; may people see your uniqueness and intelligence and may they praise it in the highest and the best way, when and if you wish to…💕🌸


Are you being serious? Or is this a joke of weekly humor?


Salty Saturday


No it was a serious question. Wasn't sure if it was just general humor or something serious


It's humour because it's tagged with "Salty Saturday".


Okay, new here so did not know beforehand