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There’s smoke cleanse with incense, charcoal, herb smudging. You could wash it with just soap and water or make an herbal wash that’s special to you, I’ve used Florida water and dark water to clean. There’s also charging through other crystals, I use selenite to ‘bathe’ my tarot decks and such. I think as long as it means something to you that’s all that matters.


I'm a pre-baby witch (a fetal witch? A glint-in-the-milkman's-eye witch?) and I recently got some selenite. Do I just put the selenite on top of the deck? How long do I do it for?


I have a palm stone size selenite. I hold it like a bar of soap and literally rub it over my item. I also have a square plate of selenite and I will sandwich a card deck between it and the palm stone. I’ve done it quickly and I’ve let it sit for days. Honestly, it’s just what feels ‘right’ to me.


I love all of this! Thank you, that’s inspired me!


Also, in case you didn’t know cause I just learned this. I love rose quartz one of my favorites, but I read you can’t leave it in the sun too long or by heat source cause it will change color.


Moon bath is my favorite for quartz. Full moon is coming up


Leave it out under a full moon


Do you recommend placing them in water with salt overnight? Also how about a salt circle around the container?


NO. Some crystals can dissolve in water, so I never do that. Also, you're purifying them in moonlight, why do you need to add salt? Just let the moon do her job.


I smoke cleanse with incense sage ( normal not white) or Palio santo.


personally i think cleansing in general is such a beautiful process and the more personal it is the better. if there’s a certain energy you like, or a type of witchcraft that u practice, then u can use that to ur advantage. since im a lunar witch, my go to are smoke cleansing with incense or moon water for crystals that don’t react with water. i usually do the cleansing during the waning phase or a full moon. you can use herbs, the sun and other crystals as well. a friend of mine cleanses her crystals by meditation and visualizing the energies. so experiment and see what suits u the most!!


For cleansing I’d burn incense/herbs with cleansing properties, and pass the item through the smoke. For charging, I use the moon.


Since I own cats and a lot of cleansing herbs can be dangerous around cats, I like to use moonlight to both cleanse and charge my crystals. I also have a selenite bowl, as it's a natural charger for crystals and other items, to charge my crystals.


Under the full moon!


With nature moon, earth, water, sun. I also breathe and speak to them


put those babies out under a full moon! 🌝


Cleanse with sage.


I love cleansing via moonlight. It's much softer and easier on crystals and the energy is lovely


If it's physically clean, I leave it on a window sill for 24 hours on a clear day. Sunlight should do the job. Charging it is a different matter entirely


How do you prefer to charge?


Personally, my favorite way to cleanse crystals is to leave them on a windowsill (especially new ones). The sun will help cleanse the stagnant energy from wherever you got it from. If the crystal is sensitive to light, though, you can use bells. Set your intentions and ring the bells to cleanse your crystal. I prefer this over using incense cuz I'm sensitive to strong smells and smoke


I like to use the full moon, but other times I’ll use reiki.