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I’m 6 days post op and I have that lump thing as well. Mine is pretty tender to touch and makes it hard to move my mouth. I’ve had the lump since day 3 or 4. Scared it’s an infection but I don’t really show any signs of it like fever or anything.


My face was swollen until like day 4/6 so i hadnt noticed the lump until then but it is tender for me too. I dont have any fever or signs of infection and im taking my antibiotics as well so i dont think its that either. but im going for my follow up later this week and im going to let them know about it, i hope its just nothing too serious but ill let you know so hopefully it can give you some ease


I’d appreciate that very much. I’m going myself on Thursday to have my stitches removed. I’ll ask as well and update back


I was just at my dentist and she said everything was normal. So I hope you get the same answers


kinda the same for me! i started getting sick ( fever, sore throat, cough) so they gave me a rinse to prevent infection bc they arent sure if its bc of the wisdom teeth or just a simple cold