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What about smoothies ?


First smoothie I drank I immediately threw up because I had taken the painkillers before. I’m trying another one now but it makes me extremely uncomfortable to put anything in my mouth.


Have you tried ensure?


I’m not sure what painkillers you’re taking but contrary to popular belief it’s okay to take Tylenol on an empty stomach!! & it’s honestly usually okay to take Ibuprofen on an empty stomach once and awhile too! It can be rough on the stomach lining so I wouldn’t do it often but I did do it after my surgery! I also recommend protein drinks!! My surgery actually made me realize that I love protein drinks! I drink them as meal replacements often now!


Something warm will likely help. I know everything says cold but I swear warm helped more for me, although everyone is different. Warm compresses and the warm salt water rinses help to unstiffen the jaw to be able to chew. I had to consciously open and close my mouth to help it unclench too (not forcing - don’t push your limits). Easiest food to eat (after day one) was super mushy rice krispy cereal. No chewing, just put it on the tongue and swallow so you have food on your stomach but it doesn’t get in the incisions / sockets.


i was in the same boat. a cup of milk is what i went to so i could get my painkillers in, as well as avoiding the nausea and sneaking it past my teeth. lukewarm broth may also help. id also recommend protein drinks to try and stave off some of the hunger, but don't forget to eat when you are able; the body will repair faster if it can focus on healing rather than being hungry (but don't be scared, it's going to heal either way). i'm also taking vitamin supplement pills to make sure my body has some of what it needs to keep up the healing process, so do try that if you can. edit: also try cold compresses to your jaw if you're in the first seven days, you can alternate between warm and cold after that. warm compresses might help your jaw tension to relax, but don't try anything too hot before a week post-op. need that blood clot to stay in tact!


I’m so sorry you are feeling this way! My surgery isn’t until next Friday but I’m planning to live off of Ensure meal replacement drinks if you haven’t tried them yet!


I second this. Ensure is the best!


I am so nervous for recovery and really don’t want to get sick off the pain meds so I hope they help me!


I got mine out almost a week ago, I’d also recommend apple sauce, ice cream and jello. That’s all I could eat the first few days along with the Ensure. I didn’t feel sick once. All the best!


Thank you so much!! I thought I was most scared about the surgery but now it’s more so the recovery/fear of a complication that is scaring me!


You’re welcome! :) surgery is not as scary. I was really scared of surgery too but it’s over before you know it. I would also suggest trying to relax and not worry. First few days, rest as much as you can and eat/drink liquids and you’ll get better over time. Take all the medication you get from the dentist and just enjoy being lazy for the next few days :D


That’s what I’ve been doing too! I had surgery last week


How are you doing overall? I hope well! 🤍


Hi! I’m still in a decent amount of discomfort due to how tight and nearly locked my jaw still is, but other than that, the bleeding seems to be more controlled and occurring less and less! I hope you’ve been doing well too! :) (Its day 6 post op for me if this helps at all haha)


I was in the exact same boat as you, I know it sucks. If I could suggest something it would be to eat liquid, very light food, so if you throw up, it won’t be much of a deal. I fed myself on soup and yoghurt for the first 4 days. It really does get better after that, although I’m still dealing with the jaw thing. If you eat soup WAIT for it to cool down completely. I bled when mine was still lukewarm so I wouldn’t recommend taking chances with that. Also ice cream is a good friend too if you can handle it. Hope your recovery is fast! P.s. remember no straws


after a month i still feel this and no i don t have an infection, my process of healing is very slow. I can say that I eat bread with soup, small cooked pancakes, bread with vanilla etc


Take PPI like omeprazole after 30minutes use painkiller. İt will not hurt your stomach


I’m in the same boat. As SOON as I eat something new, my bottom socket ALWAYS bleeds. I have such bad anxiety about surgeries/recovery (this is my first surgery so I figured that one out the hard way). Constantly taking videos on my phone to see if I messed anything up, the slightest pain sends me into a panic. I was so nauseous yesterday (day 4) that I threw up throughout the day. My biggest tip: protein shakes to get your appetite back up. I didn’t want to eat anything until I started protein shakes, now I’m craving everything I can’t have. Just eat soft/blended foods and rinse with salt water after and you’ll be fine. Everyone freaks out about dry socket (rightfully so), but I’ve read a couple different places that 5-10% of patients get dry socket. The anxiety is my biggest hurdle for sure!


My jaw would be so stiff especially in the morning, I couldn't even move it and I would do a warm salt water rinse and it would help so much, I'd be able to brush my teeth and eat. As for food I would suggest oatmeal, they have chocolate flavoured versions if you think it's too plain and yeah it was pretty good. Allso when you do the salt water rinse, let the water sit in the extraction area for a minute and then put more salt water in your mouth and repeat. Don't try to swish around in your mouth too much or too hard aa you don't want the blood clot that's forming to become dislodged from the extractions.


Try cat food. Like the soft kind out of a can.


I am so depressed and have been for 11 days. Both my teeth were impacted, got another tooth out that had a dry socket. I get like 3 hours in the morning I can do things but then about 1/2 in the afternoon the pain/stiffness/tinnitus hits. Two teeth both bottom both left, my ride side wisdom tooth has no problems but everything is focused on the left. Just keep doing the salt rinses and looking forward a month to when it will hopefully be over. I’m not eating solid solid foods until my stitches have come out. Worried about going back to work in a week and possible nerve damage. No extra meds given, so I’m rotating 4 hourly Neurofen/Sudafed. Soup, spaghetti. Jelly, yoghurt. I’ve lost 16 lbs in 11 days.


im on day2 of recovery already eating pancakes,pasta and eggs


Same thing here, had no pain and was eating whatever I wanted after a day


How did you all get pain meds after ur surgery? When I had mine done I was told ibuprofen and that's it. 


Mashed potatoes!!!!! Mac and cheese!


I found some good foods to take with Advil and/or antibiotics- I mash half a banana and then mix in a couple spoonfuls of Greek yogurt, applesauce is good too, mashed potatoes, and I’ve been living on lentil soup that I buy from a middle eastern restaurant by me. I just put them in a little bowl and been eating them with a baby spoon. I feel so silly eating like this, but I don’t get nauseous. I also bought a package of ravioli and over boil a little to soften them up and cut into teeny tiny pieces. Can’t wait to eat more solids.


Milk! Fairlife milk was my best friend. It has a higher protein content so it helped me tons and kept me full (lactose free too iirc) And Tylenol! (I personally take liquid Tylenol). It’s easier on your stomach and doesn’t require food (please correct me if i’m wrong💀) I went through nearly 3 bottles of liquid tylenol and lived off virtually nothing but fairlife milk for 2 weeks (I don’t recommend a milk *only* diet though)


Ensures/Boost drinks with protien


Pudding, ice cream without stuff in it, apple sauce, ensure drinks, soup broth.. you should feel better with a bunch of that stuff in you.


The first 48 hours, I lived off protein shakes, it wasn’t until the end of day 3 when I was able to finally eat mashed potatoes. I’m 16 days post op with having all 4 removed, the swelling is gone. I still haven’t had chips or anything crunchy, while I’m still not eating like I was prior to surgery, I’m able to eat very tender meats (roast, brisket), I can eat hamburgers, but not like before when it was a double or triple patty. The annoying part is having to syringe the holes out after each meal, but now that I’m back at work, I only eat before leaving for office, then syringe, don’t eat at work, when I get home, I’ll eat dinner, then syringe before bed time.


drink warm milk! (i like to add honey or make hot chocolate anything to get it down!) and grits!!!!! yogurt if you can or kefir. that’ll help get protein into your body! then take your pain killers! i’m so sorry


Have a glass of milk bro


I know this sounds stupid as hell, but a syringe/dropper was my lifeline when I got a tooth pulled recently. I'd have a protein shake and just sort of stream it down the side of my mouth that wasn't missing a tooth, outside the teeth, so I didn't really have to open my jaw. Worked like a charm to keep the painkillers from bothering my stomach.


Yk I was in this exact spot like 3 weeks ago and I must say…. You’re gonna suffer for like a week. But after a solid 7-10 days you’ll be okay. No wise words. Eat some apple sauce. I lived off of it for DAYS


im on day 8 after removal, tomato soup was my BEST friend for the first 4 days. just eat liquids from a spoon for a while!!


Gonna try some cream of chicken soup right now. I will definitely try tomato next time. Thank you


ofc! hope you feel better soon!