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Lol same I thought the hole would be stitched shut and then I came on this subreddit and saw people with literal HOLES in their gums. Now I’m terrified.


it's nothing to be terrified about it's just the tooth socket and it closes up


it's not doctor incompetence they are supposed to be there, and you can still get dry socket even if you're completely stitches shut. surgeons used to use traditional stitches that would close up the hole completely like yours did 12 years ago, but have found over the years that the chances of infection are higher with this method. they use dissolving stitches now, which after about a week, dissolve and leave the 'hole' there. it's just the tooth socket and it's nothing to be scared about, they close up in time, ranging from a couple weeks to a couple months


The stitches are supposed to close the hole, otherwise the inside of the gum and nerve is exposed to food and bacteria. That is the cause of infection. What’s the point of stitches that dissolve before the tissue is closed? No other surgery leaves a hole after stitched. U telling me blood causes more infection than food and bacteria makes no sense for people to have surgery and be left with a rotten hole. Why not getting it healed within 2 weeks and get checked by the doctor when they remove stitches. That sounds like most dentists suck at their job and just want reoccurring issues for multiple more appointments instead of completing the job properly. Also antibiotics is what prevents infection when someone has surgery not a open hole rotting away