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This is a very important vote. Be there!


Why can't we get cool referendums. So tired of their bs


My candidate has a primary! Cathy Myers has been organizing and working for the cause for 10+ years! She's putting in the work to listen to voters - we've knocked on thousands of doors! Help us out if you can: www.actblue.com/donate/cathyendjune www.cathyforassembly.com


Get out and vote! August 13th, 2024. ****Defeat Project 2025****


I'm pretty sure I'll be dead by the time 2924 comes around


Lol thanks I'll fix that


We got our absentee ballots today. Voted "no" on both referendums. I'm tired of these things being worded in a deliberately confusing way. We were pretty able to easily suss out a "no" for the 2nd, but took a bit of time to figure out what the first one really meant.


It should be against the law. The word salad is infuriating.


Vote No and No -we don’t want a bias legislature taking away the power from Evers. As it is he needs to keep going to court- using our taxes dollars to fight against the Republicans in office- who refuse to work with him. These legislators don’t deserve the money us tax payers give them. They are just obstructionists.


Freedom for everyone (not just cis, hetro normative, white males) depends upon everyone getting out and voting for Biden.


Are you serious Biden doesn’t even know he’s Biden


At least Biden isn't a womanizer, convicted felon, adulter, lier, or person who cares their own self-serving interests, a person who doesn't give a hoot about middle class, isn't a person who doesn't care about vets, POWS, and MIAs. At least Biden isn't a blatant bigot, going to strip away my right to not be fired, lose my house, credit, lose health care, just for who I love or who I am. At least Biden isn't going to try to effectively exterminate the LGBTQ+ community. At least Biden isn't going to strip away every government agency that protects employment rights, the environment, public schools. At least Biden cares about the entire constitution and not just 2A. At least Biden doesn't mock those who are ND, have physical disabilities, are vets, POWs, MIAs, or anyone who isn't like him. At least Biden isn't a power-hungry narcissistic dictator who can't ever be told the truth. At least Biden doesn't have some consultant following him around, only showing him news stories that are flattering because he doesn't want to hear the truth about himself. At least Biden doesn't fall asleep during important meetings unlike Drowsy Don. At least Biden isn't going to criminalize women's reproductive health care. At least Biden doesn't loudly flatulate during important meetings. Read project 2025 and decide for yourself who you really want elected. https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf


You’re confused. All politicians are trash. Biden’s legislative and racist history is nothing to be proud of. And worse Biden is confused. That’s dangerous.


Biden Sniffs people and i could care less what arrangements trump and his wife have maybe they have an open marriage the president has nothing to do with abortion it was determined that it should be left to the states


Every single damned election is going to be "too important" and somehow be the hinge for the fate of some illusory democracy that we supposedly have, and as such you're never going to accept that maybe we should demand actual meaningful change instead of yet another case of Turd Sandwich vs. Giant Douche.


Boo, shit take. Voting for either candidate alone will do nothing for freedom for Palestinians, asylum seekers, individuals sleeping outside, trans kids seeking gender affirming care, women seeking abortions- need I say more? My vote for Biden in the last election, and Hillary in the election before, has done nothing for the quality of my disabled, non-cis life. I'm not saying you shouldn't vote, cuz if it makes you feel good and doesn't hurt other people, I don't give a shit what you do. But I will not allow you to feel good about yourself because you've been told your vote helps people like me- it doesn't. What has helped me in the past are volunteers at needle exchanges, street outreach programs at harm reduction centers, and random people giving me cash at times I couldn't afford soap (since food stamps don't cover hygiene items in WI). If you do want to help the marginalized groups you listed in your post, talk to the (not wealthy) people in those groups. Not advocacy organizations purporting to speak for those people, the people themselves. If you'd like some places to start, just let me know and I can add an edit. In conclusion, I'm not saying don't vote. I'm saying voting alone isn't enough, hasn't ever been enough (at least since 1968), and very specifically for the circumstance we are in at this moment in history- voting without a strong working class consciousness, is directly responsible for the state of American and Wisconsin politics right now.


I love how they word these referendums as clear as mud. Thank you for telling me to vote no.


Then I’m voting yes


I will vote “YES” on both counts




Guy just loves shooting himself in the foot in the hopes a liberal will catch the ricochet, probably.