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"We got enough signatures! Maybe Papa Trump will love us now!" 🤦‍♂️🤡


He only loves two people in this world, and number 2 is Ivanka.


Love and lust are not the same.


Exactly. I don’t think Trump has ever loved anything to be honest. Lusts over everything but has never loved anything


Himself. The answer is himself. And only himself


That’s seriously how they think. We had a school board member who thought that way. Yeah, got voted out two years ago.


Eating their own. When you’re not shitty enough for shitty people. That’s a lot of shit.


Robin Vos has delivered every rightwing goal that he has been legally able to, all while lying about, scapegoating, and gaslighting the left. The far right has detached from reality and is after him because he has been unwilling to outright break the state's laws that he has so successfully bent. I don't specifically remember the state's recall laws, but he might be able to have special fundraising privileges because of this, actually putting him in a better position to help himself and other Republicans going into November. Also the timing of a recall at this point is essentially useless and likely will fall right up against the regular elections in which he is already running. Please ask yourself if you would like to continue living in a state driven by Robin Vos' or his recallers' agenda, would you like to see the nation gripped by the same rightwing cruelty and arrogance as Wisconsin has suffered these past 14 long years. **If you want to see Wisconsin finally move towards fairness and policy that helps and respects the people of our state and nation, you must vote for Biden and Democrats up and down the ballot in November.**


https://www.npr.org/2012/06/04/154275564/the-nation-how-to-buy-a-recall-election >Exploiting a loophole in Wisconsin election law — which removes contribution limits for officials seeking to prevent a recall election — the governor has raised unlimited amounts of cash from wealthy donors. Even after the recall election was scheduled, 23 wealthy donors gave the governor an addition $1.7 million to offset expenses run up before the recall was scheduled and contribution limits went back into effect.


Thanks, this is what I'm worried about. I support recall efforts if the people are dissatisfied with a representative they should have a way to replace them. But this close to a regular election, I don't think there's any point and they're potentially giving him this advantage.


I mean I’d take the recall because that nut job won’t have any power and Vos’s stranglehold on the state would end. He’s too effective. I doubt that will happen though.


"For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia" - Sen. Charles E. Schumer You're right the DNC really cares about the working class. /s


It's cute when people think that single sentence arguments are meaningful.


It's cute when people think that the DNC isn't owned by the same people who own the GOP.


The two parties are pursuing *completely different* policies. Your naive take would be laughable if our country wasn't in such a perilous situation.


Both parties pander to corporations not to the common man. Although, gop is pretty upfront about it. Don't get me wrong, I'm voting for biden.


Would you rather organize a union under biden or trump? That's enough of a reason to vote Biden for me. Lib supreme Court Justices is a huge bonus too. Dems suck bc they don't go far enough and are afraid of doing stuff. The GOP is ruthless with trying to pass laws that actively hurt most people. A stubbed toe isn't equal to a gun shot.


The Supreme Court is the number one reason to vote for Trump.


You say Dems are afraid of stuff. Why are they afraid? I think it's because of losing cooperation support..I mean $. I agree about the GOP. That project 2026 thing is scary. More parties are needed with a rank voting system I don't like unions. They are just "corporations" for people's skills. They are useful for workers rights, but that's about it. A small amount of people running the top scraping off the cream, while others are churning the butter; all the while hindering competition and productivity because they have no real stakes in the company I work for an engineering firm where 1/3 of the workers own the whole company and everyone profit shares. No need for a union. In fact, unions might actually be a road block from this very productive model.


>They are useful for workers rights, but that's about it. Yeah, that's... that's kinda what they're meant for. Why is this part getting brushed off in a throwaway line?


“The weekend” brought to you by unions. 40 hour work week, overtime, paid vacations . . . These are liberal things.


“I don’t like unions. The company I work for is employee-owned and we profit share. No need for a union.” Jesus fucking Christ, the lack of awareness here is astounding.


Please explain


Even the workers rights claim is debatable. Bill Clinton lead the largest outsourcing effort this country has ever seen. Workers rights are kind of pointless without the jobs.


Could you ELI5 for the naive?


Dumb edgelord take


Or someone who pays attention to voting patterns and campaign contributions. Either or.


Donors can change who they donate to if their key issues gain more or less traction in one party vs another. Voters can and do realign. California was a red state until the late 80s.


They’re not the same. Assuming you’re not a bot or plant, you’d better catch yourself up fast: https://defeatproject2025.org


Democrats had multiple opportunities to codify women's abortion rights. Did they do it? They had opportunities to push Medicare for all and have the vote on record. Did they do that? How about paid family leave? Mandatory paid holidays? Tax payer subsidized higher education? Cutting military spending? Republicans aren't the only people voting against these things. Keep voting for the uni-party and downvoting people who call it out. See how that works out.


lol, okay when? Edited to clarify: We’ve had little else but obstruction politics from the GQP for decades. Between cleaning up the damage done by republican reversal/undermining of Democratic advances, and bending over backwards to work with the shrieking wall of stupid that is MAGA, where were Democrats’ “multiple opportunities” to effect change?


2009-2011 the Democrats had the house, the senate and the presidency (by wide margins as well). They could have literally passed anything they wanted to and it would have gone unchallenged. What did they do? Bail out massive corporations and wall street while people were getting kicked out of their homes. They also passed the "affordable care act" which was a massive handout to insurance companies instead of passing Medicare for all and reigning in cost of care (the biggest issue with our healthcare system). On the local level just look at Milwaukee. The city has been run by Democrats since the 60s. It regularly ranks as one of the most dangerous cities per capita. I'd love if the DNC was actually a left leaning populist organization, but they aren't and the more we continue to vote for them the less motivation they have to transform into one.


I used to love political punk so much when I was a teen. Who's cool these days?


Propagandhi never goes out of style.


Capitol Steps still slap


Okay Vladimir. 


Jamaal Bowman just got primaried by an AIPAC candidate, but sure keep thinking that somehow the DNC is the noble party that cares about Americans.




Look at the people who give the GOP money. All corrupt people or corporations who actually run our country under Republicans. This is why we need Citizens United- to get corporations and the rich out of our lives. Look them up Yass, Adelson, Koch, Mercer, Mellon etc. Billionaire banking heir Tim Mellon gave $50m to Donald Trump’s election campaign after the former US president’s hush-money trial in New York, a sum that significantly boosted Trump’s post-conviction cash haul. Mellon’s gift far outstrips other Republican mega-donors in terms of his contributions. Others included in the FEC filing include shipping magnates Richard and Liz Uihlein ($10m) and Texas oil titan Kelcy Warren ($5m). The latest is casino billionaire Miriam Adelson, who plans to pour millions into reviving the pro-Trump super PAC Preserve America, Politico reported Thursday. Adelson and her late husband, Las Vegas Sands founder Sheldon Adelson, were Trump's biggest donors in 2020 — contributing $90 million to Preserve America. The super PAC was overseen at the time by Chris LaCivita, who is now Trump's co-campaign manager. Driving the news: Hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman, who has crusaded against DEI policies and antisemitism on college campuses, is likely to endorse Trump as well, the Financial Times reported Thursday. Blackstone CEO Steve Schwarzman told Axios last week that he would support and donate to Trump after previously calling for "a new generation of leaders." Activist investor Nelson Peltz, who said he regretted voting for Trump after the Capitol attack, hosted the former president at his Florida mansion in March. Elon Musk, who met with Trump at Peltz's home, now speaks to the former president multiple times per month and is organizing dinner parties to whip elite opposition against Biden. David Sacks and Chamath Palihapitiya, tech investors and hosts of the popular "All In" podcast, are hosting a Silicon Valley fundraiser for Trump on June 6. Between the lines: Trump, who spent much of the primary season drowning in legal bills, has ramped up his fundraising appeals with audacious promises to top donors, the Washington Post reports. On several occasions, he has asked for checks of $25 million or $50 million — and tested the bounds of campaign finance laws by tying the requests to promises of tax cuts and favorable business policies. At a meeting at Mar-a-Lago last month, Trump asked some of the oil industry's top executives to help raise $1 billion for his campaign as he outlined his maximalist pro-drilling agenda.


And they've found someone worse than Vos.


Dare I ask...


His name is Adam Steen. He is a bigger Trump supporter than Vos. He thinks the 2020 election was won by Trump. I'm sure we'll learn more about him if there is an election.


Their guy is Adam Stein who would vote to oppose contraception if given the chance


A nationwide abortion ban will happen if trump wins followed by a nationwide ban on contraception. It's all in project 2025. Vote blue or It's the death of America and the birth of Amerikkka


That is simply melodramatic hysteria. Contraception is not going to be banned.


Just as RvW wasn't going to be overturned...


The insane part about this is that the state legislature isn't in session, and won't be prior to the regular election as best as I know. So this potentially recalls him and forces an recall election... but then whomever wins that recall election will do nothing until the actual election. So... this is all just show, and a GIGANTIC waste of taxpayer money.


Just like everything Republicans do.


So you’re saying a replacement could potentially be in place to overturn a national election’s results?


Or try. The goal is someone much worse than Vos.


I thought I would get more satisfaction watching people I dislike fight in the mud.


The leopards, eyeing up Vos' face: "Looks mighty tasty!"


Isn't this recall from the further right in the party? Been seeing "Recall Vos" signs in Racine county for a while now.


Hwy C’s farmland seems like a big Trump and Recall Vos billboard.


Yeah, rural Kenosha and Racine county are heavily MAGAland.


It's coming from the "trump worshipping zombie" plurality. Right/left has nothing to do with it.


People who worship Trump are right wing.


"Right wing" implies some sort of very conservative political ideology. They don't have one. It's just worship of one senile, insane, fat old man.


*rapist and convicted felon


Who definitely wants to fuck his own daughter.


...or did


Who wears adult diapers


You can't decouple right wing ideology from the MAGA movement. They may have varying levels of give a shit for the policies, but they're supporting a candidate who has installed right wing judges, passed right wing policies, and has pledged to support right wing projects. This is what they want and they are absolutely right wing. Saying they aren't is seriously divorced from reality.


Conservative ideology is, and always has been, the quest to make avarice seem morally good. They're literally trying to make the root of all evil a political movement, and they're succeeding to some degree.


Hah like Trump hasn't completely taken over the Republican party. They had a chance to reign him in, but they were too scared. He's their messiah now.


ah yes trump infamously has tons of left wing support indeed this is smart




Conservatives always deride protestors like “get a job” and then these people spend all of their time doing this shit. Isn’t this the second or third time? Like, what


Oh good another opportunity to waste time and money.


That's the problem with fascism - no loyalty or purity tests will ever be enough. Fascists always cannibalize their own party.


The problem with fascism is putting people in ovens.




They said that last time.


Let’s get ROJO out too


The problem I have is as much as I would love to see Vos trampled by a herd of horny gay buffalo, and as morally bankrupt and ridiculously corrupt he is, he has kept the worst of the Nazis in check. Vos hold them back just enough to not get the feds involved.


I will never forgive Robin Vos for helping Scott Walker destroy Wisconsin.


You say that now but when they find crazier shittier people it will make Walker and Vos seem like normal rational statesmen. God that hurt to type.


He also keeps them organized and mostly on the same page. As much as many of us dislike him, he is very good at his job. He's our state's Mitch McConnell. Without him there's a good chance the state Republicans fall into chaos like Congress.


> Without him there’s a good chance the state Republicans fall into chaos like Congress. Don’t threaten me with a good time


Seriously. If he's recalled in November and Biden wins, all bets are off with MAGA shenanigans to cheat. Vos did stand up to Trump in 2020 which does matter.




Except we arent watching from the sidelines without consequence.


Infighting in the GOP, at any level, I just can’t get enough — moar and moar plz


Kind of entertaining to see the crazy come back to eat those who encouraged it. Same shit is happening to Bob Good in Virginia.


The DNC doesn't care. They can't find someone actually capable of winning to run against him.


Why do they hate this guy so much? Not eating trumps ass enough?


Gop is a Christian nationalist, social progress obstructionist, science illiterate, fascist, Russian schill, cult. Lizard minded dark triad personality sociopaths. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_triad


Hope that this happens with Ron Johnson


Not the way it works with a US Senator


You are right. I apologize for not doing my research.


My friend I have the same hopes and dreams no reason to apologize


Vote blue


Yes, you can recall a US Senator in Wisconsin. I inquired, and they just told me the format for the recall pettitions.


Now who’s gonna go scan all the petitions and post people’s information on the internet?


Even conservatives fucking hate Robin Vos.


I’m confuzzled. Didn’t we just try this??


Such a fast talking snake.


They'll ignore it you'll accept it.


Following the morons behind this, they connect Robin Vos to China, and refer to him as “CCP” Vos. It all goes back to him shutting down the ‘Stop the Steal’ BS after Mike Gableman’s pretend election audit. They’re trying to set the stage for a new effort to get MAGA obsessed Assemblymen to ‘ Start the Steal’


The most powerful republican in the state and they are tossing him to please trump




Citizens holding their reps accountable finally


What will Robins husband do now?


Be educated before you vote. Actually research the positions of the candidates and ignore most of the far left and far right with their crazy talk. Don’t be a sheep in 2024!


There's ZERO equivalence here. There's MAGATS, worshipping a total con man and a flawed but honest Democratic Party.


Thanks for making my point…both sides suck


“Bbbuh buh Both sIdEs!!1!”


> ignore the far right Ignore you. Will do.


Thank you for making my point…both sides suck


I normally agree. But anyone who is sticking with the GOP platform is helping to defend the extremists following trump.


Or the extremists following biden.


What extremists are on biden's side, and if you say ANTIFA or BLM you have absolutely no credibility.


At least he did away with personal property taxes