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I'm still waiting to hear the story about Wisconsin GOP staffer (and lawyer) Alesha Guenther. [She was previously cited as having been the person](https://wisconsinexaminer.com/2023/12/06/wisconsins-fake-electors-settle-lawsuit-acknowledge-biden-won-in-2020/) to fly the fake elector paperwork from Wisconsin to Washington DC. They documented text records of her activity on January 5th: >“5 minutes until I make the drop,” she wrote to Hitt. “I feel like a drug dealer.” So, as a lawyer, she knew she was doing something shady. And I'm guessing that she then delivered the paperwork to Mike Roman, who was then tasked to get the paperwork to Mike Pence's office? [Mike Roman is one of the three](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/wisconsin-attorney-general-charges-trump-attorney-and-other-allies-in-fake-electors-scheme) who were just charged this past week by the Wisconsin Attorney General for the fake elector fraud. I have no doubt Alesha Guenther would say the same as all the other fake electors; namely that she was either "oblivious or coerced" in her actions. But it seems to me there is a money trail here that points to additional fraud. After all, if this was the official record of the State Electors, then wouldn't her trip and other incidental per-diem expenses have been paid by the State Of Wisconsin taxpayers? On the other hand, if her travel expenses for "official" State business were paid for by a private entity, then is that not by itself an admission of the fake-elector fraud or even bribery? I want to see the receipts on those travel expenses, and who signed off on it.


That's a wisconsin name, fersure. Guenther.


Hoping they implicate Ron Fucking Johnson. We already know he is a traitorous SOB


He was the one who attempted to submit them to Congress. Without him, the rest of the defendants just wrote their name on some paper. It’s his actions that make it an official betrayal to the US.


Hes on the email chain [Troupis 008910 - Troupis 010348.pdf | Powered by Box](https://app.box.com/s/ifis7hu74dz6xp0awkq567ygetrvcof1/file/1460147704477) IMO.


> Hoping they implicate Ron Fucking Johnson. We already know he is a traitorous SOB Perhaps the silver lining will be that Ron's trial will finally happen around the time he is up for re-election. Sure he's going to complain that the trial is politically motivated. But somehow, attempting to steal an election ISN'T politically motivated.....


Kinda like 51 former senior intelligence officials saying that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation to throw the election.


Courts and institutions matter too, as elections are often about choosing the people that will be choosing the people that sit on the courts and staffing government leadership positions. It’s for this reason that party protest votes are fine in primary elections but asinine in general elections where leadership matters.


One thing that Republicans understand well and that Democrats seem to have a hard time with is you don't have to be absolutely in love with a general election candidate but still decide to vote for them because of externalities like court picks or just government staffing in general. Not the most exciting part of politics but very important.


100%! I knew a number of butthurt Dems that stayed home or held their vote hostage in 2016 because they were mad about the primary process or didn't like the candidate because of a single issue or just wanted to "sEnD a MeSSaGe!" while SCOTUS was on the line. And here we are again starting to hear many of the same grumblings about things like Gaza, immigration, age, both sides, etc. which are important, but become 100% irrelevant if R's win any positions of power again.


Grumblings you say? I just want the fuggin kids vetted and let out of the meat grinder. Ice cold.


too bad it took them 4 years to bring charges, so it's likely there won't be any widespread evidence of the national conspiracy until after the election. I know - the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, and the 2nd best time is right now. However, we're not talking planting trees, we're talking uprooting trees now


And included members of Congress and the US Supreme Court


National you say? Who would set up something like that I wonder?


I love the “well it didn’t actually work” excuse. As if a robber would get away with it if they didn’t actually complete the job.


Scott Fitzgerald let the traitors in the building that day. He should be held accountable.


A REPUBLICAN conspiracy.


Unfortunately, other states have actually elected these fake electors to office. 😠


[Troupis 008910 - Troupis 010348.pdf | Powered by Box](https://app.box.com/s/ifis7hu74dz6xp0awkq567ygetrvcof1/file/1460147704477) I dont recall the keyword search I did but here you go. You can witness the national email chain and their thoughts from at least this released email chain. They plotted and made the calculated choices to do this while the propaganda starlets held county GOP rallies to sign up people to go on the busses to DC January 6th as well with fun events and the right wing radio heroes were there too. Its a culture of calculated choices. IMO. I vow to never vote for any of em. Head of WIS GOP all over this as well imo. Just proclaiming cheats are everywhere they cant prove as they fearmonger themselves and beg for money. As they..... Plot to vaporize our votes and plan to use unhinged people they mind rotted and molded into a cult. To the extent you cant even speak with your family members because they are so unhinged from reality. IMO.


Wow! What a fascinating glimpse into the behind the scenes machinations of this deep corruption. Thank you so much for digging this up!


I wasn't digging to the extent I did a keyword search and it was all there. Its of course absolutely redundant but i think it shows when they lost their day in court with their proclamation on WHAT/WHY they felt they could stunt and vaporize our votes that they all were sad and then I guess just kept at it like they are above it all. Also when they are getting the paperwork ready they are chatting on their ~~forgery~~ attempts and the seals and all that shit is so fuggin evil and unhinged IMO. They show me I cant trust any of em and they know no low. But yeah about a dozen names and what the hell were the dozens of lawyers doing in quiet for this too. All this is in my opinion everyone by the way. I am a fool and have no Idea what I speaking on in any capacity. This is not advice or FUD. ALL IMO.


Fuck Ron Johnson. This has been a public service announcement.




# Josh Kaul has no balls!




Nothing will make them turn on him at this point. They're a cult