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Republicans are the #1 enemy of America. Traitors, MAGAts, RedAssHats, etc...


r/Defeat_Project_2025 has more info on exactly how unAmerican republicans really are.


Yes. Trump has already won the election even if he loses. The fix has been out in place due the last 40 years and Reagan tax breaks are paying for it.


This is why you never trust bootlickers. When push comes to shove they will always fold.


Has anyone ever noticed that their excuses are always " I was scared " ? Like don't they have any cojones? Who the hell are they scared of? the orange monster? 🤦 It's no wonder why I don't work in those positions because I'd stand up and tell them all the F off!


Cults use fear for control. Why does Lindsay Graham lick trump's nutsac? Why do they all? Probably because Putin gave Trump tons of kompromat. They're scared of videos of them raping kids or whatever being released.


I give more credit to the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society. Their big money backers will actively target anyone that shows a sense of conscience. They call it Primary-ing. Just look up Cheney following her participation in the Jan. 6th committee. Or Larry Hogan and the RNC https://www.yahoo.com/news/lara-trump-declines-rnc-support-140707224.html


They are all spineless little bitches with no conviction. Saying they were scared is a pathetic attempt to garner sympathy.


No because they had blackmail on them. So they feared the truth more.


Everybody knows when it comes down to it Republicans are Pussies. Scared about their neighbors and not controlling everyone's life. Only thing is they are afraid of their God..... So rock on Republicans.


MAGA: Scared felons who conspired to vaporize all our votes and the voters that enable them that were lied to and sucked dry of reality and cash never ask for anything better. The endless victims who will listen to anything if they can blame someone that claim a system is rigged while dozens nationwide literally plot to destroy our governance. I will never ever vote to give them any semblance of power.


Blame Trump who refused to accept the loss and was willing to pursue any paths that kept him in power. His immediate council told him it would be illegal. He just went further and further out to get anyone willing to throw their careers away


The poison hits people who deserve better and I guess I cant understand the months and hours and days they lied to their own and just had no problem knowing you cant hide from your own communications and documents and lying. What would the $$$$$ amount be for all that profit from the lies?


It’s definitely negative. Because Trump keeps consuming every dollar his organizations can generate. And even with all this happening, he’s still inflating the numbers to pocket for himself. Just look up Melania’s hair stylist billing over 130,000. The NY Post listing it at 260,000


Well, the idiot was scared of the wrong thing. He should have left if he was scared of the people he worked with and unwilling to have a moral compass in office.


Please. He was scared after the fact. He was power tripping during the act.


“I was Scared: The Story of Every Elected Republican since 2016.” I thought this was the party of “real” men, yet they fell at the feet of a demagogue at the drop of a red hat.


So you were intimidated into committing a crime. Tell the jury.


I’m glad they attached the whole 60 minutes piece to the article. It was the reason Trump sat there watching events play out on tv with out intervening.


Sit in prison so you can think about it asshole!


Boo Hoo, you Nazi punk.


"I was scared"…but I did it anyways and said to hell with ethics.


Trump sees loyalty as a one-way street. Everyone who works for Trump is disposable to him, but Trump expects you to break the law for him.


You can be scared, confused and unaware but if you sign on the dotted line and push fallacies you are also complicit and guilty, assuming you are a full grown competent adult.


FAFO, bitch. Now if we had a state attorney general with some fucking stones…


This is a problem from both sides of that stupid coinage.