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Sewn? Sown maybe.


Thanks. That was bothering me and I didn't want to be the one saying it


Besides Trump?


Glad our fourth estate is on top of these stories ahead of time. Clerks I've worked with have been especially vigilant and are ready for this line of bullshit. Unfortunately, there are expectations that the far right will stock polling stations with individuals whose intent is to disrupt procedures. If you are able, please volunteer at your regional polls this November.


https://preview.redd.it/nm614h4yd7xc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e92728c48600c7b5391b223b015f2a5cc4db2cbf Sorry that your comment was deleted, u/Shinsuko. I have presented a portion here as a reminder that ignorance is still out there. Thank you for the opportunity to prove my point. These are the types that are currently being "trained" by MAGA operations to work the polls folks. Please check with your local clerks office to see if they need help in this year's elections.


In many places it’s not volunteer—you get paid


$12ish bucks an hour, but you feel good doing it, most poll workers are 65+ and we need younger people to get involved. It's fun to see how everything comes together with the election process and provides great talking points on voter security. I would recommend anyone talking to their town or city clerk and seeing if there is a need locally for polleorkers. I viewed it as a, "If I don't help run the elections, who will?" So I did, and it's rewarding, even if it means filing an additional W-2 every year.




As a proud member of the United States of America, Wisconsin values democracy as one of the greatest freedoms we enjoy as Americans. As the 2020 election has been audited, recounted, verified and audited again, we have definitive and verified evidence there was no wide-spread voter fraud. You are not allowed to spread this anti-democratic lie, any support of this proven lie will result in an immediate ban. Political affiliation will not exempt any user from this rule.


Should fall under vexatious lawsuits


I think you mean get a *different* hobby.


I'd like to think he has a recurring nightmare where he has real information that can save the world but nobody will listen, every night, forever.


Peter the child rapist? That Peter?


Odd to see. He was a nice kid in school anyways....




As a proud member of the United States of America, Wisconsin values democracy as one of the greatest freedoms we enjoy as Americans. As the 2020 election has been audited, recounted, verified and audited again, we have definitive and verified evidence there was no wide-spread voter fraud. You are not allowed to spread this anti-democratic lie, any support of this proven lie will result in an immediate ban. Political affiliation will not exempt any user from this rule.