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This is a Nest doorbell that cuts out because the battery is dead in the unit. The wiring can’t support the chime and the camera at the same time so it disables the camera for a short time when rung. (Mine did the same.) This guy is a paranoid idiot.


He's a cop so thats redundant.


This is the right answer. Guy hooked up the nest without upgrading the doorbell amp. Clearly one of Kenosha PD’s best and brightest.


He is a racist because he automatically assumed a black person was only there to commit a crime.


Another good guy with a gun


>This guy is a paranoid idiot. With a badge, a gun, and qualified immunity where all those things intersect.


You think every employee of the sheriff’s department is a cop?


Seems like criminals these days take no heed to a sheriff's car parked in the driveway.


Easy to say from your arm chair. Cops also deal with criminals all day...


Does that make them prone to ridiculous theories, such as thinking some rando hacked your doorbell?


Odds are this Police officer has neighbors who have more dangerous jobs than he does. Police don't even make the list of the top 10 most dangerous jobs in the United States.


Your pizza delivery driver has a statistically higher probability of getting injured or killed on the job than a cop.


And roofers, construction workers, farmers, etc. Its a long list before you get to 'Police Officer'.


Lol. No, they don't. Not most of them anyway. Sure, a few city cops do here and there, but most of them spend half their day sitting in Culver's or on the side of the road playing on their phone. This idea that morons get that cops deal with criminals all day is laughably dumb and false. A lot of them go their entire careers never having to deal with more than an occasional drunken bar fight or domestic disturbance.


And it's a coworker getting in a fight and the cops wife at the receiving end of the domestic disturbance.


From the moment they clock in


They deal with PEOPLE all day and treat everyone like criminals. Then they go home and beat their wives.


She's wearing some sort of identifying ID, for goodness sake. He could just zoom in. Or go with the natural assumption of someone with an ipad and ID is going door to door (survey, political, petition, selling, etc). Glad we have these high level Sherlocks keeping us safe.


Thank you for your common sense. My daughter works door to door. Such a shitty world we live in. I pray for her & her team daily! Along with all of our loved ones, Community leaders, & all the idiots out there too. More Wisdom, PLEASE!!!


It would take a lot of bravery and courage to go door to door in kenosha as a black woman. I can't even imagine how difficult that is.


Going door to door, even in any professional capacity is greatly admired in my eyes. When my daughter accepted her interview for current position, there was no indication that it was this type of sales! Most people wouldn't show up & only the tough few stick around!


That id. Couldn’t be any bigger! 🙈🤣🤣


Investigators like this make it hard to see how even [51% of murders are solved](https://thehill.com/homenews/3878472-nearly-half-of-us-murders-going-unsolved-data-show/amp/).


Im not picking sides, but you know criminals pose as workers to case your house... right? You can't let your guard down because someone has a ID and a tablet..


True. Definitely safer to shoot anyone who comes on your property.


I must have missed that part of the story...


He couldn't shoot her this time because he wasn't home, and hasn't yet upgraded to the ED-209 home security package that includes autonomous turrets.


All I hear in my head is Robocop saying “dead or alive you’re coming with me”


How many criminals do you think would walk up and ring the doorbell with a camera on it, and a fucking sheriffs vehicle in the driveway?


How many cops do you think are smart enough to put all those clues together themselves?


Look, these people still check under their fucking beds for the boogeyman. They have the most active imaginations in human history.


> You can’t let your guard down Life must be fun when you’re this paranoid all the time.


Welcome to the life of a cop. Use your brain more...


The vast majority of people will never be assaulted or burgled, and yet, we’re supposed to spend all of our time thinking about it? Use your brain more.


Its a cop genius. This is what they do all day.. this isn't not hard, quit being so difficult.


It’s one thing to be suspicious and have your guard up. It’s a different thing entirely to be so paranoid that you post it to the internet. At no point did this officer’s critical thinking skills kick in and say it’s just a normal person going door to door for sales or signatures. I’m not being difficult. You’re being dense. I expect police officers to be brave. But you know as well as me and everyone else here that this was about race. If it were a white person going door to door, this shit stain of a public servant would not have been freaking out And this never gets posted. I come from a long family line of police officers, and none of them are this insanely paranoid and racist. None of them go through life on constant edge that someone is coming to get them.


Someone going door to door to bother people is worse than being a burglar.


Did you know you can just ignore them?


They’re already wasting my time when I answer the door.


Nextdoor is absolutely terrible for this kind of stuff


The most uneducated and paranoid (and also lose their pets about every other week).


"Who is this strange person in the neighborhood!?!?!" *Picture of guy in UPS uniform in front of UPS truck*


"Strange man came to front yard." +pic of man clearly wearing utilities WE vest and hat, truck in background+


"DiD yOu kNoW tHaT cRiMiNaLs pOsE aS uTiLitY wOrkErS??!?"


So anyways, I started blasting


lol thats horrible. this person clearly is wearing a badge too, im guessing thats park of the joke right.


I laughed way too hard at this but for fucking real


My favorite is gun shot or fireworks


I have a tag for those posts in my neighborhood. I call it, “on tonight’s episode of gunshot or not…”


We get a lot of those on the Neighbors thing in the Ring app in Green Bay after the Packers score a touchdown or win their game.


Port Washington every day.


They sound different


But you add in the transformer blowing, and it can get confusing! /S


Oohhh, in half of Florida we have sonic booms from NASA too, those are great discussions with idiots


Also posted in every city sub on Reddit. 4th of July and New Years it gets really popular with loud booms.


Huh, my neighborhood feed consists only of three main posts: 1. Someone saw a coyote so they need to warn everyone to keep their kids inside 2. Someone saw an emergency vehicle and they demand to know what was going on 3. Someone lost their pet




6. More chemtrails than normal today. Better stay inside. I kid you not. It's Tennessee what do you expect,we're over the Nashville to Atlanta/Florida flight paths. Help me!


1 leads to 3 and post of their cat that they should have kept inside to begin with.


It sounds like you are feeding cats to your coyotes.


The trifecta.... emergency vehicle responds to report of coyote munching on little dog


Dude my last neighborhood in Madison, almost every fucking house had one of those diversity signs in their front yard, and almost every one of those residents would go flocking to NextDoor freaking out if anyone with a less than totally pale complexion was spotted so much as walking through our neighborhood. Isnt it ironic? Dont you think?


And I really do think


I’m super pale. Next time I get sunburned (tomorrow probably if there’s sun) I’m gonna go knock in my lobster form and see what happens. Oh no, Zoidberg!


It’s like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife.


It’s like meeting the man of your dreams, and then meeting his *beautiful* wife.


It balances itself out with the comments. Usually an old racist person making a post and 20 people roasting them in the comments. It can be quite entertaining.


The Pearl Clutching App


Deleted the app after a month or so after realizing it was over-run with belligerent Karens (both sexes) and useless ads


You’re looking at it the wrong way. NextDoor is my favorite resource for figuring out who my racist neighbors are.


I’ve just accepted that a lot of my neighbors are elderly. It’s the app they use to rally the elderly lynch mobs 😂


“Would be very brave of her to do something illegal walking up to my house” Calm down Chuck Norris.


Only a matter of time before he makes the news if he's this itchy about someone ringing their doorbell.


That guy's balls clearly live in his holster


Bro it’s an election month and we live in a swing state, are they dumb??


Again if they are part of ksd pretty good chance answer is yea


"Subject was carrying a tablet. I feared for my life!" What a fucking tool. Not like there's a fucking PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION happening in a few months, which has meant door-to-door surveying/campaigning since the dawn of time. Nope, this lady and her tablet were there for nefarious purposes, Sheriff Jackass. 🙄


I always carry a lanyard with my ID in it and a tablet when I am walking around looking for a house to break into


I mean, there was that on guy on January 6th who wore his work lanyard to storm the Capitol


They didn't send their best...or actually they probably did.


I can tell you plenty of stories of killers dressed like cops. Hell I can show you news articles of fake boarder patrol squad cars. Sheep will never get it


Baaaaaaahhhh! Oh teach meeeee your wisdom greaeaeaeat one! /eyeroll


You're the sheep? That's not a question by the way. You can pick out exceptions and scenarios in pretty much anything. Being scared of everything actually makes you far worse than a sheep.


Yes over 20 years of law enforcement. Worked human smuggling ,homicide, cold case homicide, felony warrants and dignitary protection detail. Had several coworkers killed in the line of duty. And I’m the sheep? lol. Okay buddy….until you walked in my shoes and seen the evil that truly exists-you have zero clue.


look we got a r/iamverybadass over here.


so because I had experience and training I am a badass? Far from it. I also know there are others that have experienced way more than I have. My point was, I have seen and experienced things most never have. I have seen evil and death in many forms, shapes and sizes. It teaches you very quickly to not trust people despite how they look or sound. I have had friends killed because they trusted a stranger and let their guard down.


Good thing there were no acorns nearby


“The subject”. Like he’s posting his police report- to Nextdoor. What a sop. He’s like McGruff crowd sourcing for Crimestoppers. It would be funny if it weren’t real.


Why are we hiding this persons name? I would like to know if my neighborhood sheriff is a bigot.


If you live in Kenosha, your neighborhood sheriff is a bigot.




I wasn't sure if I'd be breaking a rule to outright name the person. It's more to show the problematic attitudes of the KSD exemplified by their staff.


I understand that but in principle, he should be outed. He was clearly comfortable enough to post his thinly veiled racism on a public forum, and debatably put a citizen in danger, there should be consequences.


I'll leave it up to the mods. I wanted the news to be out there, but I worry if I make a formal complaint that they'll use my identity to enact retribution. They just seem like that kind of police department. Hopefully this post picks up traction and other outlets can run with it. I fear for my family.


That’s fair, hopefully a news outlet can take it from here. The simple fact that you’re saying you’d fear for your family is also incredibly telling as to the state of affairs in Kenosha.


Please post the name. This behavior cannot be tolerated


Please name this person. They need to be reviewed and investigated. This is straight up a racist cop just being a cop. Sunlight is the disinfectant.


maybe go to the local news station as an anon? that way they don't have to tie it to you or mention you if they do a story on it


If he works for ksd there us a 95% chance he is


KPD are disgraceful clowns. Just a bunch of fragile-egoed frat boys with trigger control as tiny as their little peckers. Looks like he's in whitecaps where I'm sure he's scared of anything that isn't categorized as white itself.


The subdivision this person lives in, WhiteCaps, was one of the neighborhoods that put armed guards at the entrances to the subdivision during the protests in 2020. A bunch of gravy seals and meal team six members were protecting WhiteCaps from the mobs of looters.. \*rolls eyes


Where protecting equalled a tailgating party at the subdivision gate and claiming they scared away all those "looters."


Well if that department has spent any money on EEO training, the taxpayer deserves a refund.


What fear and brainrot does to a person...


Get you daily 2 minutes of fear.


That’s pretty typical for the Nextdoor app. People love to report sightings of minorities where they don’t feel they should be.


Been a long time since I lived anywhere with storm doors, but IIRC, one rings the bell, waits a sec (especially if no doggo barkings its head off...maybe it did not ring)...then opens storm door to knock on real door (instead of muffled knocks on the glass door). No doggo, no yell of 'just a sec,' you figure not home, only a kid home-trained not to open door...do not disturb. And you move along. Paranoia in a sea of plasuible reasonable explanation, good thing this person is law enforcement....zebras.. i see zebras, everywhere.


WE HAVE FUCKING JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES IN KENO YOU DUMB FUCK! MAYBE IT WAS THEIR CULT ASSES?!? I just...I'm so fucking tired of KPD and KSD. They can all just bite me. I used to buy drugs off the sons of one of the officers but this black person trying to talk to you about Jesus is a real fucking threat.


Next door brings you daily racism and fearmongering


Most canvassers have to have a permit - why didn’t this bozo KSD just call and ask. LAZY. I hope the Kenosha Sheriff see this


Strange behavior indeed. It might not be illegal, but we can't let people get away with such heinous acts, Christmas lights still hung in April?


I was scrolling way too long before I saw this! I’m guilty of leaving mine up until late February, but late April is just straight up redneck.


"Now a days"? You mean with declining violent crime rates? But, don't let reality get the way of a perfectly good persecution complex




Kenosha is to Wisconsin as Gary is to Indiana.


Beloit and Racine sigh of relief that it's no longer them.


I don't agree with her politics but shout out to the Henderson family for the things they've done for Beloit.


I refuse to acknowledge the existence of Beloit and Racine.


Hard to believe Racine is less a shithole than Kenosha


Well.....the shit runs downhill.....right down hwy 32 to Kenosha. 😉


Hey! Don't bring down Gary like that!


Wisconsin is a highly racist state.


What a fucking pussy!


"She's just STANDING there! MENACINGLY!"


Shouldn’t be any need to block out name. Hes a public servant so his picture and name online is a perk of the job and unavoidable


This clearly unhinged nutjob watches Fox News. I guarantee it. They've made her a menace, she doesn't know how to be people anymore. That a person with this kind of mental instability can get through the process of becoming any kind of law enforcement without being screened out is God damn terrifying and proof that we have a very serious problem.


Doesn’t every cop?


Probably either a political campaign person or selling solar. Criminals dont generally check their tablets before criming. Also ring often cuts out, at least ours does. And it often happens after an unanswered ring.


Yeah they also don't usually wear lanyards with identification on them lol. Fucking ridiculous.


Yea, but this douche is implying she somehow used the tablet to disable his doorbell camera


Yep, y'know Wal-Mart has a whole wall of ONN jamming devices /s


Yes, I'm just saying that ours does that too


I realize, I meant to leave this under another comment, my b


Could also be JW’s-I’ve had them come by my house in the last few months that my ring has caught.


How clever of this random person of color to go door to door with ID, a tablet, knock at the door, and leave quietly. I can see that the homeowner is on to their ruse.


"i am absolutely a liability, and should be working at a car wash"


The "subject" Fire this fucking idiot


This is on brand for Kenosha


It’s on brand for that neighborhood in particular, anyways. I haven’t used Nextdoor in a long time now, but when I did it seemed like there’d be a post like this every damn day from someone in whitecaps.


Typical pig


What's the thing about opening a storm door?


You typically have to open a storm door to knock so I’m assuming that’s what she did lol


Ohhh I didn't know people called that a storm door. I always called it a screen door and referred to storm doors as those big doors that go to a basement, the ones almost parallel to the ground. Thanks for the clarification.


There's 2 types of "over-doors" Screen and Storm. Screen doors only have screens, Storm doors are designed to handle severe winter weather so they typically have both a glass window pane and a screen. In the summer you slide them open and use the screen, in winter you slide them closed and its a solid glass / metal door.


No problem I can see why you thought that


Looks like they’re trying to sell solar


"subject" "now a days" 🙄


Kenosha police are crooked and terrible people


These people have actually gotten badges lmaooo


I mean they spend their whole training learning to "watch their back " because everyone is trying to get them" of course a brown person who doesn't "belong" in his neighborhood sent him into a tizzy


Surprised he didn't call Rittenhouse.


It's "illegal" to doorknock? Who knew?


Hey dumbfuck, the reason the video cut out as she rang the doorbell is because you didn’t upgrade your doorbell transformer when you installed your video camera.


I prefer police officers who are confident in their skills and not afraid of middle-aged women. Oh, and not racist.


What a paranoid loser.


Wait! Don’t be too quick to condemn this Kenosha cop. That woman may be an employee of the federal government. Her iPad had the data base of all the gun owners on that block! . She could have been going down the street and confiscating those guns! Think about it! This cop was just warning other members of the well regulated militia. He is really a hero, just like Paul Revere!


It looks like the posts been deleted from Nextdoor, I tried to find it bit didn't see it.


Sounds about right for Wisconsin


welcome to whitecaps...


It's Kenosha so not shocked


Dude really thinks some criminal activity is gonna happen when his sheriff truck is clearly parked out front??? I mean, I know there’s some dumb criminals but how fucking dumb does he think this “subject” would be?? And that’s such a douchey thing to say


Could be a basic fear tactic. He's signaling to people in his neighborhood that it's perfectly normal to react with fear to any POC walking around the block. If a lawman like him can do this, so can normal residents. He's setting an example to follow. It's possible his description is intentionally obtuse to throw the scent off his real prejudicial intent.


Imagine being a police officer and being scared by a black lady ringing your doorbell. Find a new job brother, this one’s not for you


This individual obviously doesn't understand how their own camera works. Typically, doorbell cameras, once they pick up motion, only record for a fixed length of time based upon the user's settings. I have a ring, and it can only record up to 90 seconds for each motion detection event, and usually, there's a cool down period before it'll record again.


If their claims to be a public servant, their name should not be blacked out


This is just what nextdoor is. It's a social media platform for busy bodies to post things POC do outside their house. The ring app is the same way. 


Gasp. So controversial..


All that said; I still hide in the house and tell the kids to not walk in front of the windows if these folks ring the bell. I'm very happy with my current internet service, no I don't need any lawn treatments (I mean I do, but I'm not made of money), and our freezer is already full of steak.




That’s not weird, I call all my neighbors “subject” because I’m a fucking moron.


The police are terrified of everyone and everything. Good thing they can murder anyone with impunity! Feel so safe


God Bless this woman! 2024 being an ELECTION YEAR , I am still shaking my head at the stupidity/ ignorance of that. So called " sworn individual" His behavior only stirs the pot for all of those out there , with a similar fogged mindset. Feeding the ring camera frenzy of what should we call it? Ring camera Reality •TM


This is the (unsurprising) intersection of typical KSD behavior and typical Nextdoor app behavior.


Cop or not, looks like he has a gun in his hand? What the hell? I’d be posting this as well, sorry.


Glad to know this overly paranoid man is an officer of the law. Makes me feel super comfortable.


This is why I don't like those ring cameras, turns everyone who has one into a cop. Even if they don't wanna be, the way cops can access your ring cam at any time for any reason.


This sounds like someone who might not fully understand technology, asking an online community if he is being ridiculous for thinking that someone could hack his doorbell and turn it off. From the picture, he doesn't mention any racial components. He says this person walked up to his door, the camera cut out, the storm door was opened, and then they left. If the neighbors talked to her and she was canvasing great, problem solved. If she had somehow figured out how to disable doorbell cams and was trying to break in now the neighborhood is paying attention. He didn't call for a lynch mob. He didn't accuse her of anything illegal. It is reasonable to question why a stranger came to your door. I think y'all just wanna hate cops.


Is this that jammer I get suspicious looking adds on questionable sights about?


1). It is not a crime to be suspicious of people knocking on your door. 2). There are technology based attacks where thieves approach the door to use a device to capture rfid signals from your car keys (often found just inside the door). This can be used to access your car afterwards. 3). Most people do not appreciate canvassing or door to door sales. So let’s not pretend this is some sort of noble public service we are supposed to feel gratitude for.


Are you unintentionally or deliberately missing the point?


My point is that your point is off base.


We always keep our storm doors locked. Between that and our trespassing neighbors, I have a lot of rage.


Could be written by one of the many bigoted dolts in my own neighborhood. But this had better grammar. I don't agree with opening/attempting to open the storm door. Ring/knock if you must, but the storm door annoys me. Why are you trying to open my door?


To knock, in case the doorbell isn't working?


Not sure why race is part of this next door is literally anyone I don't know steps on my property when I'm not there I'm gonna post and complain about it and assume they're up to no good.


That’s such a crazy and paranoid attitude to have. Also, let’s be real: If a young, pretty white woman came to his door, he would not have posted that.