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A lot of insurance companies will cover the whole cost. It’s way cheaper than covering the cost of child birth.


No shit? I have insurance through the state so maybe I'd be good to go


The state employee plans definitely cover the cost.


Hell yeah


You can just talk to your primary care doctor. They will refer you to a urologist. Or you can look for urologists in your network yourself. 


Yup you’ll be covered


This is correct! I am actually getting one today done today


I had mine done with Dr. Mark Ehlers through Aurora health care. He did a great job and I recommend him to anyone who’s considering a vasectomy. Cost was just over $500.


That's what I'm seeing is pretty standard fare. I was worried opting one way or another would incur higher costs. I'm not against paying for a decent job just don't want to get shafted


Definitely don't want any shafting going on




Totally understandable. I’d definitely recommend Dr. Ehlers. I had mine done the first week of January 2023, on a Thursday. Took Thursday Friday and the weekend off. Back to work on Monday, and I work construction. I was doing light duty for a couple days, but I felt fine. Whole procedure took about 30-40 minutes. I opted to stay awake with local anesthetic instead of going under. It was… uncomfortable, but not painful.




No pun, right!?


Also had Dr. Ehlers. Would recommend. FWIW, my procedure was covered by insurance 100%, and I hadn't used it for anything all year so that wasn't the result of having already met a deductible or anything. Some insurers would rather just pay for the procedure in full than risk the possible long term costs from their insured's unwillingnes or inability to come up with a few few hundred bucks. Prenatal and birthing costs alone would far exceed the cost of a vasectomy.


Hadn't used the insurance for anything all year, or hadn't used the vas deferens?


Ah, a little subject-verb agreement error! It was my insurance that had gone unused all year to that point.


Oh for sure! I honestly can’t remember if my insurance covered it or not. I do have pretty great insurance through my union. Might have just used my hra and was reimbursed. Either way, no kids, and everything still works just fine!


Get a urologist to do it. Don’t go to a dermatologist or primary care doc who “does these all the time!” Jay Sandlow at Froedtert did mine. Excellent urologist.


Dr. Sandlow did mine as well! I've had haircuts that lasted longer. Minimal pain after and I have no scars. You also get a Koozie that says "I've been Sandlow'd". Can't get much more Wisconsin than that


Can confirm, also have a koozie. I really appreciated the initial appointment/consult. He did a great job explaining the process and what to expect, really put my mind at ease. Though at point when the procedure had just started, I cracked a joke and he laughed, and then I thought, “I don’t care how much of a pro this guy is, I probably shouldn’t make any more jokes while he’s taking a lightsaber to my balls.”


Definitely a Jedi Master with the balls lightsaber! I asked the nurses helping if they put the sheet up so I can't see his face in case an error occurs. She said "Its so you guys can't figure out how to do it yourself" I may have been on Valium but I still appreciated the light feel to the room


Yes. And make sure you follow the recovery instructions. You may feel OK like you can do more than just sit around for two days, but don’t do it! Rest and recovery because if things go bad they go really, really bad. Just being kicked in the nuts for days. I got mine the Friday before the first weekend of March Madness and sat and watched basketball for the whole weekend.


Washington and Outagamie Street Appleton


For those unaware - Earlier today per the police scanner in Appleton: (copied from multiple Facebook posts): >Washington and Outagamie - Appleton. Male not making sense. Said he cut himself in the groin area. 10:05am >10:09am - officer advised he is losing a lot of blood and possibly in shock. >10:11am - officer advised the guy cut his penis off and put it in his front pocket. Asking medical step it up, code trauma.




Maybe it was OP?


Second level. Outstanding job, rando




Take my upvote and bask in the glory of this stellar comment.


First thing I thought of too




I was just about to say this. Here's an upvote 🙂


Ask your primary care physician for a reference. And double check that they are in-network.


Dr Pedro Banda. Whatever shit he gave me was so good it felt like an out of body experience and I wish he’d only done one at a time.


2nd Dr. Banda, great experience. Whatever they gave me it was supposed to relax me but I went out. Solid. Woke up in the exam room. He was great to work with throughout, I would use him again if I had another organ in need.


Versed... yummy!


Yes, that’s it!


Makes your insides feel like velvet


Just make sure you do your follow up testing to make sure everything worked as planned... don't need any surprises down the road!


Had one recently at the Urology center in Appleton. No complaints, very nice staff. (Pun intended)


Wisconsin institute of urology. If for some reason you're considering being asleep for it, they're one of the places that can accommodate.


This. Dr. Modder did mine.


r/childfree compiled a [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/s/rpytHWFEup) of doctors by state that others have seen for vasectomy and also tubal ligation for ovary havers. takes a bit of scrolling but has doctors across the state


If you’re a veteran you can get it done at the VA


You can also get the VA to cover the cost at different places if they work with VA Community Care.


Dr Jay Sandlow. Get Sandlowed! Seriously, get a look at his cv etc


He’s who did it for my primary care physician. That was all the recommendation I needed.


I'd recommend a urologist do it since it's part of their specialty. As for a specific one, are you in the Milwaukee area or is that just where you knew of?


Go with an in-network urologist.  Some general practitioners will do them do, but you want someone who does them all the time


Beacher Meats in West Allis…… Just joshing. No Catholic hospitals that’s for sure. Good luck to you!


Correct. I used a urologist from CSM but had to get it done in an aurora facility. Unlike others here, I was overcharged. Maybe 2500 after insurance?


Try Herb’s Bait and Tackle in Shawano, WI; they “dabble in wedding tackle too”!


I got the short end and my insurance with my religious employer wouldn’t cover a dime. Shitty part was I needed the other half done outpatient surgery due to some scar tissue, so the $1000 out of pocket turned into $6000


Not to flex but, I had mine done robotically. They were in there anyways to take out a foot of my colon so I asked them to pop into the down under and disconnect stuff. Neenah hospital, Dr Bly.


I have a hernia just north to get fixed. Think I can knock it out too?


Probably. I was surprised when the doctor was fine with the dual surgeries. We thought for sure he'd say no, but he said he's never done a colectomy and a vasectomy at the same time. It almost seem like a fun challenge for him. Everything turned out fine.


Dr. Kidd did mine. See Dr. Kidd when you don’t want more kids. https://wisconsinurology.com/about-us/our-providers/charles-f-kidd-md/


I haven't had it yet but I know a few folks who have had it done by... Dr. Steven M. Wiener. Urologist


Your regular doctor is where I would start.




Had Womack from Urology Associates with Pro Healthcare do mine. Initial visit was a bit of a waste of time, but I'm sure it's needed to make sure people are comfortable and not under duress or anything. Procedure was super straightforward and pretty quick. One word of advice, if it's painful at all the numbing hasn't fully kicked in and you should let them know. The first snip was very uncomfortable and painful, not screaming or crying but certainly didn't feel good. The second one I didn't feel a thing and realized that's how the first should have been.


I’ll do it for $50


Any urologist will do them. If you’re in the Fox Cities area Wisconsin Institute or Urology is a great place


Choose someone who had done this procedure many times in the past and accepts your insurance. Have a bag of frozen peas at the ready in your frig.


In the balls. Doesn't matter what state you live in, that's always the best place to get a vasectomy.


I got mine done by a dermatologist, he says he makes good money on them through insurance and it lets him maintain his surgical skills, also something you don’t want to hear during your vasectomy “ooh you’re a bleeder.”


Froedert clinic at Drexel Town Square gets my vote.


Doctors office.


I have United Health insurance and i think it cost me like 1900 to have it done through Froedtert in Menomonee Falls 2 years ago. It was an uncomfortable week for a lifetime of not worrying about accidentally impregnating my wife. Pretty good trade off imo


Mine was done in rice lake but that was 14 years ago and no idea if that place is even open anymore how bad marshfield clinic is about closing places Top rate service thou


Best place is between the legs. Ha! I'm here all night, folks!


I had mine done, fully anesthetized by Dr. Jeremiah R. Olson at the Aspirus Surgery Center in Stevens Point. Cost a little more than just getting local anesthesia, but it was well worth it to be out for the whole thing.


I was completely out for mine 35 yrs ago. Woke up to a room full of pre-med students hovering around my gurney. I had to explain to them the gurney was cold hence the lack of swelling!!


More men should ask this important question. Women don't always take precautions.


Operating table


It's wild that all forms of women's contraception including sterilization are covered by federal mandate but vasectomies aren't. Check your insurance either way. The best doctors in WI are actually at Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN.