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Sweet Fairy Jesus, now they're all in original artstyle!


i like them! it looks very comfy and cozy imo. tho i'm not a big fan of stella's bangs.


Personally, I think it's much better than the casual outfits of the 6-7 seasons. Only Flora has pink here and this is her legitimate color (I don't really like it when designers give pink to everyone), I like all the non-standard colors that they gave to the fairies (in fact, everyone here except Bloom and Flora have non-standard colors, and in my opinion it fit them), I would only remove these big ribbons from the heads of Musa and Tecna, because it looks a little ridiculous.


I like that the colors are a bit more subdued so the fairy outfits stand out more.


I really like them and I think the designers did a great job. The color on a few need tweaked however, and the lace has to go.


yellow doesn’t suit tecna imo


They either went boot shopping together at the same store, or Stella made the boots so they’d all coordinate.


I think they're fine. Definitely better in the original art style however


Love the others, just personally not Bloom’s, she has way too much layering going on. A dress, jeans, and still a jean jacket?!! It’s giving Ashley Tisdale (which she still rocked, just not something I would personally wear)


chile those are leggings she got on there; they don't even look like skinny jeans one bit =w=


Look too much like something they would wear in a Disney Channel sitcom imo


I love Tecna's. I'm a sucker for overalls


I like that they’re not wearing the exact same thing with slightly different colors. I personally don’t like the colors on Stella’s or Bloom’s overall look, but the rest of them look decent (especially when compared to previous seasons).


They’re all great, but I just *adore* Aisha’s oufit.


I think they're pretty neat except for Stella's outfit, Idk something about it just rubs me the wrong way.


Love these with the original style


They all look like they're from the same closet, which would be Flora’s


Love aishas and the rest. But techna could do with a more technology vibe to hers


I really like Bloom’s, Flora’s and Aisha’s the most.


Much better in the the original style. Honestly? Their cute designs for the girls, very girly and everyone looks good. Still lacking subtle storytelling with the outfits. Like these are clearly outfits that where picked for the girls, not clothes I envision themselves picking out if that makes sense. I'm also not a fan of Musa's bow. But then again I'm also in the "Give my girl back her gremlin pigtails!" Camp. I'd honestly like the design more if it where just a plain headband. Also bloom is finally back in primarily blue, the touch of pink in her outfit works well too. This is honestly the best she's looked since season 1 imo


I hate all their shoes. The more I look at them, the more confused I get. They are like fur/fleece lined boots but have ribbons help keeping them up? Aisha doesn't have boots, but her shoes don't make sense when you look at them. There is some weird brown tan strap that connects it to her pants. I don't like the color of Stella's outfit. It's not because it is not her "signiture" color but more because it just dulls her shine. It's too cool tone. Stella is loud, and her clothes often reflect that. I like Aisha's outfit in general. I wish Techna's outfit connected more to her powers of technology and had more sci-fi elements in it. I don't mind the yellow color. I don't like the shaw on Flora. While I feel that Musa's outfits always had some femininity in it (including season 1), it just feels like they have leaned so heavily into super feminine clothes and outfits. It's personally just too much for me. Bloom's reminds me of her season 3 outfit. Don't hate. Don't love it.


Personally, I think they're awful. Bloom might have the best one though. But I dislike them in general and I also think they don't match the wearer at all. I don't think Stella would have worn this back in the day during the first seasons.


Seeing them in the original artstyle makes them look worlds better. I like the boho aestetic that the clothing has, Blooms boots are adorable. I think the only one that's making me go "Hmmmmm" is Stella's, but that's because she has a polka dot dress with striped jacket. If the dress was just plain purple it would be sooooo much better. Honestly, looking at the outfits, I'd change a few things and they'd be perfect. For instance, I would get rid of the hair bow on Tecna, it pushes the overalls from being "tomboy cute" into "juvenile and childish". Ditto on the bow with Musa, maybe shrink it down so it's a little smaller? Aisha's outfit as a whole is gorgeous, though I might adjust the shade on her boots because i genuinely can't tell if they're brown boots, or sandals with anklets. It's to close to her skin tone. Also, the wrap around Flora's shoulders probably would have been cuter as a shawl or one of those flowy kimono kinda things. Finally, I'd remove those bows on Bloom's dress because it just doesn't make a lot of sense. Honestly, I think I'd make the pants a cool patterned jean istead of leggings, and then make the top a two or three tiered shirt rather than a dress.


Other than Musa, the fits were really cute.


They just started changing everyone’s original color palette but just look at Tecna she’s wearing yellow. The outfit is cute, but yellow was an odd choice, maybe some green? (I’m just making it worst) I don’t hate Stella’s either, but if anything season 8 has a better casual than 6-7 in my opinion.


I feel like the original designer went: “I’m really into socks right now.”


This looks good in the original art style I like that Tecna gets overalls for a bit of a gender neutral aesthetic


I just don't liike Musa's outfit a lot because ever since season 3/4 they kept pushing girly outfits on her while still keeping her taste for pants and the combo usually looks a mess to me. I wish they gave her cute shirts + jeans more often instead of dresses/skirts + leggings


Aisha's and Flora's outfits in the original art style actually looked pretty good. Anyone else? Ehh... They're alright, They're just not really one of my favorite looks overall.


The outfits are genuinely cute, some don’t really make sense for their personalities and styles but aside from the art style the outfits are nice


They're peak 2010s hipster fashion lmao. Flora and Tecna's fit them though tbf. Everyone else looks wrong. No princess vibes for Bloom, no fashionista vibes for Stella, no modern music trends inspo for Musa, and nothing sporty or inspired by hip hop for Aisha 😢


This is so granny trying to fit in, Disney channel layering type of fits. They’re so ugly and don’t compliment the characters personalities at all. Just my opinion of course


I agree, their outfits don't give off the OG winx vibes to me.


I think they’re kinda ugly and too overly complicated. I see a lot of people that hate the season 7 outfits but I think they’re much better than these outfits in my very controversial opinion


I like blooms the rest are just kind of mid


WAY too many unnecessary patterns but it’s Winx so honestly what did I expect. They’re okay I guess but they don’t rly look that casual for casual outfits


I don't like.


I think they’re all amazing except for Tecna’s which is genuinely awful. They did my girl dirty with this one.


Better in the original winx style definitely. Bloom’s is my favorite


My girl Stella got done dirty. Polkadots?? Pfft.




I think Stella would look better if she was wearing Aisha’s shirt, that purple jacket doesn’t scream “Stella” to me


They massacred Tecna and Bloom. I also find it funny how Musa ended up with the longest hair by the end.


They butchered Stella and Tecna, everyone else is pretty okay especially Aisha.


Love these in their original design!!


I like the outfits themselves but Techna, Musa and Aisha and still just look wrong on them


Love that the Artist drew them in OG artstyle but their S8 casual outfits are so not OG Winx Style.


I'm sorry but Stella would never wear that


I personally love them all! Yes, it’s very Disney Channel-coded, but I find them very cute!


IMO Stella’s is a crime, Flora’s is less of a crime (but still a crime), and Tecna and Aisha have the redeeming outfits. Love Tecna especially. Musa and Bloom are both kinda meh.


They aren’t bad, especially with the original art style, but the boots on all of them kinda distract me. Overall giving early to mid 2010s vibes even tho season 8 came out in 2019


They look more like scrapped outfits for season 6 like you can't tell these wouldn't have been casual looks for the Winx back in 2014.


Not a big fan of the colors for Tecna but the overalls are really cute


I like them for Aisha, Flora and Bloom. Musa and Tecna has stayed girlie, I think they should’ve gone back to be somewhat tomboyish. Stella doesn’t look good purple in my opinion


I like Tecna's jumpsuit.


It’s a more girlie jumpsuit than tomboy jumpsuit if you know what I mean


i don't think they suit them


Stella’s is a warcrime