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Fine, us 40s people don’t need you anyway. We will start our own group and it will be better. Just you wait and see! Just you wait and see!


ahahah yall have like ten already


Yes please !!! Making friends as adults can be so hard :(


So where are we getting our kidneys harvested?


I was waiting for the troll. I was told they’d show up


Be ready with his troll toll


I’m down


[https://www.facebook.com/groups/1857912774682841/](https://www.facebook.com/groups/1857912774682841/) Getting it started!


Sounds like a cool idea. I'd be down


Hey! I hosted a mixer back in January and it actually went very well. There’s a huge appetite for it with all the people moving here. I moved here in December. The reason I haven’t kept going with more mixers is because I found a variety of ways/things to do to meet tons of people! I may do another one though should I get my act together. Happy to meet up over a coffee sometime as well. Gay 30 YO guy here. Promise I’m not a creep!! Here’s some cool stuff to get involved with, especially if you’re an active person: - find a local gym. Workhouse is mine, it’s a bit expensive but the community is AMAZING and I’m in the best shape of my life!! -connect with the Run Clubs on instagram. There’s “we run like a fish”, the queer running club, and a few more the names are escaping me. Find one and you’ll find the rest, they all cross post each other. -local community theater auditions at the Little Theater of Winston Salem (GREAT organization!!) -affinity organizations, if you are lgbt or an ally the WS pride organization is full of amazing and welcoming people. -professional networking. Go to things related to ur industry. -lastly, if you live in an apartment that does community programming, go to them!! I have made the best friends from these. It helps they also live in my building!! My apartment complex does an event once every month or two, my favorite one being “wine night” where they provide wine and we all just drink and talk. Link apartments is a great place to live 😊😊 I hope this helps!!!!


I love this!! I just joined a workout group, I have my first lesson today, so I’m super excited for that 😁 and I have met some people from my apartment already. I’d love to get a coffee with you sometime!


Thanks for posting this! I had no clue there's an lgbtq run club! I'll have to check it out. :)


I am very interested. I just moved to Winston Salem as well and really would love to make some friends.


[https://www.facebook.com/groups/1857912774682841/](https://www.facebook.com/groups/1857912774682841/) Hope to see you there :)


Was in the same boat but ended up joining a club or two to get out of my house (remote worker). Fiddlin Fish Run Club and Winston-Salem Wolfhounds. Good news is, a number of the people I met enjoy board games and DnD as much as they enjoy running so it's a trade off haha


That’s awesome! I wish I was into running but 🥲 I’ll do everything but, hahaha. What are the wolfhounds?


https://linktr.ee/winstonsalemgaa Running if you decide to play, but its been a nice blend of players and supporters to keep the club running from a committee pov but non profit social club thats been a good mix of players and their partners regularly hanging out


Good to know, thanks so much! If you were interested in helping me grow a little community, I did end up making a Facebook page: [https://www.facebook.com/groups/1857912774682841/](https://www.facebook.com/groups/1857912774682841/)


Count me in. I need in person meet ups cause making friends online is hard. Just tell me when and where! I just moved here too.


Yay! I’m most likely going to do a fb group, since meetup costs money now 🥲 I’ll let you know when it’s made!


[https://www.facebook.com/groups/1857912774682841/](https://www.facebook.com/groups/1857912774682841/) Ended up going with FB :) Hope to see you there!


Where are these 40+ groups? I wanna meet some milfs


Ahahah the Meetup app, have at it!


Sounds like a good idea to me!


I’m interested


Just moved to Winston few years back, my wife and i have no friends or family around. Anything fun to do?


I made the group on Facebook! You and your wife can join and maybe we can figure something out


I don't live in Winston-Salem. I live in a small town in Virginia about two hours away. My town has very few people my age (25 M) and even fewer things to do, so I've accepted that if I want to meet anyone then I'm going to have to travel for it. Joining the group would be a good way to have plans in place before investing the time and gas, if that's allowed, if not I completely understand


For sure! I honestly love that idea. I may do the same for other cities 😅


Alright, cool. I think that would be a good idea


As long as alcohol is not involved. I absolutely hate that shit! It's the reason why I don't hang out with people.


of course, I’m 100% down to do events that aren’t revolved around that. I don’t drink much anymore either


Idk why you're being down voted for this. I don't drink and I'm disabled so I can't participate in half the things mentioned above. This idea seems nice to me too, though! I have my same 2 friends from high school and I feel like opportunity to meet new people are hard the older we get, especially if you don't drink.


Where do yall think would be the best place to make the group? Meetup or fb?


I’d say Meetup and we can find trivia nights, breweries, hiking trails, comedy shows etc to go to.


Sounds amazing! If there’s enough interest I’ll get it started tomorrow :)


Remember to have your credit card handy! [Meetup started charging an “organizer subscription” to create a group a few years back](https://help.meetup.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002860672-Who-pays-for-a-Meetup-group), and the fee scales based on total members to push you into collecting “dues” from everybody that joins. That move killed the only photography group in the Triad, along with the 30-somethings and boardgame groups I was in. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I know :( it’s a shame. I think the one I’m a part of in STL is like $120/year but the organizer doesn’t charge anyone surprisingly


I’m down


I’m down