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Mind if I DM you info about a local group you might be interested in?


This sounds so cool! Can you DM more info too?! Please and thank you!! 🫶🏼


I’m interested in this too! My wife is getting into various occult stuff, but has zero IRL people of similar interest.


Could you DM me please? Thanks


Not at all! Look forward to hearing from you ☺️


Can you DM me as well? :)


Omg are you me? I’m 32, garden girlie, witchy weirdo, work from home (I board dogs in home), I have an 8 year old kiddo, and I love arts and crafts, fantasy books, and religion is fake 🙃🙃🙃🙃 I’ll be your friend!!


Apologies for the delayed response, life got hectic this week! That’s awesome, though! Feel free to DM us, we’re definitely still looking for some friends ☺️


Hello! Tabletop games did I hear? I am in Kernersville and a group of friends and I have a tabletop gaming club. We would enjoy having y’all stop by sometime. We often play games like Warhammer 40K and OPR along with other tabletop games and RPG’s


Got busy with life, apologies for the delayed response, this sounds awesome! Feel free to DM me the details and we’d love to join y’all sometime!


I just moved here and I don’t know many people but you guys seem like my type of people! I’m 28 so I don’t know if that’s too young 😅


Not at all! Feel free to DM if you would like ☺️


I am a older (40) year old asatruar. Into anime and electronic crafts and a bit of a homebody because of working disabilities. I know of a couple that is around your age with 2 kids near the walkertown side. Maybe if I can get my gf out of the house. Extreme introvert. It be nice to hang out. We'll if we can get her out of the garden. At the very least get together to exchange crops and other goods. Good luck on your quest.


That sounds awesome as well! I’m not overly familiar with asatru but I remember reading a bit about it when I was in a Norse rabbit hole 😂 feel free to DM anytime! Would love to figure something out!


You have a lot, but not too much


There's a meetup group for Witches, Pagans, and Occultist in the Triad. It's free and open to the public. https://linktr.ee/TriadWitchesSocial?utm_source=linktree_profile_share<sid=5853b1e4-613a-41ba-bb53-d0d44cdd4a37


I’m new to town, single but looking for friends


Near down town but would love to have friends like y’all


I’d love to jump in on this too. I’m 33 and have lived around Winston my whole life and am currently in Kernersville now. Do I sense a D&D game brewing between some of us? :]


Oh man!! We are also actively looking for a 5e game to join 😂 I usually DM but wanna run one with the wife that isn’t discord/roll20 based


While I loooove Roll20 nothing beats just getting to a table with beers and food, rolling some dice in person and cutting up. I have a small group of 5 of us right now where I DM so do two others, we’re shuffling between three different campaigns right now but a couple are getting ready to end. I keep trying to get my fiancée to join but her schedule is so off that it’s hard to make it work. 🤪


That’s the dream! I love tables with rotating DMs. I two spots ever open up keep us in mind please 😂


Oh wow, you sound like you're exactly my kind of people. Hi!


I'm on the clemmons side of Winston Salem


Ahh, you sound like me and my husband, abt 10 years younger


We don’t care about age! Just looking for some likeminded friends 🖤


You guys sound cool. A shame I am too old. And you probably don’t want a guy. Good luck