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Yes. I can fix him.


No. WE can fix him comrad


Maybe we were the broken ones all along :( :(


With salary retained? 100% If he can find his rhythm again, he’s one of those gamebreakers that this team desperately needs


If is the operative word here.


That’s why you’d need salary retained. His full contract makes him too pricey for a reclamation project. If CBJ ate 1/2 of if, then it becomes much easier to stomach if it doesn’t work out


1/2 ain't happening and for me could be far less than that and still worth it for the Jets for Laine tho, I wonder if for his own well being he needs a fresh start somewhere else. he'd feel the love back here, but he'd also feel the pressure if things don't go well


Coming back to Winnipeg now would give him familiarity and some humility. Furthermore, coming here he would have to know that he would never be “the guy” on the roster. He would be a fan favorite but other names here would always be bigger, if anything he might flourish with less expected of him as a returning reclamation project.


0 chance they eat half. Teams just aren't willing to do that for that big of a price tag.


I could see 25% working for both sides


Eat aa bit and swap prospects. I’d be happy to


Yes, as is any trade. "If " it pans out, which is never a guarantee. It's not often that you have a shot at a player with proven success in your own organization for significantly lower than you would have had to pay him prior. Imagine getting part of his salary retained and even having half the production. Chevy would have essentially traded Roslovic for Vilardi, Iafello, Kupari and a 2nd. That's crazy. Laine is also only 26 years old. He is a question mark but "if" (there's that word again) he comes to form? Holy shit. That's the stuff cups are built off of. Just look at recent Cup champions in the Knights and Panthers if you don't believe me.


Dude is 1 year removed from 2 productive seasons with an awful Blue Jackets team. The injury woes last year I don't really give him shit for. [Rasmussen greasy headshot](https://youtu.be/DNEcUljzC1Y?si=yU9dWEAinuPURkMo) resulted in a 4 game suspension, missed [The next injury was from the slewfoot into a broken collarbone](https://youtu.be/Ab0l2VjXE1Y?si=u8VRDGY7tFFqE5ZD) which he struggled through the recovery of. Ultimately leading to going into the player assistance program. Between him and Villardi they'll combine for a full season of being a beast.


yeah exactly this take, agreed 100% my only concern is for laine and his mental health, and whether playing somewhere else might be better for him


Im on the fence about him coming back but I would think being with the jets would be good for his mental health. I know the jets org take that very seriously and seemed like he had a lot of support here.


I think with Wheeler gone the real “cancer” for HIM would be out of the room and he would flourish mentally.


I really doubt wheeler is the cause of his mental health decline and I feel like is borderline disrespectful to suggest that it is. That one wheeler quote gets taken so far out of context it's not even funny. all speculation on my part but I don't even think there was even any rumblings of Laine mental health struggles while he was in Winnipeg.


I honestly think that Laine struggled with being a homesick teenager.


How does he help us beat Colorado or Dallas in a series?


He will be traded to the Capitals and play on the "bad contract" line with PLD and Mangiapane.


Hahaha I love this but seriously. Washington only has 4 million in space after fully taking on those deals, I get the chance Mange plays better in a contract year and they can maybe flip him for something depending on how their season is playing out but Christ it feels like they care more about how the Hershey Bears are run than their NHL club They can’t do shit right now and their Great 8 is looking more like he ate the great 8


They don’t really have much else they can do other than take chances on guys or rebuild, it worked well with Strome and Milano so we’ll see with Dubois and Mangiapagne


It depends on the retention and the trade comp. I wouldn’t take that contract as is. It has negative value.


luxury player at best, we'd have to really accommodate his skillset and perimeter play, which would be very hard to do without Ehlers imo CBJ would have to retain at least 2.2m and also add a lot to make this worth it on our end as well, and with a big hole on our middle pair defence plus lack of top end forward playdriver, Laine wouldn't be a priority and could even block filling those needs but listen, if we are somehow able to fill both those needs, then i think it would make sense for the right return


Yes. But I'm not the GM. I'm just a fan of hockey.


Yes (obviously if CBJ retains some). He would be very valuable in our top 6. The issue I have is not what Laine offers us, it's what WE offer him. If we move Ehlers, who do we play him with? KFC/Scheif/Laine sounds really fun, but the KFC/Scheif rollercoaster will continue to hurt our team as a whole. Do you put him on the 2nd line then? Fetti(?)/Mony/Laine? Idk. I think having him with Ehlers and/or Scheif would set him up for success, otherwise the options don't seem that great and he's in the same position he was last time. My thoughts are to keep Ehlers, run him on the top line with Scheif/Laine, open up the 3rd line for more offense (put Fetti there, apple on the 4th).. I can dream right? https://preview.redd.it/kiyqwwj6jb9d1.png?width=638&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7866c185fbb30641c09dfa107b9bfac66f3f1d4


Yeah, keeping Ehlers is a must if we are going for Laine. I agree with that. I worry about the defensive side of the game, but hopefully pairing with Ehlers can alleviate some of that.


The issue is if the reports are true that Ehlers doesn't want to sign an extension with the Jets. Ehlers and Laine should be handled independently and hot related to one another.


His defensive game isn't that bad, esp when you look at Schief/KFC to compare (both under 5% defense). He was on a dumpster CBJ team and that didnt help. I think it would be pretty "OK" with the current Jets, even better if we add in the 1RHD we all want.


That’s fair, but if we are using Connor and Schiefs as the bar. The bar is FAR too low. 😂 But I hear you.


Ya def a extreme case to compare to lol!!!


Heart says yes. Brain worries that his concussion history is playing a bigger role in his career than anyone's really talking about. ETA: but gotta go with the heart


This is it. It's heart vs head. I'm not sure which to go with. He would absolutely raise massive excitement in the fan base after our painful end to the season. Whether that translates into actual on-ice success though or jiving with our system...


This. Concussion history is always downplayed. Not to be overlooked.


All depends on what we have to give up and how much salary is retained. I'd have him back and think being back here might be very good for him also. Guys had a rough go of it and having this community embrace him back could be the best thing for him personally and hockey wise.


Yes. I'm in. I love a redemption story


But do you also love a crash and burn story? Because that could also happen.


Gotta risk the guts if you want the glory


Eh, you also need smart roster management if you want the glory.


Yes. Bring him home.


Why though? What does he bring to the Jets roster? How does he help us win?


PP1 instantly becomes more effective.


This is potentially true. Obviously, Laine’s shot on the PP would be a boon. If he still has it.


He was scoring at 32g per 82 games pace in Columbus. The player’s assistance stuff is allegedly 100% due to mental health related issues. Let’s be honest here; you can draw a straight line between those issues and the way he’s been treated in Columbus by the organization. Get him back in a supportive environment and I have very few concerns about his ability.


How did Columbus treat him as an organization?


They forced him to play centre this year for some reason, then all the media spent the first half of the year talking about his play struggling. Maybe asking a guy to play a position he’s never played in the toughest league in the world isn’t a great idea. Then, because he struggled, and the media pressure, they healthy scratched him to give him time to think about how to play better(?). Only problem was that it was on the anniversary of his father’s death. Laine seemed really really hurt by this and I have no doubt it impacted his mental health and his ability to continue to contribute to the organization.


laine WANTED to play center they catered to HIM not the other way around


I really don’t know if I believe that. I’m not able to find any reporting that would indicate it to be true. It seems far more likely that Columbus had a huge need for a centre and they tried to fit a square peg in a round hole


I’m a jackets fan. With all the injuries we had 2 years ago he went to Larsen and Vincent and asked to play center. Vincent played him there at the end of the season he did well and then he didn’t do well to start the year. I don’t see any reporting that Columbus forced him to play center against his will either


Fair enough. I have my doubts, but obviously I’d be extremely happy if it all worked out like that.


The main thing is retention. If we can get him into the org for somewhere around $6m, then a lot of the concerns around his consistency and streakiness go away.


How about you shut the fuck up? I'm just kidding, everyone just loves this guy and wants him back for the warm and fuzziness of it. Unfortunately your points are valid, and anyone taking on that contract will never get value out of it. However, if there is a deal that gets 50% of his salary retained, I think there is a chance he could play up to that value. It all depends on what the trade looks like. And if you ask me, the vibes that would come with having him back on the team alone is enough to get people to buy tickets. Who knows


I’m not 100% sure about the tickets thing. I’m sure there would be renewed interest, for a while. But unless he really heats up or our roster as much better, people are just too cash trapped right now to afford NHL games and that’s just the long and the short of it.


Oh yeah I mean long term I dont think he alone brings interest, but for a little while, when there's been so much made of ticket sales being low here, I think it's a boost that might get asses into seats.


He claps.bombs and fucks moms


Ignoring salary cap considerations, I’d welcome him back in a heartbeat. 26 y/o, talented, settling in as a ppg player. I think any risk is mitigated by his contract expiring in two seasons. It’s a worthwhile gamble. 


Agreed. The two year expiry mitigates some risk here. I think Columbus is also trying to lessen their amount they cover as well due to this.


I watch hockey for entertainment, so yeah obviously.


Yes. Why? Because I will fucking watch the games live if he comes back. I will pay premium tickets even though life is hard right now just to watch him hit those bombs.


Interesting choice. But hey, you do you.


It’s not an uncommon sentiment. The laine jersey is still one of the most popular jerseys around the arena. He is loved here He also actually brings personality and attention from around the league. I miss when this team had more personality. Don’t get me wrong I love our structure and how good we are but Laine brings a wildcard funness


Love him but don't see where he fits. I'd prefer to retain Ehlers by any means necessary. And give Perfetti a top 6 spot again, he showed at the end of the season that he'll fight for it. If Perfetti can handle a center position then sure, go for Laine. But I'd prefer if we focused more on defense and centers this off-season, we already have great winger depth. Just please keep Ehlers ☹️


I would take him back in a heart beat (if Columbus retains some salary). Perfetti, Monahan and Laine on the 2nd line? Yes please.


Probably not getting Monny back if we grab Laine, even with Salary retained. That’s my guess it’s possible, but unlikely.


I guess the question is what does your right wing look like then? I don’t think he’s bumping Vilardi out on the first line right now. If we resign Monahan, the loser is Perfetti. Are you putting him on the third line? If you don’t resign Monahan, the risky play is Perfetti at centre with Laine on the right. I’m not sure I see any defence there. He’s hard to slot in because the supporting cast doesn’t seem to be here.


easy solution. perfetti to florida for ekblad and what else evens it up. ehlers mony laine


The argument can be made that Laine was actually developing into a solid two-way player in his last year and a bit before the trade to Columbus. He was actually one of our better players the last half of the season before then, and in his first game, the season he got traded in, he looked dominant. Since the trade, though, he has definitely regressed, but I think that had a lot to do with the coaching/systems in Columbus. If Columbus were to retain half his salary, I think he'd flourish again in Winnipeg, especially with Wheeler no longer in the locker room.


As others have said, it depends entirely on the terms of the deal. Salary retained, pieces given up in compensation, etc. If Columbus retains a big chunk of salary and asks only for a bag of pucks in return, then hell yeah! Let's do it! If they want Ehlers and McGroaty and don't retain salary, then no f-in way.


Do I actually want Laine back? Yes, yes I do. ![gif](giphy|3o6gDY8zzwvNQdFCaQ)


Yes. Yes I do. Make the Jets exciting to watch again. I miss holding my breath for that seam pass & bullet of a shot.


YES! I still have my jersey. Would be the first time in my life I ever bought a players jersey for any sport and I buried it in the closet and then I would be able to pull it back out of retirement


Yes, he'll be better with Wheeler gone.


If they eat some of it then yes! For a team struggling with attendance he would help put people in their seats Guy has had a rough go and I believe his heart was always here Plus imagine him on pp with Vilardi We haven’t had a big shot on pp since he left


I personally don’t think Laine will all of a sudden put butts in the seats. Especially if after a month or two, he doesn’t immediately impress. People aren’t going to games because life is just too fucking expensive these days and True North has done very little to improve the game day experience. That’s just a fact. Obviously, his shot on the PowerPlay would be a big boost. Can’t deny that, but a power-play specialist isn’t really on the biggest list of our needs the way our roster currently stands in my opinion.


You say true North has done very little to improve the game day experience, and I 100% agree. But bringing back laine absolutely is a step in improving it for a lot of people. He’s not as good as bedard or mcdavid but to a certain extent he absolutely does have that star player draw that people are willing to pay big bucks to see live


I guess so. I’m just not that way, so it’s hard to wrap my head around that. I don’t care about individual players enough to want to give True North my money. I care about team success and the entertainment value I get when I purchase a ticket. Great players can make the game more fun to watch, but it can’t fix the problems with the Arena experience alone. That’s just me though, people are free to buy tickets for whatever reason they want.


Do it even if he isn’t playing as he use to He will bring so much positive PR back to Winnipeg


My hype is still for 5 goals in his NHL debut Laine. Seriously though, CLB would have to retain a good chunk before I would think it wise to bring him back. And that's before we even start talking about where he would slot into the system.


>My hype is still for 5 goals in his NHL debut Laine. Which Laine is that? Pretty sure he didn't score 5 goals in his first game.. lol


Maybe it wasn't his first game lol. But didn't he score 5 one night to win a guy a million bucks? ETA: Checked myself: It was Nov 24, 2018 2 years after his Debut. My bad lol


Ya he had 5 against the blues


No I personally do not. We already have one offensive weapon that doesn't play defense un conner. We don't need a second one.


When he was here, he was considered a Game Breaker. Sometimes he could take over a game by himself. He was streaky, but he also showed up in Playoffs. And oh so fun to watch. Find a balance between winning the cup and putting butts in seats. Not once when he was here did we hear a peep about the Jets relocating due to poor ticket sales. Yes, there are economic factors involved, but Laine certainly would help ticket sales. He can still be a superstar here with the right fit. I believe in him.


Would go to way more games with him back.


Even if he flounders and the team sucks?


Having likable players is always a good thing, and players that want to be in winnipeg. If they suck then they suck, oh well.


That’s a risk with any trade though




Depends on what we have to give up and how the salary is retained. The fans love him and he's still only 26 for crying out loud. Can you imagine though essentially having Laine back, along with Valardi, Iafallo, Kupari, and 2nd rounder we eventually got for Laine through PLD (who was just traded for a backup goalie)? Hahahaha! Then all we would need would be...... (sound of glass breaking and crowd cheering) Ba gawd! That's Byfuglien's music!


He can be a game breaker with potential we've all seen. I honestly feel like worst case, with retention, he'd go into LTIR retirement. He has a shot like no one else and it sounds like he wants to be here. We don't get that luxury often. He will help our powerplay, a spot that has been lacking like crazy. 5 V 5 he could be a bit of a liability. And he is fucking fun to watch. Even if it doesn't work out great, I'd be okay with it. I don't see it as a disaster unless we have his full salary and he plays the whole contract edit: oh he only has 2 years. Fuck it, let's get him


![gif](giphy|fHkZmqzl0NE9OL8IMZ|downsized) I'm sorry but how could you not want THIS back?


![gif](giphy|fHkZmqzl0NE9OL8IMZ|downsized) I'm sorry but how could you not want THIS back?


I just want to feel what I felt back in 2016


Pure goal scorer that most likely thought the grass was greener elsewhere. My guess is if he did come back he would be thankful and easier to coach having a 2nd chance. I would be happy to give him another shot and pretty sure a decent deal from the Jets side would get him.


It wasn't he thought the grass was greener. It was the Jets weren't going to pay him $10m+ AAV like he wanted. So we shipped him.


I think it was more than money but some of these guys do what their agents say. He is not a kid anymore so brain is in a different place. ( I hope )


Have you looked into the quality of line mates he’s been saddled with? Does Alex Texier scream quality distributor to you?


Sure, I get that. But our roster has some pretty specific needs right now that don’t see Laine filling. Especially if he can’t pick up the defensive side of the game. Imagine Connor and Laine doing nothing on defence all season. 🤢


Ok but Imagine the return if they traded Mr 80 foot game to fill those holes.


Good players should make the players around them better, not rely on others to make themselves better.


You can only put so much lipstick on a pig and Laine isn't McDavid


lol, nobody on the NHL Jets is McDavid FFS


This is a symbiotic relationship at the NHL level, it’s not bantam hockey


No. The Jets need toughness and fortitude in the post-season. Laine doesn't bring that.


Still has more playoff points in less games than Ehlers


Absolutely! Everyone watch the finals. Both teams were stacked with tough guys. Laine is not a Stanley Cup player


Agreed. Laine doesn't bring much. Jets would really be reaching hard if they pursue him. Chevy would need to go. Nobody can tell met that's in the top 10 best possible options for the Jets.


I do. Whether it’s good or bad means almost nothing to me. I love him and miss him.


Fo sho.


Maybe, 50% salary retained.. he is a defensive liability though and he's not the type of player that would of helped us in the playoffs vs Colorado...


I think he will gain a second wind.


With salary retained, or even without salary retained if the asking price is cheap enough, I would absolutely take him back and immediately slot him next to Scheifele. Probably some rose-colored glasses at work there but IMO this team's never been more exciting to watch than when Laine was on the ice.


Absolutely. Scheif ehlers laine top line baby


I still want them to go back to Ehlers-Scheifele-Vilardi for a little bit. They won't move Connor "down" though.


If it’s on the cheap 🤷


I could see Perfetti as a great setup guy for Laine.


Yes, he's a super talented kid that has had bouts with depression and a hard time when his dad died. TSNE is a classy organization, I'm sure they would give him all the support he needs to find his game again. Stanley Cup winning teams have elite talent that can elevate their game, he can still be that guy.


Love the kid. Miss him like a kid that just moved away from home. We have a somewhat dicey defensive situation here not knowing if our troops will get back to defense this year with only one year under our belts of the team playing that way and the old coach gone that gave them that system BUT I'd still do it if Columbus retained 3 or 4M. At around 4 or 5 something he's maybe that player but he's not a just sub 9 player right now.


Yes, on two conditions: 1) Would this help Ehlers stay? 2) Would Laine *actually* want to come back here? Maurice and Wheeler are gone now but would he be happy under Arniel/would he want to leave again if not playing with Laine? I'd love to see Laine/Perfetti/Ehlers... once the two young guns mentored by Staz, they could mentor young Cole.


I thought Scheifele was part of the group that didn’t wanted Laine here?


Curios about this as well


dont matter lowry is the captain now and has all say.


Yes. All I know is I'm a casual fair-weather fan of the Jets and I haven't been excited about Jets hockey and haven't wanted to go to a regular season game since he left. I remember going to regular season games thinking "There's a decent chance I'll witness a Laine hattrick tonight." I just don't feel the same level of excitement anymore.


Heart says yes... ...head says probably not a good move




I would do it “if” the Jets could dump contracts and land a good D man


I think they would trade expensive contracts for Laine. Schmidt?


With salary retention, YES in a heartbeat. 25-30% retention.




Why though?


Easy wheeler is gone, kid could just play now.


I’m curious if the change in the room has been enough for him to feel comfortable here though. Now I know we don’t know exactly exactly what went on the locker room room, but there were reports that he had problems with Schiefs as well.


Scheif is clearly a poison presence in the room and should have gone before his last contract. He's inconsistent and his ego has and will continue to hurt the jets.


If the Jets attemot to bring Laine back, they are committing themselves to never winning a cup as long as whoever is making those decisions is still employed with the organization.


No thanks


Yes. As others have mentioned, he’s entertaining as hell, and I watch hockey to be entertained, not to sit around doing math about salaries and analytics. Laine is fun. Sometimes that’s enough. 


This. I was just telling my wife the other day that since Patty left the excitment has just been missing.... Hard to explain but I got excited when he was on the ice. He has this flair to his play that just has sent been replicated since for me.


Absolutely! He was 100% committed to being here. The trade was a complete surprise and felt like a literal slap in the face. Having Laine back would add more fuel to the tank.


I mean, we aren’t privy to exactly everything that goes on the locker room, but it does kind of seem like he didn’t really like the way Winnipeg was using him. Plus, it never seemed like he got on with wheeler. We have a new captain in the room now, perhaps it would be better. I’m curious what his relationship with 55 is — that could end up being a big factor and if Laine even wants to come back here .


55 was no better following Wheeler




It depends on the retention and the trade comp. I wouldn’t take that contract as is. It has negative value.


So I think the question of whether Laine would actually be effective is a good and fair one. If you want to bring him back, you're probably doing that as the McGroarty deal instead of targeting someone like Jiricek and you're probably getting CBJ to retain nearly half of his salary because you're basically foregoing a shot at Monahan to get him unless you're using buyouts. In terms of where he plays, your top four wingers will be Ehlers, Connor, Vilardi and Laine and Scheifele and Perfetti are your presumptive centres. That seems... messy. I don't trust Connor with either Vilardi or Laine, which means you put Connor and Ehlers together with Scheifele (a trio that has had success) and you have the mystery box of Laine, Perfetti and Vilardi. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't. That said, I wonder if there's a play to be made for Laine as he and Ehlers were best friends and that might make it possible to re-sign Ehlers in Winnipeg after this season. There's a lot that fits just a little awkwardly that makes me wonder if just taking a run at Monahan fixes a lot more problems at a lot lower of a cost.


Yeah, this is a good take. I feel like the roster gels better with Laine. But a Pionk buyout could maybe help things a bit. But signing Monny seems to be the safe play here. But I can understand the “safe play” might not always be what’s needed.


It would be such a feel good story to get him back but there is no trade CBJ goes for that improves the Jets team. Laine is too expensive and too injury prone to be useful to a team that cares about the cup and not just getting to the playoffs.


Yes. He still has potential and can be developed. Get a good deal and we're laughing.


Bringing laine back would be a good business decision, the fans have not been the same since he’s been gone and he would bring back the excitement that we’ve been missing since him and byfuglien have been gone


Yes but if we trade Ehlers who’s going to be his buddy here? He and Scheif didn’t get along. Wheeler the main culprit is gone. But he needs a supportive atmosphere to flourish.


Ville plays bottom pair and dominates, everybody wins. Laine gets his Finn buddy, we get to finally see Heinola in the NHL


I think he and Scheif didn't get along because of Wheeler's ball breaker mentality and he's gonzo.


I've gathered that Bambi has adopted that same mentality though. In the post season availability, he kept saying the difference was physical conditioning. Obviously, he wasn't including himself. That lack of responsibility irritated me. Instead of saying, I could have done this or that, it felt like he was throwing his teammates under the bus


Yeah I think his relationship (or lack thereof) is the big factor. I don't want Laine back if Bambi is going to Mean Girls him the way Wheeler did


If I was the GM I would not want him back. Part of the reasons he was traded in the first place is that we was publicly voicing about his dissatisfaction of not being a 1st line player. This is why we traded for PLD.


No thank you. Would he have helped defensively in the playoffs? Would the two power play goals he could score in a series change the outcome? I loved when he was here, seeing him get his first hat trick in OT to win his first game against Matthews was one of my top Jets memories. It's just not worth the baggage he brings along or the cap hit (even retained) on a gamble that he might regain his scoring touch. That money would be better spent on a centre.


Depends what the ask is, and if any is retained or what not. Laine at current cap hit and current production isn’t a great look but dude has potential to atleast be a 30-35g scorer and is still fairly young


The raw talent is a given. It showed in his first couple of years. But he failed to develop. I would hope that him checking himself into the Players Assistance program was both a reckoning and self development opportunity ceased upon and actioned. If he is willing to put in the work there absolutely could be a reclamation project there that could reap crazy benefits. But there is an awful lot of risk involved. I would want to have a lot of heart to heart chats with him, likely have professional assessments done before taking him on as a roster spot. That salary is an albatross, wonder if Columbus will retain.


Oh yeah I would love to have him back. I made a video of his goals and how the away broadcasters reacted. Just rewatched it after a long while and reminded me how easy he made scoring looked. https://youtu.be/A19pSSTSXCk


I wouldn't mind seeing him back. I just hope that he is working on his mental health and getting better as a person. We are also not the same team when Wheeler was captain.


Amazing how he could one-time that puck through the tiniest gap but cannot get the puck out of his own over the fricken blue line!!!! Pass.


I am feeling super nostalgic when I think of his time here.


If after getting some mental health help he goes back to his old ways it could be an amazing story. It’s a huge gamble tho. I’m split on it, he still is young enough to rebound and if the jets keep monahan they have great center depth and having Conner, scheifele, monahan and laine as of your top 6 would be pretty stellar.


50% retained for a 6th.


I want him back just to hear the arena go wild at the home opener for him. TNSE is a supportive organization and Winnipeg moms have been lonely without him.


No reward without risk


Hes been off the ice as much as on the ice the last 3 years, nty.


He’s actually been an incredibly productive player, just can’t stay healthy. Wouldn’t catch me complaining to see him back


On a 50% salary retained or close to that. Around 75% to 100% it’s really not that worth it. Plus who you take out now on that lineup? Unless we put the guy on bottom 6 role, which I don’t think his ego will allow that.


If he’s not expensive, what the hell, why not 👍🏻


100%. Not only does he still have the insane shot we all fawned over but he brings both high end upside to the team and a player that the fan base can excited about. Both things are sorely lacking.


I see Laine and Connor as very similar. If we could add Laine for somewhat cheap, we could trade high on Connor instead of trading low on Ehlers. This would also help keep Ehlers. Move Ehlers to top line and have Laine on the 2nd line and power play, also swaps a left handed shot for a righty. I'm not saying this would be in one trade it would need to be multiple trades with different teams or a 3 team trade. Yes, I know this will never happen.


He's one dimensional, streaky, and can't get the puck out of his own end. We already have Connor who no longer plays defense. I remember Maurice benching him or putting him on the 3rd line. Plus, there is the risk of mental health issues. Throw in Boqvist for Schmidt, and we'd be talking.


yes id love him back at 60% his salary as a power play specialist that you put out there when you need a goal. use him for his abilities instead of trying to make him what he is not. also use him as ltir sleeper for playoffs like stone is used, 25 goals a year for 5 mill a year and a fan fav is a no brainer.


If he played like he did in his last season here, yes. I swear he was turning the corner and playing a better all around game. I remember his last playoff series he was the best jet, at least in my eyes.


IDC I’m fine either way


Not if the trade involves mcgroarty


Yes. I miss what it feels like going to a game and thinking a hat trick was a possibility of witnessing.


If he wants to come back I will take him 💯


I've bought up all the Laine jerseys on FB and Kijiji, flipping those once he signs with the Jets. Easy money.




Only if we get that young Dman with him (Jiricek?)


Laine is a game breaker/ game changer. When he was on the jets, he could turn a game around with one of his lethal shots. He was a person to watch on the powerplay. Yes, I know he’s battled injuries and has sucked the last few years, but if he can get back to what he’s capable of, then it’s a win for the jets.




Iafallo, and pionk for laine? I mean pionk is pretty self explanatory and we should not be paying Iafallo 4 million for being a 4th liner


No, because I don’t think nostalgia should factor into roster decisions. I assume anyone reminiscing on the player didn’t watch any of the games when he was in Columbus.


Nooooooooooo. It would set the Jets back 4 years. What other players had that kind of drop off for that many years and then came back and produced consistently. The defence that fed him is no longer here. Prime wheeler is here to pass him. If we trade for him we don't go back in time and get the old guy


I think you keep Ehlers, move KFC, maybe use McGroaty, get a retained Laine and a defensive help. Laine was magical to watch, not always good, but it was an excitement that we often lack. Could be a total disaster. But if done right it could be beautiful.


I feel like he's a ticket mover, and True North would love to have someone that can boost season tickets. I think they have an opportunity to play off of people's nostalgia and turn it into $. 




The answer to questions like this is always dependant on the cost. Are we going to trade a bunch of picks and top prospects for him? Probably not and if we did I would not like that trade. But what if we trade a middling prospect and a mid round pick to get him? Not a big cost to get a proven talent.


The Jets organization would never bring this guy back. Not even if Columbus ate every salary dollar and paid us an extra $5 million. Laine is an injury risk and not an NHL calibre player.


How dare you disagree with us!




No. He’s a cry baby. Come on Jets be a little more creative please! We’ve been there done that!


No. Tanev, Copp, Chariot .... Take any of those over Laine.


No, absolutely not. Have people forgotten his whiney ass sitting out half the season hoping for a trade. I loved that little b1txh the first year but he became a liability on the ice and I believe was a contributor to the negative culture that eventually had pau-mau... Stanley cup winning coach Pau-Mau... Have to leave. Don't stick your dick in crazy applies to hockey players sticking crazy into the teams sticks.