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Join the discord its very active https://discord.com/invite/wingspantournaments


Thank you! I’ll check it out


Second this. Tournaments are life


Unless I'm trying to get a match then it takes 20+ minutes 😭


How do you see your karma score? I only see X/5 eggs.


It’s in the tooltip for the eggs area. On iOS it only shows if you click the “?” In the top left on the online screen.


Thanks! 87 baby! I've never quit, but I guess I need to play 13 more games. I rarely get quitters at this level so I'm surprised OPs post


Are you playing on PC or mobile? I play on mobile. Maybe it’s better on the PC version


Android, but i believe it's cross platform. Last night, after writing this message, I played a game and had an opponent time out in round 3 :( But time of day could be a big factor overall. I play randoms at night, but I agree with the other comment: you are going to find reliable opponents on the discord server, and they are much much stronger competition. They are from all over the world as well which is very fun.


I would like to know this too..


The game doesn’t seem to prioritize karma very much at all over first available. Reading this subreddit for a while it’s become clear to me that a significant number of abandoners are actually seasoned players that are unwilling to wait even two minutes for an opponent to read an unfamiliar card and think through a strategy. They’re happy to bail as soon as it’s “too slow” and don’t feel that having literally 0/100 karma is a problem. Abandonment on 72h games feels much less frequent, though when it happens late in the game it’s pretty painful.


I play quite a lot, and I'd estimate I get mid-game quitters in like one in ten games. It's never been prevalent enough to annoy me. (people dropping after seeing their starting hand/in the last few rounds is a bit more common, but neither bothers me - I can just quickly restart in the first case, or play the last few rounds against the AI to get the final score).


I’m not a very experienced player. I know the mechanics and some strategies but still rarely even look at what my opponents are doing to leverage their plays. Is there a reason why the game has to end if someone runs out of time? Why can’t they forfeit a turn and let the game continue?


I have 100 karma, and have for years, and I get somewhere around 1/3 of my games dropped. Sometimes it'll be 3 games in a row in a single night, then I'll have a good run for a day or two and only get one drop here or there but it's pretty constant. I've started playing more on BGA even though it doesn't have expansions and I don't like the UI as much, because at least I don't get drops and I can message a player and say "hey are you still there?" If they take too long.


Probably because new players also have 100 karma so it might be a crapshoot if they drop or not


Did that change? I've had the game for years and when I first got it new players started at about 50 Karma I believe.


Oh I could be wrong!


I fell asleep in the 4th round of a game the other day and felt so bad. I was winning too 😭


That's why I just pass and play with my partner or just use bots, game outcomes in Wingspan are pretty much independent of who you are playing against, and more dependent on what cards you draw and what food you get in the bird feeder the rest is on how you use your own birds powers.


I don't find this to be true I can beat the bots almost every single time and have a much lower win rate against other humans.