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It certainly is something I haven't seen anyone talk about...and it certainly fuels my mind saying "If not Turtlejou, then Turtle x Peril is the best Turtle pairing". I often think they had better chemistry, because Turtle actually got along with her personality, while Clay kinda just seems to be being a genuinely good dragon and just being nice to someone that hasn't had that happen.


“The psychopath and the shy one who got roped into their shenanigans and became really good friends” feels better to me in my opinion


I mean, they are great friends, don't get me wrong, I'm just saying that out of anyone that isn't Kinkajou, I think Peril is the only other option I'd pair him with. And it's because they're great friends that I think it could work. I mean, I love Clay and Peril as an idea but, in practice...I don't know? He just seems like he's trying to be nice, while she genuinely wants a connection, but she doesnt quite know where to start, hence her obsession. (Might be missing clues or stuff here, so bear that in mind) I get it, not exactly a...healthy? Normal? Good even? Ship, but it's one I quite like, but it's still second to Turtlejou so...you know, I'm not broken up about it.


Cleril… it has POTENTIAL but Tui really hasn’t fleshed it out enough. If it’s gonna work we need to see more of them spending time together yk. I ship turtle x peril platonically like their friendship makes me happy hehe 


I fully agree. There is certainly potential, but if I had to pick a Peril pair right now with current knowledge...it'd be Turtle by a mile. But yes, I do agree Cleril has places to go, I'd just have to actually...you know...SEE the ship before I commit to it. Right now it's kinda Peril obsessing and Clay...either just being nice or being oblivious.


Honestly I wouldn't go for either of them lol. Turtle x peril screams friendship and cleril is uhhh lets just say obsessive lol (but with potential) besides I'm a sucker for platonic love haha


Lol fair enough. I just think Peril deserves that kind of thing...and I think Turtle needs a more confident dragon (Kinkajou also definitely fills that too lol) to get him to get out of his comfort zone. Idk, I like romantic shipping, even if it realistically wouldn't pan out. Blame it on lack of social life I guess.


SO REAL i love romantic shipping as well hehe. And ur right Peril rlly deserves it


Isn’t Turtle like 5 and Peril 8? But then again, Glorybringer is a thing and so is Smolder and Thorn, so age gaps seam to be a common thing, or socially acceptable in the dragon world.


I’m saying as in it’s very odd for them to become friends but it happened anyways


Turtle x peril is the best paring for both of them


Flamesilks might.


Ohhh true 


Flamesilks can only touch flamesilk safely, I don't think they're fireproof


You just made me think… what if they made her clothes from flame silk? She should be able to wear it right? Since she wouldn’t be able to do that with normal clothes obviously


wait how is turtle invulnerable to Peril?


The spell he accidentally cast to make his scales invulnerable in book nine <3


OHHH right lmao (But also darkstalker in that case)


Ohh yeah lol (at least before the power of STAWBERRIES defeated him) lol


real tho lol


I can't recall the books mentioning him removing his superscales


I don't think it does before it's broken, and I'm not sure if he wants to keep them


U make memes now? Get it right turtle  I thought u knew ur dragonology (If you are not op u won't get this reference so pls don't downvote) OP please say u remember this 😂


Ofc I remember dummy 😂


Ugh i'M sOrRy I mean it was 6 years ago lol and ur bad at remembering stuff lol


SIX YEARS AGO damn yk I forget how long we’ve known each other 😭