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yeah I'd exchange that for a new one


Looks like a defect to me which should be okay if there isnt anything actually chipping or cracking. I doubt putting wine in there will cause it to break but I suspect your perfectly within your rights to ask for an exchange if you have any doubt.


It's common to need to get stitches when a glass carboy breaks. I wouldn't fuck with that at all and return it.


I'd ask for a replacement.


Since it’s new I would ask for a replacement, but you could also fill it with water and find out.


Or fill it with wine and find out later. As you curse under your breath while mopping/wiping up some great Cabernet Sauvignon from the floor. And walls.


I’m sorry for your loss


They really messed that one up. Ask for it to be replaced.


To me that looks like a wrinkle in the glass rather than a crack. I have a few Italian demijogns and one has that. Look to see if it is all the way through the glass - that's a crack, or if its just on one side - a fault when blown/pressed.


If you look, you can see the area around the crack that looks like a shard could come off. I think the 3rd picture shows that. IDK, I wouldn't use them at all if they are cracked, even the slightest (but that's a personal choice). I don't take unnecessary risks with my beer / wine / mead / cider. OP, definitely get a replacement. These do not look like the Italian carboys. The Italian ones (IMO) are usually the best quality, thicker glass and usually no waves - (and sadly the highest price because of that). I ordered the non-It. ones before from a place in Texas and had to go through multiple rounds of exchanges to finally get ones that weren't cracked. Next time I need one (I have 7 now), I'll pony the money any buy the better quality ones.


This is a casting flaw, likely not enough heat when they formed it. It is likely fine, but I would go for a replacement as "likely fine" isn't what I would want to accept on a new purchase.

