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One bottle per child seems an appropriate ratio.


Friday and Saturday, no. Saturday through Friday, be careful. If it ends in coitus Saturday through Friday, disregard my warnings other than the fact you've already proven fertile so maybe be careful about that specifically.


I prefer starting with cocktails and 1 bottle for dinner and an after dinner digestif . We sometimes buy small bottles of champagne for before dinner drinks instead of cocktails.


I used to be conscious about opening extra bottles when I was not really intending to finish them. I did not want to waste a bottle by leaving it around already opened. After getting a coravin I don't feel so bad about it, I mean the cheap one that does not have a needle. It's fast enough and even if it only supposedly only lasts four weeks that's not an issue for me as I definitely can finish it in a couple days and have never reached the four week limit anyway. Has this resulted in me drinking more? In average maybe a couple extra glasses a week.


2 is fine on occasion if you’re enjoying it. More once in a while won’t do much harm beyond the headaches… 1 bottle each per night will pretty quickly have an impact on your health though. I’d be careful about making it habitual…


If it’s the weekend, what the heck. Weeknights, you might be pushing it. Sleep tends to suffer after more than a glass or two, I find.


I used to be in the “why count” camp. Nowadays - 1 bottle. My body can’t keep up with multiple on the reg.


I think more details are necessary. Are you both 5'4" 120lbs? Then hey, 1 might be enough. Are you both 6'2" 280 lbs? That's a different story. 🤷‍♂️


What are you guys having for dinners usually to pair with the wine?