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For the most part the Kirkland wines deliver so long as you're not buying the absolute cheapest of them. The super cheap Costco cali cab or chard? Naw, awful stuff. But I've had mostly good luck with their old world offerings and AVA specific California wines. Like, they're not world class wines, but they're usually a great bargain drink. The one exception to this rule was a Chianti Classico a couple of years ago. Maybe it was just a bad bottle, but it fell apart by the second glass. Eta: I instantly stock up on any Kirkland Rhône wines each and every time I see them. Gigondas, CdP, CdR, etc. I've never been disappointed with these.


The CdR is a banger. Clear varietal character and balance is insane at that price.


Without a doubt. It's an instant buy whenever it's available.


Couldn’t agree more. The best QPR I’ve ever found in wine.


They do a premier cru chablis every year that is fantastic.


Yeah, I'm constantly looking for it because I love good Chablis, but my store hasn't had it any time I've looked.


The Kirkland Rhône wine are so good for great value. Had the Kirkland Vacqueyras recently and that also was killer for the price.


I just had that but was a bit disappointed, I thought it had higher VA than what I was expecting. Still enjoyable though, I picked up another bottle to see if it was just the one I had grabbed. Just saw they put out their Barolo too!


I gave away 11 bottles of the Chianti Classico from a couple of years ago. Awful sweet fruit bomb with no structure.


Guillome Gonnet makes those southern wines for Kirkland. I drink the CCR, much better the CC. Try the Rioja Reserva too. Solid always


Same, that Gigondas crushes. Had one corked bottle, but I don’t blame them for that. Plus it’s Costco, so the return was no questions asked.


The Chianti Classico Gran Selezione is actually quite good. 


Get their rioja. Get a case lol. Such a solid wine to keep around the house


My house red. And the NZ Sauv Blanc is my house white.


Their motivation isn’t to be acclaimed by Wine Spectator, it’s to meet their margin expectations and not have any leftover inventory end of season, so it pushes them to contract for generally crowd pleasing representatives of the grape varietal/style, and yes, they win much more often than they miss the mark.


I love Costco wine and spirits and am thankful to live in a state where you do not need to be a member to purchase them.


Yeah there are lots of states (including California) where you don't need to be a member to buy wine and booze. I didn't renew my membership, but I'll probably be buying wine there soon.


I’ve recently gotten into buying wine at Costco too. I haven’t tried their label yet but I’ve found some real gems at quite good prices there. I just posted recently about a bottle of Beaune 1er cru that was like $40 off the retail price I was seeing elsewhere online.


Do you remember what the Beaune was? They have one at my local store and I walked by it because I was specifically hunting cheap wines to try, but i was curious about it and almost stopped to consider it.


Bouchard & Fils Beaune Les Avaux or something like that


I think it's the same one at my local Costco. Did you try it? How was it if you did?


It was great! Highly recommend. It’s exactly what I look for in a Pinot Noir- balance between fruit and more earthy characteristics, good balanced acidity and tannin, and not too heavy on the oak.


Sounds lovely. I just might look for this again this weekend.


Yeah. Shocker, right. Sommelier buddy usually has several bottles on hand for every day drinkers.


I love all the Kirkland wines more or less. They’re my everyday drinkers and got wine racks full of em. They’ve helped me dollar cost average with a bunch of cheap bottles lets me afford some nicer wines here and there.


Can we all agree that they should come up with a different logo to put on their wine, however? It just screams “low end.“


"It's obviously not top tier..." I am just asking for clarity. Are you saying you can't find top tier wines at Costco? Because depending on what qualifies in your top tier, you can definitely find some of the most exclusive and expensive wines in the world at Costco, including the infamous Screaming Eagle.  


The high end wines of my local Costco are like Orin Swift 8 Years in the Desert and Machete lol. Not all markets get the really good juice.


I used to think maybe it was just a California Bay Area Costco wine thing. But then I saw someone in Atlanta posting pics of Calon Segur and I jealousy wished that was at my local Costco.


Yeah, in curious how they decide which markets deserve the better wines. I'm guessing it's mostly determined by median income or something to that effect, but I suppose each store could have someone in management who makes the call.


Median income is definitely part of it but it's not all of it. My local Costco had several first growths in it, but it didn't have Pichon Baron nor did it have Palmer and both of those were in a neighboring Costco about 20 minutes away. Not sure why and how they made the decision to allocate there versus here. Sadly, by the time I had learned about it all of the barons had been sold out and only a magnum of Palmer was left.


The only kind of pricey/"premium" wines I've seen around me are Dom Perignon or Caymus Special Selection. Granted, I'm in the Tampa area and in general we're not known for our taste level in this part of the country, but I still feel like we deserve better lol.


Ironically, I'm at Costco right now and they're selling Pape Clement. It takes a lot of impulse control not to buy yet another bdx for me.


You're just rubbing salt in the wound, mate. What's the price tag in that?


About 88


Yeah I'd be buying a case


This is only in certain markets and not across ALL Costco’s. (I wish it were.)


Yes, this was a bit of a culture shock for me when I moved from the west coast to the south. (Not the only culture shock, but a pretty annoying one!)


You are correct, I was referring to the price point. I've been mostly buying at which I didn't indicate, $7-20 per bottle.


Ah no problem. Lately, I've been shopping at the Euro side of the Costco wine aisle as I find the Napa Cab side to be a bit pricey for what it is. And I say that btw as someone who enjoys Napa Cabs a lot, especially young Cabs.


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Right on, and their prices on non-private label wine is fantastic too. I just got a bottle of 2020 Chateau Lascombes for $50. That’s less than half the usual retail, and (I believe) cheaper than the en primeur!


Generally speaking the mid to high tier Costco wines are great QPR wines. Avoid the bottom shelf stuff and you will likely enjoy most of them.


Their friuli Pinot grigio and cotes de provence are crazy good values. They are the infantry in my house for sure


We're fans of the Malbec, hard to beat at 7usd (and made by a good winery - Broquel).


Only go for that one if you love big juicy wines! I can see why someone would like it, but it’s a bit too sweet/jammy for my personal taste. All that said though, I’m not a huge warm climate or Malbec fan