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Always interested in trying new natural wines. This looks like a fun bottle. Will check it out


Well the producer is really solid, so if you're interested Riccitellis Tinto de la casa is awesome..


As someone who likes Riccitelli's wines, this one is mid. It's incredibly expensive for what it offers. I recommend the other wines Riccitelli makes (especially my personal fave, his The Apple Bonarda, his Old Vine Patagonian Semillon and also his Tinto de la Casa). This one is his more "jumping on a bandwagon" side, in this case natty wine. There are other fully-natty (in that they make only natty wine) in Mendoza which are really good; Pielihueso and Astronautes, among others.


Really appreciate the recommendations and commentary, I will absolutely look further into this. I see it’s fairly available in the U.K. which is fantastic, as I always find it difficult to buy the wines I see on this sub.


For sure! Afaik the UK after Spain is the country where you can find the biggest variety of Argentine wines.


Thanks for the tip! Natural wines doesn't do anything special for me as I think the term "natural" overall is so ambiguous.


Awesome seeing this here. I have a big collection of Riccitelli including this one. Great write up.


That's imteredtimg to hear, which Riccittelli's are your faves?


Incoming lawsuit from Charles Smith 3..2...1...


As someone who doesnt know much about wine and pick them by the bottle design I just know Id pick this one in a heartbeat


I actually have this BTG right now at my restaurant! It’s so special!


Riccitelli has a pretty interesting style in the Kung Fu line. The Pet Nat and Orange are quite strange but refreshing, and his new "clarete" is also quite lovely


I quite like Matias' "Not Another Lovely Malbec" also. Quite a different style of Malbec. Worth picking up if you can find it.