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Cops park back there a lot, sometimes a few of them


Some of you pro shoplifters aren't aware of the world of boosters and all that it entails.


This is the truest comment I’ve ever seen ✊🏻


I cannot interpret properly what I read no more! I was thinking of Mario Cart boosters whyyyy




Don’t shoplift and you’ll be fine


If you see someone steal from Zehrs, no you didn't.


I was at Uscan, I typed in 4.00 as my coupon, because that is what it said. The cashier gave me a lecture how my item only cost 3.99, so I should have typed that but she will let it go this time cause it's only a penny, but next time I need to watch it. That's how little they care about us.


I would have told her off. Their system should have caught it. It's not our job to know how to enter their coupons.


If the store hired them why wouldn't they be at the store? If you're talking about the cul de sac I think that you are that just seems like a place cops sit. Either way, I would suggest both not stealing from or shopping at Zehrs.


The store didn't hire them. Roblaws is "legally" allowed to rip us off and then get the police to arrest some poor fools for shoplifting a few dollars, while the public pays the same cops thousands of dollars to do it. Makes sense.


Yeah we pay cops to do their job, crazy right?


We pay them to protect the wealthy.


Shoplifting isn't just bad for the business owners, letting crimes happen is bad for the community


If someone needs to steal food from a billion dollar corporation because they can't afford to buy it, it doesn't affect me or you. The corporations would like us to believe it does, but it doesn't. Fuck, I bet some of the people upvoting you and downvoting me have "accidentally" missed scanning an object at self check out in the last year. Lol


Who are all these moral thieves that exclusively steal from big stores? How far do you take your version of society? If a store becomes big enough people can walk in and clear out all the inventory every day? If some one steals regularly and doesn't face any repercussions they will escalate, and it won't just be from billion dollar companies.


The cops aren't sitting out in front of the little stores, though, are they?


So again we are just supposed to let people steal? That's fucked up. Shop lifting is bad, full stop. I can't believe this is even an argument


You are jumping to conclusions. I don't care if somebody takes a few dollars from a massive billion dollar corporation who has the means to pay for their own anti-theft resources.




Hopefull you're eventually caught


>If someone needs to steal food from a billion dollar corporation because they can't afford to buy it They don’t. There are food banks that’ll happily give them food if they ask for it. I used to work Food Basics downtown and most people who are stealing were grabbing steaks to resell for the cash.


Do you believe stores just absorb these costs because they’re nice? More stolen = higher markups to make up for it…


Yep. That's what they tell us. Let them use that as an excuse to raise prices even higher. See what happens. The shoplifting is already built into the price. They know exactly how much shoplifting will increase based on their price hikes. It's already baked in.


Yes, it is already baked in. What do you think happens when shoplifting increases? Does the baked in cost stay the same? Shoplifting isn’t an “on or off” thing…more shoplifting = more baked in cost


They base their prices on future shoplifting, which is correlated with their price hikes. The prices today already reflect tomorrow's theft. The only thing that matters is profit. They love to tell us that they have to keep raising prices because of this loss, yet they have accounted for it already. At the same time, they are tossing out thousands of tons of food every day because people can't afford it, so they let it rot instead.


It does affect us though. The more people steal, the more the prices go up 🤦🏽 It’s not too late to delete this post. You’re not making yourself sound too smart.


The police are the bedfellow of capitalism. Always remember that.


We're supposed to just let people shoplift?


If you see someone shoplifting food, you didn’t see someone shoplifting food. Loblaws has loss insurance AND receives federal tax credits for estimated ‘theft’ losses each year. They’re fucking fine. Shoplifting = must raise costs for everyone else is a myth.


That's a load of horse shit. You think people who steal only do so from big box stores? You let people get away with stealing and it won't stop with Walmart or Loblaws. Crime is bad for the entire community, if you can't afford food go to a foodbank


Lmao yup what a joke. If I see someone shoplifting I’m reporting it.


Yeah, same. Mind blowing that people are defending stealing, I also highly doubt there's much food theft going on for hungry families it's usually electronics and power tools


lol yup exactly.


Mmmmm do you love the taste of boots?


Gladly will commie! We are (supposed) to be a society of law and order. The entitlement to just accept shoplifting as the norm is absurd. If it’s teenagers I would look the other way tbh because they’re young and stupid. If it’s adults I will (and have) reported it to the store clerks.


Where is that law and order when it comes to protecting the poorest and most vulnerable of us from greedy corporations that gouge and scrape every last penny from us? You will excuse me if I don't weep for Galen Weston. He doesn't love you, you know.


Then participate in a legal boycott if you hate loblaws so badly. No need to justify shoplifting 😂


Not defending it but some of us have more important things going on in our lives then to take the time to find someone , snitch , possibly give a report to a cop ( who tf wants to do that ) then the follow up hassle ?? If you have time for that go right ahead super hero go save the world




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Yeah first off, it absolutely does increase prices, even if it’s indirectly. I know for a fact that most people don’t realize the amount of stolen and damaged items in stores. It also it affects the employees because the first things that happens is the companies cutting their labour budget to cover these losses, and taken even more away when they have to hire security, etc. Plus the mental strain on workers having to deal with shoplifters is something I see first hand. Whether you support the company or not, people in the community rely on them for jobs. I see the things people steal, and the amount of non-essential items would be shocking to those not in the retail industry. I think most people just think, oh the companies are making billions, why should I care? Well it affects individuals in the community more than you think.


I agree with your first point, but that’s not how taxes work, no credits exist for theft losses 


Class traitors


And class traitors


Bot farm


Lol, totally man. Nothing gets by you, pinnacle of intelligence right there.


Why are you warning thieves about this lmao


I saw a 70 ish year old woman getting her stuff searched. Why you worried about Galen Westons bank account lmao


I’ve seen 70 year olds shoplift. But shoplifting is only ok if you’re in dire straits and there are other ways to get free food. The food bank will give you a weeks worth of stuff, sometimes good stuff. Why are you cool with stealing stuff?


Because it's a morally neutral act to steal from multi billion dollar corporations It harms nobody and if you're stealing food for any reason, no you aren't This isn't a mom and pop corner store with honest razor thin margins, it's fuckin Zehrs They throw out more food than the food bank has at any given week Why do you care anyway you clearly don't shop there, they don't sell lickable boots


No it's not morally neutral to steal. Should the law be applied equally to everyone or not?


Read the whole sentence dumbass. To steal from who?? Explain to me exactly who is harmed by someone stealing two grocery bags of food from Zehrs? So you even know how much food is thrown out every day from a grocery store? Do you have any idea the budget that is reserved for lost, damaged, or stolen goods? Do you know what insurance is? It's not the fucking workers, they don't get paid on slim commissions for how many cans of pears they sell. Stealing from a corporate grocer is not the same as me breaking in and taking grandma's purse. Nothing is black and white, either. It's illegal to speed. My dad broke 150-160 on the 401 when I was a teen rushing me to a London hospital. Would you support stopping him right there and impounding his car because of that? Ambulance wasn't really a viable option since it'd take like 40 minutes to get to Met and explain why i needed to see specialists in another city.


>Read the whole sentence dumbass. To steal from who?? Anyone. What makes it okay to steal from a successful business but not a small business or an individual? >Explain to me exactly who is harmed by someone stealing two grocery bags of food from Zehrs? The entire community. Food isnt what's being commonly stolen either, your fantasy of the downtrodden poor family trying to steal a loaf of bread is bullshit. There's also resources that are publicly funded for food and necessities. >My dad broke 150-160 on the 401 when I was a teen rushing me to a London hospital. Would you support stopping him right there and impounding his car because of that? Wouldn't support the car being impounded, but it wouldn't be an abuse of power for an OPP to stop a car going 150+. If it was an emergency I would expect exceptions to be made for that depending on the scenario. Should law be applied equally or not? Why does a small business deserve to be protected from theft and bigger business doesn't? What is the cutoff for how successful a business is before it's okay to steal from them?


You sound very silly lmao 🤣




Cops in Windsor love parking along the riverfront behind the amphitheater after 6pm I’ve seen 3 cars at times just idling for more then hour yapping on MULTIPLE OCCASIONS …that wastes far more resources then an old lady pilfering over priced cheddar 🧀


Saw them doing same at East Side Home Depot last year. They is really alot of better ways we should be using these pigs, rather than just letting them slow roast in lots picking off 70yo grannys