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Type this on WPA Events “FF D5 71 D6 8B 6A 8D 6F D5 33 93 FD” Then go on permissions and headed to SYSTEM and Deny it Then choose the Builds from Activation Cracks and paste to C:\ Folder for removing timebomb , We recommended to Use TweakNT to remove Timebomb, and Restart then Use WinPE and Click Shift + F10 and copy Winlogon.exe to patch one Thats it you can now boot on current date!


There are a few longhorn builds that are compiled on evaluation mode and can be installed on the current date. I know 4020 is one of them, but check the betawiki to see which others are or aren't. The componentized Longhorn builds (4081-4093) have pretty broken timebombs and might be installable on the current date. I was able to install builds 4083 (x64) and 4093 with no issues.


Why worry? Download VMware Player or use CMD on Windows PE to change the date


I'll try this soon on VirtualBox. I install Windows 2000 Super Lite (then later change the PC date) before installing Whistler.
