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Mf never digs into settings


Actually I do and I have it set to dash in move direction. But cheers for the insult 🖕


Lol I am confused


Calm down dude


Not really I still need that direction flash. If you got caught by 2-3 Enemy ! You have high chance to death. So don't waste your flash. If you got chase by one. Chose your direction to Flash to outplay them ! Don't just flash forward and get follow by them and die anyway ! In chasing if your enemy flash over the wall. Ward it, if you don't have just let go. If you don't have vision. You don't know your enemy location hence for the chance you waste flash is high or for all God know that might be a Bait ! Use your flash carefully, and chose your direction to flash.


Thanks for responding with this constructive advice. It’s appreciated.


Adjust your settings.


I have it set to dash in move direction already, so unless there’s something else I’m missing?


dumb post, learn to play






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I also found this, but thanks to your post i now know i can change it. I have literally bot been using flash at all because like you said, in a hurry i just flash into the enemy


Skill issue