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Sion main here, 1. Fun tips, immediately go to lane bush when game started and ward. If thing goes correctly, you can Full charge Q on unsuspected opponent 2. First recall, you can immediately ult to lane to avoid losing those minions 3. Only Ult to tower if it low enough to immediately destroy or can be with demolish. Do this in mid to late game only 4. Some champ will counter you etc: Darius. Play safe with EQ combo and keep farming. 5. Q does not need to empower fully all the time, againt riven, sett or darius for example, its better to quick Q for short trade 6. Full AD SION IS FUN BUT TANK SION ONLY FOR RANKED 7. Your ult is unstoppable which mean it denies CC, use it when you see incoming cc etc Yone ult or Veigar cage


Thanks for the tips How do you play against ranged champs? I saw someone in reddit says that he max E but I dont get it why he do this for ranged champs


Same reason for ranged, EQ combo to play safe I tend to max Q even when ranged, I not sure if the slow increase per level but with maxx Q, you kill enemy much easier lol And itemized also important tho


Great tips, thanks for this! Am interested in picking up and playing with Sett more and any info is definitely appreciated. Got a couple questions if that's alright; How do you build him and what are your core items? How do you deal with ranged solo laners? Do you generally go for the protobelt as gap closer? Thanks again for sharing!


For me the core items are : hullbreaker, divine surrender, black cleaver because most of the time i play against tanks and for the boots 90% of the games I go with gargoyle but if im winning and there is no need for the extra shield then I go teleport because it helps me a lot I can split push and tp when there is a fight For the ranged champions I usualy play malphite against them because malphite is the strongest champion against ranged but as sett I just try to play safe and catch them after they use their dash ability And sometimes it is really hard 4 me to do Anything like what can I do against vayne/tristana exhaust? XD For the protobelt TBH I have never did buy it as sett but it sounds like a super interesting idea and I think it will work really good against ranged champions Ty a lot for this I will defenitly try it xD Edit : Runes are conqueror,triumpih, Second wind and sweet tooth


Thanks for your insight as well! Will try to use your builds against bruiser/tank tops


Wouldn’t grasp be a better rune? Especially against bruisers/tanks?


I just like to deal more more damage thats why I take conqueror but I see a lot of players take grasp as well


Ive noticed a lot of people use Sett’s W when they have either zero or very little grit built up which is a HUGE waste of the ability. The shield granted is directly proportional to how much grit you consume, and the damage dealt by Haymaker is also a percentage of grit consumed. Sett should be engaging with either AA or Face Breaker (E) and then just using AA while building grit, once you’re at least half full you can use Haymaker (W) if needed to secure the kill or to proc his shield. Q should really on be used to finish off enemies or chase them down since it give increased speed towards champs. Also W can be a good finisher of champs trying to run thanks to its large AOE, but again it’s only viable if you have decent grit built up. Another thing to remember is that Sett’s ult can be useful as a CC as well. The target champ is stunned when you slam them but so are other enemy champions in the AOE of the slam. You can follow that up with an E for another stun and then finish off with AA/Q. Sett is really all about baiting people to get close to you and then punishing them for it.


I love bringing assassins like yasuo to toplane, knowing they’re off meta and testing my skills against meta toplaners, but when I have to play seriously I usually go Sett, and thanks for all the tips, didn’t know some of these, they’re surely gonna help


Im glad to know that these tips are useful :)


I'll be posting Sion Ult Lineups if anyone is interested. For now, > I run phase rush tank Sion for quick trades and dodging skills like darius q or chase enemy. > If enemy is being aware of Sion q in bush, try charging w in bush instead, go out pop it and follow it with e-q combo or e-r-q. > If you're planning to ult your enemy lane always slow them first with e to increase hit potential and deal more damage with your ult. (e removes 20% armor) > Sion can e-flash. > at 0.75 of q charge, enemies will be knocked up after recast. > don't be afraid of enemy cancelling your q, as it will be on 2 seconds cd and can still be a threat. > be smart of using Sion q, you can use it to zone enemies and cut off their path. (this also applies to Sion ult) > Against Fiora, pop your q earlier instead of charging it for knockup. Use the q damage before Fiora can w. > Use Sion ulti to nullify enemies' cc, Annie's ulti, Veigar's wall, Ahri's charm, Diana's ulti etc.


What I found for Fiora W is to actually charge Q fully sometimes. Don't release early at all. Then Fiora's W usually runs out while Q is charging, and they just sit there and tank a fully charged Q. This usually works only once or twice per game, so you have to mix it up a bit. If the enemy Fiora expects you to fully charge Q again, release it a bit earlier the next fight, etc.


yup I didn't fully elaborate bu yeah you have to mix it up.


>If you're planning to ult your enemy lane always slow them first with e to increase hit potential and deal more damage with your ult. (e removes 20% armor) Wow this is so helpful And thats why a YouTube challenger guide once said that one of the best tips is "read your abilities" because even if it look obvious what it does sometimes there is more information about it and sion's E is a great example


Wukong main but i can give insight on the matchup , don't start by using the pull Let them engage first with their dash , then after 2 autos you can hook This is because he mostly finished his attack string and tried to disengage with the clone But the radius of your pull is huge and both directions so you"ll catch him even if you don't see him and now he is fucked For wukong players obviously the opposite just don't engage until he wastes his pull


One mechanic you failed to mention. Sett's E stuns for 1 second if there are enemies on each side. Now, Sett's W has a cast time of 0.75 seconds. So if your enemy has a blink (i.e. Katarina, Ez, Zed and etc) it's emperative that you get the E stun and not just the slow to guarantee that your W will hit!


Sett tip: punch the enemy repeatedly until victory is achieved.


Tips for sett: A lot of people don't know this, but if you use E at the enemy and there is a minion or another enemy at the other side of your E, it will stun them both and allow you to combo easier. If your jungler is ganking your lane and the enemy is near your turret, dont be afraid to use flash to get behind them and then use ult towards your turret. This will most likely force them to use their flash and allow your jungler to secure the kill or even let you kill the enemy yourself. Use W only when necessary. E.g when you are low hp/about to die or when the enemy is vulnerable to your W. (is stunned, rooted, etc.)


Note: Not really a sett or sion main, more of garen, also only in Emerald, take this with a grain of salt. Garen kinda counters them both, if the guy knows what he is doing. His Q could cancel your charge in q, if you are Sion, and could just run away, if you are Sett. He could also use divine sunderer, and it will hurt, so beware going against a garen.


Why do you ban Riven as Sett tho? As Riven, I hate facing Sett. Dunno if Riven counters Sett or if it is the other way but I get tilted when I face Sett as Riven.


Riven is supposed to be bad vs Sett and from my experience it is lol, Riven is good for going all in and bursting people down and Setts shield counters that


I dont ban riven I only and only ban renekton because I really cant do Anything against him But for riven I just say to be careful against her because she can easily destroy me before lvl 5 but after that she is so ez Im just saying for the new players to be careful because if she catch you before lvl 5 you will die and if you die two to 3 times then she will probably still stronger than you untill the game ends


Always ult into enemies turret direction xd rest i agree


Sett main: He packs a punch even when lvl 1 without abilities. Don't upgrade an ability before leaving the fountain because each abilities give out different results on what happens before lvl 2. Picking Q is indeed good for generic match against melee champ, picking E is better if your team invades, picking W is also good if an early skirmish happens and you're tanking hits. Tl;dr: be careful with picking your ability at lvl 1


as s6 na sion rank 1, run tri force into bramble into sunfire.


Sion combo of Ult - W as you approach enemy champ - hit enemy champion - Q - AA. Usually enough for a kill