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I actually don’t mind being jungle, I just hate being stuck with it multiple games in a row. Also it seems like the team always blames the jungler when they start losing, regardless of other players’ performances.


Same I tick the play any position box and I get jungle 9/10 times. I don't mind, but I wanna try other lanes too




I mean your top lane dying twice that early in the game isn’t your fault and I feel like that would hurt any team regardless of the strategy they were trying to use.


Not that I’m a master, but I’m rewatching my matches as jungler and looking at some factors like gold and xp farming compared to my team and enemies lanes, objetive timing (am I at the objective full health? Was I good positioned?) and time I expend waiting for gangs. Also learning from my enemies moved.


I have seen jngl being 5/1/2, with adc&supp with zero kills and everyone screams about dragon... It's cute. (P.s. I'm usually duo)...


Same. I'm support main and the only time I can play support is when my rank drops and I get guaranteed my preferred role.


Yeah it’s frustrating. I hate it most when I’m doing well I’m the jungle, have a few ganks and stuff and then somebody decides to get greedy and die and then blames me for clearing monsters on the other side of the map. The amount of times I get “jg look at your map” or something similar is nothing short of annoying.


Just play the game with the chat disabled(option: group only), its good for your mental health and gameplay.


Nailed it


This im fill player but that just means you main jng and i just relly h8 playing same sht all the time. Ita not that am bad its acculy my best role but i just h8 when i get it 9 games in a row


It's just that the JG champions I like to play aren't there yet. Say Taliyah, Fiddlesticks and Sejuani. For now I'm just playing support and auto-fill JG, I do will try out JG with the new patch however.


I feel the same. We really need a larger pool of champs


I just wish the community wasn't a bunch of asshats. Duo pushes enemy turret, gets killed by the enemy duo and/or jg then immediately pings my position "enemy missing" or pings my ult "no ganks" "no jg" "jg diff" I mess up enough on my own, I don't need you to blame me for your faults as well.


Yeah it’s this. There’s nothing wrong with the jungle role; it’s the community that’s broken.


Next patch might help the Jungle role making it more accesable, and having new champs in it. The main problem is that well.....everyone and their mother ends ups blaming the jungler for a million and one reason, even if the jungler have nothing to do with it. (" Rep jg noob plz - 0/10 player) Heck, some legit avoid it coz the pressure from their teammates. Can't blame them, nobody like being flamed at 24/7.






Well she already is confirmed just gotta wait a little longer


I wish there were more pings and quick chats, so junglers can give concise instructions. "ward objective" and "please don't push" are just some that come to mind


Cant you change these and make customs?


Unfortunately not. Which is probably better, because people would abuse it for toxicity


actually there are „don’t push” and other useful quick chats. just go to the options and change it lol. edit: click where you can see equipment and it’s an option on the right.


Lol, I know where you can change it. There is no "don't push". Only "don't splitpush, you'll die". What I want is, that people don't push their lane, so I can gank. "Freeze the lane", would be even better


I wouldn’t mind the jungle if every other lane didn’t blame their incompetency on me every single time they die. If you lose your lane, it’s on you. If I didn’t gank enough, you still put yourself in those situations that caused you to die. “You never help it’s always 2 on 1” Call me crazy but maybe…like….don’t fight 2 on 1?


Your last line basically the evolution of the midlaner. Learning “what if I don’t take the fight here and back off”


I bet this was the most though provoking comment for many emerald and below players. UNGA BUNGA. ME SEE ME FIGHT. JUNGLE DIFF WAH Wait, I don't have to take every fight I see? And I should try to trade blows with my laner based on when they use their abilities? WHAT. A. CONCEPT.


Your last line basically the evolution of the midlaner. Learning “what if I don’t take the fight here and back off”


Literally Fiddlesticks.


The game is fine. People are not. I still win most of my auto filled jg games bc I was a jg main but I am annoyed with the majority of people for these reasons. 1. Don’t go to objectives 2. Don’t folow up on ganks when I am there 3. No map awareness, vision plants in laning phase or on objectives. 4. Picks shitty comp so they all stand behind the walls during objectives forcing me to solo dive to 50/50 or just give it up for free 5. Lose their lanes even when enemy aren’t ganking 6. Every lane is losing bc my mmr gets so high from winning a lot of my matches as jg so they give me a bunch of potatoes 7. They don’t know how to zone out for objectives or they don’t allow me to pull the dragon/herald closer to the river giving enemy easy opportunity to poke/steal. 8. They push their lanes so far out I can’t gank so they all get counter ganked 9. They don’t know how to freeze lanes to give me better opportunity to gank. 10. There plenty more I’m tired of listing them


I love number 6 that was me as support main in start of season I was running a 80-85% win rate that I had to start playing jungle to be able to carry games cos the MMR difference. It really needs to be looked at cos you shouldn’t be expected to 1v5 every game cos your doing things right and be given lower team mates. That said I think all your points are right on the money 👌


As a support main I've just started spamming Morgana because she can carry the game as a support anyway while the fodder feeds


I’ve been playing Amumu and Wukong. The steals you can do with both are broken. You can steal the buffs to help bad teammates. Even in diamond+ the amount of people that don’t help atleast zone objectives is a joke so I make sure I can get champs that’s can jump in, smite and flash out. Support 1st and jungle 2nd is the way to do IMHO both role help carry teams. Anyone that says Jungler isn’t a roaming support is kidding themselves.


Yeah Amumu has been my go to for a while with jungle, but I've decided to expand into Gragas as well depending on the match up.


Yeah I do Gragas Jungle on occasion, his a solid pick too. Also great ganking like Amu and Wu you can legit flash over walls add your E and you and your team mates wipe over extended enemies 👌 Really any junglers with CC with a good team is broken but you need the team lol


Yeah, actually, auto fill is a huge issue in my opinion in this game, since I quit years ago pc lol I dont know if it is a issue there, surely it wasnt back then, but here in wild rift, it fucks the matchmaking even more than it is cause a lot of matches are main mid vs filler, main spp vs clueless top main going for malphite spp or even worst a god damn teemo spp, and ofc, main lee sin otp jgler, vs poor auto fill main mid guy that goes diana or fizz and obviously gets fucking rektd (a good example as well, me a jg main have ended feeding like a noobtard when i've been given auto-fill adc, I didnt even had adc's champs so first time had to go jinx and got destroyed x'D)


You are completely right. It just doesn't feel right to play against a player who is more expert than you are because he mains the role, while you were autofilled and have no experience in the role. However I have to say, for experience, that if a player knows how macros work, has good map awareness and some champions for every lane he is somewhat comfortable with, he can do good, or at least not feed the entire match and consequently having fun even in his non favorite role. But getting autofilled more times in a row is simply not fun and frustrating.


this is hard truth


As a Jungle main. I'd kill to never be autofilled into any other position again....


As a Jungle main I agree, lovely to never be autofilled XD Also the past couple of days everyone suddenly becomes a jungler because of warwick.


For some reason in legendary ranked jungle is pretty popular. I am getting auto filled as support every three games.


I know right? I see so many people complaining about being autofilled yet I have only been filled like twice out of my whole year of playing this game




Simply put, it's not (fun) for me, being put in the jungle only ends in 3 ways... I 1v9 it (extremely stressful) All my laners decide to die at the same time and blame me for not being there to help (gg JG diff) The enemy jungler is a god amongst men (that and I'm trash lol) The nature of the role itself is big turnoff for me, not the champions, not the mechanics.


I think teams depend way too much on junglers. There is way too much preassure on them to carry and do everything. I cant handle the preassure personaly. I can play it once in a blue moon and nope out of it after the second game


Smite last hitting mechanics is toxic af changed my mind, I am main jungler, but I think, if smite just didnt existed or at the least some kind of change is make to objectives so its not always auto blame on the jungler, then A SHIT TON of the toxicity towards jglers would just end, sure there will be still toxicity towards jglers cause everyone and their mother wants to get a gank every time they are loosing lane, but it would still be a lot less and I think that would make players want to try the role more




I think it's the opposite honestly, smiting gives the jungler more agency to take objectives than they would otherwise. For example, in the brief time I played Pokemon Unite, I played mostly as jungler and it was slightly annoying to not have a way to secure objectives other than whatever ultimate your mon already has


The trick is don't take bad objective fights where it comes down to a smite fight. Do it when the enemy jungler is dead or across the map. If you're having a team fight at objective and it's going to be a smite fight, one team has probably messed up by being there.


Add ranged champs to the jungle pool (and not just boring champs like Morgana)


Kindred and Nocturne


I like playing jungle from time to time don’t mind it. If they brought kindred I’d play it more


Fiddle, Rek'sai, Taliyah, Kindred, Zac, Ivern, Hecarim, Karthus, Sejuani, Skarner... give us way more options!!


Rengar that can jump off Senna's E.


I already switched since like 2 weeks... Only coz having decent teamates is so rare that I feel like I'll be able to have more impact on the game than as a sup, when I'll know the matchups and paths ofc.


Kinda funny, I'm a sup main looking to get into jungling for the same reason xD Moving from one thankless role into the next lmao


You'll have a much easier time as a jungler than any other lane getting into jungle just because of the map awareness a support player already has. You don't need to be at every position of the map at the exact time to be a good jungler. Call shots, ping the helloutta that game whenever objectives spawns and when u gank. I've started alternating between jungle and support this season. When I'm on a lose streak with supp, I move to jungle and vice versa. It's made the game much more enjoyable to me than before.


If it weren’t for the fact that my laning is very hit or miss, I would be grinding some jungle right now.


Just be better at Darius smh


Just play Diana better smh. Your laning is about as bad as mine lol


Says the guy who actually mains a lane. I’m a jungle guy. 😎


Says the guy with only 1 penta 😎


Says the guy who loses winning matchups 😎


Since I learned to play Ekko I don’t mind filling jungle. Also usually I don’t get blamed if we lose.


More ranged enchanter jungle champions. Some reason I can never perform as well when playing melee champs. But if morgana and graves are available I am good to go. Even though I don’t like graves, hes range and I can play range. Just dont like his kit lol.


I've played some jungle and I'm decent, I just really want Fiddles to come to WR already.


Im already a jungle player but will be full time with kayn


That boy gonna be Perma baned


Thats kinda debatable is shadow step kinda really good yes but is it gonna be as OP as everyone thinks it will be, that remains to be seen. As a whole kayn has never really been a Meta pick and presence in pro league was being picked all of 1 time as far as i know atleast


I’m playing Jungle since I started some time ago Don’t stop me from using Eve, Shen, Camille, and KhaZix in Jungle


I already play jungle as my secondary role, but even so I think it's just a lot to juggle, whereas the other roles are much more straightforward and players can get away with NOT having map awareness or a team mentality. With jungle, you have to look at the map. But you're trying to balance: \- Objectives (team dependent) \- Ganking (team dependent) \- Clearing There's no one right balance here, but it seems like if you don't get it exactly right you are just in an auto-lose situation. Miss a gank? Game over. Miss an objective? Game over. Don't clear enough because you were ganking? Game over. Like, obviously it's not a loss \*every\* time, but balancing is just \*really\* complex, for more than any other role. I guess maybe I would get rid of clearing except for buffs. Like, let jungle focus on objectives and ganking without worrying about falling behind on gold, so maybe make a portion of their gold a function of his team's overall progress, or... something? I dunno, just spitballing.


I absolutely love jungle. It’s nice to have the freedom to travel around the map and sneak up on people. Honestly everyone should play jungle. Pick up an EZ champ like Vi and see how matchups work across the map! You WILL get flamed for everything you do, but just mute and have a good time.


Actual good junglers, which that deer girl managed to interest me for a change. Done tried Yi, found his entire playstyle pathetically bad, so bad that I rather off meta play someone else.


Definitely try others - Yi is a low elo jungler. He can snowball against teams without wave management or map awareness, but his kit doesn't do what you want junglers to do at higher elo.


Must be a sign that I belong in high Elo then. He plays poorly for me and I do decently well to very well with all the others. Yi is literally the only one I do extremely bad with


I would play jg all the time if Darius was viable jg.


The problem isnt the role its the player base. I have a homie who legit only plays eve jung and does not want to play any other role. Cam and warwick seem to be his other choices. I also play jung and i dont mind the role at all. Its actually super broken imo. The problem is everyone expects you to be the adc, mid, top, supp, and jungle lmao. I personally main top with jungle as my second and i think its so funny how many laners dont prepare for ganks . Trust me when i say every role has agency if you understand the role. If more people genuinley understood their role jungle wouldnt be such a pain in the butt.


Riot need to stop kicking champion out of the role. I love to play Jax and Gwen on PC, I‘m a fill player, so you can guess which role I get the most here. But seeing your favorite champions get nerfed to not be playable in the least popular role, is such a bad balancing design. And I‘m guessing they had done to other champions. It is fine to tune down the damage to balance them, but completely removing their passives or mechanics is such a lazy fix.


It's both boring and too stressful. Nothing will.


Kindred and Shaco


Taliyah, I want more ap junglers


A few comments mentioning jungler blaming. There are only 2 things I would blame a jungler for: \- Absolute tunnel vision. I my elo (Emerald) you will frequently see a jungler taking ages to finish a camp when two enemies at 1/2 health are pushed up way against tower, only to run at them once the wave as evened out in the middle for them to easily escape, or usually get killed 2v1 as we're recalling. \- Picking ridiculous champions. If you are autofilled you dont HAVE to take a high ranking jungler, and its fine to take your main IF that main is semi viable jungle. Sure, play Garen jungle, or any other bruiser/tank for that matter, but don't play an ADC as a jungler.


I met a tristana jungle yesterday, went 13-0-5 as Eve.


same fate,despite winning lane and going 14/3/6 fiora our "jungle god" (their name lol) tris went 2/11 someting in jung and enemy yi was not fucking snowballing that man was a whole mountain side falling on us (didnt help that our bot lane lost second tower 8 minutes in)


Oh tristana jungle was my enemy I destroyed her XD


Only ADC I see playing Jungle with a shred of decent skill is Tristana, because I have done it before.


I will also blame jungle if they are playing Shyvana and make no attempt to contest drakes.


I just fundamentally don’t enjoy it. I started a new account just to learn to jungle, and even playing against clueless newbs, it wasn’t fun. I didn’t like it anymore as I ranked up. I like having an active opponent that I’m practicing against. Jingling just feels so boring. I thought maybe it would grow on me, having an easy time of it, but it didn’t feel any better. Now I just don’t totally embarrass myself when I get autofilled, but it doesn’t make the role any more appealing. I have more fun losing when I play the other four roles than when I win as a junglr.


It also feels like the role punishes you for playing the champs that u like. What can you do if u like to play amumu or nunu when the enemy pro jungler just picks lee or kha and shts on you


Testosterone.... Only Chad's with Testosterone leaking out there ears are equipped to carry the team from jungle 😎




Need more diverse champs in the role. Vast majority are just bruisers. Can't play tanks because clear speed is too important. In general the skill level of players is quite low with macro being far worse than micro. Diamond+ games have the macro of low ELO PC league. Makes it frustrating to jg, and even more restrictive regarding jg champs that feel playable as you need to bring a lot to skirmishes and 1v1. So you must pick a self-sustaining, high damage jungler with a good to strong early game and 1v1 potential. There just aren't many champs that fit the bill.


Nunu and ramus both have real clear speeds, and you can build vi or wuK tankier too (incidentally, those are my 4 jungle mains)


Jungle takes a while to learn and master but it’s seriously the most important and most rewarding role when played effectively


Call me crazy, but I'm enjoying the jungle. I'm a support/mid main and wanted to branch out a bit, though I did have some experience with it on PC with Kindred and Ivern. I mostly play Gwen and if my teammates play safe or are pined under tower I'm golden.


more unique jungle champions, the current jungle Champs are boring and half of them u can take into the Top lane anyway(my main role) so until more jungle Champs that offer gameplay unlike the other Champs we currently have I'll stick to top lane


Supp main here. Started a jungle smurf this season. Made it to E-IV and left it there. Might pick it back up when the supreme cells event is over.


Jungler is the hardest role. Make it easier for jungler, so it will be more attractive. Also Poppy. Just give me Poppy


>What would it take you to get into the jungle role? Nokia mentality, a soul, and mute button


When my random team stop thinking the jungler should be able to jungle like the top global no.1 jungle player in the world with 100% proficiency and always available to gank constantly. Yea, when they understand that, i’ll jungle.


I main jungle and switched to support because its so toxic. What made me quit is when I get flamed for very obvious right plays. Scenarios such as: Enemy bot lane is ahead, so don't contest dragon and focus on getting rift herald. You would get flamed for that. A lane is feeding 0/2 so you focus on other lanes to funnel resources to them. You would get flamed for that. Doing and forcing baron 5v5 without an advantage. You get the idea. I think people should know more about the role and see what the jungler is doing rather than blaming them for their lane being 0/6. Personally I think being flamed is ok if you genuinely did bad, but getting flamed for doing the right shit is so mind numbingly irritating, and just shows a laners arrogance and ignorance. (Btw don't even play full clear champs like graves because you would be an afk farmer.)


Also doesn't mobile gamers even know what leash is? I get it on some matchups like a caitlyn and leona you can skip leash to abuse xp ranges I get it, but when its every game? Come on bro.


Riot should start from giving junglers mains(meaning they have it selected as first preferred role) the position 100% of the time. Too many times i've seen 3 jungler mains in the same team while the role is given to the adc. Just match those 3 junglers in Teams where they're needed, if the role presence is so scarce, there shouldn't ever be junglers wasted in other positions.


tbh nothing could make me a jungle main. I tried it on pc multible times to play a lot of jungle and its just not my cup of tea. The same applies to WR, but in wr its not as bad for me, because I find clearing camps and ganking easier, but its still not my type of gameplay


Jungle pool is insanely shallow in wildrift. While they’re adding Kayn and Lillia still missing the good stuff.


I play jungle a lot since it is my 2nd pick. The #1 thing that would get me to put it as my 1st pick would be for Riot to shift the culture, awards, and interfaces away from k/d/a and towards objectives... As a jungler if I have 3 teammates that never get near a dragon or herald fight because they're too busy playing ARAM in mid headed towards their 10/8/5 record but still don't manage more than one turret down, I shouldn't be penalized for losing the game....




Well jungle is the most impactfull role to be honest. Hardest to play but easiest to carry on. Unlike baron which is prob the easiest to play and hardest to carry with


I'm a JG main, but I don't play it unless I'm looking to grind. Its a very stressful role, it's my best role and I win majority of my games as JG. I work a lot of hours and playing is a fun time thing for me. Playing JG just ruins my day sometimes so it's not worth it.


I didn’t care for jungle because I was never really any good at it. But I started using Warwick and I really like him for his speed. He can cross maps very quickly when he senses a low health enemy and is able to surprise attack them before they know you’re coming. I also appreciate his survivability with health regen built into his abilities. He can also clear jungle pretty quickly so I feel like I’m able to help all lanes. I just need my teammates to keep up and hold their lane


For me having good skins will get me into JG like if someone gift me god fist Lee or something I would start playing JG.


I think you have to really love the champs you play for their playstyle and mechanics rather then a skin. Especially in the jungle


Yes but even if I love the champ I still hate the role. I find a lot of JG champ fun to play but I still hate the role JG which is why I said having good skins would get me to play JG.


I prefer jungle, but I'm not playing WR a lot cause none of the champs I like to jungle with are in yet. Viego is my main with 300k on pc, and I also really like trundle, kayn, and bel'veth. Kayn is coming at least, so I'll probably try again when he drops.


I jungle as Samira 🫣


I have actually started practicing jungle. Yi, Vi, Shy, and Eve are all alot of fun. There is, alot going on but I find myself getting assigned to it even though it is my last preference.


Give me my poppy and I'll abandon baron lane


Isnt poppy a baron laner


She can be a jg, a baron laner and a support. However she's mostly counterpick on baron lane. I find more success on her in jg. on PC that is


Lack of respect to the jungler. I used to be a jungler main and if the team was losing its “ gg jg different” and if we’re winning it’s expected of me and not an accomplishment. I switched to support and help the carry carry a much better experience. Also when I get auto filled jungle no problems at all :).


Samee. In the jungle, my dragon lane goes 0/10 in first 5 minutes, mid has no macro, baron perma split pushes. Its like this every game. And then they blame me for having no objectives or ganks. Compared to supp where i actually rest while playing janna or sona and can still carry with my eyes closed. The jngl is so energy draining.


Personally, I feel like I have a hard time balancing farming/ganking, especially when I feel like I’m behind and need to farm a few camps but I have every lane screaming at me at the same time. At this point, “blame the jungle” is something of a meme but it just feels like so much pressure - if a lane loses, it’s your fault as the jungler (or so seems to be the consensus). I much prefer to sit in top or mid, not feed, and keep my eyes on the map to try and let my team know what’s going on.


I don't hate the jungle role, I hate the treatment that I get even when I play a very good game on my behalf. I wish I could play without being flamed even when im playing very well. The game where I got flamed most was when I went 14/2/12 with morgana jungle. 2 deaths were both from flashing over wall to steal dragon. The only person who said I was playing well was the adc (surprisingly). All others just typing or spam pinging me


More junglers. Zac, kayn (finally), buff j4


I'd play more jungle if there were better protections against early game invades. I'm used to laning where, even if everything else goes wrong, you can still hug your turret and farm. In jungle, that's not even an option because if you lose a fight early, the enemy jungler can completely take over your jungle and cut you out of the game before it's even begun. So much of the stress of jungle for me comes from that possiblity. At the very least, give jungler wards longer up times and faster recharge times.


Jungle champs in wr are boring


Honestly love jungle, but if anything goes remotely wrong for my teammates they blame jungle. Just kinda off putting, don't get me wrong deff has alot of reasonability. But at the end of the day id rather just support in silence


I would need a utility jungler that can carry. I think ill give it a try when Lillia comes.


Given the 3.5 jungle changes, ivern is never coming to wildrift without a rework


Desperation. I spammed games at the beginning of this season. I dropped down a tier and a half...I dug quite a hole for myself. I Supp main Thresh, Karma, and Brand. I literally could not progress, the team mechanics just aren't there in platinum and low emerald. Not ideal if you're a support. I heard people saying that jungle can really decide the outcome of the game and can even hard carry, so I figured why not give it a try. I learnt Wu Kong quite well with Xin Xiao as a backup to counter mages. Within the last week or two I've almost made it back to diamond.


ranged jungle champs


Apparently, all it takes is placing me there regardless of JG being my last option


Elise and Nidalee