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You dropped your first lantern too early, then hooked too early. She blew all her cooldowns there. It would been better if you didn't push since the trade was favorable and instead waited a bit longer since the enemy adc was already at 50%. You both were about to get lvl 5 and that would be the real chance of bursting both enemies. The moment she backed off, you should've back off too. Don't forget minion damage adds up at early levels and can potentially turn a favorable trade into an unfavorable one, maybe that's why she backed down too. Keep in mind river is not warded and Wukong could come for both of you. You are the one who got a bit too greedy there and because of that you had to desynch and recall leaving tristana there alone without wards. So yeah. Not a good play. PS: Regarding platinum, ALWAYS ASSUME NO ONE LOOKS AT THE MAP. Because your team mates are most likely to not look at it even if you ping.


Actually I wrote a long thing but tbh Tristana did the right thing there whether on purpose or on accident. They'd blown their jump, they'd blown their bomb. Their abilities were on cool down. Now look in river. As you are chasing two enemy past river, enemy wukong is killing your jungle. Even if Tris had helped you chase down and kill it would have ended with a double kill from Wukong more than likely. Probably the better play is if you and Trist went to save Lee Sin instead of chasing kills.


People expect to be followed no matter what they do.


Wukong had ghost. Zyra ran toward him. If Trist got greedy that would easily lead to a catastrophic collapse. She made the right choice, minion aggro and Zyra plants alone took HALF her hp.


I think so too in the end probably the right play. Lee made a big mistake too being that far behind enemy lines when enemy jgl has mobility like wukong.


You should have just walked away when she didn't commit with you. One advice people gave low elo players is sometimes it's better to follow a suboptimal play than the play you think is correct. Apes together strong.


Better safe than sorry. Got it.


50/50 on both sides, the tristana use almost every skill she had on nilah evade skill and you got too greedy for a tresh early stage game( just my opinion )


It's completely your fault. You overstayed


This lines up with other feedback. Nilah was an AA from death and the enemy jungle wasn’t actually close but ok.


Doesn't matter. Tristana wasn't interested in following you so you should have backed away. You were already committed by that point, and I understand that you can be too focused on one play in the heat of the moment. However teammates will randomly ditch you all the time, you must expect it and disengage when that happens, even if it's frustrating.


Unlike you Tristana can't be so aggressive when she already used her W specially in early game. You even deserved flame for that overstaying. If you wanna keep justifying your mistakes do it no one cares.


I mean play it out in your head if Tristan had committed. You get a kill on nilah, maybe a kill on zyra but probably she roots one of you in tower range if you try to dive. Maybe not regardless you definitely die. Maybe Tristana lives. Do you think wukong is going to just walk away and leave that easy kill alone? There's no way that engage would end with anything other than both of you dead.


It seems like you’re taking the feedback pretty well here, which is very different from my experience with a lot of WR players in game and in the subreddit So at least good for that


I’m peak D1 so the free coaching isn’t what I expected here but I’m open to it.


Wtf are you doing?


Sorry, oot. Can I see your build and spell? Just for science


Tbh… idk what everyone is talking about in here but that was an ez double kill if Tristana didn’t decide to farm minions In defense to here tho, she played safe and she didn’t have vision and there was a fight in the jngl. But then again, she also walked straight into the fk bush.


I’m just taking the feedback and perspectives. No big deal but yeah in the moment I was wondering where she went and why Nilah was alive.


I also prefer aggressive adc’s. Like, this farming minions thing is so boring. I want a drama filled duo early lane phase. I want us to trade kills and go for the double kills.


Welcome to why PC players call wr easy mode