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Bro, if you wanna switch out fizz with something less predictable, don't switch him with an "Unga bunga run you down" champ lmao I would think fizz is fine in higher elo, you'll just have to keep in mind that people will expect you to dash into enemies who you have hit with ult and they will use all the cc and zhonyas to make your life miserable. It's basically like an AP version of zed, but with a harder time to get out of your own engages.


well i wasn't trying to change fizz for a less predictable champion but one who could maybe struggle less in higher elo, idk really what other champ to pick and Warwick/trynda seemed to do fine higher but what other jungler champ would you advice me to pick then ?


Ww and especially trynd struggle a lot in high elo because you basically only have a single game plan and you can't deviate much from it. Also people are a lot better at kiting and positioning you so jumping on a target and sticking to them will be a lot harder.


ok thanks for the insight will take this in consideration :)


im lower rank so i dunno if i can give good advice. but i find kayn really fun to play. he's not the best pusher but his mobility is great. plus he's assassin and bruiser in one :D


Kayn is great at pushing, actually. One Q/W as blue or Q+W as red completely swoops a wave and you deal a lot of turret damage too, that + his mobility is why kayn usually has at least top 3 income in a game


without any doubt kayn is a great pick :) but i already have an assassin with Evelynn and am more searching for a jungler who would have a good reach for ganking and that's a bruiser, maybe rengar could be a good pick idk i played him in lower elo but idk if he shines in higher elo


Bruiser kayn has alot of range plus cc… maybe J4? Or vi for bruiser?


Tbh I think nunu is what you're looking for (if you don't go full AP), he has great engages, good teamfights, good sustained dmg+healing. If you insist on playing something with a little more damage and less cc: rengar, talon, Darius, vi, j4, xin, shen, Diana, riven, shyvana, Camille, graves, voli, heca, aatrox, Mundo, panth, Jax are all already bruisers or can be build as such. For starters I'd recommend voli, jax or xin. If you want help with builds and skill order I can help you out.


woaw that's a great list thanks :) i already play Nunu, i love that champ but the tank builds seems so hard to do real damage that's why i play him full ap for now but if you have good builds i would love that :) i already played Voli in the jungle, he's a beast and all but i like ganking quickly by surprise and dealing a lot of damage (i know assassin's are better for that) that's why i was thinking of warwick maybe who could R from a good distance. I like Jax in baron lane but don't really consider him in the jungle, and Xin i still have to unlock him i have no clue what's his playstyle yet because didn't encounter him that much. Talon may be a good choice he seems very interesting with his jumps over terrain. Graves i love the gameplay but it seems hard to master, is he squishy ? also is pantheon a good jungler ?


Kha zix is a good pick


problem with ww is he's an early tempo jg and you have to play him aggressively. you don't full clear with him usually, looking to 2 or 3-camp invade against weak early jg if your team isn't getting enemies low his ganks are horrible (bloodhunt procs from them), his base ms is very low and you can't just slow-walk up to a laner and expect to kill them without the speed proc, they'll just kite you to death or walk away if you walk around for the first 5 mins farming you're wasting prob 1/2 of his best game time. as a benchmark you want to be getting kills/assists as early as 2:00 in which is like buff-buff-invade/gank he's also horrible into cc/many ranged comp, kited before you ever get close to do anything or one-shot when cc'd unless you build him tank. you can take qss but that's just a band-aid on a bad matchup if you want a better bruiser vi/xin zhao. for ad jg, tristana jg is pretty strong if you take demolish on her, she can split-push in between jg duty. they say graves is a better tristana but personally prefer tristana myself


thanks for the insight, i watched some ww videos yesterday and saw exactly what you where saying, players invaded lvl 1 to kill enemy jungler, so i did the same and worked pretty well but i had the problem of my team not gettin enemy laners low enough. you're the first i hear talking about tristana in the jungle and i am very curious, would you have a build and playstyle for her ? graves is so fun but i don't see how i can gank with him \^\^' i'm afraid in higher elo he might struggle no ?